Part 26 - Outing

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Beginning this update by posting a 'behind the scenes' photo of the iconic couple Ammu&Devu to commemorate three years anniversary of the magnum opus
Bahubali-The Conclusion.
Jai Mahishmati! 💪🏼


S was infront of the mirror brushing her hair.

S: Pupsooo pa,I'm ready!

S wore a blue jeans and pink loose top while he was in an oversized dark blue hoodie and grey baggy pant.

D: Me we really have to go out Sweetu...why can't we just stay here and cuddle in bed ?

He hugged her from behind encircling her waist and rested his face sideways on her shoulder.

S: Are you tired baby?If you want you rest,I'll go alone and come.

D: No don't this big city sending you alone is not safe Pramod is also not around to guard you...I'll follow you.

They shared a kiss.The Bahubali couple set out for more sightseeing and shopping.

At the mall,D entered a designer rag shop and picked some extra large hoodies for himself.He also added expensive tattered pants,branded beggar caps and wacky shades into his trolley to add to his collection.The total price of his bulk purchase would be enough to buy him a car in Hyderabad.

Hand in hand,DS walked along the streets.They stopped infront of a fast food cart.

D: Sweetu...tacos !! 🌮

S: You buy and come I'll wait there for you.Get some drink as well throat is parched.Pass me the bags...

He got the food and drinks while S waited for him at the table.

D: Mmm...This chicken taco is so yummy...Sweetu ma,try this...

S:'s really good meat is so tender and the sauce is delicious!

Likewise she too gave him a bite from hers.There was some cheese sauce sticking at the corner of her mouth,he wiped it from his thumb and licked it.

They resumed their stroll.While S was active,D became tired.

S: Pupsooo! Pupsooo!! Let's enter this shop...!!

D: Shopping is so tiring Sweetu...let's go back...

S: You have done your shopping so you want to go back but I still have a few more purchases...come pupsoo...pls no...last shop...pleeej pleeej pleeej...

She mollified him stroking his chin but he didn't budge.

D: Bangaram,I will be sleeping inside when you shop ladies stuff so boring might as well I wait for you go...I'll be playing candy crush till you return...

S: Mmm...ok then...keep my bags...

He took it from her and finding an empty bench,he settled there placing their bags beside him.She peeped inside his front pocket and roved her hand on his jeans pocket.

D: What do you want ma ?

S: Your wallet...your card is in there no?

He gave her his wallet and she searched for his card.

S: Where is your credit card ?

D: Huh...I forgot to take it from Pramod...

S: Oh nevermind I'll manage...see you later.

D: Happy shopping bangaram!I'll wait for you here...tata!!

Taking her handbag S disappeared.

D: Happadaaa!! 😌

He took out his credit card which he kept hidden inside his jeans.His eyes twinkled looking at his platinum card.

D: Sorry Bangaram,after you burnt all my remuneration from Bahubali when we were in Dubai,I had to be cautious.

He kept the card back in his wallet and took his phone to play candy crush.

An SMS alert from the bank popped up on his screen.

"3 crores credited into your account."

D: My Sahoo money is in !!! 🤩🤑

In excitement,he waved his phone at people who were walking past.

D: This is my money...see!😃

However no one cared to look at him so he did a little 'potty dance' in his mind.

Happily he continued his game and after clearing one level of candy crush,he got another pop up message.

"25 lakhs debited from your account."

D: What ? 25 lakhs? 🤔 Oh...must be the purchases I made just now...ok ok no problem...

He resumed playing.10 mins later,

"50 lakhs debited from your account."

His eyes widened.He took his bags and checked the price tags.Using the calculator he added his purchases.

D: It's correct only...25 lakhs I have spent how come they have deducted extra 50 lakhs ?

"65 lakhs debited from your account."

Came another notification and this time D lost his cool he was convinced someone was playing tricks on him.

D: WTH !!! Some scam is going on !! Someone has hacked my bank account !! I'm not leaving this...they can't do this to me it's hard earned money...had to lip kiss a dead wood for 75 lakhs...sold my purity for 1 crore in bad boy's ok nandhu will get your money back.

He called the bank.A young lady operator answered the call.

"Hello,this is Trust Us Bank.How may I help you?"

D: Hello...hello...aunty...Prabhas Uppalapati here calling from London...can you pls check is money being deducted from my account...I have only spent 25 lakhs today but I'm getting continuous notification of deductions.I am worried someone has hacked my account!!😰

"Pls hold on Mr.Prabhas.Will check and get back to you."

After 3 minutes,the customer service operator got back to him.

"Mr.Prabhas,you account is safe the deductions are being made from your spouse card."

D: Spouse means ?🤔

"Your wife sir..."

D: Wife ah !!!😰Ok ok thank you aunty...

He ended the call.

D: It's bangaram!!!😭Haiyooo haiyooo I hid my platinum card forgetting that I had given her spouse card for the same hoo...amma!!!😭

His phone beeped.He glanced at it.

"90 lakhs deducted from your account."

D: Aaahhh!!!If it goes at this rate,she will make me beg in platform!!

D couldn't help but imagine himself as one.

D: From this... this.

(Disclaimer: Neither have I made this morphed edit nor do I own this.I found this pic on social media and using it here.😛)

D: Amma...ayyaa...pls have mercy on this once upon a time Baahubali...god will bless you if you are kind to me...

D: Booo...hoo...I can't bear to see myself like that...Nooo...this is not true!

D: I've got to stop this ! Yes ! I will ! I can! I am Sahoo !!! 😭

He picked their shopping bags and dumped them in the car then took his phone and tried calling S but she didn't pick up.

D: Ooohh this one...from the time I exchanged my phone number with her for the first time till now after becoming her husband she still doesn't pick my calls ! What do I do now ?

He darted hither and thither trying to figure out which showroom she entered as all looked similar from outside.

D: Haiyooo if this was Mogulthur or Iragavaram I would have found her in minutes this is an unknown place I don't which is where all looks same to my eyes...

Meanwhile the notifications kept appearing on his phone.

"50,000 rupees deducted from your account."

In his desperation to find her,he stopped ladies,

D: Akka...akka...have you seen tall beautiful Indian lady wearing loose pink top and blue jeans inside any ladies shop ?

His shades and cap which he had pulled down to partially cover his face kept him incognito.

D: Akka...pls stop...have you seen any Indian lady whose back is super but her front is even more super,marvelous and extraordinary wearing pink top and blue jeans ?

"What? You crazy? Move!"

D: Aiyooo how do I explain...😥

He asked a few people but no one was willing to help until one kind lady answered him.

"Oh yes I saw a very tall Indian lady at the showroom there just at the corner."

She pointed at the direction.

D: Thank you akka 🙏🏼

He rushed to the place and saw her.Her back was facing him,

D: Phew!😅Sweety !

He called and she turned.D gave a horrified expression.She was a tall Indian lady wearing pink top and blue jeans but that was not his Sweety!

"Aaahhhh!!!! Darling!!Prabhas!! I was there last evening at the Royal Albert Hall!!! This is a dream come true for me!!!"😍

D mv: But it is a nightmare for me! 😕

It was a fan girl moment for the lady.She cupped her mouth and cried in excitement.When she ran to hug him,

D: Darling,look behind you!!Rana Daggubatti!!!

"Wow!!Rana!!He's also here...😍Aaaahhh!!!"

She turned hoping to see R and using that moment D dashed out of the place.He ran as fast as his long legs could carry him.Panting,he took cover behind a wall to catch his breath.His phone beeped again.

"5000 rupees has been deducted from your account."

D: Oh no !

He continued his search for Sweety.While running he tried calling S again.

D: They have created gps to find location why can't they do a favor for men like me and create an app to track down wives who shop like there is no tomorrow !

He searched everywhere but could not find S.

The last pop up came to his phone.

"Zero balance in your account."

D: Avvvvvvv!!!!😭😭😭 Poyindhi... poyindhi...anni poyindhi....sanka naki poyindhi...she has put UV symbol on my forehead! Maakentra eee karma...😭😭😭

He dropped on his knees and began sobbing hiding his face behind his palms.Passersby who thought he was a poor guy performing,took pity on him and threw coins on his overturned cap.

D: Alas! My vision has come hoo...😭

He felt a hand on his shoulder.

S: Pupsooo pa...pupsooo pa...

D: Huh...uh...mmm...

S: What are you doing here ? People are mistaking you for a beggar and throwing coins come get up.

But he was too weak.She helped him to get up then dusted his jeans at his knees.She also combed his messed up hair and wiped his sweaty face.

S: I told you to wait there for me what are you doing here ?

He was too devastated to talk.

S: ok ?

She rubbed his chest.

D: Finished shopping bangaram ? 🤕

S: Oh yes pupsooo !! I bought all branded bags,dresses and must see they have an enormous collection I went crazy you know....there were a few things I liked but I didn't want to burden you so I left that...

D: Why you left that you could have bought that also no....🤕

S: It's ok pupsoo pa...let some amount remain in your account...

He glanced at his phone.

D mv: What more is left ? 😢

S: Hold these....I'll show you what all I got once we return to our room....blah blah...

Coiling her arm around D,she walked her feeble husband to the car.They drove back to the hotel.

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