Part 30 - Bye bye London

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He bathed her.After she wore her dress,he made her sit and dusted powder on her face then combing hey hair he tied a small knot on the middle fastening it with a colored rubber band as he did not have ribbons in hand.Then using kohl he drew a big dot on her forehead and cheek for 'drishti'.

D: How is it ?😃

He asked looking at the mirror with her.

S: Great job pupsoo pa...instead of dressing me up like Anushka Shetty you have dressed me up like the girl in Parle G biscuit wrapper.😑

D: 😂I liked it.This is how you used to look in your baby photos I've seen!

S: ☺️☺️

He hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek.

S: Ok...I'll go prepare lunch for us.

D: Don't want only have to cut,cook and clean...I'll order something...

S: I don't want that..Shall we go out for lunch ?

D: Ok..Andhra bhojanam! Mirapakaya bajji,kodi vepudu,gongura pachadi...🤤

S: We've come to London to have Andhra bhojanam?🙄We can have that in Hyderabad I want to try something different...

D: Then we can go to the restaurant at the corner...I saw the board they have meditation looked good.

S: Meditation food ah ? 😳

D: That...Greece,Egypt...those places...

S: Mediterranean you mean...that sounds fine for me.You bathe and come...

D: Why must I bathe?It's my mouth that is going to eat,not my body...I'll change my dress and come.Who is going to know ?

S: Urgh...yucks! Go pupsoo pa ! 😤

She kicked him into the bathroom and hurled a towel at him.Sulking,he went to shower.

S was changing channels.Coming out wrapped in towel,he checked himself in the mirror.He hissed in pain as he ran his fingers over his neck.

D: Sss...her parents have given birth to a lioness instead of a girl how deep her nails have dug into my flesh...if 1/4 of the damages in my body is due to that white beard's movie,remaining 3/4 is the work of mother goddess...

He murmured.

S: Huh...what did you say ??

D: Nothing bangaram...I was just admiring the wall painting...hihihi...

They went out for lunch and as D had promised his Pramod,he bought for him London chocolates and toy car to add to his collection.The rest of their day was spent watching tv cuddling in bed and doing their final packing.


Early in the evening they checked out of their hotel and left to the airport.

In the car,

D: Yaawnn...why did we have to leave so early bangaram? We could have left just one hour before the departure no ?

S: You serious ?I'm not taking the risk!

D: Chill bangaram...I'm there no...why worry ? 😎

S: Travelling with you is my biggest worry...🙄

Once they arrived at the airport,they got assistance to push their trolley.While S was going ahead briskly towards the check-in counter,D walked with swag like Sahoo with hands inside his pocket.

D: Hey Sweetu...go slow...

S: Ooohhh this pupsooo pa! 🤦🏻‍♀️

They were led to the priority row and their check-in was done.They each carried their respective hand carry.

They were served refreshments while waiting at the lounge.

D: See,you rushed and came for what ? The flight is just the time passengers clear out,they clean and begin boarding we have to sit here simply waste of time...

S: No problem.I'd rather wait than to miss the flight!

D: Atleast now you listen to me...don't be the first to go into the plane.

He sipped his coffee.

S: 🙄

Boarding for their flight had commenced.

S: Let's go come...

She got up from her seat.

D: Go and ? Check if the flush inside aircraft toilet is working properly? Sit bangaram...

He pulled her back.Spreading butter lavishly on the croissants he took his time and ate.

S: Uff! Eat fast pupsoo...

D: Chomp...chomp...I will choke...

The final call was made for all remaining passengers to board.

S: Last call! Come now let's go...

D: will be congested at the aero bridge if we go now we will be stuck will come with notebooks for autographs and phones for selfie then it is up to you.

He continued playing candy crush.

S: Oh no!

She caught her head in her hands.Soon she saw the 'gate closed' flashing on the screen for their flight.She grabbed her handbag and held D's wrist.

S: Come!! 😡

D: Hey wait ma....I still have not finished my croissants...

But she could care less she dragged him and he picked the two croissants and stuffed inside his pocket to have later.

They were the last two passengers to board even then D would not hurry up.With his shades on,he walked slowly rolling his tongue inside his mouth to impress girls.

S stepped into the plane.She showed her boarding pass to the flight attendant.

"Welcome aboard mam.Straight and to your left"the air hostess directed her.

S: Thank you.😊

D was behind her.

"Welcome aboard sir.Your boarding pass..."

D: It's ok I am sitting beside her she knows the way thank you.😊

He followed S.Once they were at their seats,D helped to place her hand carry luggage and his own bag pack in the overhead compartment.

S: You want the window seat right...

He nodded.She allowed him inside and took the aisle seat.Once they were seated,S strapped on her belt while D pretended to put it on as usual he had plans to travel without the belt on him.

D: Sweetu...see so many planes...when I came also they were all parked like this!

S: ☺️☺️

Flight took off.D looked out of the window and waved.

D: Bye bye London 👋🏼see you next year! Sweetu,say bye...

S: Bye bye London!👋🏼

D: Sweetu,next where shall we go ?

S: Hmm...Kashi and Haridwar ?

He sulked.

D: 🙄 You go there with you shadow I'm not coming.

S: Lol...where do you want to take me ?

D: Mmm...we go to Australia.Pink Lake.When we when to shoot there seeing the scenery I decided I want to take you there once.

S: Ok we'll go there.I also want to tour Europe with you!

D: We'll go Sweety...I'll take you wherever you want to go.We can tour the world just as you wish.

He clasped her hand and she leaned on his shoulder.Dinner was served.S chose the Indian course while D opted for both Indian and Continental courses as one would not suffice for him.After meal,their trays were cleared and the cabin lights were dimmed.

S turned on the light above her seat as she took out her novel to read.D was watching Tom and Jerry show.

D: Hahahahaha...look at him Sweetu so funny...

S: Ssshh ok pupsooo be calm...some passengers are sleeping we should not disturb them.

After the show was over,D switched off the tv.He looked out of the window and something came to his mind.

D: What was that....uhm...miles...couples in miles...🤔

He was mumbling something which caught her attention.

S: Pupsooo you alright ?

D: know Raj,Bava and I went as guests in K jo show then he asked about no...couples going in miles...basically couples doing that inside plane...I asked what it was to bava he said something...miles...

S: Mile high club ? 😳

D: Haan! That one..that one!😃Bangaram,I've not tried it before...light is off I don't think anyone will come here we try that ? 😉

He tugged her tshirt keeping a hopeful face.She felt like hitting him hard on his skull with her book but refrained from doing so as he would scream in pain causing nuisance to fellow passengers.Taking a deep breath,she exhaled.

S: Pupsoo,couples who don't have a home or having an illegal relationship only behave like that.Decent couples like us don't do that.Though we are celebrities we both hail from cultured families.These acts will bring bad name not only to us but also them.Don't get carried away by Bollywood and Hollywood culture.Ok ?

D: Ok Sweetu 😔

S: Good boy.Next time if that uncle invites you to his show,refuse politely.Don't go.

D: Why bangaram ?

S: He will talk like this,ask stupid questions and corrupt your mind.You don't need all this.Because of this only I avoid that show.

D: Ok I won't go....(mv: but the idea was a good one...hmm...what bangaram says is correct and it is not! Aaahhhh!!

He shrieked.She looked at him.

S: What happened pupsoo ? Is your chest paining ?

She soothed his chest.

D: Not that...I forgot...sob...sob...

S: Your phone ?

D:'s here...

S: Your wallet,any valuables ?

D: No all that I have...sniff...sniff...

S: Tell without crying pupsoo...we can try to do something about it.What you forgot?

D: It is too late for anything to be done now Sweety...I forgot to use the raincoats I brought with me...waahhh!!!

S: 😳 For that why you are crying ?

D: don't understand bangaram...approximately 20 minutes we spent also means...multiply into 5 rounds then...the velocity of the intensity of the force of the speed...add to the movement of the bed...then...square root...theta....

He did the mental maths that he knew.

S couldn't help but chuckle seeing his antics.

D: Boo...hoo...Sweety cancel all your projects...definitely little rebel or super will be formed this time because of my carelessness.😖😭

S: For that why you have to cry ? I have to but I am so cool.😎

D:Bangaram,at least you could have reminded me no ?

S: Why should I ? To brush your teeth,to bathe or eat do I remind you ? You only do it yourself likewise you should have looked into all this before pouncing on me.After emptying all your seeds inside me you are weeping like girl who got dumped by boyfriend...what can I do?I don't know anything you only have to accept the blame.

D: What blame ???😰

S: When media and fans come to know I am pregnant who will they point finger at?

D: only...because I am the one who always kept rubbing and falling on you in shows and events.

S: You know that no? So wherever you go media will ask you this question...already we are a rumoured couple now my will become trending like why did kattappa kill Bahubali...people will set fire on your cut-outs...cows will come and directly hurl dung on your mass posters...your lady fans will hate you...Shradhoo will leave you for Sujeeth...

He hit his head on her arm.

D: Oh no pls don't say like that Sweety...😭give me a solution...

S: Hmm...only solution - I'll give birth to baby rebel or super.You call for a press meet and show the newborn to them like Sivagami devi showed Mahendra to the villagers.

D: Huh then they will let me free ?

S: Why not ? Public forgave Sivagami even after she killed Bahubali when she showed them Mahendra likewise our people will also forgive your deed of impregnating me when you show our baby's face.

D: Shraddhooo won't leave me no ?🥺

S: No she won't she will agree to act with you in Sahoo 2.

D: Ok Sweety I will do as you say.You give birth then.

S:(mv: Lol...he believes whatever I say...)Mmm ok...

Pinching her top he lifted it carefully trying to peep inside.She swat his hand.

S: Chi what are you doing pupsooo ?

D: Just checking if there is any movement inside your tummy.🥺

S: Nothing now when it comes I will call you.Now you sleep.

Shaking his head like a good boy,he pulled the blanket over her.After ensuring she was comfortable,he reclined on his seat.He placed his hand on her belly gently patting it.

S: ☺️☺️

She placed his hand above his and both drifted off to sleep with a silent wish in their hearts for the special member to arrive soon in their lives.👨‍👩‍👦♥️


On that happy note,I conclude 'London Calling'.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who read,voted and posted comments for this story.
Thank you so much !

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