Part 5 - Crush on Candy

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D felt uneasy and looked around.He bent over his assistant glancing up and down the aisle.

"Annayya,do you want to use the restroom?"

D shook his head in a 'no.'

"Then why are you looking like dog searching for a tree to do susu?"

D: I'm seeing if air hostess comes this way.They'll be going rounds usually I don't see them.

"Press the bell they will come."

D: Oh yes! You're right! I forgot.

He sat properly and pressed the bell waiting patiently.

"Yes sir, how can I help you?"spoke the attendant.

D: Waat ees yuvaar suweet nehhm ees ?

He asked smilingly.The young girl who thought D was hitting on her blushed.

S: I'm Candy.☺️

D: Mmm...nice name...Candy aunty,candy aunty can you please bring the candies tray?

The young attendant's beautiful smile faltered when she heard the word 'aunty' from him.She was shocked,not because he didn't like her but because the 40 year old uncle called her who was half his age an 'aunty' however she maintained her cool.D's assistant's face became pale switching looks between the air hostess and D.

"What candies sir ?"she asked in a firm tone.

D: Once flight takes off, one of you will bring a tray of candies no...that one.

"We don't serve that sir."

D: Huh...what do you mean ?When I travelled with my bauji(father) an aunty like you brought a tray full of sweets.I grabbed a handful but she didn't scold me she smiled,patted my head and urged me to take some more.Nice aunty she was.

"That aunty must be grandma or passed on now yet he's still living in that era oh this annayya🤦🏼‍♂️..."his assistant mumbled to himself.

The lady shot him a baffled look.

"Sir, when did you travel with your dad ?"

D: In 1985.I was 6 years then. I still remember so well because it was my first flight.My bauji took me to Bombay.

"This is year 2019 sir.Now we don't offer sweets to passengers on board."

D: Uh..huh...that is so unfair! I love those many varieties there was...

His assistant was embarrassed.He whispered near D's ears.

"Annayya, please annayya be calm what will they think of us..."

D: Ouch! My ear hurts ra...when I suck those candies I don't feel tell Candy aunty to bring for me some...

The assistant looked at her helplessly she understood his predicament.

"Ok...ok...I'll see what we have.I'll try to get something.Give me a moment."

Saying, she left.He tugged D's shirt.

"Annayya! Why do you do this ? She must be your youngest sister's age and you're calling her 'aunty'. She would have felt bad.Then whingeing for sweets like a kid??"

D: I too know she's young but what to do from the time I first flew I've been addressing air hostesses as aunty and it's stuck on me.I can't change now.I want candies!!!My ears hurt...sniff...sniff...😢

The cabin crew fished out the toffees in her own bag and also her colleagues.With whatever she got,she  returned and showed to D whose eyes gleamed in joy seeing them.He grabbed it from her palm and looked through it.

D: Huh these only ?You don't have mango bites ? That's my favourite! I want that!

The assistant had enough of D's tantrums and snatched the sweets from him returning it to the air hostess.

"Akka, you pls take this back he doesn't want!"

"Aunty,akka... next what naanamma?? Uff!!"she thought.

D: Hey no!I want these...Candy aunty brought them for me!

"Then keep quiet and take it like a good boy."

He pushed the candies back into D's palms.

D: Ok...Thank you Candy aunty!

He grinned at her.

"You're welcome."

Though she was cross at him initially the way his eyes twinkled in excitement for mere candies like a child inspite being a Bahubali melted her heart.She patted his head and left.D felt nostalgic,as if the 6 year old little nandhu who was travelling for the first time.He popped the sweet into his mouth.

D: Mmm...this is so nice...I feel better now...aaaa...


Several hours into the flight,the crew were prepared to serve meals.D couldn't make up his mind on whether he wanted the Indian or Western selection he finally opted for both.He gripped the spoon and fork on his either hand eagerly smacking his lips as the crew laid the tray of food before him.His assistant tucked the napkin onto D's shirt so that he wouldn't dirty his clothes while gobbling his food.

D frowned as he saw the small portion of food before him.

"Annayyaa! Is this to eat or to be kept for display?How you and amma serve me food at your plate is piled with so much rice and meat even I say enough you or amma wouldn't listen and serve feed everyone to full stomach but here they give us this only...😟

D: That's what I was also thinking ra..see how lean and frail they are because they don't eat properly themselves so how they would know how much to serve for people ?I should send our food dabbas to them.What do you say ?

"I'm worried about your hunger but you are thinking on feeding them.I can manage with this but for your cut-out,it won't be enough no..."

D nodded.He called the crew and forgoing shame requested for more food.They obliged and served him another tray.He enjoyed a scrumptious meal.By the end of it his plate looked as if it was new not even a drop of sauce was left.Scraping the last bit of panna cotta from the ramekin emptying it into his mouth,he licked the sweet cherry syrup from the container.

D: Sluurrrp...sluurrrpppp...
this tastes so silky like bangaram' chi you have no shame pupsoo you shouldn't be saying all this aloud what will people....BBUUURRRPPP...oops...

Passengers seated on the same row as D and behind,paused and turned their heads to him who smiled sheepishly trying to manage the embarrassing situation.

D: Turbulence...hihihi...nothing to worry pls carry on...

Everyone continued eating D elbowed his assistant.

D: It wasn't too loud right ?

"No annaya.The sound of your burp was just perfect to put a lion's roar to shame.." his assistant made fun.

D grinned rubbing his protruded belly as he felt a surge of relieve.Once their tables were cleared,D put on the eye rest and leaned back on his seat to snooze.

Used to stretching himself like a starfish on a king sized bed,D was feeling cramped even in that large first class seat.He suddenly threw one of his leg over landing it on his assistant hitting him hard in between his legs.

The poor guy grimaced in pain holding his asset.D jerked awake.

D: Huh...uh...I heard something crack!What was that?

He pulled out his bag and checked if his belongings were all in tact.

D: My bottle is safe!

He kissed his whiskey bottle.

"'s not that!You broke the bulb annayya !!" 😖

D: Bah...that's all na it's ok ra we can buy another one.Bottle is more expensive than bulb you know.

D patted his cheeks and resumed his slumber.The petite guy brought the tray table up as a safety measure to protect his assets vowing never to travel with his annayya on flight again.😖

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