Chapter 14- Another Male, Yay

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"Oh yeah, I told Blake to slap me so you would get here quickly cause we're going on a family meal thing, Alex has come too. She's family" he growls then sighs hopping in his car as I hop on my motorcycle and the others hop in the limo, I follow the limo not knowing where we're going and finally we get there, a big fantasy place.

"This is going to be exciting"
I park my bike and hop off my bike, this is a fancy place but there are teen here's with way less class than me and I'm in training/warrior clothes! I see Alpha Asher and Luna April and smile and wave over here, they're there with some guy who looks, nope is my age, they come over.

"Alpha Asher, Luna April" I bow, "who's this?" I ask them.

"And who are you" the guys says rudely.

"Watch your tone with me buddy" I say narrowing my eyes.

"Ooo I like her already!" He says smiling then hold out his hand, "I'm Ace Stark, son of Alpha Asher and Luna April" I nod and shake his hand but as soon as they touch sparks fly up our arms and we pull away hugging our hands to our chests.

"What the fuck" we both say eyeing each other.

"Who are you exactly" he says staying a respectful distance just like me.

"I'm Skyler Jackson" he nods, "are you a witch?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, "No are you" I say crossing my arms.

He crosses his, "Know what forget me liking you, I hate you" he says with a smirk guessing expecting me to be hurt.

"Like I would ever like your ass!" He chuckles.

"Everyone likes my ass, and soon you-" he stops and sniffs the air so do I, oh shit.

"Rouges" He says turning to 5 rouges.

"Hey where's Silver Fang!?" He asks Alpha Asher.

Alpha Asher looks at me and nods, I crack my knuckles, "with pleasure!" I say runs towards them they run at me and shift circling me, I don't shift and eye them. Thank god were on werewolf territory or else humans would freak.

A crowd gathered 12 yards away and watched as one leapt towards me, I punch it square in the face and it backs up, one try's to go towards to crowd and I grab it's tail throwing it into the forest and one wolf tackles me and I punch it off.

They stare at me for a second and I hold my hand up and they stop cocking their heads, I turn towards Mary, "the one time you tell my not to bring my utility belt!" She laughs and I put my hand down and they all jump at me and I jump and they all hit heads.

I land on their backs and they whimper I hold up my hand and Cerberus tosses me and gun, I point it at them, "don't move and you don't die" they nod.

Cerberus and Cerberus come and take them away, Bill comes up to me as we walk towards the cheering crowd, I wave them off and they disperse except my little group.

"Ok any harm done?" Bill asks.

"No I'm not hurt but you might wanna check their backs, I fell back for landing on them so hard, take care of them" I pat his back and he nods going towards the ambulance where they all are.

Ace looks at me mouth hitting the ground, I look at him.

"Oh and lemme guess, you were expecting a weak little thing who would fall under your so called 'charm' and do what ever you say? Well guess what!? We're in the real world bucko! I ain't no softy girl like all the others!" He clams his mouth shut as Alpha Asher chuckles.

"Well I have to get back to the worst night of my life!" I groan looking back at Blake and Gary, annoyance and hatred filling my eyes, my eyes glaze over.

'Why do you hate me so much!?'

'Cause I do idiot' I growl at Blake

'Well I'm not giving up!'

'You will soon when I let you experience hell!' I growl at him then block him finding him glaring at me, "don't shut me off!" He growls at me.

"Don't tell me what do and maybe I won't.. yeah that's not happening!" I say.

"Let's just get this over with!"

"Mind if we join? My son should get to know his new bodyguard" I nod turning back to Alpha Asher.

Ace growls, "But Silver Fang is supposed to-"

"He seriously hasn't figured out I'm Sliver Fang yet!? Wow man your slow" I say rolling my eyes as his eyes widen.

"A female? Silver Fang? Wow, I would've never expected that to happen" he grumbles.

"Wait, I'm gonna babysit him! Why me!?" Alpha Asher laughs along with Luna April.

Ace grunts, "Come on I'm not that bad" he mumbled.

I roll my eyes, "yes you are" I mumble he growls and I roll my eyes again, "let's just go" I growl and walk towards the building Mary behind me along with Alpha Asher, Luna April, and Alpha Ace, but seriously all the a's? Is that really necessary!?

I walk in and wait for the slow pokes, they finally come and when we try to go in a guard growls at Blakes parents not knowing who they are, I look up at the guard and he backs off in submission. I nod and Ace smirks.

We go in and all sit, I sit in between Ace, to get to know him, and Blake, because he sat there before anyone else could.

Alpha Asher and Luna April started talking with Mary, Blakes parents talked and I sat quietly between the boys, thinking. Alpha Asher, Luna April, and Mary look at us. Alpha Asher clears his throat and all three of us look at him.

"So Ace, did you find your mate when you and your mom went looking?" He asks.

Ace shakes his head no, Alpha Asher sighs, "Well I still can't let you take over until you find them" he said eyes glazing over, so do Ace's. When Alpha Asher comes back Ace's eyes are still glazed over, Alpha Asher nods his he and my eyes glaze over as the others turn their heads towards us curios.

'Yes?' I ask.

'We think Ace is your mate, why else would you have felt the tingles, and Ace feels a pull towards you'

'I thought you hated me?' I say with a smirk.

'Well I just might love you, if your my mate' he says and you can hear the smirk in his voice.

'Skyler?' A warrior asks.

'Yes Cerberus?' I answer.

'Rouges, should we take em out or put them to sleep and have you or me talk to them?'

'Hold on Alpha Asher and Alpha Ace, Cerberus. I want you to talk to them find out what they know, if they don't talk, contact me, don't be to ruff on them'

'Yes ma'am but-'


'Ones a pup'

'I'm on my way' I put up my wall and Alpha Asher looks at me and nods.

"Go but Ace is coming with you" I nod grabbing Ace by his collar, "I don't want you to talk at all, you scare the pup and I swear to god all scare you"

He nodded gulping, I let go, "I'm coming too" Blake said smiling. I huff looking up and the ceiling, "Moongoddess why me? I get stuck with both of em!" Everyone chuckles while Mary giggles as I get up the boys following. They start talking again as me and the boys leave.

We walk into the hospital and Bill comes towards me I nod and he takes my side and stops in front of a room, "this is it, the pup is really scared thou, doesn't wanna talk to anyone, not even our nice Luna"

"I have a way with kids" I say with a smirk, "go treat yourself to anything in the gift shop or café, tell them my treat" since I'm Silver Fang, I get really as much free stuff as I want cause I protect everyone 24/7 so that's really cool. Bill nods and leave.

I walk in and the boys come in behind me. I see a little boy who looks to be around 9? 8 maybe?

"Hello there" I say as the boys go sit, watching in amusement, I can tell they don't believe I have a way with kids.

The boy looks up and we and looks back at his hands.

I smile kindly and kneel by his bed eye level with him, "I understand, you're in a strange place, you just want to go home, this happened to me once"

He looked up at me, "it did?" He asked surprised with a small voice.

I pull up a chair and sit nodding, "yes it did, would you like to know how it happened?" He nods and all the fear leaves his eyes and is replaced by curiosity.

"Well, I had wondered off into another packs land. They couldn't tell I was a pup because my wolf is the size of an Alphas. So, they came at me and I whimpered but they didn't buy it. They tackled me crushing me, under their weight, but there alpha saved me. He told me to shift and when I did I was on the ground shivering. Their Luna came up to me and comforted me, I was happy their, but I had to return to my pack, and when I got older I joined the pack who was kind to me and helped them raise the ranks" he smiled.

"Is it this pack?" He asked and I nodded smiling.

"Are you the Luna?" He asked and I chuckled.

"No but do you want to know who I am?"

He nodded eagerly, "I'm Silver Fang" I whispered like it was a secret, he gasped.

"But your so nice, my pack says your ruthless" he said shaking.

"But I'm not, the rouges who come here get taken care of by me, and we recruit them, I don't like to be called ruthless but what ever you like" I said looking down pretending to be sad.

He whimpers, "I'm sorry, your not ruthless, I don't think so anyways, your nice" he said climbing into my lap smiling up at me.

I cradle him and he falls asleep, I gently set him on the bed and pull the covers over him, he cuddles into the bed and I motion for the boys to follow me out the door.

When we get down to the first floor they start, "that was amazing!" Ace said smiling, "You are really good with pups, and I thought my mom was" he mumbled the last part then smiled at me, before Alpha Blake could say a thing I said, "yes I am, now where to, Alpha Ace? Alpha Blake?" I ask looking between them.

"Well I have to go do some late night Alpha stuff, bye guys" Blake says smiling and bro hugs or something Ace.

"You two are friends?" I ask and he nods.

"We've known each other since we were little, we had to keep peace but we baca me best friends" he said and I nod. "Now, where to?" I ask again.

He smirks, "My house"

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