Chapter 6- Omega

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This chapter is dedicated to PreppyNerd2524!!!! Thanks for voting and commenting!!!
"Mate?" Once that leaves her mouth I smile. She stands,  confused I watch as she walks inside and slams her door shut.

Grandma comes out. "How'd it go?" She says hopeful.

"She's my mate" I try to fake my happiness but can't, I feel horrible, what I do? Does she hate me?

Unanswered questions fill my head.

"What's wrong? This is great! She's the nicest gal I know and- what's wrong?"

I look up "she left and slammed the door when she realized that- know what it doesn't matter, I'm going to sleep" she laughs.

"She may not sleep much but she went inside, got some pjs or somethings on, brushed went to the bathroom and as soon as she lied down she passed out on the couch, you probably just helped her sleep!" I smile at that I walk her up to her room and go back down to the living room. (Yes I meant to say somethings)

Skyler looks so peaceful. She also looks like she's about to fall! I rush over and scoop her up in my arms. She looks so small, probably cause I'm an Alpha. She's perfect, I take her up to my room and lay her down, I brush, change into my shorts. And I lay down with her. She cuddles into me cause it's freezing and I do the same. I put my face in her neck, she smells like strawberries and chocolate, to show she's sweet, with a hint of sour patch kids to show she can be sour.

I still feel the tingles that I've learned to love in a few seconds. I drift off, dreaming of our future.

I walk up, it's really cold but this warm spot is nice. And.. And- I open my eyes to come face to chest. I feel small tingles, they're fading. I hop out of bed walking out and slamming the door, what the heck fuck boy! You may be my mate but that doesn't mean crap!

Once I get up to my room I hear a pair of feet charging after me. I slam the door shut locking it. He bangs on my door, "Open up or I bust the door down!" Oh no he didn't!

"I know you didn't just threaten to bust my door down!" I open the door slamming it into the wall.

"Look buster" I walk towards him backing him up until he hits the railing. "You may be an Alpha and I'll respect that cause my Alpha does, but don't think I can't beat yo ass if you step out of place with me one more time! I don't know you, you don't know me, and when we do act like we know each other, you are NOT my mate, got it player!" He nods sadness filling his eyes, I don't care. I slam my door shut again. I hear Mary come and I listen.

"Listen Blake, give her a chance, have her meet your parents! Well, maybe not your hugger of a mother" he chuckles and I hold one back.

"No I think I lost her, looks like Patty is my mate"

"Who's Patty? That slut!"

"My parents say she's the best choice but they don't even know her. I told her to back off until you called me about Skyler and if she was my mate. I was hoping she was and wasn't."

"Why wouldn't you want her to be?" Mary asks confused.

"She's too much like me, we're both stubborn, strong headed, but I was a player, I changed just for her" he sounds so sad.

I decide to change and brush my teeth, I wear a white t-shirt, camo pants, combat boots training today.

I hear them still talking and I walk out the room, "I'm going to see Blackjack" Blake's eyes turn black but I ignore it.

He grabs my hand, "Who's that?" He forgot? Time to have some fun.

"Ok just a big hunk of mine with amazing silk black hair" I act dazed. He growls. Mary's trying to keep from laughing behind him.

"Oh, do you wanna meet him?" He nods shaking with anger.

We walk out side and Blackjack comes up to the gate, Blake looks around as we walk in.

"Blackjack, this is Blake" he looks confused then I bust out laughing hoping on Blackjack and riding away as he chases us.

"Faster Blackjack! You don't him to catch us!" A plan forms in my head, perfect. I have Blackjack run full speed at the fence, I pull up and he hopes it. It's like 10 feet high!

"Let's go Blackjack! Good job", I stop him and look back Blake opens the gate and goes into the barn.

He yells, "I got you a present! But I think I wanna turn on it" he comes out the barn on a white horse right at me! I rush to the front and over the gate again, so does he and the horse.

I rush down the street dodging cars left and right. I turn back around jumping over a small car he has to turn and I rush back to the barn and put Blackjack in the stables he does the same and I rush into the kitchen. Grabbing a plate and a drink and go up to my room locking the door.

"I'll get you princess!" Oh heck no!

I slowly open the door, "What'd you call me!?"

"Princess" he says stepping up to the challenge.

I nod and turn and punch the door right off its hinges making it fly down to the main floor.

"That'll be you next time you call me princess, so once again, what'd you call me?"

He smirks, "Princess" I flip him over the edge, he lands on his stomach, oh come on! He's a werewolf! I wouldn't kill him! Or would I?

Anyways I have to go train some troops. "Come on! Stop laying around, we have troops to train!" I laugh as he groans in response.

He gets up and I just realize that through all this he was shirtless. He goes into his room and comes out in a white shirt, sweatpants and combat boots of his own.

I walk to the track and he drives. His troops just start arriving as we do.

When everyone arrives, Blake's leaning on his car with his phone playing a game. 

"Today we'll be doing hand to hand combat and I will show you a demonstration" I fake look around and pick.

"Blake, get your ass over here now" I here a lot of ooo's.

Blake jogs over,"Need me babe" I roll my eyes hearing those whistles that go fret few or something.

"Yeah I do for this" I grab his arm and flip him over on his belly putting my foot on his back.

"And that's how you get the Alpha to heel" everyone laughs but when I get him up they calm up.

"Ok babe, I'm not taking it easy on you anymore, you ready for a real challenge" I nod.

He charges, too low, I jump over him and slam down on his back and make him fall. "This is the challenge? I can't tell" I smirk.

He gets up, "Your lucky your hot" he says, I fake scoff. He takes that to try and punch me and I dodge. Now this ain't no movie and he punches me in the jaw, I go down in my knees and cry.

He comes over to me and try's to comfort me. I hop up and in the motion punch him in the jaw, "just cause your opponents a girl doesn't mean she's weak, especially if she's as bitchy as me!" Everyone's holding there stomachs from laughter.

Then I start jogging, "I'm gonna do a couple laps, you guys, pair up!" They nod, I do 5 laps then watch them, Blake's beating up a guy and I rush over and push him off, the guys coughing out blood, I know how that is, that used to be me.


I turn to see three girls my age, we're all 7.

"Hey! I don't like you! Your ugly"

"U-uh, y-you don't know m-me! L-leave me a-a-alone" I whisper afraid.

"Did she just tell me what to do?" The others nod.

"Let's show her who's boss!"

Soon I'm on the ground being kicked everywhere, once in my stomach, throat, and mouth. I cough up more blood than I think I have in my body.

They walk away leaving me there, trying to disappear.
End Flashback
That only took a couple seconds and soon I'm comforting the guy.

"Why would you do this!?" I say broken, this was me! And I didn't have anyone! Now here he is being the same bully as those girls!

''Bill! We need you down here, NOW!' I mind link the pack Doctor Bill.

I set his head on my lap, "what's your name?"

"D-Dylan, are you gonna bully me for being an omega?"

"No! I would never! It's not your fault you were born into this!"

"Actually, they said I was to ugly to be the third so I was voted off" he's actually very handsome, and I don't say that a lot, he looks like Zayn.

"Well don't worry, you can join our pack and be a worrier with me! You still have chores tho, we treat our omegas as equals, but we don't make them fight."

He smiles "I would like that"

Bill finally arrives and looks at the guy, "oh my gosh! What happened!"

"The ass whole of an alpha did this!" Bill nodded and I pick Dylan up and carry him after Bill, running, Bills also an omega so he can't carry that much weight.

I set him down in the ER and got out of the room. I sit down, I'm not going home until he's ok. I have my head in my hands when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see Blake.

I stand and slap him, "How could you!?"

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