11: Conflicted

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You swore you could hear the heartbeats of the two animals just meters away from you. Hearing and smelling were something you had a special talent for... and unfortunately it was freezing you in your spot.

You heard their beating hearts and you smelled their fear. But you also heard the panting and smelled the arousal.

Were they partners? A carnivore-herbivore fetish couple? Did Legoshi ever get to taste the little bunny in his arms... Was her warm body and furiously pumping heart enough to get him to ravage her? Did he get off on the fear? Was she getting off too? Did they ever--

You plucked out a whisker, causing enough pain to snap you out of your trance.

I'm getting up. I'm going to interrupt them. You thought.

"Hey!" A voice came over the nearly silent area. "Hey!! Legoshi! Come quick! I need your help!"

After a few more sentences, the smell of the wolf and the goat disappeared and you collapsed onto your back.

"I've never felt this way before..." Your heart pounded and your eyes were glazed over. "I can't tell what it is... fear, hunger, arousal... What's happening to me?"

It was time for you to go home.

The next morning, you felt a little off. Or a lot off. Enough that you decided to go to the cafeteria along side the Procyonide and Viverridae families. Omnivores, a good deal of them, but they mostly consumed meat. Racoons, coatis, civets, bearcats and other similar animals filed in the lunchroom ahead of you. Behind you came Canidae. And that included Legoshi.

I don't want to be near him right now... Not at least until I get some protein...

You shivered and went into the carnivore line. Toast, scrambled eggs, a beanburger steak and milk were on the menu today. Herbivores had steamed vegetables, soy flour doughnuts and soy milk. The vegetables tempted you, but the eggs called to your deeper instincts. Neither meal fully satisfied you, but today called for a little more leeway than you normally gave yourself.

"I've never seen you come early and get the carnivore breakfast." A moderately familiar voice sounded off behind you.

"Oh, Ailurus fulgens," You noted. "Yeah... Just hungry for it today... I guess..."

"Don't feel bad about it." The red panda placed a paw on your wrist. "I'm sure your friends will still want to sit with you."

"I wouldn't do that to them... I don't even eat the steak but it just looks a little too... You know?"

"I get it. Do you want to eat with me and my friends? Name's Fudge, by the way." He smiled. "Kibi, Dom and Kai from drama club. Most of us-- all of us now I guess-- are stage crew. Sometimes Legoshi sits with us, but mostly he stays with Canidae."

You wracked your brain for the species of each of those names, but only Kai-- a mongoose-- was familiar.

"They're fine with carnivores. Kai is obviously one. Kibi doesn't really care, he's such a tapir. And Dom... well you can probably guess how people would treat a gay peacock. He's unbothered by the whole carnivore-herbivore thing since he's got more to worry about." Fudge laughed at himself as he led you to his table. "Hey guys, try not to have a stroke at a girl sitting with us-- except you Dom, obviously-- this is..."

"YN." You shook your head out of its funk.

"Anyway, she's going to sit with us and enjoy her eggs and give her steak to Kai so try not to be as gross as usual." He smiled and sat down.

Carefully, you sat down and picked at your eggs while the guys around you stared at you with curiosity.

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