14: Race(y/ing) Thoughts

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"Damn it!" Kai exploded a bit. "I should be out there rehearsing, not sewing in this dark corner with this sausage party!"

You laughed at this, finding it hilariously true. Legoshi never hung out with females. In fact, most carnivores didn't mix sexes. It was an interesting phenomenon that you'd have to look more into.

"Chill, Kai. You're really artistic. I'm glad you joined our team." Dom's words seemed to float over the mongoose and calm him down.

"You have... Tem's costume..." Legoshi finally admitted what was likely the reason he had been staring you down.

"Oh... I guess I do..." You sighed. "I ate meals with Tem every day... but I didn't even know you were friends with him..."

"We mostly hung out here..." Legoshi admitted. "I don't know a lot of people outside drama club and my dorm... I didn't know we even had a maned wolf."

"I'm..." Your voice became uncharacteristically shy. "I'm new."

Dom and Fudge leaned in for the hot drama that was your awkward conversation. They were dying to know where this would lead.

"So... do you have a pack?" Legoshi asked, avoiding eye contract.

"Maned wolves are solitary... unless you count when we pair."

"Are maned wolves... monogamous then?"


"So, uh, what are we gonna do with Tem's outfit...?" Kibi awkwardly interrupted, earning glares from Dom and Fudge.

"Well, there's no reason to keep it and have YN finish sewing it." Fudge admitted, coaxing a sad look from Legoshi.

"We can't keep it, Legoshi. Tem's dead, it'd be creepy." Kai responded a bit heartlessly.

"Cool it, Kai." Kibi's brows knitted together in concern.

Dom shook his head at the whole interruption. "We can deal with it next performance. Just toss it back, YN, and grab another."

Legoshi watched as you gently placed the unfinished garment on the side of the box and took out another. His mind raced.

Your figure was the first thing he noticed. It actually stopped him in his tracks as he noticed you approaching the design team. He'd been focused on the garment before him, when suddenly standing right in front of him was a maned wolf with a peculiar pair of eyes. They weren't quite clear, they were preoccupied. As if you were there physically, but not emotionally. What were you thinking about? Was it him? The thought of it made his body rumble from within. He had never cared before what others thought, but suddenly it was of the utmost importance. Your eyes were focused on the garment in front of you, but at the same time they weren't. You were empty, but full of mystery. What would you have to say to him, he wondered as he looked up and down the curves of your body. He liked the profile of it. You were small, like an herbivore, but had the form of a canid. It wasn't fox-like or thin like a dog. You were almost like a baby wolf. Something must be wrong with me, Legoshi thought to himself. He couldn't take his eyes off of you. But then he suddenly felt a bit like a voyeur, to be thinking these thoughts so publicly in the middle of the club, and immediately tried to come up with something to say. A shy, proverbial nice guy like him had no business thinking about a female so shamelessly and objectifying her in this manner. He wondered what your skin smelled like up close. He wanted to know if your heart would pound like the rabbit's did last night. Would your fangs even hurt if you bit him?

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