29: Changing Seasons

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The seasons were changing and things had rather calmed down in the month since you had last seen the entire drama club.

San had started eating lunches with your group again, and you hardly even bothered to eat carnivore. It was like everything reverted back to normal. Everyone was getting excited over to approach of summer and summer break.

"What are you all doing for summer break?" You asked at breakfast that morning. "I'm thinking about going home."

"And missing the big summer event?! But it's the perfect time for you to confess!" San complained. "I can't believe I was so busy with those stupid remedial classes that I missed out on the biggest drama of our friend group! That'll teach me to be stupid."

"Nothing will stop you from that." Pina chuckled. "But yeah, don't you like, want to go?"

"I'm not confessing to anyone. I haven't even hardly talked to anyone since the performance!" You complained. "I don't even like him like that..."

"Uh, well none of us knows what he tastes like, so you definitely have a little more favor for him than most!" Ellen teased. "Besides, we have our first meeting for drama club today! That's asking for a romantic rekindling!"

"How do you all always know when our random meetings are?!" You were very confused. "It's like I'm not getting the memo."

"Louis tells San and San tells us. Otherwise, you'd have to ask a director." Els explained. "Not that you'd have a problem with that, but sometimes they're hard to find."

"Okay well, I just want to name that I'm completely over my fascination with any person in the drama club and I'd like to be left alone and treated like everyone else." You crossed your arms. "Thank you for listening to my request in advance." Everyone was silent. "Uh... guys?" your eyes opened and you scanned their faces. "Guys?!"

"You were so serious for a second, I thought you might actually mean it." Pina looked surprised. "But the answer is a resounding..."

"NO!" Everyone joined in at the same time, causing you to smack your head on the table in front of you.

"AUGH! Why do I even put up with you all!?"

"Because we're your school family and family is supposed to make you uncomfortable." Els patted your back.

"Ugh. Worse than my real family." You groaned. "But I'm serious. I think I'm just going to head home. I miss my old friends too, but mostly my mom and dad. I'm their only pup, which is weird for maned wolves. So they're pretty attached."

"Fine, fine, fine. Miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime." San shrugged. "We can't stop you."

"But we can keep teasing you about it." Pina smiled.

It wouldn't be life without it now... You thought to yourself. I'd probably miss it if they stopped.

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