31: A Little Hurt

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"Okay, I admit, now I'm a little hurt." You mumbled to Dom.

"Oh, ouch." He made a face as he followed your eyes. The little white rabbit was sitting on Legoshi's backpack and enjoying a meal with him. A meal he was originally supposed to share with you and his friends.

"Not more than you all, just you know, normal." You shrugged. "No special feelings here."

But there was maybe just a lingering amount of special feelings. And it lead to just a touch of jealousy.

"Sorry I have to sit on your backpack, but I can eat at a better angle like this." Your sensitive ears heard every word of the conversation; starting with the bunny.

"W-Well that's good."

You could smell Legoshi's arousal and dismay. It was honestly very distracting. You had even bothered to get a carnivore meal today, since you weren't eating with your usual friends.

"Hey. Hey." The bunny tried to snap him out of his stupor. "I don't know what's going on with you, but you need to lighten up. Aren't you going to eat anything? I don't care if you eat."

"I'll, I'll eat! Yeah!"

"I hate mid-terms..." The conversation was more awkward than yours and his. "History is my worst subject... You're pretty kinky, you know? You shouldn't be so captivated by a girl trying to eat her food."

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

"I'm just kidding. I've been meaning to thank you for back then, so I'm glad we could have a chance to talk." Your ears tuned in even more carefully. "Back then, I was fully prepared to have sex with you, even though you're a wolf..."

You choked on your food and earned a smack on the back from Goro. He... he had sex with the bunny?! You thought he wanted to eat her!

"...But you covered me in a blanket and left."

God, that's hardly better. Your ears fell flat.

"Well, that was some good food. Thank you for your time. It was a very valuable experience. I'll be going back to my dorm... what about you?"

"...I'll be going back too..."

"Let's go together."

And they left.

"Poor thing." Dom patted your hand. "You look so sad, even I want to comfort you in my arms."

"I'm not." You denied it, but your face said it all. In fact, your frown was so big that your fangs were completely covered.

"Don't lie to us." Fudge also patted your fur. "We're your friends. It's hard to see someone you like interested in another. I swear we're all rooting for you."

"I know you all are. Makes it worse." You admitted. "Like I'm letting you all down by not being with him."

"You worry too much about other animals, YN." Kibi passed you his left over fruit. He didn't like sweet things much. "Worry about yourself and what you feel."

"I don't feel anything." You said. "Nothing at all."

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