55: Legoshi Lets It All Out

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"Hmph... this may be the black market, wolf, but that doesn't mean you can walz around here thinking you're safe." Gouhin the panda, and black market doctor, had come to Legoshi's rescue. Having begged Bill to ask Els to tell him where your dorm was exactly, only to have to beg Midge and Zora for something of yours, all without revealing the why, had led him to the very place that had sent him into your arms the last time. And once again, Gouhin was saving his hide. Literally. "In here, carnivores can be preyed on just as much as herbivores. Remember that. I gotta sy though, not just anyone prances around the market asking for the Shishigumi... you might just be stupid though..."

"Do you know the Shishigumi!?" Legoshi jumped at the mention.

"Keep your voice down." Gouhin turned and motioned for Legoshi to follow him. "They're a criminal organization made of up of thirty-five lions. They prey on herbivores and occasionally omnivores. That's their business and they're a wild bunch. They hang up the corpses they make in front of their gates as decorations. Even I want to stay away from them... I don't see how one wolf could possibly--"

"Okay, okay, so before you leave, could you draw me a map that leads to their hideout? A simple one, please, I forgot my phone and I am not good at remembering directions--"

"Did you listen to a single word I just said?!" Gouhin snapped at him. "I don't know what business you have with them, but they will kill you. Rip you to shreds."

"Well, from what I've been hearing, that does seem highly likely..."

"Why is that your response?!"

"Uh, no, look, my friend that was abducted... I thought I was evil for what happened to the rabbit girl, who's my friend now too... But she helped me through that... every time I felt evil, disgusting, whatever... she was there to reassure me that I wasn't everything I hoped I wasn't. She listened to the sins I committed against an herbivore without judgement. She even respected me when I told her that I loved the rabbit. She was there when I first tried to eat Haru... but she never hung it over me. Never once brought it up. And when I looked her in the eyes and told her that I thought of her as a packmate and nothing else... she backed off, even though her feelings were clear to everyone else. I need to atone. I could die, sure, but I really want to save her... because... this stupid, clueless, no-good wolf... is in love with her. And I have been. I want to make it up to her... maybe there's a small chance that I make it out alive too, and I'd confess to her... I probably can't though... She was really getting close with the Beastar and he liked her too..."

"Nonesense. Man, I can't believe you're risking your life over a love confession! I can't even look at you right now, I'm embarrassed for you!"

"Not just a confession... I am stupid, but this girl, she's something special. An omnivore who can't think of herself before anyone else... She loves the people around her, herbivore or carnivore... She puts up with being called a million wrong species and having assumptions made about her constantly--"

"I'll back you up. Just stop with the gushing. Let's go."

"--What? Really?! Is that okay?"

"Lucky for us, it's starting to rain; making today a great day for cat hunting."

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