58: The Fight Goes On and On and On, On, On, On

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AN: This picture makes me think uncomfortably about a panda and a wolf

"Gouhin..." Legoshi looked down the the dead body, "I can't bring myself to do it. I can't bite them." He was lucky that the panda had shot down the lion with his crossbow.

"You should be used to the idea now. Your love for her was born from you acting on your predatory instincts. But you want to work things out with her, right? You can't run away! Doing what you think is right is only difficult because it's important. I won't force you to bite. To lean into your instincts. But, you do need to step up. I can see at least ten lions around us..." He stood back to back with the wolf now. "But you can do it. Tame the beast inside you, Legoshi. That is how you grow up to be a man in this world. And the only way to beat feral instincts... is to have anger and conviction!" Fists went flying. Gouhin was screaming about eating meat, while Legoshi focused on getting to you. "We don't have time to lose! If you want to save her, do anything to stay alive!"

As the fight raged on, Gouhin had taken out three, almost four lions, whereas Legoshi had gotten lucky with two. He could feel the force of the fight wearing on him and his body getting tired.

As a lion held his fist above his body, he was reminded of that special smell that kept him going. Gently, he reached up and took the lion's paw, sniffing it and licking in between the fingers.

This hand must have covered her mouth... And it wasn't long ago... it's still a fresh scent... She can't be dead.

"Oh, uh..." The lion was shocked before launching into anger. "You're fuckin' gross! Let go, you fuckin' freak!"

Legoshi didn't move yet.

I miss you so much. More than I even realized.


Legoshi's head crashed into the lion's nose, sending a spurt of blood flying.

My nostrils are making my muscles quiver. The heat I'm feeling in my body is because of you. It's always been because of you. It goes beyond feral instincts... you're not my prey nor are you pack. It's something stronger. Simpler. It's my desire to confess my feelings to you.

"Gouhin. I need to go. I need to get her." Legoshi's voice rumbled in the rain.

"Don't die." The panda laughed.

"You either." Legoshi nodded and took off.

Meanwhile, you were sitting proudly and bravely and Chief Lion licked your face, over and over, each time dragging his sharp fangs and beginning to draw blood on the softer parts of you.

"I almost want to keep you, little maned wolf." He purred in your ear. "I'm not sure what it is about you, but you're very relaxing. I could just take a piece of you here or there... maybe you could even groom a certain... special... piece of my body..."

This is it. You shook as you pushed the tears back in your eyes as much as you could. Don't cry. Don't show him that you're upset. That you want to be saved. Own your own li--

Your thoughts were interrupted by  a crashing and crackling noise. 

"Oh..." Your voice wavered. "Legoshi?" Suddenly, Chief Lion reared up and went for the wolf's face. "LEGOSHI!"

"P-Put on my uniform! Sorry if it smells like sweat or wet dog or anything!"

"Wha- Why are you here?!" You covered yourself with his jacket.

"Uh," Legoshi was rolling around the ground with Chief Lion, "It's... complicated ! Hard to say! Best to discuss later!"

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