Chapter 5, (Traitor) Tuka:

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Sorry guys who love this book so far, I've been having writer's block for a bit now and I FINALLY wrote another chapter for you guys!

Enjoy! ^-^


Tuka watched every night as Canis walked alone, into the forest. She would leave near dusk, nobody with her, and nobody knew, except Tuka. She was one of her best friends, but still, Canis never told her a thing about where she was always off to.

The only reason Tuka knew about it was because, every night she would hide behind a bush or a tree and watch Canis leave, wondering what secret she was hiding. She knew that it was none of her business to spy on her, but she was also afraid for her. What if she was breaking the wolf law in some way? Tuka wanted to protect her, but she knew that if she told her how she watched every night as she left, that Canis would get mad. Tuka didn't want that for her best friend to have to go through, not at a time like this.

She padded into the nursery, where all the little pups were playing with their pack-mates. They noticed her and stopped playing to stand at attention, since it was her job to train them into apprentices, and soon into guardians. She examined their posture carefully, making sure it wasn't too exaggerated, but also that it was respectful enough.

She finished and raised her head to speak, "Who wants to train today?" she asked them, "It's beautiful weather outside, and we can't waste it."

One of the pups with dark grey fur and a worried expression stepped up. She gave him an appreciating look, and he seemed comforted by it. Another pup came up, probably the first one's friend, he sat down in front of her and said, "I train today, ands don't worry about my friend here, he doesn't talk that much." He glanced at the strange dark grey pup, and then back to her, "Shouldn't we gets going?"

"Yes," Tuka said, "Okay." She was so distracted by the worrying thoughts that were buzzing around her head, Canis is your friend...Canis is your friend...You have to go see what she up to.

But she's your friend...You don't want to get her in trouble.

She shook off all those thoughts and lead the two pups out of the nursery and into the center of camp, where they usually trained. She sat down and glanced at them to do the same. They didn't hesitate and did as they were told.

Tuka didn't feel like working today. After the first time she saw Canis walk off into the bush, with a guilty look on her face as if she understood what she was doing was wrong, Tuka knew something was up...and she couldn't stop thinking about how she could save her, or how she could ruin their friendship in some way by telling someone.

"Excuse me miss," the spunky little wolf pup chimed in, "Whens are we goings to start?" He glanced at his 'friend', who had an agreeing expression merged with a nervous expression clouded in his eyes. He stared down at his grey paws.

Tuka snapped back into reality, and the swirl of guilt and worry disappeared from her head, "Yes, sorry," she smiled at them, "Let's get started." She sighed and straightened herself, "Today will be about attacking."

The wolf pups exchanged a glace at each other that probably said, Oh, no. We might be getting close to having to use this more often...not just on prey, but on enemy wolves...

Tuka slightly glared at them, and they snapped back at attention. Tuka continued, "Attacking can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used for hunting, fighting off threats," Including the soon to be SnowPack army, she thought with fear running down her spine, "And can also be used for other, non important things like even climbing trees."

Another worried glance at each other from the pups.

"Now let's train, shall we?" Tuka beckoned them. They sighed and followed her into the hunting grounds of Greypack, just far away enough from camp that no wolf could hear them. It was a clearing near the small river, which she would bring them to after she taught them the basics of hunting.

The smaller, more cowardly pup introduced himself once they were there. Tuka didn't expect him to all of a sudden speak up and say, "My name's Dakota." The wolf looked up at her as he said that, gaining confidence.

Dakota means, strong and unbeatable. Tuka thought in curiosity, How odd for this two month old pup to be named that.

Maybe his mother sees something in him that I don't.

She smiled at Dakota and looked towards the other pup, expecting his name.

The light grey, about three month old pup got up and said triumphantly, "My name's Okami," he exclaimed, giving a friendly look to Dakota, "But you can call me Oak."

With that they started the lesson. Tuka taught them how to get into a hunting crouch, and how to pounce on their prey. They both learned very quickly, and after a few tries they were ready to go out and challenge themselves with real prey. Tomorrow would be about attacking methods.

Tuka lead the pups to the stream. The water gurgled and flowed gracefully, sometimes washing upon the wolves's paws when the pack went to drink from it. The river was also a border between TimberPack's land, (which was not that far from the water if a wolf was to cross the stream), and GreyPack's land.

TimberPack wolves were usually very large in size, and most of them were black. Despite their size though, they didn't have a lot of food in the deep forests in which their camp was located, so they tended to go into other pack's territories. That's why GreyPack had to guard their part of the forest from the large wolves constantly. The river was where they did most of their defending.

Tuka eyed the water as if hoping that Canis would all of a sudden emerge from it, the way she was, before any of this mess happened.

When we trusted each other. When we were friends...

"Can we hunt now?" Okami piped up from behind her, "I smell a birdie." He sniffed at the air curiously.

Tuka nodded at the two of them, and they sprang to their feet, full of excitement and joy.

Just what Tuka was hoping for at a time like this...excitement and joy.


NOW it's gonna get interesting........muahahahaha.......

Tuka sat down to rest, looking down at the stream of peaceful water, trickling down the small river. She was so lonely. If only Canis was there.

As she stared at the water, something made her look up, a faint sound in the far distance. A howl maybe? Tuka raised her ears in the direction of the noise. It definitely was a howl, a slight hum through the trees, she could hear it clearly. It was getting louder now.

A cry for help? A signal of war? A friendly greeting? What did it mean? Tuka didn't know...yet.

She sprung to her feet and started wading through the running water. Nothing stopped her from wanting to see what it was, not the pups that she was leaving behind, not the fact that she was making her way into TimberPack territory...

...It's Canis, she thought with a jolt of fear but also excitement. Canis was the wolf that was howling, because it sounded familiar, but...why was Canis in TimberPack's land? Tuka feared the worst for her friend, which made her trudge harder through the water. She waded out of the stream and shook herself off, sending tiny droplets scattering everywhere.

The howl was crisp and clear in Tuka's ear now. She knew she was close to her friend.

But wait. She stopped in her tracks. She could hear another howl in the distance as well as Canis's howl. They seemed to be communicating with each other.

Who is this other wolf???

Tuka scampered up a hill and hid herself behind some rocks that were jutting out of the top of it. She peered over the rocks and what she saw, was Canis...howling to a far away white figure, who was howling back at her.

Canis is in TimberPack, howling to a wolf from...SnowPack. This is bad.

Tuka felt faint. She had no idea what Canis was doing for the last week or so. She thought that she was just out to get some fresh air by herself, but NO. She was making googly-eyes at this SnowPack wolf, and she didn't even tell her.

Tuka, now fuming, accidentally growled loud enough for Canis to hear, and her friend swirled around. Tuka got down low for a moment to jump over the rocks, and she did. Once she got into the clearing where she last saw Canis, she searched for her...

...but Canis was nowhere to be seen, and neither was the white wolf either.

Tuka might have been Canis's friend, but now that she knew she was a traitor, she couldn't trust her anymore.

...We're no longer friends...

Guilt flooded her body at the thought of betraying her friend, but all she could think about now was not about seeing if Canis was okay,

...It was about that dreaded SnowPack wolf.

I know how to make this better. Watch your back, white wolf, because the second you look away, I'll be the last face you ever see.




Anyways, vote if you liked it!


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