ExA oneshot

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"Ace," a voiced snapped Ace out of his day dream, sending him chills through his spine as his head jolted up to look at the man in front of him. He started to sweat bullets when the light reflected off the glasses of the figure in front of him.

"Yessir," Ace tried fixing his posture, straightening his back and placing his hands on the desk and intertwining his fingers nervously. "Anything the matter?"

"For a matter of fact, there IS something that is bothering me," The man stood up, very slowly and menacingly. Ace's breathing was starting to shake. Oh well, I'm going to die.

"And that is..?" Ace squeaked, slowly slouching down the chair with a very fake and wide grin.

The man inched forward to Ace, eyeing him up and down and taking in the nervous look on his face. "Sir Ace, may I ask... Do you work well with others?"

Ace felt like he was about to pass out. He nodded. "Indeed I do, sir. I work with Eva-"

"Eva has nothing to do with this situation. I'm talking about people besides her. People who are much more civilized and... professional." The man stated, walking away and turning his back at Ace with his hands behind his back.

Ace took the time to silently take his anger at him. He would never tolerate such words about his girlfriend the way the man did. He took a deep breath and calmed down. "I will take whatever it takes to find comfort with working with others, sir."

"Good, good. That's good to hear. Because I have someone for you to meet. I believe Eva has already heard of him." He replied, arranging his glasses.


"You and Eva will be picked up to meet Mr. Apollo. I'm sure he will find interest in both of you."

"Yes, sir."

Eva stood there, excited and trying to contain herself. She was very much optimistic to meet this Mr. Apollo. Although, Ace wasn't in the same page. He was looking down at Eva with his eyes, his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. He felt very much eager to meet this man.

Eva and Ace stood there out in front of the office building, generally where the rest of the employees worked. The sun was bright and shiny, but the atmosphere was breezy if you don't mention Ace's gloomy aura towards a certain somebody.

He sighed and turned to Eva. "You're pretty excited about this Apollo guy, aren't you?"

"Of course! He's not only the most intelligent and brightest scientist out there, he's also the most daring! He has only been my inspiration for SO LONG! You have no idea, Ace!" She grabbed his arm, almost squealing.

Ace couldn't help but find her state adorable and irresistible. He chuckled and rolled his eyes while nodding his head sarcastically. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'm sure he's a cool guy-"

But then he was cut off when a limo pulled up in front of them, almost making Eva pass out with excitement.

A man stepped out of the limo. He looked rather young, about the same age as them. He was taller than Eva but shorter than Ace. He wore jet black shades, eventually taking them off and folding it onto his chest pocket. He wore a classic black tuxedo with his hair slightly slicked back but quite messy. His eyes were a beautiful icy blue that complimented his sly smirk.

"I'm going to guess that you two are Ace and Eva?" He asked, his voice was smooth and prideful.

Eva nodded hesitantly, shaking Ace's arm. Ace rolled his eyes mentally, eyeing Apollo up and down. At least he makes a good first impression.

Apollo walked up to them, smiling calmly.

Eva was the first to reach her hand. She smiled quite widely, but with genuineness. "Hi, sir Apollo. I'm Eva, but I'm sure you know that already-"

"Oh, of course," Apollo shook her hand, almost getting lost into her eyes. He found them to be quite bright and beautiful. Her hair was kinda in a mess with it being in a bun, but Apollo personally found it to be quite adoring. Ace would loudly agree.

"And you're the stunning Ace," Apollo said, looking up at him. Ace glared at him, his aura now completely dark and gloomy. Apollo wasn't any different. Apollo reached his hand out, smiling slyly. "Pleased to... meet you."

Ace was hesitant, he kept his arms crossed. But then he turned his gaze to Eva who seemed surprised but hopeful.

He sighed and shook Apollo's hand in a non-friendly way. He uttered. "Pleased to meet you as well."

They stared into each other's eyes with hatred, but tried not to make it too obvious for Eva who was looking at them.

After their hands parted, Ace tried not to lose his cool. Then Eva turned to Ace and held his arm.

Apollo frowned slightly, brushing his suit with a cruel gesture. Ace raised an eyebrow with confidence. I won this round.

After a long amount of awkward silence, Apollo took a glance at his watch and ran a hand through his hair. "Well I better get going, don't forget we have a meeting to discuss our plans for next week."

"Yessir," Eva nodded, suddenly being dragged away by Ace who muttered. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Apollo watched as they walked away, mostly focusing on Eva and feeling something strange about her. He scoffed.

"What was that about, Ace?" Eva asked, eating her french fries and crossing her arms in disapproval.

"I dunno, something about him just... ticks me off," Ace replied coldly, trying his best not to look at Eva's face of disappointment.

She raised an eyebrow and leaned back on her chair. The couple were in a diner, eating dinner. The retro aesthetic of the entire place was gorgeous, it was like they were back in the older ages.

Ace noticed her face, finally turning to her and raising an eyebrow back at her. "Okay, lecture me, hon. I'll survive."

Eva sighed and grabbed another french fry. "Ace, we talked about this. There is nothing for you to worry about- wait a minute... are you...?"


Ace choked. He started to sweat again, getting nervous. So he smiled widely to cover up his shame and discomfort for that word. "Jealous? No, definitely not."

"Ace, I know who you are. You always smile like that when you're trying to lie or cover something up. Just tell me the truth, Ace." She went to grab his hands, but he hesitantly pulled them away from her because of his self-loathe. Did he lose his trust for her? Would she lose her trust for him?

Eva stared at him, almost taken aback from his attitude. But she saw the sadness and shame in his eyes with a hint of self-disapproval. She pushed the rest of the french fries in a bowl towards him with a dipping sauce from aside. She smiled warmly and got up from her seat.

"I understand, Ace. Don't worry, love. I'll meet you back at the apartment, alright? Don't lose your keys." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed her bag as she headed out.

Just as Ace heard the bell from the door once Eva left, he sighed shakily and pulled out a tiny box from his pocket that was colored a night sky blue. He looked down at it in his palm and grasped it tightly. Perhaps I'm a little too early.

The following day, Eva stood there, with her lab coat and protection glasses. She was experimenting once again, sadly Ace wasn't around. She was starting to miss him, too. He didn't even show up at the apartment. Eva was beginning to feel upset.

Every minute she would turn and look around to see a sign of Ace but there was no sign of him. She sighed and heard someone clear their throat. Eva smiled and gasped, turning to hope Ace was there but only sees Dr. Dreadlocker.

"I really need to cut Ace's check. This is the 3rd time he's been absent this month." He said, examining the work Eva was working on. Eva looked doubtful, trying to avoid contact with Dreadlocker.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "You do know that Ace can be a complicated man," he said, arching a brow. "How can you even put up with him?"

"It's not his fault he's going through these kinds of stuff. I love him, I really do. But I wish he would start trusting me and believe me when I say that I care and love him," Eva looked down, putting down her protection glasses and turning her back from her work.

"Maybe it's all my fault..."

"Im sure you'll figure it out. I only came here not to make you feel better but to tell you that Mr. Apollo is here," Dreadlocker replied, moving aside from the door to reveal the smiling Apollo.

Eva's eyes widened, she quickly and suddenly began to panic. "S-Sir, Apollo? Uh, was the meeting moved to this week? Because we didn't get a word about it-"

"Calm down, Miss Eva," Apollo stated, trying to reassure her. He turned to Dreadlocker and suggested to leave them alone. And with thag, Dreadlocker walked out befofe Apollo shut the door quietly.

"The meeting wasn't move. It's still next week and I'm still expecting to see you there," he exclaimed, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Oh, thank goodness," she sighed in relief, realizing that she's acting like a complete fool in front of such a professional guy. She straightened herself up and cleared her throat.

"So, what brings you here?" She asked, trying to shove away her work. But sadly, Apollo has already caught her and took a look at the items on her desk. He smiled genuinely and let out a soft chuckle.

"I came here for you, Miss Eva," he said, slightly bowing down. He smirked slyly. He put his hands behind his back and inched closer to Eva, examining her work closer. His face was a little too close to Eva's, but she was almost hesitant to move away. She never knew that her idol could be standing so close to her and finding interest in her own work. She felt like fainting.

"Is there, um, anything I can do for you, sir?" She asked, finally moving away but with a huge blush on her face. But then the image of Ace in distraught caught her off guard. She shook her head and crossed her arms.

"In fact, there is." Apollo smiled and side-glanced her. He admired the notes and the little projects laying on the table that caught his attention. "Say, I have a little proposal for you..."

"And that isssss...?"

"Would you be so happy to be my assistant?"

Eva choked in her own words, unable to spit something out. She wanted so badly to say yes, but she needed consent from Ace. She didn't wanna work with someone he disliked behind his back. She looked up at Apollo and rubbed her arm. "W-Well, I need to talk with-"

"Your boyfriend? I understand," He said, trying not to express his frustration too much. Eva smiled slightly, relieved to see that he was fine with it.

"Thank you sir for the opportunity, it means a lot to me!" She said, hearing the clock tick once it struck 10 pm.  She quickly grabbed her bag and smiled with confidence and pride. "I'll report back to you tomorrow mor-"

"No need," he said, handing her a business card with his number hand written at the back. Eva took it and blinked a couple of times to make sure that this wasn't a hallucination or a dream. She tried her best not to melt right then and there.

Apollo saw the look on her face and laughed softly. Eva blushed madly, apologizing quietly.

"No problem, sweetheart. I get that a lot," he said and bowed slightly. He bid farewell and walked towards the door, stopping halfway as he turned around to look back at her. "I'm relying on you, Miss Eva."

Apollo walked out the door with a sly smile, knowing for a fact that the seed for his plan has been planted in her head.

Although, Eva was confused, taken aback. She felt her knees go weak so she eventually fell onto her chair and tried to process everything. 

Ace tried making up for the little disagreement back at the diner, so he set up their own dinner. This time with no candles and more of a calming and a relaxing look.

Ace was proud of himself. He just couldn't wait for Eva to get back home. He also planned on giving an excuse to Dr. Dreadlocker for his absence. Perhaps getting their dinner ready?

Eva slammed the door open with a huge smile on her face. She saw Ace who was startled along with the set up dinner table. She calmed down and took everything in, turning to look at Ace who was smiling like a dork. Eva rolled her eyes and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier," Ace said, stroking her hair gently and pulling her close. Eva chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"No hard feelings, love," she looked up at him and leaned her head on his chest and suddenly hearing his heartbeat. She smiled warmly. "But you didn't have to do all this. I would've forgiven you with just a simple hug."

"What about a kiss?"

"A kiss would do too," she grinned and tiptoed slightly to give him a sweet kiss. There was no hesitation in Ace because he leaned down just a bit to stroke her cheeks and kiss her deeper just a tiny bit.

They pulled apart with their arms still wrapped around each other. Ace was smiling widely but with genuine this time. He chuckled. "So what's new? You almost broke down the door!"

"W-Well, I've been offered with this proposal- n-no not that way!" She quickly added when she saw Ace's face.

"Sir Apollo actually asked if I could be his assistant," Eva said, but now Ace was dying after hearing that single name.

"So...?" He said almost reluctantly.

"I was hoping to get your consent!" She explained, smiling quite sweetly. Ace knew that smile all too well. She was trying to bribe him with her cuteness that he just couldn't stand. He groaned.

"Alright, fine. But next time, I'd rather not hear his name again-" he looked away only to result giving Eva more access to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" She pulled him into a tight hug, smiling even wider. Ace smiled back and patted her head gently.

"No problem, hon. Now, can we eat dinner? I don't want the food to go cold," he said, glancing at the dinner table. Eva nodded and they happily began to eat.

Apollo sat there at his office, reading papers and sighing in frustration. It was 11 pm, the stars were barely shining but the moonlight was shimmering the room. Apollo had this giant window that almost reached the ceiling. It was like a balcony almost.

Apollo decided to loosen his tie, feeling discomfort and loneliness. But a single ringing from his phone changed that. He immediately picked it up and leaned back against his chair.


"Its Eva, Eva Hansen? The lady you asked-"

"Oh! No need to reminder, Miss Eva. I know exactly who you are. Can't forget," he said, pulling his back away from the chair and sitting up and leaning slightly against his desk. He had a little smile on his face.

"W-Well," Eva blushed, staring out the window and into the night sky.

"Well?" He said, looking at the stars in the sky as they shun against the moon.

"I'll accept your offer to be your assistant." She stated with pride in her tone. Apollo chuckled quietly. So the boyfriend agreed.

"Great to know, Miss Eva. I'll be meeting you over at my office, tomorrow morning. A limo will be parked in front of the lab to pick you up."

"Thank you, Mr. Apollo," she screamed mentally.

"Please, just call me Apollo."

Eva and Ace were making their way to the lab, having fun conversations as they were walking. But just as they were in front of the alleyway, a limo pulled up right beside them. Eva noticed it first and started to panic.

Ace immediately saw it after, feeling suspicious and reluctant. He saw Eva and it immediately hit him in the head.

"Miss Eva?" Apollo stepped out the limo with a sly smirk on his face. There was a tiny strand of hair hanging in front of his face which Eva found quite attractive.

"Si- Apollo! Hi!" She grinned, feeling Ace's grasp on her hand tighten. She caressed his hand with her thumb to remind him that everything is going to be okay.

"Greetings. Great to see you again, Ace. Truly great," Apollo said with a harsh grin, containing his hatred.

Ace looked down at him with a glare, smiling gloomily. "Truly great to see you again, Sir Apollo. Are you here to pick up my girlfriend?"

"Indeed I am, good sir. Perhaps you would like to come along?" He suggested with a sarcastic tone that passed by Eva.

"I'd love to but I have some making up to do at the lab for setting up dinner for Eva," he began to hiss, feeling pure hatred for him as well. Apollo glared at him, but then he chuckled softly and began to walk towards the limo, opening the door for Eva.

"Well I hate to break the tension but there's some business me and Eva have to deal with," He said, gesturing Eva to come inside the limo.

Ace grabbed Eva by the shoulders and pulled her away, whispering to her. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay with this? What about Dr. Dreadlocker?"

"I'm positively sure, love. Dr. Dreadlocker agreed to this, besides, he's better off not seeing my face for a while," she laid her hand on his cheek.

"But I'm not," He held her hand and squeezed it lightly. Eva smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Everything will be okay, Ace. We'll meet up at the apartment anyway. Okay?"

"Okay." He said and watched as Eva waved and entered the limo. Apollo carefully and gently shut the limo door after he and Eva entered.

Once everything was settled, the limo drove away, leaving Ace in the dust. He sighed and started heading to the lab, pulling out his ID card and suddenly feeling like this was all too familiar.




Welp now Imma draw

I cant believe I'm getting older oh no

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