ExA oneshot (part 2 from prev)

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Eva looked out the window of the limo, finding such beauty in the environment. She smiled, taking the every bit of the sight in.

Apollo noticed her gazing, smiling warmly. He was leaning back in his seat, trying to distract the aching feeling of breaking the silence. Just then, the traffic lights turned red, sending the limo to a gentle halt. The driver was obviously focused on the road, definitely not on the awkwardness between the two behind him.

Eva just couldn't contain herself. She didn't think she would be in the same vehicle as her idol. She did expect some awkward silence, but that's what sent the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

"Sooooo, Apollo," she turned to him with her arms crossed and her lips curved into a smile. Apollo glanced at her, falling in love with the way her smile gave a warm aura. "How's life going for you?"

"Pretty good, I guess. I mean, to be quite honest, my life hasn't sparked in a while until I saw your smile," he said calmly, turning away and trying his best to hide his slightly blushing face.

Eva was taken aback. "But I'm sure you've met other people with gorgeous smiles as well! Like you!" She replied friendly, slouching in her seat.

"Well not really, everyone is either terrified or uncomfortable with me. I guess its because everyone thinks their life is gonna end when I stare them down," He rolled his eyes, tapping his foot slightly and crossed his arms across his chest. He was slouching down much more, hiding his frustration and his upsetting state.

The limo began to move again.

"That's because they don't know what's behind that charming but threatening persona. I can tell there's a much sweeter person behind those gloomy eyes," she arched a brow, attempting to make a new friend, but she's sadly only making him fall for her.

"You don't know me," Apollo snickered, finally turning to look at her and smile genuinely. They both shared a laugh, sometimes shedding tears of joy.

"Sir Apollo, we have arrived," the driver stated, interrupting their laughing fit. Eva quickly turned around to look out the window, seeing a tall glass building that shun against the morning sun. Apollo smirked, chuckling softly as he exited the limo and moved to the other side, opening the door for Eva. "Welcome, Miss Eva."

Eva stepped out, absolutely stunned from the gorgeous sight upon her. There were trees that complimented the aura of the area, sending a professional vibe. Eva suddenly felt the need to be serious.

"Would you oh, be so kindly to follow me to my office?" Apollo asked with a sweet smile. Eva bit her finger only to contain her laughter. Once she recovered and breathed deeply, she nodded and gave a dorky smile.

They started walking to his office together. People began to question Apollo with this random woman, asking if this was perhaps his girlfriend. A news reporter was filming everything, giving out a report to the whole town and talking about the immediate theories fans are making.

Although Eva stayed close to Apollo, feeling rather uncomfortable. Apollo got the signal and quickly rushed to their office, locking down the door and taking a breather.

"Is this what you have to go through everyday?" Eva asked, laughing and panting at the same time. Apollo sighed and shook his head. He felt rather guilty and shameful for bringing Eva along like this.

"Well luckily for you it won't because Dr. Dreadlocker only agreed for you to be my assistant for a month," he said, arranging his tie and running a hand through his hair. "At least people don't really watch the news."

"WAIT IS THAT EVA-?!" Ace screamed, watching the TV that Dreadlocker recently added to the lab since Eva wouldn't be around for a while. Dreadlocker hissed and shushed Ace, getting irritated.

Ace moved closer, raising an eyebrow. He read the banner below, reading "The well-known scientist coming out to have a girlfriend."

"Wait, wait, wait, I'm not imagining this, am I? Right, Dr. Dread?" He turned to him, only to earn an eye-roll and a scoff from him. Ace sighed and sat back. He immediately reminded himself of what Eva said. He trusts her.

"Soooo, you and Ace..." Apollo asked, adjusting his collar.

"Yeah?" Eva asked, staring out the giant window in his office and looking out the city. She was falling in love with the way the sunlight shines on the beautiful buildings.

"How long have you guys been a thing?"

"Ace and I were friends for a couple of years. Then an old friend came along and took him and we parted for a couple of months I believe. So we became a thing for a few years now. I kinda lost track at this point," Eva smiled.

Apollo noticed her staring out the window, finding it quite adorable. He smiled as well.

"How about you? Got anyone in mind?" Eva smirked, turning around to tease him. Apollo blushed intensely and shook his head.

"Not that I can think of, anyway, really," he crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to be too subtle. Eva gazed around his office, seeing the lack of family pictures. But she knew that it wasn't any of her business. Sadly she decided to tease him further.

"Oh cmon, theres gotta be some lady that is trying to get with you," she shrugged, smiling. She sat down on the chair across his desk from where he was sitting. He was sitting on his own chair at the other side, looking at her with an arced eyebrow. He felt flustered.

"We're getting off topic. Shouldn't we be talking about plans for your assistance?" He stumbled, trying to find the right words to stop her.. from this clownery.

"Of course! But I'm just trying to get us to know each other more, so there's no awkwardness between us," she suggested, trying not to freak out and unleash her fangirl side.

"Alright, fine. Play like that," he grinned, inching forward and began to play her game.

"What's your biggest weakness?" He asked to which Eva brushed off. She laughed.

"Ace and his adoring appreciation for memes," she slouched back, grinning slyly. Apollo rolled his eyes and crossed his arms once again.

"If you were stranded on an island, what is one thing you'd bring or have?" Eva got up her chair only to assert her dominance by towering over the desk and the sitting Apollo in his seat.

"My bed," he joked.

"Fair point," Eva nodded her head.

"And you?"


"Of course,"

"Can't survive without him," she smiled proudly. Apollo groaned mentally.

"So you're really into that Ace guy, huh?" Apollo got up, walking over to the mini fridge over at the corner. He opened it up and searched through it.

"Of course! He's my best/boyfriend after all," she watched him, curious to see what he was about to pull out the fridge. She was jealous too. She had always dreamt of having a fridge in her office. He pulled out a bottle of wine.

"Of course," he said, grabbing two glasses and placing everything on his desk in front of them. He started to fill them up. "Do you drink?"

"N-Not really," she rubbed her arm. Apollo finished pouring the fine wine into the glasses and drank from his glass. He sighed.

"I mean, I've tried a few shots here and there only for some special occasions," she mumbled, turning away.

"Oh, Miss Eva. This is indeed a special occasion. I think we're gonna get along well. And it's fine if you don't want to drink, I don't want you to get sick." He genuinely stated, swaying the fluid in his glass.

Eva blushed, suddenly having an immediate reaction to grab the glass and chug down the wine. Apollo was speechless. He stared at her in awe and awaited for her reaction. She gently yet carefully slammed the glass down on the desk, her eyes shut. She was breathing heavily.

Apollo was absolutely stunned. "Eva?"

Eva almost collapsed, grasping onto the desk as Apollo quickly got off his chair to check on her. He held her up by wrapping an arm around her waist and putting her arm over his shoulders.

"Eva? Are you okay?" He asked, trying to lead her to the couch. Eva moaned, her head aching and her entire body on fire.

"I-I'm fine, it's just the peer pressure of stress," she laughed weakly, uncontrollably laying her head on his shoulder. Apollo could feel her breath against his neck, blushing madly.

"Nonono, that is not how it works. Ace needs to pick you up," he carefully laid her down on the couch and searched for a blanket. He groaned when he couldn't find a single cloth.

Eva tried sitting up, but her body resisted. "No, no, I need Ace to trust me to get home by myself safe and sound-" her eyes were droopy and Apollo quickly helped her lay back down.

"I am going to contact him, whether you like it or not. He needs to know," Apollo sighed, putting his head in his hands. Eva could barely open her eyes to look up at him.

Apollo saw her looking and couldn't help but fall in love with the sight. He blushed, trying to slap himself to reality. But he couldn't help but sneak a look back at her again.

She looked peaceful but vulnerable. Apollo frowned slightly. You don't belong with her.

He took off his jacket, uh let me finish, and tucked her in it, brushing off the strands of her hair in her face. He felt like he was invading her space. He knew this was wrong. He was being too much of a creep. But he just couldn't help it. She looked too much of a gorgeous saint.

He stood back up and turned around, feeling uncomfortable since he wasn't used to just wearing his plain white shirt along with his dress pants.

"Hey Apollo?" A voiced called. He turned around and saw Eva smiling warmly. He instantly fell in love with her all over again.

"Yes, Miss Eva?"

"I don't think I've told anyone about this before but... I hate it when Ace is always so concerned about me.. I love him deeply, I really do. But I wish he would really trust me and take me seriously. Do you think that everything is going wrong with our trust?" She asked with barely any strength in her voice, her head aching much more. She winced.

Apollo was stuck. He was cornered. He ddin't really know how to answer that, but he didn't want Eva to start doubting everything. He decided to tell her something she needed, not wanted, to hear.

"To be honest with you, Eva, I don't know. I've never been with anyone to know how that feels like. But I can tell you that you should believe in yourself. I know you'll be able to make the right choices. And so will..." he sighed. "-Ace."

Eva chuckled softly. "I still don't believe you haven't met someone who you're interested into," She began to fall asleep again.

Apollo chuckled. "I mean, you're not wrong."

It began raining and Ace still hasn't received a call or text from Eva. He was beginning to worry. But he kept nagging himself, telling himself that everything is going to be okay. He took deep breaths here and there.

Perhaps I should research about this guy...

He pulled up his phone and searched up about Apollo. There were articles about them. Some were positive, some accused him of forgery. There were even conspiracy theories about him. Who is this guy?

He sighed and put his phone away. But maybe a bit too prematurely because his phone began to ring. He quickly pulled it out again and saw that it was Eva. He began to clear his throat and immediately accepted the call.

"Uh- hey Eva-"

"It's Apollo."

Ace sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What are you doing with Eva's phone?" He hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose. And in just a second, he ticked. "WAIT WHERE IS EVA, what did you do to her?!"

"She's safe, Ace. She's just sick," Apollo rolled his eyes, smiling as he leaned against the wall and looked at Eva who was sleeping peacefully.

"You better not have drugged her you-!"

"Please, Ace. Save the arguing and please pick her up. She needs you," Apollo sighed, gripping the phone slightly tighter. "I'll send you my limo to get here and pick her up, got it?"

"Alright, if you say so," Ace scoffed, trying to arrange his hair quite similarly to Apollo's. How rather strange... (A/N: not)

"Thank you, good sir," Apollo grinned sarcastically.

"Don't call me that."

Eva whimpered, rubbing her eyes as she lifted her head up, glancing around and seeing herself in the limo against someone's shoulder. She quickly got up, her head spinning just a bit.

"I am so so sorry, Apollo! I didn't think I'd be knocked out like tha-" she panicked, but then felt a relaxing aura. Her vision became clearer as she saw Ace looking at her in confusion.

"Well good morning to you too, sweet heart," he chuckled and leaned back, his arms crossed against his chest. He looked towards the window, watching as they passed by the trees and buildings. Eva blushed immensely.

"Wait, what time is it?" She turned away, slouching down her seat far down. Ace smiled warmly.

"That's out of the question. What were you doing chugging down an entire drink? Dammit, Eva. You scared me. I know it's not too serious but I just don't like it when you're off doing something that could hurt you," Ace nagged, now staring down at his feet. His leg was fidgeting.

"Before you say anything, I do trust you. I'll let you do whatever you aspire but getting yourself sick like that?" He tried calming himself down. But then he felt a hand on his knee and looked up to see Eva. She grinned genuinely.

"You're too sweet, Ace. But I'm getting kind of tired of the same conversation over and over again so I promise this won't happen again. Okay?" She smiled even sweeter.

"I've been giving you too many chances, you know that, right?" He laughed and smiled back, hugging her close just as the limo pulled up just a block away from their apartment building. They thanked the driver and started walking home.

They decided to go for some coffee and do some quick tasks before heading to bed. But Ace couldn't sleep at all. He was staring at the ceiling, thinking of ways to ask her. He has been cornered with questions and terrifying consequences. The most concerning one was if he was a bit too early. I mean, they've been dating for as long as he can remember.

He sighed and turned to his side, smiling as he realized that Eva was facing him as well, only asleep. Their faces were so close that just one more tiny move would make them kiss.

Ace carefully and gently brushed her hair bangs away from her face and tucking them behind her ear. He couldn't help but plant a soft kiss on her forehead. He heard a light chuckle.

"What is it with you guys looking at me while I sleep? You know that's pretty weird, right?" She opened her eyes and grinned, trying her best to contain a laugh.

"I knowwww, but c'mon. I love you too much," he holds her close and places light kisses on her lovely jaw.

"I guess that's a fair point," She moves in closer to him and leans her head against him and shuts her eyes.

Just as Ace was lovingly stroking her smooth hair, he jolted.


It was a day unlike any other. Well, unless its a Saturday because it was when Ace and Eva didn't have any work. But since she's currently working for Apollo, it wasn't. But Apollo wasn't too strict such as a certain somebody.

Eva started working, listening to Apollo's orders and asking nicely if she could help write down notes and observe some of his projects. Obviously, Eva happily obliged with a bright smile on her face that Apollo always looked up for.

But since Ace was on his day off, he decided to stay along with Eva during her work. Let's just say, bring your lover to work day.

Whenever Ace had the chance, he'd stare at Apollo and challenge him to a face off. But Apollo shrugged it off and continued to work.

Ace was surprised and turned to whisper at Eva.

"Am I crazy or is Apollo acting suspicious?"

Eva sighed and put her hand on his shoulder in reassurance.

"Ace, I thought we were over this. Besides, Apollo is a sweet guy. You just don't know that yet. Clearly you two need to get some alone time," Eva grinned sweetly. She knew it was his weakness, so he sighed and groaned but with sarcasm.

"Alright, alright fine, ya bastard." He scoffed as Eva stuck her tongue out in a playful way. She seemed dominant and walked up to Apollo who was happily minding his own business and writing down in some sort of blue print. He was trying to invent the next biggest thing. Although he knew it was going to be a huge process. But he thought that he was lucky to have Eva on his side.

"Hey Apollo?" Eva asked quietly, trying not to take a peek at his work. But she was relieved to see him immediately turn around to her.

"Oh, hey Eva. What's up?" He suddenly saw Ace over her shoulder, eyeing him.

He sighed and looked up at her, already guessing answer to his question by raising an eyebrow.

Eva nodded slowly with a sarcastic smirk.

"Now you two go ahead and have fun out in the city while I continue working," Eva pushed them both out the building, which the other employees found strange.

"Wait, Eva-" Ace suddenly protested, but he knew that it wouldn't work. Besides, he didn't want to go back to the exact argument before. He completely gave up and wanted to try. Especially for Eva.

"Hey Ace, quick favor?" Eva asked just as they reached the door. He looked back at her and received a kiss on the cheek. "Can you pretty please bring back a slushie on your way back?"

"Sure thing, Eve." He ruffled her hair gently as she chuckled. Apollo cleared his throat.

"Y'know, I'm starting to think you two should go ahead and get a room instead," Apollo arched a brow with arms crossed. The couple blushed and decided to move on to their task for the day.

Just as they were walking outside the building, Ace sighed. Apollo took a look at him. "What's up?"

"Its nothing. Im just... thinking," He replied, trying to comfort himself with his own thoughts. But it wasn't going so well. Aren't we all?

"Don't keep your thoughts bottled up, dude. Tell me anything, I've been noticing that you've held a grudge on me," He tried comforting him himself, noticing the reluctance in his movements. Ace sighed and decided to finally end this charade. For Eva, anyway.

He took a deep breath. "Do you have a thing for Eva?"

Apollo quickly stopped in his tracks and looked at him. "Is that what's been bothering you?"

"Yeah! Of course! Eva means a lot to me! ... and I can't lose her," he admitted, fists clenched. His breathing hitched.

"-especially to you. You're much better than me and I can't compare to you. She deserves someone better... and that's not me."

Apollo eyed him in a way that shows he cared.

"And I might be rushing things," he took out the lovely box that fit perfectly in his hand. He stared at it for a while in regret. "Because I'm worried. I can't even keep track anymore,"

He chuckled, covering the box with his other hand. "I'm stranded."

Apollo patted his hand that laid on top of the box gently. He smiled warmly.

"To be honest, now I see why Eva loves you so much—" he quickly stopped talking once he saw Ace look at him in surprise.

Apollo immediately panicked and flailed his hands with hesitation.

"N-no, no! No! Not in that way! I just mean that I see why she loves you so much! Not in the way I would like you!" His face was red and he felt very frustrated.

Ace was still reluctant. Apollo sighed and held his head in his hands.

"Let's just... not talk about that," he said and straightened himself back up again. He fixed his composure but still felt very awkward.

"Anyway... Im just saying that communication is key, Ace. I know you two have been talking a lot... about this kind of situation. Its just that I think you should really really trust her. I've known her for a while and believe me, she won't stop blabbering about you, it's ridiculous!" He laughed.

"Anyway, love is absolutely beautiful, Ace. It works in so many ways that you probably can't understand. But with Eva? Its pretty clear, Ace. She loves you. She cares about you. She needs someone like you. She chose to be with you, so why question that?" Apollo smiled warmly and patted Ace on the shoulder. Then he grinned teasingly.

"So why not we get some slushies and get a brain freeze from all this drama?" He nudged him playfully and winked with no homo. Ace rolled his eyes and put the box away in his pocket.

They moved on to enter a convenient store and bought a few slushies for them and Eva. They laughed from a few jokes here and there. They also learned more about each other. They found out that they had similar interests and became quite close but not too much. Lets just say that they're really close acquaintances.

They returned to Eva and gave her her slushie, smiling and giving her the good news. She was definitely pleased, hugging them both tightly and almost suffocating them.

After a long day, Eva and Ace headed home. Ace told her about the things he learned about Apollo. Eva was fond and could only smile at him. She thought that he looked absolutely adorable.

As he was going on and talking about his and Apollo's adventures, Eva gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, cutting him off.

He blushed and turned to her, eyes filled with surprise but appreciation. Eva could only shrug.

And so Ace gently held her face to pull her in a kiss. A kiss so gentle, meaningful and amazing. Eva closed her eyes and kissed him back, gently running her fingers through his hair and embracing his presence.

Apollo stared out his window, another lonely night, the room empty of company. But his heart and mind filled with beautiful memories he made today. He turned around to look at his desk, walking towards it and sitting back down. He opened a drawer from the desk, pulling out a picture of a lovely lady.

His eyes looked at her with regret and compassion. He held the picture tighter, feeling the aching emotions inside him. He muttered to himself.

"Is it wrong...?"

"To still love her?"





but anyway Im satisfied because this oneshot held a grudge on me and I dont like that

It has been just buried inside my head for days now



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