Wait, what!?

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Yuna pov.

I woke up when someone called my name. I saw that it was Justin's mom with some other girls. Gina was there too.

J/M: "It's time to dress the bride!"

Justin's mom said excited. I just faked a smile and got up from the bed. After I ate breakfast we went to the location and the girls started to dress me and they did my make-up. The beautiful hairstyle was also done. After they left I was standing in front of the mirror. It was a beautiful dress. The hair was also really good and my make-up. Everything was perfect except of the fact that I am going to marry Justin. Justin not Yoongi...

Justin pov.

I was getting ready for the wedding. I am so happy. After I got ready I waited for Yuna to come. Everyone was sitting on their seats and I was standing in the front. It is really happening! I can't wait to look at her into her beautiful eyes. I smiled to myself when I thought of her being my wife.

Yuna pov.

I was still lost in my thoughts in front of the mirror when someone entered the room. I turned around and saw Gina standing there. Gina walked towards me and looked into my eyes.

Gina: "Come with me."

Yuna: "Is it already time?"

Gina: "No..."


Gina: "You will come with me and you'll see."

I just stared at her.

Gina: "Come..."

I hesitated because I thought of the reason why I couldn't leave at first place. Gina sighed and smiled at me.

Gina: "Don't worry she is safe. You can go."

My eyes got teary. I smiled widely at her.

Yuna: "Thank you."

Gina: "You are welcome. And now let's go."

I nodded and quickly left with her.

Justin pov.

We waited for her to come. You can do this Justin. We waited and waited. But she didn't come. My mom went to look for her. When she came back her face expression was not happy. She looked at me and shook her head. I didn't know how to react. I was boiling in anger. She will pay for this! My eyes got teary as I thought of her. I didn't want to do this Yuna but now I will kill her. You did this to her. I looked at my father. And he looked disappointed. He shook his head and walked away. Yuna, you will pay!!!

Yuna pov.

We got into the car and drove to the house of Cyndi's parents, where they were staying all this time. When we arrived I got out of the car and ran inside. I saw the others sanding there impatient. When Yoongi and my eyes met, I ran towards him and hugged him tight. I cried in silence and didn't bother to let go. After a while everyone else joined us. After we broke the hug I noticed that everyone was crying.

Yuna: "H-How did you...?"

Yoongi just gave me a sweet smile and looked into my eyes.

Yoongi: "Cyndi told me everything."

I looked at Cyndi and smiled at her. Then I remembered.

Yuna: "Where is she?"

Right then she came into the room. I ran towards her and hugged her tight.

Yuna: "I-I missed you so much mom!"

I cried in her arms.

Mom: "I missed you to sweetie."


Yuna pov.

Yuna: "Are you serious?"

Justin smirked.

Justin: "Yes, I can't hide you forever and they will keep on looking for you till they will find you."

Yuna: "So, you mean I can go?"

Justin: "Yes, you can."

I looked at him with my eyes wide open.

Justin: "You can but you won't."

Yuna: "Why?"

Justin: "Let me show you something..."

He brought me to another room. I looked around and saw that there was a glass witch divided the room. On one side were we, while on the other side I saw a women tied up. When I looked clearly at her my eyes winded and a tear escaped my eyes.

Yuna: "M-Mom?"

She looked at me and also cried.

Yuna: "Mom!"

I ran towards her but the glass kept us apart. I turned around and looked at Justin.

Yuna: "H-How?"

Justin: "Your mum didn't die in the hospital. We gave her an injection, so it would look like she died. We kidnapped her and kept her away from you all. I had planned everything. If you will do what I want... then she will be alright. But if you don't..."

He looked at my mom and then back to me.

Justin: "I think you know what will happen then."

I closed my eyes and let a tear fall down my cheeks.

Justin: "When Yoongi will come you will tell him that you don't want to go with him because you love me now. Got it?"

Yuna: "Why are you doing this?"

Justin: "Because I am crazy... crazy for you."

He said and smirked. Mom... I thought I lost you forever... I looked at my mom and then back to Justin.

(after buying wedding Dress)

After we got out of the shop we went to a café nearby. After we ordered I excused myself. I said I had to go to the toilet. Justin nodded and I stood up and left. But I didn't go to the toilet. I went to my friends.

Cyndi: "Oh...Yuna..."

Yuna: "Listen Cyndi I can explain everything."

I told her everything Justin had done.

Cyndi: "What a monster!"

Yuna: "Yes, I know. Listen. I have to go now but you know what you have to do right?"

Cyndi: "Yes, don't worry we will find your mom and bring both of you back home."

Yuna: "And please try to explain it to Yoongi. I think he hates me..."

Cyndi: "No he doesn't and I will explain it to him. It won't be easy but I will."

Yuna: "Thank you!"

I hugged her tight and went back to Justin.

(after leaving Yoongi in the alley)

I think Cyndi didn't talk to him jet. And I couldn't do it because Justin was following me. Yes, I knew that he was following me. He would never let me go alone. I hope Cyndi talks to him soon. Before he would harm himself.

(Yoongi pov. after Yuna left him)

I shut my eyes closed and let a single tear escape. I have no reasons to stay here any longer... I went to a small house in the forest where Cyndi and the others stayed when we planned everything how to save Yuna. Right now there was nobody because they were all at Cyndi's parents house. I took gasoline with me and split it everywhere. I thought of her while playing with the lighter. Why is she doing this?! 

I then threw the lighter and the fire started. I screamed angrily when the scene where she would marry him played through my mind.

Then suddenly the door opened and my friends rushed in. They quickly got me out of the house before it fell apart.


I just stayed silent and looked away.

Namjoon: "Aish, Yuna is not going to marry that jerk!"

What!? I looked at him.

Jimin: "He has Yuna's mother, that's why she did all this!"

Yoongi: "What?"

Cyndi: "Yes she told us everything when we met in the city."

Yoongi: "But why didn't she told me anything when we met just now?"

V: "Probably because Justin kept an eye on her."

Jungkook: "Maybe. But now we have to find a way to get her mom out of there."

V: "And if her mom will be save then she can come home too."

Yoongi: "What is the plan?"

We made a plan and went to the house where they kept Yuna. There we were almost got caught but then a girl found us and helped us. She was Gina and she showed us where Yuna's mother was. She smuggled us into the place and helped us get her out. She helped us because she wants Justin to marry her not Yuna.

Gina: "Take her mom and I will bring Yuna."

We nodded and left.

(end of flashbacks)



Didn't see that coming, huh?

Am I right my lovely Readers?

Her mom is still alive!!!!

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