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Tiếng Anh Thật Dễ


to go back on: thất hứa

e.g. He always goes back on his promises.

to go off something: không thích thứ gì đó nữa

e.g. She goes off this car anymore.

to go off: bị hư, không thể sử dụng được nữa

e.g. The machine has gone off.

to go haywire: bị hư, chập mạch (máy móc, thiết bị)

e.g. The CPU has gone haywire.

to go over: giải thích, hướng dẫn

e.g. I'll go over how this machine works.

to go from bad to worse: trở nên tệ, xấu hơn

e.g. The wound has gone from bad to worse.

to go to one's head: làm cho ai đó trở nên kiêu ngạo, hống hách

e.g. His flying colors have gone to his head.

*flying colors: điểm số cao



to take turns doing something: thay phiên nhau làm gì đó

e.g. The schoolboys took turns uploading the packages.

to take on something: đảm nhận việc gì đó

e.g. Mr. Austin took on the leadership of the group.

to take off: Cất cánh

e.g. The plane took off an hour ago.

to take off: cởi

e.g. Remember to take off your head before entering the room.

to take it for granted: cho là hiển nhiên, điều phải xảy ra (ko chắc)

e.g. He took it for granted that the rescue team would come to his aid.

to take something to pieces: tháo cái gì đó thành từng mảnh

e.g. They had to take the vehicle to pieces.

to take up: tiếp tục

e.g. She took up her story after a pause.

to take one's eyes off something: dời mắt khỏi thứ gì đó.

e.g. He couldn't take his eyes off the girl.

to be taken in something: tin 1 cách mù quáng vào thứ gì đó.

e.g. The woman was taken in by the fortune teller's words.

*fortune teller: thầy bói

to take notice of something: chú ý, để ý đến thứ gì đó

e.g. He took no notice of my advice.



to look at: nhìn

e.g. He's looking at the cat.

to look after: chăm sóc

e.g. I have to look after my grandfather.

to look something up: tra từ

e.g. Let's look this word up in the dictionary.

to look back on: nhìn lại (quá khứ)

e.g. You should look back on what have just done.

to look down on: xem thường

e.g. He seems to look down on me.

to look up to: tôn trọng, xem trọng

e.g. You must look up to the deen.

to look over: kiểm tra, xem xét

e.g. I'll look over how the machine works.

to look over: bỏ qua, tha thứ

e.g. It's time to look over John's faults.

to look out! Cẩn thận

e.g. Look out! The car is coming.


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