• 11 •

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Karan couldn't believe he was actually doing this. He just missed her more than he thought he would. He still remembered the first time he had seen her. He just couldn't break that eye lock that happened instantly. Karan never thought he'd be one of those guys to have an arranged marriage. He always believed he'd be the one to chose his wife, fall irrevocably in love and then marry. But fate had other plans. 

He still distinctly remembered the night before the day he first met her. When he had said yes to meet the girl, his parents wanted him to meet. He simply wanted to experience what it felt like. He had it all planned, how he'd politely decline the probable alliance owing to differences in personality and get back home. But boy, something so close to magical happened when he laid his eyes on her. He just couldn't say NO.

He smiled picking up the small customized basket of chocolates. Aditi loved chocolates. That was something he had learned on the very first day when they had met and had a little chat. Back then Karan didn't know why he felt those strong emotions for her, but he did. With time his affection for her only multiplied. 

The almost twelve days he was away from her felt like a drought in his life. He missed her terribly. The delicious food she cooked, the way she would randomly run her fingers through his hair or land a kiss on his cheek, the morning hugs and the evening cuddles he missed all of that and so much more. It only started becoming clear to him - he had actually irrevocably fallen in love with his wife along the way. 

He stepped into the elevator. He always boasted how he was the perfect guy who knew what women wanted. He had had his generous share of college romance and heartbreaks, yet when it came to Aditi he found himself second guessing his skills. He knew that just like many other girls Aditi had been under his charm. But she was the first who literally charmed him. She was unapologetically sarcastic, always played hard to get, she was sort of nerdy and smart, and when in mood, she was a firecracker lover in bed. 

He could literally see their relationship move from the attraction phase to the committment guaranteed phase. There was no way he had any doubts remaining. He wanted her to be in his present and future. He took a deep breath and stood before the door. Reaching for the keys in his pocket, he silently proceeded to unlock the apartment door. He peeped in.

 Half an hour back, on the call, she had said she had reached home. He stealthily shut the door and put his travel duffle bag on the makeshift couch she had made of the spare mattress. On second thoughts, he picked it up and placed it on the floor beside it instead; she wouldn't like it.

He glanced towards the open kitchen and then balcony. She must be in the bedroom or bathroom, he concluded tiptoeing towards the bedroom. He peeped in to find her sitting on the bed with her back towards him. She had the bed table stationed before her with her laptop on top. "Yes, we will be including them in the overhead. I think we should be able to follow the timeline and stick to it. Yes. Sure."

He smiled listening to her voice. Damn, he was such a goner. It was like his fate was giving him back for all the times he teased his friends of being under the spell of a girl. He rested his head against the wall, closed his eyes and stood there listening to her voice. This was crazy. When and how did he end up so whipped!

He opened his eyes only when he realised her call was going to end. He started thinking. Should he just walk in and say Hi ? Should he creep her out? That would be so much fun. But he didn't want to give her an heart attack or something. He took a deep breath. He smelled his tshirt. Damn, he smelt of the air conditioning of the airport. Who cares? 

Taking a deep breath he stepped ahead to enter the room. She was now near the side table typing way on her phone. At the very moment his phone vibrated briefly indicating a new message, and instant smile bloomed on his face. He admired the smile that lit up her face as she typed. His heart gushed on the fact that it was thoughts of him that induced that smile.

He slowly started making his way towards her. She moved and then glanced towards him. 

"Hi!" He uttered a little louder than he intended to as excitement washed his nerves. 

"Aaahhhh!" She screamed and he widened his eyes leaping forward to cover her mouth before the neighborhood came to see what was happening. 

His one hand curled around her head while other went to cover her mouth tightly. "Have you lost it?" He exclaimed. When he saw her widened eyes come back to their normal shape behind her full rimmed glasses, he took his plam off.

"Oh. MY. GOD!" She uttered looking at him as though she had seen a magic trick. "You...here...," she mumbled and her eyelashes flickered looking around. She then pinched him at his bicep. 

"Oww. Pinch yourself, if you don't believe it!"

"Right!" She fumbled pinching the skin at her arm. His grin widened. Her hands reached below his ears and she looked up at him. "You're really here!"

"Entirely!" He chuckled, his arms encircled around her.

"F*ck!" She cursed, circling her arms around his neck burying her face in his chest. He felt her lips leave a kiss over his tshirt. Her arms tightly wrapping around his shoulder. "You're here for real!" She mumbled.

Karan smiled wrapping his arms tightly around her, pulling her closer to himself. Oh, how he missed giving her these bone crushing hugs. "I missed you so much!"

She pulled her face away to look at him. A radiant smile shining on her face. She craned her neck and kissed his cheeks. One, then another, then the third, and she went on placing kisses. He smiled as his wife generously left soft short kisses on his face. 

"Adu stop!" He chukled when she wouldn't stop at all. "Why you being a dog?"

"Haww! Mean!" She cupped his jaw and kissed his cheek and then left a bite. 

"Now you're biting!" He chukled, wrapping his fingers around her wrist. "Let me freshen up first!"

She nodded smiling, and then with full force wrapped her arms around him. He smiled returning the hug. "I missed you so much!" She cooed in a shaky voice and he placed a kiss on her forehead. He bit on his lower lip, equally overwhelmed.

He had barely wiped his face and arms after stepping out from the washroom when his wife charged towards him and hugged him again. Karan chukled, lifting her up, his palms on her hips, he pressed his lips against her neck. 

"Why didn't you tell me!" She exclaimed kissing his cheek, tightly wrapping her arms around him.

"It's called a surprise!" He mumbled thoroughly enjoying his wife's undivided attention.The feel of her body so close to his soothed him. How he craved for that particular humanly affection!

His eyes met hers and he smiled adoring her eyes, now that she had got rid of her glasses which she usually wore during her screen time. He gently put her down after one twirl. Her giggles filled him with joy. "God it's so good to be with you!" He mumbled.

His hands rested below her ears while the pads of his thumbs brushed on her cheek, as they looked at each other. He tilted his head slightly and kissed her right cheek. He repeated the same with her left. 

Aditi had enough of his tease. "Kiss me already!" She said letting her fingers dive wildly into his hair. 

He chukled, placing his lips on hers. But he didn't give her what she needed. She moved her lips desperately against his, her tongue trying to  probe entrance into his mouth. She groaned against his lips, tugging at his hair as he denied access. Karan was enjoying every second of teasing her. 

What she did next, not only made him part his lips but also caused a whimper to escape his lips; she dug her teeth into his lower lip and bit hard. He was still recovering from the pain while her tongue was causing a havoc. "You're a beast!" He murmured placing his hands on her waist. 

"Serves you right!" She muttered breathing heavily. She then flicked her tongue over his lower lip, and sucked at it, soothing the pain. He smiled slightly against her lips, she was so ...loving. His hands effortlessly slipped inside the plus sized tshirt she wore. He pinched at the bare skin on her waist which caused her to moan.

She broke apart looking at him. She drove her fist right at his abdomen when he smirked. He was her personal customized punching bag. "Junglee!" She murmured.

"Ouch, that didn't hurt at all!" He grinned, placing a kiss on her nose. 

"Stop teasing me. I want a proper kiss." She mumbled parting her lips.

He gave her a winning smile before leaning closer to capture her lips for  passionate kiss. He pushed her a little and they both landed on the bed. She giggled as the contact between their lips broke. He smiled caressing her face. "I missed you so much!" He punctuated that by kissing her cheek and then biting at the same spot.

"Karan!" She whined putting her plams on his face. Their eyes met. The twinkle in his eyes reflected in hers. She gently caressed his face. Her eyes following the movement of her fingertips. Taking in every inch of his face. "You have no clue how happy you make me!" She confessed meeting his eyes.

He looked at her with eyes full of adoration, steadily he lowered his lips on hers. This time around there was no teasing, no play. She knotted her fists in his hair, pulling him down against her. His thumb brushed her cheeks while his tongue roamed into the depths of her mouth. He flicked his tongue with more force when she moaned and tried to fight his tongue's movement. 

He broke apart when he could live no more in that kiss and buried his face over her shoulder. His lips pressed against her neck. She was breathing heavily under him. He could feel her chest rise and fall against his. His heart could ask for nothing more when she wrapped her arms around his back, her palms caressing his back and her lips were pressed against his jaw with her breath fanning his skin. He was entirely, irrevocably and madly in love!

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