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07 : 18 am | Tuesday

Aditi || Karan


Karan :

Good morning!

I woke up and even went for a jog. 

Aditi :

Proud of you hubby!😘

Karan :

DON'T use that emoji. Reminds me that I am not getting kisses from you.

Aditi :


Karan :

You're such an irritating woman.

Aditi :

Okay, bye I am leaving home. You have breakfast and then leave. Also, please check the windows and balcony door before leaving.

Karan :

FYI, I have stayed alone before. Before you came.

Aditi :

No time to argue right now. Bye.

Karan :

Have a nice day and be safe.


You too! 😘


08 :30 pm | Tuesday

Aditi || Karan

📸 V I D E O   C A L L 📸


"Hey Handsome!" 

*grins*  "You don't look tired at all!"

"I didn't wear heels today!"


"Uh! It is.."

*interjects*  "I am switching to the back camera. Tell me if the consistency right."

"Karan, how can I know by seeing?"

"Come on just try."

"How thick is it?"

*frowns* "Umm, it's thick."

"Okay, add little milk.. like a quarter of the cup."

*follows her instructions* "done!"

"Keep on stirring so that no lumps are formed."

"You said this was easy!"

"Yeah it is!"

"Even you don't require this much foreplay!"

*blushes* "Mister zip your mouth and focus on the dish or you'll go hungry tonight."

"Now what?"

"It will thicken a little!"

"You just made me add milk to loosen it."

"Can you just do as I say. What happened to your YouTube?"

"I saw too many different videos and I was confused."

"Okay, now just take a spoonful and show me the consistency."


"Okay season it now."

"Uh, can you elaborate?"

"Karan!one fourth teaspoon black pepper powder, a pinch of nutmeg powder. And..."

"Slow down, will you!"

"Karan, I need to pee!"

"Add the salt after that. One third spoon should do for that much quantity. Then sprinkle the oregano seasonings. "


*no response*

------After 99 seconds ------

"Okay! I am back!"

"How long do you take to pee?"

"Do you need my help?"

"Tell me what to do next!"

"Grate cheese cube."


"Umm, there's no cheese in the fridge!"

"What! You didn't buy cheese cubes?"

"You never asked me to!"

"Karaaann! You are making alfredo."

"Stop shouting!"

"Are you really that dumb?"

"Shut up. What do I do now?"

"There were a few cheese slices in the fridge. Check!"

"Uhh, I finished them at breakfast."

*frowns* "What did you have for breakfast?"

"Cheese bread!"

"Karan, eat breakfast at your office canteen from tomorrow!"

"That's the plan! Come back to my pasta now!"

"Add the boiled veggies and pasta to the sauce."

"Wait! What the hell!  How much have you boiled! That's enough for four people. Karan!"

"Can you be a little encouraging? I told you I got confused."

"Ah-uh!" * takes deep breath*

"Okay! Take only one third of those veggies and only one third of all that pasta. Add that. Okay?"


"Okay, that looks fine, Add one fourth teaspoon each of dried oregano, dried basil and dried thyme. They are all in the glass bottles with red caps."

"Got 'em!"

"Stir slowly! Don't break them!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Add a little like three spoons milk."

"Should I put down the flame?"

"Yes. Now taste!"

*tastes and twists lips*

"How is it?"

"Not bad!"

"Good job honey!"

"It's not great either. I really miss you!"

*chuckles* "You miss the food that I make."

"Yes, a lot! I am certainly not going to complain or underestimate the time and effort you spend at cooking for us after a day at work!"

*smiles* "Finally!"

"What did you eat?"

"Umm. Uhh, I brought McDonald's meals."

"Okay, I am not talking to you. You cheater!"

*laughs* "Mc Donald's is just a block away from the office building and I have to pass it on my way home. So I thought why not!"

"That's unhealthy. I thought we both decided a healthy lifestyle, no outside food and here I am wasting away like three hours.. and you..."

"Sorry! Please don't start  I already heard a lecture from mom on this."


"Kara--" *hangs up*



10 : 05 pm | Tuesday

Aditi || Karan




Are you seriously mad at me for eating at McDonald's?


Not really. It's just that, I think I miss you. 

Aditi :

Did you eat all that pasta?

You know what, I will ask Kamla Taayi to start coming in the morning. She will make breakfast and dinner quickly and leave.


No. I am going to manage. 



Let me call you...


No. Let's chat. I get the feels of before marriage. :)

Aditi :

Hey, we called and spoke more than texting!

Karan :

Did we? But I like this. 

Aditi :

I am going to fall asleep any minute.

Do you really not want Kamla Taayi. I am sure she'll make good food.

Karan :

I am sleepy too.  

Yes. I told you I am going

 to learn to cook and I really meant it.

Aditi :

Okay. I like your confidence. We'll see after one week.

Karan :

Are you challenging me?

Aditi :

I can bet on it.

Karan :

Okay bet then! 

If within one week I give up then you win. 

Aditi :

Okay, you gift me a puppy, if I win!

Karan :

No way! 

You know I don't like them. 

I am not ready to have one at home.

Aditi :

Are you so sure that you'll loose? 😂

Karan :

No I won't.

Okay bet. You'll owe me one then! ;)

Aditi :

Wait. What?

Karan :

I will think over it.

Aditi :

Let's be fair and square. Tell me now.

Karan : 

I am too tired to think.

Aditi :

Then no bet!

Karan :

You play too safe!

Aditi :

Always 😎

Karan :

Nothing to be proud of

If I win, we are having a car sex!

Aditi :

Eww no.


It will be so uncomfortable.

Karan :

It will be sexy! 😋

Aditi :


Karan :

Okay cool no bet, no puppy.

Aditi :

Okay I agree. Bet is on. 

And I am winning.

Karan :

Fine, Bet is ON.

Aditi :

Cool! Good night!

Karan  :

You really think I am going to lose the bet?

Aditi :

I know you well.

Karan : 

Even when I have one of my fantasy

 being served to me on a silver platter?


😴 Gn!

Karan :

Good night cheater! 😂


Okay, this one was long!

Hope you liked it. Please share your views and suggestions!


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