Seventeen : You're not going anywhere.

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"Savannah, you have work and breakfast to make remember?" I heard Harry's voice loud and clear. He had been knocking on his guest room's door since forever but I decided to make him wait because the bed was so comfortable plus the big teddy bear that Harry got me, didn't help either being like a bolster to me.

"I know," I groaned.

"Then keep moving. I'll be waiting in the kitchen," I heard Harry said and then the footsteps he went away. Last night, when we arrived to Harry's apartment, he had offered me some dinner but I refused politely and said that I was tired. He gladly showed me his guest room which was themed white and lent me one of his clothes to sleep.

Lazily, I got out from the bed and stretched my body a little before going into the bathroom attached. I was intending to brush my teeth but what caught my eyes were the few little red spots that were on my face. It looks like I was having a face rash but when I touched it; I believed it was just some pimple forming. I washed my face, hoping for my breakouts season to end faster before brushing my teeth.

I was opening the room's door, at the exact same time for Harry to knock on it which then caused him to knock on my forehead instead.

"Ow! What was that?" I rubbed my pain forehead.

"Sorry. I thought you were still sleeping," he said and then his face turned serious, "What happened to your face?"

"Nothing!" I said, trying to dismiss it, "What do you want for breakfast? Afterwards, you'll still have to send me to the cafe."

"Yes, I'll just drop you off before heading to the studio. But now, seriously, what happen to your face - it's so red?"

Groaning, I said, "Stop questioning or asking or commenting about my face. It's this things girls have called pimples." With that, I walked ahead to the kitchen. He could question me something else, couldn't he? Pimples are so sensitive.

"Is it your time of the month or something? I've seen my sister's face turned into super ugly tomato when she had breakouts and all sort of those things that is on your face right now," Harry spoke again. I turned around and placed my hand on my hips.

"Are you trying to say that I'm a super ugly tomato?" I raised my voice.

"Err no, I... I..." Harry struggled for words and I could easily tell from his words that he was feeling guilty.

I flipped my hair dramatically, making sure for it to brush against Harry's face. "Because you said I'm a super ugly tomato, I'm angry and I'm sulking, therefore I shall not make any breakfast for you."

"Well, that's fine... I guess?"

I couldn't believe Harry said that. He totally didn't mind that I was angry and was sulking. "Well okay," I replied, "I shall have a quick shower and leave for work."

I left the kitchen and back to the guest room. I totally had no intention to be sulking but I just found myself comfortable with Harry. I never thought that someday I would ever be close to a guy friend like Harry, but now I did and I was feeling good about it.

I showered quickly and changed into Harry's fresh clothes. I combed my hair with my fingers and then brought the teddy bear out. When I reached the kitchen, I saw Harry was seated in his dining table with two plates of sandwich in front of him.

When he saw me, he grinned, "Tada! Since you don't wanna make breakfast, I did it and now we can quickly bite on it before I send you off to work."

I didn't say anything but went over to him to get the sandwiches. Harry was still grinning. "You look cute though," he commented.

"What?" I asked, settling the teddy bear aside.

"When you stomped off when you thought I said you look like an ugly tomato with that red face, you looked so cute. If you were my sister, I would have probably pinched your cheeks or something," Harry continued, still grinning but this time cheekily.

"Whatever," I huffed and continue eating the sandwich unhappily even though I had to admit that the sandwich was good.

"Okay now, on a serious note you need to do something about the face. I mean, I know its breakouts and all but it looks quite serious."

"Okay. I'll get a cleanser or something later on after work," I said, trying to waive the topic off.

"Alright, now put on some smile and tell me that my sandwich taste good because you're not going anywhere until you finishes it."

* * *

I still had about half an hour before my work shift ended. I wasn't allowed anywhere near the food because September said that customers would probably feel uncomfortable to buy the cupcakes if they were to think that I had some face infections or something. I knew, it was part of the hygiene procedure but it was so offending. I was given the task to mop the floor and clean the tables and the rest of the time, I'd be in store room.

Harry had dropped me off earlier, with reminders for me to get some face cleanser. I was starting to get worried about my face. I never really took care of my face that well but I never had encountered these problems. Why now?

Fifteen minutes before I ended work, September said someone wanted to see me. "Who?" I asked, curiously. I never really know the people here in London and now, I already have visitors.

"I'm not sure but as you make your way to him, keep your head low," September warned – because of my face infection and then disappeared away.

I neared the guy, only to realize that it was Zain. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

But instead of getting an answer, Zain questioned me back, "Oh dear what happened to your face?"

"It's nothing. Breakouts. Now, what are you doing here? And, how are you here?"

"Harry told me that you worked here and I'm here to fetch you home. It's 4pm now," Zain said.

I glanced at the digital wall clock in the cafe and replied, "It's 3.57. My shift has not ended yet."

"I actually already talked to the manager and she said, you can leave plus you haven't been able to do anything because they're strict with the restaurant's hygiene right?"

I looked at Zain and then sighed. "And now, it's 4 o'clock. So you've ended work," Zain continued.

I nodded nonchalantly and then took off my apron. I returned it to my locker and waved goodbye to everyone before I got out of the cafe and looked for Zain's car. I spotted it quickly and the first thing that I went to check for was my teddy bear. Harry had told me that he would pass it to Zain as I couldn't possibly bring it to work. But the bear was upside down and when I entered Zain's passenger's seat, I quickly adjusted the bear into a sitting position.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're working?" Zain questioned me immediately after he started driving. "I even had to find out from someone else."

"I needed money," I said, honestly.

"Do you need to buy something? You could always just come to me?" Zain offered, politely.

"I needed money to pay someone up to drive me back to Vienna," I stated, emotionless. It was about time he knew my true intention anyway. I was only in London for a few weeks now and I wasn't stupid enough to know and see and feel that this thing between me and Zain was not working.

"You want to return to Vienna? Why?!" Zain asked loudly like it was a very surprising question.

"Did you seriously just ask me that - why? It's not working here between us and so I don't see the need to stay here any further. I probably should move out of your house already," I spat.

"What do you mean that it's not working? We're fine, aren't we?"

"No, we're not," I answered, restating the truth.

"Maybe we should sit down and talk," Zain decided and I saw him increased the speed of his car until we reached the parking lot. I remained quiet and before I leave his car, I made sure to bring my teddy bear as well.

I followed Zain up to his apartment in silence and the moment we entered, Zain placed a hand on my small back, guiding me to the couch.

"Okay, where do we start?" Zain asked in a calm tone.

"I wanna go back to Vienna," I repeated.


"Nothing is working here and I've missed my family," I answered and tightened my arms around the big teddy bear.

"We're so fine Savannah! Unless, you and Harry have something going on..." I didn't like the way Zain said that because he was using his accusing tone.

"Harry and I have nothing going on!" I boomed.

"Then why have you been hanging out with him? Why are you always sleeping over at his place? Why does he know that you're working and I don't? Why did you allow him to win you this damn teddy bear when the privilege is supposed to be mine?" Zain shot me with a lot of questions. He was now standing while I was still seated on the couch.

"Who am I to you?" I asked, quietly and looked down on my lap. I was fighting my tears as I was afraid of Zain's answer. I might not be anybody to him, sooner or later.

"You're my girlfriend," Zain answered politely as he dropped to his knees in front of me.

"Would you say that in front of your friends?"

"Of course," he answered and quickly cupped my face. I searched for the sincerity in his eyes and I promised I saw it.

"Would you say that in front of Perrie?" I questioned - the bonus question. Zain sighed and dropped his hands from my face. "I thought so too, Zain."

I let the tears fall. Zain, of course would do anything to save Perrie from the heartbreak but he wouldn't do anything to save mine.

"I'm sorry," Zain apologized. He took both of my hands and kissed my knuckles.

"Don't be," I told him, "If you really do love Perrie, I'm willing to let you go. There's no point in keeping this relationship when your heart is not in it anymore and when I can't make you happy."

"You do make me happy, Savannah. You always had and I love you so much."

"But you never showed me those. I love you too and I am not going to lie. I do not need you to be a perfect a boyfriend. I just wanted you, someone I could have from the times before you became Zayn Malik. But everyone changes and I understand that. So now, while you're still my boyfriend, I'd like to ask you for a favour to send me back to Vienna. I can't be here and I do not have the money yet to get back home by myself. This is not my place."

I was tearing so badly at the end of what I had said. I didn't want any sympathy but at the same time I couldn't control my emotion. I didn't want anything else. I just wanted to go home.

Suddenly, Zain's calmed face turned into a fury one and he stood up in front of me. "You're not going anywhere and I don't care if you think this is harassment or whatsoever but you're still my girlfriend and I am not intending to let you go!" And just like that, he stomped out of his apartment.

What was happening to me and my life?

* * *

Hey guys, I don’t know there’s how many of you but I’d like to say thank you for reading this story :) This story won’t go for a long time anymore (or more like the one that I had already plan) because I do not get much response.

Just to alert/update you guys, just a few more chapters and this story will be done. ©

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