Six : Surprises!

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Zain parked his car at some multi-storey car park and put on a shades and beanie. It totally spoiled his handsome date look but I gotta understand that he was doing so so that people wouldn't recognize him. I wouldn't want us to be mobbed on our first date either.

Zain got out quickly and went around the car to open up the door for me. "Thank you," I said happily.

"My pleasure."

We linked our fingers and Zain led the way to a restaurant named... 'Love Affairs'. What a name but I guess most people who would come here to eat would be couples. The restaurant looked pretty expensive just from the deco outside.

"Hi, my name is Mark. Would you two like a table for just the two of you or...? And, would you like a private room or just a private space in the restaurant?" The guy in the front of the entrance stopped us, smiling and started asking. I had never been to expensive restaurants so I actually didn't really know how it was supposed to work.

"Actually we have a private room reservation by the name of Savannah Ow," Zain answered for me in a low voice.

"Hold on a minute while I check your reservation," Mark said and started keying in things on the laptop before shortly confirmed, "Yes, you have a private room reservation. Please follow me."

Zain and I did. This time, Zain's arm was around my waist and we followed Mark into the lift. I wondered why there were even lifts but I kept my mouth shut. We stopped at level 15 and Mark led us to a room, beautifully decorated and a medium-sized table set for two. I controlled my mouth from hanging as I took in the surrounding.

"The menus will be sent to the both of you shortly," Mark informed and Zain nodded and then whispered something to him before Mark left.

"Do you like it?" Zain asked. By this time, his beanie and shades were gone.

"Like what?"

"Everything that has so far happened? The room's decoration and whatsoever?"

"Are you kidding me? I love the room's decoration. It's so beautiful and I had never been to any restaurant's private room. Thank you so much Zain," I said and went to him and intending to place a kiss on his cheek. I tiptoed, because Zain was so much taller than me, but Zain had another idea because he moved his face causing me to kiss the corner of his lips instead.

I pulled back instantly and saw Zain grinning at me. I shook my head. "Sneaky," I commented.

"Well, couldn't help it," he said, smiling, "Plus, I want you to have the best first date ever and especially because the first date is with me."

"But you didn't have to, you know?"

"I do. But I really want to do it," he said and led me to the windows of the room which had some gold coloured curtains covering them. "Let's see some scenery," Zain said and pulled some string that held the curtains closed.

The next second I knew I was watching the Skyscrapers of London. It was so beautiful especially with the lights and decorations. I covered my mouth with both my hands.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I heard Zain asked. I nodded furiously. "Oh come on, say it that it's beautiful."

"It's really really beautiful."

"There's the Big Ben..." Zain started and went explaining on what were the tall buildings that I could see from the fifteenth floor of the restaurant.

"The menus are here," we heard Mark, who had come back, said. "If you're ready to order, you can just call us by the button over here," Mark continued, handling Zain some sort of a remote.

Zain nodded and Mark was dismissed soon after. Zain brought me to the dining table and pulled out a chair for me. I totally had never been to any course or etiquette lesson on how we should act on dates at expensive restaurants so I basically just placed a hand on Zain's arm and said I didn't want our date to be so formal that he had to pull a chair out for me.

Zain just shrugged and I hoped that he wasn't offended. "What would you like to eat?" he asked.

"Hmmm," I tapped my chin and flipped through the menus while Zain just stared at me.

I must say that the restaurant was very unique. Most of the dish's name had the word 'love' and me, being the dumb ones, obviously didn't know what does the dish's name means. For example, Love Story; it could be some sort of chicken with pasta or something else.

"Would you help me decide?" I asked Zain, sheepishly.

"Sure, baby. What would you like?"

"Hmm probably some cheese pasta or steak?" I said but it came out like a question because I couldn't really decide as I didn't know what kind of food does the restaurant served.

"Okay, how about I get you Love Me Again which is a dish of fusilli pasta with cheese sauce and strips of bacon and sausage while I get the Bollywood Love which is a steak with some sort of a twist of curry powder in it and we can just taste each other's food," Zain suggested and explained and I would be lying if I said I wasn't lost at that point of time. But I didn't want to make Zain felt that I was being a ridiculous date so I just nodded and agreed with his suggestion.

We told Mark our orders and while waiting for our food to come, we talked.

"Do you remember how I first talked to you?" Zain asked. I nodded, even though I seemed to have nodded a lot of times today. I wasn't expecting Zain to come out with that. I thought it was usually girls who wanted to remember how we first met and talked about basically all of the first times.

"I must say I'm glad that I found you that night on the random chat. Everyone else that I found before you are just plain perverts," I told him in disgusts as I remembered the times I encountered with disgusting people on the chat line.

"What do you expect? It's a random chat line and of course people would take advantage of that," Zain commented.

"Well, I expected someone like you and I got it. I'm glad I got it."

"I'm proud to know that," Zain said, "And I'm really glad I got you too. I wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for you."

"No Zain. You're here because of yourself. You worked hard or what you always said, work ma' ass out to be where you are right now. I just supported you and I'm really proud of where you are right now," I comforted him.

"But I wouldn't have been able to think and be here if I didn't change how I rolled back then," Zain argued. I sighed.

When I first met or rather talked to Zain on the random chat, Zain was a meanie. He said about he was guessing I looked ugly and fat and weighed over 100 pounds even though he had no idea how I looked like. I was of course unhappy and upset with his words even though I didn’t know him.

So I replied, "I don't know who you are and you obviously don't know who I am. But just imagine if I was your sister, your cousin or even one of your good friends. Would it pain you to know that someone has made your sister or your cousin upset with what you had just said?"

I went offline right after that and went to sleep, crying. I didn't really have a good high school life. Many people were scared of me and my brother, Sam. Sam was two years older than me and both of us was quite brutally abused back then by our father. Our schoolmates didn't really want to be our friends because of the bruises and scratches we always had on our body and faces. So when Zain had said those words about me being ugly and fat, I started to think that maybe those people in my school didn't want to be my friends because I was indeed ugly and fat.

"But you've changed, Zain. You've become a better person to yourself, your family and of course to me," I stated.

My words that night when we first talked probably knocked some sensed into Zain's brain because since then, he didn't stop trying to talk to me. He said he was sorry. He said he didn't mean it and what not. It carried on for about a week or so and I finally decided that I wanted to be his friend because I never really had one.

A week later, we started talking like friends and a few months later, we spilled some personal things to each other like what happened to me and Sam in school. I also then found out that Zain was a bully back then. He did nothing but bully people he met in school and streets. My words the other night made him realize that he wouldn't want his sisters to get bullied in school and slowly, he stopped bullying.

5 months after getting to know and be friends with each other, Zain asked me if I would be his girlfriend. I was shocked when he asked me that but after a while; I realized that I really wanted to be his girlfriend. He really did make me feel wanted even though just through messages and plus, he was my first friend. At that point of time, I was happy that I got to meet Zain and hoping that he was sincere with our relationship, through long distance.

"Savannah, you zoned out!" I heard Zain said loudly, tapping the table.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It’s okay but what were you thinking?"

"I was just thinking how we first met and you being a meanie but then now, we've known each other for about 4 years and you're not a meanie anymore and we're on a date," I said and tried sounding enthusiastic. It felt surreal to know that it had been 4 years.

"I must say it's been a great 4 years, knowing you," Zain stated and I gushed.

"You're definitely no longer a meanie, Zain. You're a sweetie," I joked, "Can I call you sweetie from now on?"

"No!" Zain answered immediately causing me to laugh. Mark came in just in time with a food trolley of our orders.

"Mark right?" I called and he nodded. "Do you think it suits him for me to call him sweetie?"

Mark stifled a laugh and nodded slightly.

"Did you seriously just nodded, Mark?" Zain asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I just did, Zayn," Mark replied and this time burst out laughing. I joined him.

"Alright alright whatever," Zain huffed, "You can leave now. I'd like to eat my food."

Mark just shook his head and smiled a bit. He placed our orders on the table and left. I was about to pick up fork and spoon when I realized something.

"Zain, he recognized you as Zayn Malik from One Direction!"

"Yeah," Zain replied nonchalantly. "He's my friend from high school actually. That's the reason why I booked the restaurant here because Mark can serve me and that would avoid other waitress to know that I am here."

"Oh." That explains why Zain didn't freak out without his shades and beanie on.

We ate and talked some more about our families. After our main course, Zain ordered for me Childhood Love which basically was 3 scoops of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate ice-cream with rainbow sprinkles while he ordered Love Potion for himself which was vanilla ice-cream with raspberry.

When we were done, we stood at the window and enjoyed the scenery in silence. Zain had his arms wrapped around my waist from the back while he rested his chin on my shoulder. I enjoyed this too much and I didn't want it to end but from the dark clouds outside, I knew it was getting late and my eyelids were starting to get heavier.

"Do you wanna go home?" Zain asked quietly into my ear, probably noticing how my eyes were getting sleepy.

"Yeah, let's go."

We turned around and I found a bouquet of flower on the cleaned table. Did someone come into the room while Zain and I were enjoying the scenery? But that wasn't my concerned. I was starting to feel my lips turned into a curve when Zain picked up the big flower bouquet and handed it to me. This was exactly the cliché kind of date I would like to have.

"You don't have to say thank you," Zain said immediately once the flowers exchanged hands, "But you can thank me by kissing me or something."

I knew that was coming. "Thank you," I said on purpose, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting a kiss from me. Zain pouted at me while I sniffed the flowers. They were plastic flowers and they looked so real and they smelled good.

"Fine fine," I gave in and kissed Zain on the cheek when he didn't want to stop pouting.

"There's 100 flowers in there," Zain informed, "You can count them while I drive back home.

* * *

There was indeed 100 red plastic rose in the bouquet because I really counted them in the car.

I didn't want the night to end yet but I was getting sleepy. My hope was to get all cuddled up with Zain tonight and probably wake up late with him still around.

We walked hand in hand up to Zain's apartment. "Can you hold these for me?" I asked Zain to hold for me the bouquet as I removed my shoes as we entered the house.

"Sure," he said. I was removing my shoes when I heard another voice.

"Where have you been?" I looked up and saw Perrie Edwards from Little Mix.

Zain's fake girlfriend.

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