The obsession,Ex and Friends♡

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He's so cute I thought as I see him walking upstairs and I was just creepily watching him from downstairs since 8th grade was down stairs and 10th grade was upstairs.

What was he doing to me? I really like him damn. Man and it's just been only two weeks of liking him and I was happy to know that he might also like him me but I wasn't sure at first but every time it was home time he'd stare at me literally stare at me and I'd blush like hell and pretend I don't see it too, the only reason I noticed is because my besty Roxanne and Nelly would be like dude hrs looking at you and I'd be like nah he ain't but I was obviously tempted I'd look for a brief moment and see it HE WAS FUCKING LOOKING AT ME!!!!!EEEEEEEKKKKK . But I'd always have to act so cool you know because he was older and I didn't want to seem like a kid to him and stuff.

The thing is the more days that passed I liked him even more which led me to acting shy and scared and I'd always run away when I'd see him and if he was in my way I'd run to the other way, I'd never pass a place where I saw he was because I knew if I saw him I'd go crazy and blush hard and since I'm light skinned I tend to turn red easily which I soooooo hate.

But when there'd be days where I'd work up the courage to say hi or vice versa on his side we'd hug and it would be a tight one my favourite he was smelled so nice I couldn't help myself I just had to sniff him a little bit then I'd be relieved.

I wanted this one more than anything, he's mine and no one else's. But he was so I knew other girls would notice him dammit but at least right now I didn't have competition. But I think I made my crush a little obvious because he's clingy bitch of an ex girlfriend damn her I thought as she kept looking at me with those evil eyes of hers, her existence pained me like hell because I thought she was always going to be in the way of my darling cute prince charming. I secretly called him CPC since it was shorter and no one would know who I'm talking about except Michelle,Roxanne,Gisele,Nelly,Simoné,Simonica, Zahra and Nora my closest friends only.

I forgot to mention who Gisele,Zahra and Nora were.
Gisele was actually a close friend of mine in Priemer junior high but a few years later I left with Nelly to another school to complete junior high, I'd like to say I was shocked that actually Nelly left to and I found her there that was an amazing miracle to be honest at least I went to another school with one of my besties. But I missed her dearly and since that was a period were we had no phones yet no one could exchange numbers and keep contact so I thought I'd never see her again.
But then high school another miracle truly because after two weeks of starting high school we saw each other she recognised me first and I didn't to be honest because last time I saw her she looked like a ruler she was so thin and small and now she's taller and has more curves and boobs,so it took me ages to discover who she was and then I figured it was her and we hugged like there was no tomorrow guys I was so happy I could have cried. At that moment I remembered how on the first of day of high school when we settled in our new classes they came to our class and asked for a Trishelle Miller so I didn't mind about it cos I knew absolutely no one in class except a few people I mentioned earlier besides Nelly. Then later on Nelly asked me if I heard what the lady who came earlier said she said she heard her say Gisele's name is was so happy I was like OMG I must have been that ignorant because that's not what I heard but the hope that she might be here I was happy and then we found her.

Nora was a close friend of Gisele so I got to know her better because of that because whoever Gisele liked I did too and it turns out I did.

Nora was a character her laugh was crazy weird and she was kind of violent which I didn't know about until one day when Payal and her had a fight it was hilarious I won't lie Nelly and I laughed together and they went to the office which made me laugh harder. Then there was one time where I laughed at her becauseof the way she runs and she chased me then picked me up and flipped me over and I was on the ground there still tryna process what the fuck happened and I just stood up with the little bit of dignity I had left and shouted at her until we reached the others and she didn't seem to care #evil.

Zahra was a beautiful Indian and Muslim girl, she was any normal Muslim though yeah she was a badass who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and she got in trouble a lot with me because every maths lesson she and I would laugh at the teacher himself and then he'd shout at us or threaten to use a stick on us I mean how barbaric can you be then he'd be all like Bennett and Masters why do you behave as if you live in barns which made us laugh harder and he just gave up on us. She used to have daily arguments with Payal because of the way Payal was racists to her and sometimes Roxanne. Zahra was lit honestly I never imagine her and I would be such great friends. But sadly she left the school after some days, I missed her so much but we kept contact luckily because I didn't want to pull the Gisele mistake again.

Back to CPC ,he was the target and I have was determined to make him mine forever....hehe :)


Hey guys I'm happy to say I'm more happy by the day more reads and votes but I'd like more comments too you know but I'm still grateful for what I have...thank you.

I'm sorry for any mistakes I make specifically spelling errors you guys are smart so you'll figure out what I meant.

I miss the people who play the characters Nora, Michelle, Zahra and Roxanne everyday I love you guys and this is in memory of how much I valued our friendship you'll always be forever in my thoughts♡♡♡♡.

Another thing I should have mentioned there was a chapter I published before "The Beginning of realisations " it was called "As time goes on" I honestly don't understand what happened to it because it was perfectly published but it never showed it was mainly on second term and it focused on Michelle and Roxanne since I miss them too then this one was mainly going to be on Nora and Gisele and Zahra too, but I decided to put them all in all well not that I mind but well I hope you bear with me here but I'm still trying to figure it out.


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