Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy tail Hiro Mashima does.

Lucy's p.o.v:

The bell rang meaning it was time for everyone to go home.
I sighed Realizing my dads probably gonna be home today. I just hope he's not drunk. I looked up to see if natsu was still here and he was standing by the door. I gathered my stuff and walked over to him.

"So since we're friends now do you think I could maybe, well you know walk you home. Well if your okay with me doing so that is." He said running his hand through his hair.

I smiled at his nervousness and answered. "I don't really want you to walk me all the way to my house but you can walk me half way."

"Okay," he said smiling.

We talked the whole entire time we were walking. I swear I haven't laughed so much in years or even smiled for that matter.
"Well this is half way, bye Natsu."

"Bye Lucy. Oh wait I forgot to ask. May I have your number."

"Um sure." I handed him my phone and he handed me his.

"Thanks Lucy." He yelled as he ran across the street toward his house.

As I got closer to my house I looked at the driveway to see if the car was there. It was. I started shaking as I continued to walk. When I got to my front porch I took a deep breath and opened the door. The same smell that has always greeted me had gotten worse. The smell of alcohol was so strong I could practically taste it. There were more beer and liquor bottles than there were before. "He has to be drunk," I cringed at the thought.

I closed the door and looked to see where he was. I found him passed out on the couch with a halfway filled liquor bottle still in his grasp.

I took another deep breath as I walk up the stairs. While walking you could hear the old wood creaking under my feet.

I entered my room I locked the door like I always do and put my bag on the bathroom door. Then I flopped on my bed with a sigh.
What a day. I got insulted as usual but this time someone actually stood up for me and then he called me his friend. Natsu, my first real friend. I smiled at the thought.

I wonder if he'll be turned against me too. By Lisanna no less. She did it with gray wouldn't surprise me if she did it to him to. Then everything will go back to how it was. I'll get insulted, beaten, and played.

My thoughts ended as I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror.

''I look horrible."

I have dark circles under my eyes. You can see the cuts on my face that have just recently scarred over. And then there's the big gash on the side of my head from when I fell on the ground at the cliff.

~Few minutes later~

I wanted to sneak out so I could relieve some stress but that means I'd have to go out the front. I walked back in my room and looked out my window.

I could Just climb down the vines. Not wanting to risk getting caught I did exactly that. The second my feet hit the ground I started running full speed to the park. When I got there I stood in front of a large tree and then I seen him. He was with yukino.

When they started to walk down the street that's when my whole body started shaking and my head felt like It was going to explode. My body started hurting as if he was trying to kill me all over again. The same pain I felt that day by the cliff. Not only pain but the insults, the curses I get called, Lisanna's constant torture. The pain flowing through my body. The memories flowing through my mind.

"I don't want it to happen again. Please don't hurt me." I kept repeating as I fell to my knee's with my hands in my hair. Tears just started pouring out of my eyes. The shaking just kept getting worse and it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

"You bitch."

"Your an ugly whore that's only looking for attention."

"What a loser."

"She doesn't deserve friends."

"Go kill your self already no one wants you alive."

"Your a nuisance."

"He wasn't really your friend blondie."

"I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be friends with someone who killed there own mother."

The last voice was the worst out of them all. That's when I cracked.
"I didn't do it. Please forgive me I'm sorry. Gray I promise I didn't do it. I promise, " I cried rocking my self back and forth.

"Please stop. Make them go away." I cried over and over.
"Someone help me! Natsu!" I screamed.

I heard someone run over to me and I looked up. It was natsu.
He bent down on his knee's and pulled me into his arms not saying a word.
"Please just make them go away!" I screamed as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Everything's gonna be okay, I'm here now." He whispered.

Natsu's p.o.v:

I was walking around the park when I suddenly heard someone scream my name. That sounded like Lucy. I looked around and spotted her under a tree. I ran as fast as I could over to her. I bent down and pulled her into my arms.

"Please just make them go away!" She screamed as a steady stream of tears flowed down her face.
She was shaking really bad when she wrapped her arms around me. She's having a panic attack. I thought.

"Everything's going to be okay, I'm here now. Don't worry your safe, I got you and I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

I picked her up bridal style and slowly started walking toward my house. Gladly, she didn't object. When we got there I some how managed to open the door with her in my arms as I entered my home. I walked up stairs to my room and sat her down on my bed.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna go get Wendy." She nodded in reply.
I walked down the all and knocked on her door.

"Coming." She answered.
When she opened the door I grabbed her gently by her wrist and dragged her to me room. I let go and when back over to Lucy pulling her into another hug. She wrapped her arms around me and when she did she stopped shaking and her tears stopped falling.
"She had a panic attack."

"Oh, okay. It seems like you calmed her down a lot." She stated.

"Well I don't think there's any need for me then. Just be careful with her Natsu." She said returning to her room.

"Thank you for helping me back there when I needed you." She said pulling away to wipe her eyes.

"Your welcome. Oh and do you want to stay here for the night?"

"Yes please, I don't want to go back home right now." She said.
I smiled at her an used my thumbs to wiped away her remaining tears. She smiled at my action.

"I know, I understand. Well let's go to bed it's getting pretty late."

"Yeah." She agreed.
She decided to sleep by the wall like the first time she was here. When I laid down I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. She stiffened but soon relaxed and snuggled deeper into my arms.

"Good night Natsu."

"Good night Lucy," I said tightening my grip on her.

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