i. four

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ғᴏᴜʀ — ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

♛ ♛ ♛

"MY KING." SHURI introduced, bowing at T'Challa's arrival. T'Challa shook his head, waving her off. "Stop it. Stop it."

Shuri laughed, slapping her hand against his before crossing her arms over her chest. The two slowly made their way down the spiral walkway. "I already set aside a car aside for you. Who are you taking along to Korea?"

"Okoye," T'Challa said, in thought. He smirked. "Aretta...and Nakia as well."

Shuri shot him a look, perking one eyebrow. "Are you sure it's a good idea to take your ex on a mission? Especially if Aretta is coming along, with you chasing her around all the time?" T'Challa shook his head in slight dismissal. "What could go wrong? Besides, you will be on call."

Shuri smiled, pumping her fists in the air. "I have great things to show you, brother. Here are your communication devices for Korea." She walked up to an oval case sitting on one of the many plain white desks. Inside the case were tiny circular white button-like devices. Closing the small case, she handed them to her brother. "Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance systems. Check these out,"

Shuri stopped in front of another workspace, she picked up a small device that was as big as her palm. "Remote access Kimoyo beads. Updated to interface directly with my simulation table."

T'Challa moved forward, impressed with her little sister's work. Looking down at a table with even more gadgets, he nodded his head at it. "And what are these?"

"The real question is, what are those?!" Shuri exclaimed, motioning down to T'Challa's shoes, which were his black sandals. "Why do you have your toes out in my lab?"

T'Challa chuckled, wiggling his toes before lifting his foot to rest on a stool. "What, you don't like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day."

"Yeah, I bet the elders love that." Shuri glared playfully at him before reaching forward and grabbing two thin objects, having the outline of a shoe. "Try them on."

T'Challa stepped onto them, and a black mesh engulfed his feet. He wiggled his toes, nodding along.

"Fully automated, like the old American movie Baba used to watch. And, I made them completely sound absorbent."

T'Challa and Shuri looked at his feet as he tried to stomp his foot, only to hear nothing. "Interesting..."

"Guess what I call them. Sneakers."

T'Challa's smile dropped as he gave Shuri a look. Shuri smiled larger, "Cause you...never mind." Shuri walked off, slapping T'Challa on the back. "If you're going to take on Klaus, you need the best of what the design group have to offer." they stopped in front of T'Challa's original suit. "Exhibit A."

"My design." T'Challa said proudly.

"Old tech."


"Functional," Shuri corrected, slapping the back of her hand against his shoulder. "but old! People are shooting at me! Let me put on my helmet!"

T'Challa shook his head. "Enough..."

"Now, look at these."

Two mannequins stood before them, one wearing a gold necklace with teeth, and one with a thin string, having matte silver teeth. T'Challa narrowed his eyes at the gold necklace.

"Do you like that one?" Shuri asked with a smug smirk. T'Challa blinked. "Tempting, but the idea is to not be noticed." he moved to the second necklace. "This one."

Shuri raised her wrist, syncing the suit with him through her Kimoyo Beads. "Now tell it to go on."

T'Challa focused his mind on the one thought, and the black suit suddenly sprouted from the necklace, covering the mannequin within seconds. Shuri let out a whistle. "Ooh! The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace. Strike it."


Shuri hummed, stepping away. T'Challa clenched his fists, raising his foot to kick it in the abdomen. The mannequin flew backwards, slamming into the wall of the lab. Shuri's eyebrows furrowed quickly. "Not that hard, genius!"

"You told me to strike it." T'Challa said calmly. "You didn't say how hard."

Shuri walked over, picking up the mannequin and placing it back in it's spot. "I invite you to my lab, and you just hit things around?"

"Well, maybe you should make it a little bit stronger. Aye...wait a minute." T'Challa looked at the suit, seeing a purple hue from where he struck it. He touched his hand to it.

"The suit absorbed the kinetic energy, and hold it in place for redistribution." Shuri boasted proudly. T'Challa nodded, scratching the scruff on his face. "Very nice."

"Strike it again in the same spot." Shuri said, backing up and lifting her wrist. T'Challa glanced at her. "You are recording?"

Shuri looked up and shrugged innocently. "For research purposes!"

T'Challa shook his head before kicking the suit in the abdomen again. The kinetic energy exploded, recoiling T'Challa backwards. Shuri laughed loudly, following her camera at him.

He landed on the ground before pointing a stern finger at his sister. "Delete that footage!"

♛ ♛ ♛

A SLEEK BLACK car rolled down the busy street in Busan, South Korea. Nakia, the driver, parked it and the four stepped out.

Out stepped the four. T'Challa wore a black on black suit, Okoye wore a flowing red dress, Nakia wore a tight green suit with sleeves, and Aretta wore a tight yellow dress.

(just imagine the dress a little longer, stopping above the knees)

While Okoye wore a wig to fit in better, Nakia and Aretta's hair was out of their curls, teased to make small afros.

"I hope this thing will go quickly so I can get this thing off my head." Okoye hissed, flicking her faux hair out of her face angrily. Aretta smirked, continuing to walk, listing to the soft clicking her and Nakia's heels made.

"Looks nice," Nakia commented, shaking her head. "Just whip it back and forth then."

"What?" Okoye asked. "It's a disgrace."

They walked up to a mall market, watching a lady with large rubber gloves bag fish for some customers. "Hello Sophia," Aretta greeted in Korean with a large smile. "Good to see you."

The lady looked at Aretta with a blank face. She looked over her shoulder at Okoye and T'Challa. "Who are these two?"

"My friends from Kenya. Very deep pockets. They're good." Aretta explained with a short laugh. The lady frowned. "Good for trouble...like you and Nakia?"

T'Challa and Okoye shared a look. Aretta looked at the lady for a moment before breaking into a smile. The lady smiled back before nodding her head behind her. A man, who was guarding a tarp door stepped forward, opening it.

Aretta winked at her. "Thank you."

The four went through, going through a medal detector before stepping into the fancy looking room. They stopped in front of a wooden railing, looking down at the crowd. T'Challa's eyes narrowed. "Spread out. The buyer is likely here."

While Okoye stayed on the top level, the other three made their way to the bottom, with Nakia taking a different staircase than Aretta and T'Challa.

Aretta slipped her arm through T'Challa's offered arm, descended the stairs in graceful steps. T'Challa looked down at her. "The woman outside, what trouble was she referring to?"

"Ah, I got into a disagreement with some Ivory traders." Aretta smirked dovishly as they reached the bottom floor. "Made a bit of a mess."

♛ ♛ ♛

sorry for not updating for a long time. i feel like this is a bit of a filler chapter, which i also apologize for...


i did!! i literally bought them in my business class in school the day they got released, haha!!

#noregrets ;)

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