Chapter 17

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I watched as Jack pulled that poor man onto his horse. Felix looked around as if he was trying to look for a spy. He shook like a dog, he smelled like a dog, and whenever I got close to him his breath would start to pick up and he'd panic.
            Jack had put a cloak over him. For reasons I had just began to understand.
If this man.. Felix. Was chained up.. He must have been a prisoner. But, I didn't recognize this man. Practically the whole kingdom was notified of a prisoner.. Just in case, you know. They escape. But I didn't recognize Felix at all. How strange.
              Despite all the weight, his horse still charged until it reached the palace gates. The guards opened the gates without a second thought.

       "Who's in the cloak, milord?" One of the guards asked. Séan ignored him, riding away. He dismounted, letting Felix fall to his face on the cobblestone.

      Without a sign of pain, Felix let out a, "huh..?"
               He managed to crawl into a crouch. "So. We must be at the palace, then." He said, tilting his head skyward.
"Yes." I said, lending him my hand. I instantly regretted this as soon as I did it.
                His hand felt like tree bark! Brittle and cracked!
                           "Huh... Gloria. My... Your hand feels strange. What did you do to make it that way?" He asked. It looked like he tried to look at my face. But looked to the side of me instead.
                                   "Her hand isn't the strange one." Séan chimed in. "It's yours." He said.

       "I.... Suppose..." Felix uttered. I helped him walk into the palace. He looked around confused.
                     "Bright..." I heard him whisper to himself.
                    "Now. I deeply apologize, Gloria. But I have to keep Felix in your quarters. At least for the night. I apologize for the trouble he may bring you." He said. Felix craned his neck around to look at him.
       "It's fine, your majesty. I would see it as a sign of trust." I said. Nodding.
                         Felix looked back at me, then at Séan again.
"Come on." I said, leading him over towards my room.
                                         "Oh, and Felix." I stopped, hearing Séan's voice.
      "Yeah...?" Felix's weak voice replied.
                  "Take this. It may help you." Jack handed me a small vial. It was filled to the brim with what looked to be some strange green liquid. It did NOT look sanitary by any means.
                  "Give this to him soon." He told me. Felix looked around, confused.

      So yes. I led him into 'my room'.
He continued to do his thing. Look around. So. I looked back at him.

            "Felix. Will you quit looking around and focus on one thing?" I asked. "It's quite distracting."

                 "What? Do you need to focus on something? No." He said.

    So this is how my mother felt about my sharp tongue....
                          I sighed.
       "Okay fine. Sit, here." I pressed my arm onto the bed I was provided. It took him a while to get the message, but he finally sat beside me. I moved myself across from him and looked him dead in those clouded eyes of his.
                                                     "You've got some explaining to do." I said, quite bluntly.
        "Explainin'?" he groaned. I nodded
"Yes. First off. Where did you come from?" I asked.

                  Once again, it took him a while.
    "To tell you the truth, Gloria. I can't remember. But I do know, it was a land across the sea. Father than you've ever been or seen." He said.
      How cocky.

                               "I don't doubt it actually. I've never been anywhere." I sighed. "But that's beside the point."
     "Where HAVE you been?" I asked.

               He cracked a smirk. "Everywhere."

      "Everywhere!? In the whole world!?" I was clearly freaking out.

              "Yes. I have. By the way, the world ain't flat." He said. Nodding.
How astounding!
                                                "Huh... Well, okay. Why were you locked up in that shack in the woods?" I asked.
Maybe too far....

               His eyes closed. He made a groaning sound. "Sit tight, girl. This is gonna be a long one." He said.

Here we go.

                   "I can't exactly remember what time it was. All I know is it was hundreds of years. Back in the second dynasty of this kingdom.."
                              He's crazy. If he was alive back in the second dynasty, he'd be older than every elder combined.

                                        "I was young.. Er.. Younger. At least, I felt younger.. It was glorious. To be young..." he started.

      "Wait!" I interrupted. He seemed surprised.

              "How old are you?" I asked. My breath began to pick up. My heartbeat fastened. Sweat rolled down my neck.

           "Oh? My age. I've been counting.." he said with a nod.


//By the way. If you were confused about the font this is typed in. This is usually the font I use when I'm speaking in a dream, or thinking. I didn't mean to use it in this chapter. My Wattpad is just freaking out right now. Alright. Thank you.//

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