Chapter 2

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I was still just staring at him. For some reason, the atmosphere I got from him wasn't just nervous.. But also laid back. How is that possible? I took about a minute to look at the expressions of the people. I think I could hear a young girl say something like, "that hair looks ridiculous." I think it looks fine personally.. Just.. Odd.
After the ceremony, the dance began. My mom motioned me to ask the king to dance. I was at a loss for what to do. What could I do? Just walk up to royalty and ask to dance? That's improbable! I was in a motion between moving and staying, in the end, I ended up falling.
But I didn't hit the floor.. No.. Somebody caught me and pulled me back up to my feet. I looked at who it was. Oh my.. It's him. The king! Embarrassing! My face went red in embarrassment. "Woah.. Careful there!", he paused. "Care to dance?" He asked. I could even hear my mother's excitement. I nod. I properly stand, now that I've regained my posture. I've only waltzed once before.. With my father so I could practice. But that was only once. I almost stepped on his foot! That would've been bad. "You're a lovely dancer." He said, spinning me.
"Thank you. You are very kind." I say. "You are even better." I say. He smirks. "Now.. What might be thy name of yours?" He asked.
"Gloria. My name is Gloria." I say, continuing the seemingly endless dance. "Well, Gloria. It was absolutely wonderful meeting you." He spoke with a voice that could make you deaf, but he softened it for the occasion. His purple cape had a strange emblem I didn't understand... He had put on a different crown after the ceremony. It too, had that emblem. We finished the waltz with a dip, soon, I returned home.
My mother hugged me and she went to bed. Well she's happy. I managed to get the dress and the corset off and put on my thin white nightgown.

I got into bed and pulled the blanket over me. I slept for what only felt like minutes before I awoke to see a strange light outside of the small window at the front of the house. I stood up and peered out the window. The light moved around fast... A lantern? I focused hard, the lantern was being held by someone riding on a horse. I listened closely.
"Please! I beg your mercy.."
"....." "....." "Fine. But we mustn't yield. We need to move fast if we're gonna get you out of here."
"Thank you!"
"Oh, y-yes.. I will be forever in your debt." "Thank you, your merciful... Jack the merciful."
The other man was silent.
"Get on. We must go."
The familiar clip-clops were the last noise I heard. The faint light had disappeared.
That.. That was the voice of the king!... Jack the merciful, huh? I don't know exactly what happened.. But I knew it was him, and that he just saved someone. So there's a lot I don't know about King Jack the merciful.. Well obviously.. His name is William, but.. That nickname.. Knowing this kingdom's past.. Will spread.
I once again, began to sleep. My eyes opened in a flash to see the light go past my window. I rushed out through my door. My hair blew in all directions as the horse zipped by.
I didn't know what I was doing.. I couldn't control myself. I slowly creeped in the direction that the horse went. "What am I doing?" I thought to myself. I have to learn more.. That's why I am doing this. I heard a shout.
This can't be good.. I watched the commotion from behind a tall oak tree.
"You're no king Shawn!! You'll never be as good as him!!"
"You can never replace Jack the great, "Jack the merciful!"" "Yeah! We know about that little conversation with the town thief!"
"King Jack the great was an insane man! As was Jack the tyrannical!" The king shouted. I could distinguish his voice from the others. He has an Irish accent. My mother told me all about accents.
"Jack the great and Jack the tyrannical are better than you'll ever be!" A clearly sick man yelled. I heard the sound of swords being pulled from their sheath. "Hey!!", I shout, nearly jumping from my position. "Leave the king alone!" I say.
"Well well! Whatda' we got here?" One of them says, creepily grinning. The king looked surprised.
"A little woman, eh? What're you gonna do about it?" One asks.
Just then, something I didn't expect happened.. The king grabbed me right off the ground and shoved me onto the horse in front of him. The horse began to canter! "Hey!! You get back here!!" They shouted. Everything went by so fast, I was in a daze. Only then did the horse slow to what I like to call.. A step-step.
"What were you doing out here at this hour? Let alone in what you're wearing.. You'll likely freeze like that!" He said, handing me some warmer clothing. I slipped it on over my nightgown. "You don't even have shoes on! Oh dear.." he muttered.
"I was out here because I was curious about what was going on." I say.
"Well... Curiosity killed the cat." He said with a scoff. I sighed. He didn't understand. I've been curious all my life. "Curiosity is the devil.." I heard him mutter under his breath. Is there something he knows that I don't? Well obviously.. He's a king.. The horse stopped and he hopped off. "I'll return in a moment." He said, walking slowly into the forest. "Where could he be going?" I mumble. Curiosity is the devil? What's he got against curiosity?
He came back holding a semi-large cauldron. "Hm? What's the pot for?" You ask. "None of your business. Sorry to be harsh.. But it's not information one might go on a tangent about." He says, hopping back onto the strong white horse. "Now.. I must return you to your home. I wouldn't want your feet to fall off. After all.. You are too good of a dancer for that to happen." He says. I smiled at this. The horse started to trot, then returned to it's incredible speed. The speed change was so sudden that it nearly knocked me off.
He went a different route than before, just to be careful that we didn't have another run in with that dangerous troupe. It was through what my father called.. The dark forest. He rode as if he'd done it a million times... Maybe he has.. He took a sharp right turn and we arrived at my house. I was surprised that nobody was awoken. I dismounted and gave the king a final look. This surprised me, I had definitely never seen this before... His left eye had a black mark that twisted around the top of it. I had no words.. "I bid you good morrow.", he paused. He gave me a side glance that sent shivers down my spine. "Also.. Next time.. Try to be more careful." He said. He gave a small wave, then rode off into the night.
He didn't even bother to take his warm clothing back. I walked back inside, just staring at my cold hands.. "What was that...?" I asked myself, referring to the mark by his eye. "That wasn't always there..." I mumble. I slipped back into bed, without even taking the warm clothes off.

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