CH 12

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Both the males sat on the ground, "Did you just see his attitude hyung? He might be a General, doesn't mean that he can play with my sister." Namjoon gritted his teeth.

Hoseok sat there with a frown expressing this thought. Namjoon looked at his hyung for an answer. "No way!" He exclaimed. Namjoon did not get what he tried to say. "What hyung?"

Hoseok turned at him with shock still on his face, "You remember last evening what Y/N asked?" Namjoon gave a frown, "No." "Namjoon, she asked about why a master sleeps with a maid. And you were like no you do not have to know it."

Namjoon's eyes widen, "Did she mean that she was going to sleep with this master, I mean the general?" Hoseok asked him. "So today she is going to give herself to him." The images of his sister with the general having romance came to his mind.

"Nonononononono, this can't happen." Namjoon freaked out. "Namjoon will you keep down your voice. It's night." Aunt Minseo scolded him. He nodded like a small kid. "Like no they can not."

"Namjoon, they have left and they can do now with no one to interrupt." Hoseok got worried. "I would not let them have intercourse." He yelled. Just then, "NAMJOON, I TOLD YOU TO BE QUIET!" He heard his aunt.

They scoot from the place to discuss it. The elders were having a conversation about your sudden depatrure. "Why did she have to leave? She had leave for two weeks." Your eomma asked. "She said that she had to go. Neither did she know the reason." Your appa replied. "Something might have come up. May be because of it." Aunt Minseo said to which the couple agreed. "I hope everything will be alright."

Just then she heard, Namjoon screaming and she scolded as well as yelled. "What useless things is that boy screaming?" Aunt Minseo sighed with the parents agreeing to it.

Meanwhile, the horse men had dropped Mingyu to the town and continued their ride. "General, what happened?" You asked as General Jin rode the horse in a fury. "Well the moment you left the palace, Prince Jimin fell ill. His condition was worsening by passing of time. The King wanted your presence because of the illness. Royal physician had tried his best, but the fever is giving no chance to reduce."

"You could have told me that I had to attend the Prince. I was scared thinking that I was going to get punished." You sigh and slap his chest. He let out a hearty chuckle. "I am sorry, but you know we could not really risk saying Prince Jimin's name. People do not know him well. They think he is dead. Also we have heard there are spies in the kingdom. They could be anywhere." As they were nearing the city.

"Well, what exactly happened? Is Miss Seohyun not able to look after the Prince? She is a glue who is always stuck with him?" You asked as you recalled his words.

"Well Seohyun could not control it. Prince is unconscious. After your leave, Prince Jimin found it hard to breath at first, then his body temperature rose and now his body going numb. He does not have the energy to do anything. Not even to open his mouth to swallow." He said as they rode down the street.

You notice that people were giving you stares which you found it uncomfortable, "General, why are the people staring at us?" You asked as you place your hand on the horse which made it accelerate high. Jin was amazed at the quick speed.

"How is the horse running so fast?" He asked not knowing the reason. "It is good, at least we will reach early." You replied not knowing the reason too.

The horses halt on the palace grounds. General Jin helped you climb down. You were in a hurry to see the Prince. To your surprise you saw his highness standing out. You ran to him and bow. "Y/N help the Prince. He is not feeling well." The King spoke to which you nod and walk to his chamber followed by the King, General Jin and soldiers.

You push the slide and see Prince Jimin's life less body with Seohyun, Royal Physician, and the queen. You ran to his side and touch his forehead, it was burning really bad. He looked so drained. His eyes had dark circles, pale face and those rough lips. Seohyun stood next to you. "Have you given anything to eat or drink, Miss Seohyun."

She shook her head which brings anger to you. "I need a bowl of soup now." You say as politely as you could. She nods and exited the room for the soup. "Sir, I need the cold water with towel." You asked the royal physician who hands over the instant which was placed on a table at the corner of the room.

You thank him. Dipping the cloth in the water, squeezing it and the placing on his forehead. You repeated it quiet some time. By that moment Seohyun came back with a bowl of soup. You take the spoon and check it's temperature. It was hot. "Good." You turned to the Physician again. "Sir make I have some ginger with honey?"

"I will bring it from the room." He exited the room to take it. You look at the Prince who laid there motionless. Soon the Physician came in the so said ingredients. You peel the ginger and crush it in the wooden grinder. Putting it in a small bowl next to the soup bowl. Added honey to it and mixed it well.

You took the soup from Seohyun and began to pour small spoons of it to the Prince's mouth. He began to drink it slowly. This made everyone's eyes sparkle including yours. Just as the soup bowl was finished you took the ginger and honey mix.

You were about to mix it once more before giving but Seohyun held your hand. "Let me give him. I want to." She pleaded.

"Yes, let Seohyun do it." The Queen said and you let her by handing it over. "Thank you." She said and began to feed him.

You stayed in the room with others. You were feeling quite sleepy when you felt a hand on your shoulder, "Come, let me take you to your quarters." The King said. But you disapproved. "No your highness, Prince Jimin needs me." You replied.

"Not until tomorrow morning. Come on let us go." He said tooking your hand as he dragged you to your room. While doing such things, the King did not notice the queen eyeing him. "I will show you filthy maid." She said as she saw them exit.

"But your highness, I can not sleep without Prince Jimin feeling well." He shushes you as you sit on the edge of the bed. "I made it clear. It will fine. He will feel better tomorrow and you can take care of him." He said as he tucks you under the covers.

You looked at him, " Your highness, you should not stay in this room for long." You said as he sat on the bed close to your body. "Why is it so?"

"Because I am an attendant and a king like you should not be in an attendant or maid's room." You said as you held on the covers. He chuckled at your conduct which you were brought by. "Those are the rules brought up by people who can't respect others." He reasoned.

"So you do visit all the maids' room?" You got curious. "No." He laughed. "You are someone special who captured my heart with your etiquette." He caressed your hair with warmness in the touch. "You are a person who brought back the laughter that I had forgotten ages ago." He smiled.

You smile. "Do you want to hear a story that my father told me when I used to be a child?" He asked to which you nodded and he began to tell you his story.

Little did the King knew there was a maid spying on the two. She slowly crept back to Prince's Chamber where the Queen was sitting.

She went close to her, "Your highness." She called the queen who rose up. "Seohyun take care of the Prince until I return." She commanded to her as she walked out.

They waled to her chamber, "What are the reports?" She asked as she sat on the chair in her chamber. "The King seems to be really into her your highness. He tucked her under her covers and caressed her hair. She was acting all lovely to get caressed by the King. He said to her how she made him him laugh which he had forgotten for ages. He also said that she is someone special who captured his heart-"

"ENOUGH!" Queen hushed the maid. "How dare she take my Lord. She is going to pay for it." She gritted her teeth. The maid was sent away.

Meanwhile in your chamber, King was still there caressing your hair. "You are an angel sent by the Gods to save my son." He spoke as you kept dreaming. "Misuk was right that you would come to save him. And here you are." He smiled. "You have something that others barely have. I do not know what that is. Good night." He spoke before leaving the chamber.

In Prince Jimin's chamber, Seohyun kept on doing the same thing that you did. "Get well soon Prince." She mumbled before someone entered the chamber. "How is he doing?" She heard the King's voice. "His temperature is slowly reducing, your highness." She bowed.

"Alright." He said and left.

Y/N POV....

I was sitting in the garden. Suddenly I felt someone cover my eyes, I could not stop smiling recognising the person. "Prince Jimin." I spoke. My eyes were uncovered. "How do you know that it is me." He whined as he took a seat next to me. "No one else will do that." I chuckled while he pouts. "Y/N-ah. Do you think that I will be able to live without you?." He asked as he laid his head on my lap.

I ran my fingers through his loose hair and smiled, " No" He looked deep in my eyes. "You need someone for one or another work." I teased. "Yaah, I can do things on my own." I laughed. "ALRIGHT FINE." I shout as he begun to tickle me. But then every thing came to a halt, "You look beautiful when you smile." He said before pressing his lips on me.

I woke up, "What was that again? Why am I dreaming Prince Jimin?" I pulled my hair with frustration. It was dawn and the sunlight was slowly lighting up the kingdom "Good morning to myself." I mumbled and got down. I was feeling dizzy because of poor sleep.

Took my clothes and made a run to the bath house where I met Hwayoung, Jieun and Mrs. Younji. They were stunned as soon as they saw. " Is it illusion or Y/N is here in real?" Hwayoung asked to Jieun. Jieun sighs. "She is here."

"What happened Y/N?" Mrs. Younji came to me. "Well, I heard Prince Jimin was sick and needed my attendance. So I had to come back." I replied as we all got in the water. "When did you arrive?" Jieun enquired. "Well, last night." I shrugged my shoulders.

After we had done everything, we walked back. I changed to my formal attire. "Let's see how Prince is." I mumbled before heading to him. I slide the door to see, Prince Jimin sleeping and Seohyun laying her head on the bed as she sat on a chair. I placed my palm on his forehead to check his temperature. He was far better from yesterday. " Seohyun, wake up. It's morning." She sat back as I whisper called her. She looked at me. "You can go. I will sit here for Prince." She said to which I only nodded.

God knows what will she do this time. "Well then I shall bring the soup for the Prince." To which she gave a nod. I walked to the kitchen to see what the maids were cooking. "What do we have today for the royal family?" I enquired to Mrs. Younji who is said to be the in charge of food.

"Well today we are having japchae, kimchi, rice, stewed kalbi and pumpkin porridge." She clasped her hands. "I would like to have some pumpkin porridge for Prince Jimin." I smiled. "Right away." She said and presented the porridge in a tray.

I took it to his chamber when I knocked and entered this time, "Seo-" I was cut off by the scene. Prince Jimin was hugging Seohyun. "You are better!" She cried. I cleared my throat to get their attention. Both of them turned to me, "I have brought the porridge for the Prince. Do have it." Those were the last words spoken in the room until I took my leave from there and stood in front of his chamber.

I did not like Seohyun's behaviour. She cannot hug a Prince. It is against the royal norms. Why is she causing trouble for herself and for others? "Pabo." I mumbled. Just then someone turned me unexpectedly. "Y/N, you are back." It was Prince Taehyung. The next thing had me flabbergasted. He hugged me and the worst thing was that Seohyun opened the door at the exact time.

Bravo! Perfect timing Seohyun.

I could feel my body going numb from being found like this. Seohyun had her eyes wide. I tried to move from the hug but the prince was not letting me. My heart was beating so quick, cold sweat on my forehead. I so wanted to ran away from there. She would complain to Queen and then I will be put in prison.

But the thing that more frightened me was when my eyes met Prince Jimin. That look was so cold and intense. I could feel it. The hatred that formed inside him for me. Pure disgust presented in those eyes.

Viewing his cold expression, his gaze sent a pain to my heart. I immediately pulled away from his hug. Prince Taehyung gave me a puzzled look and then noticed Seohyun was watching all this.

He rose my chin with his slender fingers making me have a contact with his eyes. "It is alright." He smiled and looked at Seohyun. "Take good care of big brother." He commanded her and took my hand as we walked away from there.

This should not happen!! Being hugged by a prince and holding hands. This is forebidden here. On top of all I could barely make out things. We walked into a big chamber just like Prince Jimin's. Prince's grip on my hand was let loose. I looked around until I heard the lock sound. I turned around to find Prince Taehyung nervous and rubbing his palms together.

"Y/N?" His gentle voice called me before looking me. "Yes, your highness." I answered.

"Well, we are having a small celebration in my friend's reaidence. I want you to accompany me there." He said. "But your highness, a low class girl like me can not attend it." I softly replied back.

"But they do not know that you are a lower class maiden. Also I want to take you such places for a little fun." He walked to me.

I stood there not realising that me was close to me. "But-" I was cut off by him placing his index on my lips. His eyes intensely looking at me. All I could do was blink and gulp at times.
"I want you to come with me because there will be a lot number of girls of yours as well as my age who would love to cling on me. It is really a pain for my head and body. If they find out that you are my companion they will leave me." He said and I blinked at him.

"So get ready tomorrow night. I will send some good hanboks in your assistants hands. Pick the most beautiful one." He smiled while I nod to it.

"Good, then let us go to have breakfast. Prepare my table." I bow to him. He simply smiled and opened the door for me.


Hello everyone,
I am really sorry for changing the pattern. I promise you all that this is the real plot.

Thank you so much for your support. 😗😗😗

With Love,

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