CH 25

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Italics - flashback
Not proof read.

Days passed and I couldn't forget about the incident. It was hard for me. It has been a month.

Plenty of times Prince Taehyung ran into me to enquire something but I never gave in because I knew what it was. The moment I spot him anywhere, an easy escape was done by me.

Now to avoid him I began to stay in Prince Jimin's chamber for hours. Only during the meal duration Prince and I would step out of the room.

In the beginning Prince Jimin found it suspicious as I never stayed in the chamber for long hours. Early in the morning he would leave for his bath and when returns I would arranging his book shelf. Never the less I even began to take strolls in the garden with him. The more I hangout with Prince Jimin, the less I had to meet Prince Taehyung and Master Jihoon.

It was for sure he smelled a rat yet he chose to keep his calm.

Another thing that caught our attention was that Seohyun only made a two time visit to Prince Jimin's chamber. After the festival she began to act weird as though she was hiding something from us but I chose to ignore it because I did not want any harassment or naggings from her.

As for the female voice in my head, she never came back. It made me worry in the beginning, but after involving in the Prince's life more her thought never passed my mind.

Recently I came to know about Prince Jimin's existence in the palace. None of the workers here knows that Prince Jimin is the son of the King Sungjin. It gave a blow to me in the beginning when Jieun told me. Very few or the countable people knew about Prince Jimin.

It happened that the soldiers found out that about the sword going missing. I am the one to blame as I forgot to return.

During night I crept back with it to my quarters not wanting Jieun to be at fault. I decided that as soon as the dawn breaks and the soldiers leave for bath, the sword will be back to its place and no one will know it.

But my sleep clashed the plan and thought to place it in the next night again.

I was sitting with the prince in his chamber when someone pushed opened the door. Few soldiers were looking at us, "We have to check this room master." One of the soldiers said and the rest began to search the chamber.

I stood up and began to shout at them, "What do you think you are doing?" they stopped and looked at me for a moment. "Master, a sword is lost. We are doing the search, please cooperate with us." The one that spoke before said. "Search the sword in the weapon room. Someone must have taken it." Prince Jimin rose from his bed, getting angry slowly.

"Master we have searched it everywhere, there has been no trace. We thought it was a normal sword, but the stolen one was used by the generals for years. It is no ordinary sword due to its weight." He answered to prince Jimin.

Just then some soldier ran in the chamber. "The sword is in that chamber." his eyes balled out, pointing to the wall. "Whose room is it master?" the man turned to Prince Jimin. I dropped my head low. "her." He pointed to me. I closed my eyes, cussing myself for the delay of placing back.

"How did you?" He asked with sarcasm. I looked up. "How can a petite girl like you?" He asked.

I was in trouble. "Do you know the consequences of stealing?" He raised his voice. I flinched back. "Arrest her for theft." He commanded his subordinates.

"NO! I did not steal." I shouted as his men began to drag me out of the chamber. I looked Prince Jimin, "Save me your highness. I did not steal it your highness." I cried to him. The men were successful to drag me out of the his chamber but then I heard his voice. "Stop this at once." He shouted.

"Master." I heard the man call him. "Leave her. She is not to be blamed." He commanded. his voice stern and bold. "I asked her to hide the sword." He replied. I was shocked to hear it. We turned to face the Prince. He had his head low, hands fisted and his face muscles tightened.

"Master, what are you—" the soldier was interrupted by Prince Jimin. "I wanted to learn the art of sword. I borrowed it for one night, hoping to try."

"You can take the sword. Its purpose is done." He waved his hand not looking at the man. "Leave her now." He looked up this time, saying out loud. His eyes glaring at the man, gritting his teeth and rage filled body language. "Leave her." The man commanded his co-men who loosened their grips. "Never utter a word about this to anyone. You get that?" He hissed and emphasised the last statement. "Yes master." He bowed and walked out of the chamber.

His men followed him walking away with that precious sword. Immediately I recovered and looked at prince who was sitting on his bed, head buried in his palms. He sat straight took a deep breath in and out. Just as I was going to set my foot in the chamber, I froze when he raised his voice. "I want some time alone." He shouted at me, frustration filling his face. "Yes, your highness." my voice mellowed as I close the door and head to the same direction where the men went.

I am thankful for him saving me. If he hadn't done that I would be have been punished severely. That moment I was frightened that they would torture me but he saved me. He saved my life. I debt to him. He did not know about this yet he chose to protect me. The person who once hurt me, saved my life. Is he a devil or angel?

I was about to take the turn that lead to kitchen when I met few recognisable men from before. I heard them. They were nagging about prince. I moved closer to the wall to have a peek into their conversation.

"Who does he think he is? How can he order Joohyuk?" One of them who arrested me asked. "Ah, the king gave that man the status like a prince when he is just a dead minister's son." the other who ran out of my room nagged. I furrowed my eyes at the statement. 'Minister's son?' "Yeah?" the first one asked shocked by the news. "Then why is he even in the palace when he should out?" he asked the second. "It is said that the king favoured the dead minister over the others. In a battle he was killed and his wife died right after the birth. Due to the pitiable condition and his favourite minister's son he is, the boy was taken by the king." he said.

I was not expectant to hear that. "He has the pride that no one has here. Prince Taehyung is much better than him though he is the true prince while he is just a peasant like us." The second one replied. "I very much agree with you. He acts like he is the Prince but he is not. I haven't even seen him coming out of his chamber for any other activities. He is not even productive for the kingdom in anyway. Simply slacking off the luxury under the king's care." The first one snapped. "I am sure as soon as Prince Taehyung takes the throne, he will kick this man out." responded the second man.

"Hey, come on. Training hour." Someone called them far. "Yes." I heard chorus replied and their foots steps fading away.

"He is not a prince?" I asked myself heading to my destination.

On the way I met Jieun who was coming out of the kitchen. She did not notice me, immersed in deep thought. As far as I knew she began to work in this palace from the age of fifteen. A typical age for low class people to begin to work. She has been the second assistant for Prince Jimin, meaning she must know everything about prince.

I walked closer to tap her shoulder. She jerked from the tap and looked at me with wide eyes. "Ah, Y/n!" She calmed her pounding heart that got scared. "I am sorry." I giggled. She shook her head, gesturing it was fine. "Do you have some time to be spared for a talk?" I asked quickly. She furrowed her eyes and nodded.

We went to the backyard of the palace to talk. As soon as we settled I narrated the whole incident to her. She remained silent the entire narration, carefully listening. "So?" I asked her, she looked at me. "Y/n, there is a family secret." That made my jaw drop. "What is it?" I whispered unintentionally. She gestured to come closer, I scooted closer to her. "Prince Jimin is actually King Sungjin and his first wife's son. After giving birth to the little prince, few hours later she passed away. Since then the prince has been under King's care. Three years later his majesty married the queen and she gave birth to Prince Taehyung." She continued to speak.                                                  "Prince Taehyung was always compared with Prince Jimin. Due to Prince Jimin's illness he could not learn the regular matters unlike Prince Taehyung. Finally, his majesty came to a decision where, he hid Prince Jimin, hoping that no one would compare the prince with Prince Taehyung. Prince Jimin slowly closed himself by reason of anger that he built in his mind for not being treated like a normal person. Yet the anger was always under control until Yubin's death. Yubin was very close to Prince. They knew each other from the age of twelve. Her death traumatized him. He was shattered completely. Very quickly is health deteriorated from what it was before. Day and night the prince would cough, spew, go pale or unconscious for many days. The physicians tried every single thing they could. The normal treatment that you gave him was given by them as well but his health was getting worser than ever. At one point I thought his time was up if this continued but he did not. It agonized the king very much, he would visit the prince every night and stay there for hours. For a whole year prince Jimin was sick until you arrived and help him restore his health." She spoke looking far away. I nodded my head understanding.

"Because of his illness,he is hid and the new recruits after Prince Taehyung's thirteenth birthday do not know about him even though he lives in the palace." I felt pity for him. His illness had him limited to the things he ever wanted to experience.

"I think this happens because he did not drink his mother's milk. When the babies are born, they are breastfed for at least one year." I simply told the reason that I had heard from aunt Minseo.

"However, it is because of you prince is back to health. He is stronger and immune than ever before." She smiled to me. I pouted and nodded.

"That is because for two year I never left his side. It has been so long that I miss my parents. Though eomma meets me at Queen's personal chamber, I don't get to meet my rest of the family." My lips pout as I recollect my family.

"Now a days I do not see eomma as well. I miss them." I mumbled.

"You will meet them soon." She smiled and rubbed my back. I wealky nod to her.

It was almost evening, and prince Jimin is still reading this book, something named 'The betrayal' on his study desk. I somehow managed to get back with prince. Accurately I did not manage, I simply acted as nothing happened and he got along with it.

"Your highness, would you like some tea." I asked as I stood up from my seat, placing my stitching work on the ground.

He glanced at me. "Yes." In his normal tone. I bowed to him and began to pour the tea placed on the tray.

I brought the small cup to him and handed him. He took sips from it while reading the books.

I sat back on my place, getting back to my stitching. Few moments later, I plainly looked at prince. I blinked my eyes as I saw him deeply looking at me. My heart began to pound in my chest.

Why was he giving me those eyes? I gulped looking at him, slowly fear creeping on my nerves.


I hope you like the chap.
Within next few days next chap will be updated, so vote this chap. Everyone vote. VOTE!!!!!

Hey guys,🤗

Hope u all doin' good. 😊

I'm terribly sorry for a late update. I was not in the mood to do anything during quarantine but just watch movies, eat and sleep. I know I am a bad person for not updating during this holiday. I'm truly sorry.

Thank you very much for waiting patiently. 😙😙😙😙

Stay safe guys. Follow the medical instructions given.

I feel like I am the same as Nikita Dragon, also delaying and projecting bad things.😭😭

I'm sorry again.😢

With Love,

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