CH 33

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"Just a play." He whispered and pushed me to a wall, pinning me with one hand.

His lip kissed my cheek, my eyes closing with a weird feeling in my stomach. Slowly drawing the kiss to my neck. In a flash I was reminded of times with Master Jihoon, when he used to tease me like this yet back then the feeling was weird yet soothing unlike the I felt now. My heart squeezed like a crumbled flower. He groped my butt cheeks which snapped me out. My left leg rose up between his legs and gave four punches on knees with my foot. Wincing, he looked at me with anger, my awaiting opportunity was provided, enough for me to pull out one of my hand punch him in the stomach hard. Him bowing down from the blows and my hands now free, my left hand pressed his back down and rose my left elbow, giving three hits on his back. He gagged, but then pulled my leg, tackling me down. He stood up trying to catch his breath, I stood up immediately. Everything happened in a swift that he was not expecting such a fight from a mere maid.

He rose his fist to punch my face but even before he could process my moves he fell on the floor. "You!" He shouted, gasping for air while stood there glaring at him. "Whe-re did..... you..... learn that.... forbid-den art?" He gasped as he clutched on to his left arm, wincing from the throbbing pain. "You should never treat a royal maid the way you did." I smiled and stamped on his stomach. My hand grabbed his head as I kneeled, "You were attacked by a clever robber who tried to harm me and you." and shook is head before getting up. "If you try to change the statement, do not forget that the king favours me. This is a warning, next time you try to pull this again you will face your death penalty. Also, this life saving opportunity can give you pension for the rest of your life from the king." I dusted my clothes.

Right then, we heard prince Jimin' voice. "Nooooo! I do not want to go to the palace. It is ruined home." he shouted. "Hwa-shi!!" My trembling voice called him and began to act as if we were troubled. "Hwa-shi!!" And soon tears appeared. I helped Dojin-shi up, "Do not forget what I have said." my eyes threw a warning glare at him. By then he fell unconscious. Hwa-shi sped up to us with Prince Jimin.

"What happened?" He cried. "We were heading to your way, when a robber came in to rob us. Dojin-sshi protected me from that man but got hurt in the process." I teared up and began to cry. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He looked at us concerned. "No but Dojin-sshi." my eyes started to water again. "Will you be able to carry his highness?" His tone asked not so sure to hand him over to me. But I nodded my head.

"Alright then." He said and handed Prince Jimin to me while taking over Dojin-sshi. We took the shortest route to the palace. The streets were empty. "How did this happen? He seems to dislocate his arm." My ears picked it. "We were heading to the city square when a man came from behind and pushed Dojin-sshi. Then the robber came to me while I was shouting for help because he was giving out evil laugh and caught my hand. Dojin-sshi got up and punched him and a fight broke between them. I ran out to grab anything that came to my sight which could be used as a weapon. By the time I grabbed a firewood and bet him on the head. He then ran away pushing me when we heard some noises of crashing utensils." My body heaved heavily.

"I am sorry. We are such a disappointment to our nation." his tone sounded pained and hopeless. "No." My voice rose catching his attention. "Both of you did well today. Thank you for being there for us. His highness will be very happy to have such good memories with him. I appreciate both of your hard work." I encouraged him with a slight smile. "Both of you protected us with all you have. Thank you very much for that." He simply let out a bit encouraged smile.

"Y/n, I would like to know one thing before we part away." Hwa-sshi asked me. I was a bit surprised but at the same time a bit nervous whether he found out my small lie. "You are very close to his highness." I hummed to his speech. "I know this is very inappropriate of me to question but I really want to know." He spoke. We were nearing the palace back gates. "Speak up Hwa-sshi. We do not have time." my impatient voice began to cause ruckus. "Well, do you know why his highness is treated like a prisoner prince when he is only the son of one among his subjects?" He asked with a not so sure expression. My lips pursed, staring at the gate as we came closer. "You do not-"

"Even I do not know the reason but all I can say is that his majesty has asked me to look after his highness. As a faithful servant to the majesty I am only fulfilling my duties." I smiled to him. We entered the palace grounds. "Then I shall take my leave." I bowed to him with Prince Jimin who was in deep slumber. "The snacks." he looked at the big bag around his chest. "I shall retrieve it tomorrow morning." I smiled and was about to turn when he interrupted. "And his highness?" His raised his brows with concern. "Not needed Hwa-sshi. The maids are there." I remind him. More over Dojin-sshi needs more attention than Prince. After all the troubles he had caused. I internally smirked and wish him a night.

"Prince Jimin, we are in your chamber." I tried to wake him up after dragging his body to his room. He slept like he cared nothing in this world. "I have to wipe his body." a big sigh escaped my lips. My shoulders felt numb. "Ah. Long before I was able to carry medium sized logs on my shoulders. The lost touch is taking its toll on me." I stretched my body. After I was done with cleaning him and changing his dress, I dropped beside his bed holding onto his hands.

"Today, it must have been a fun day for you, your highness." My hand took his hand as I softly stare at his calm face. "You will have a very bad headache tomorrow." I sighed, imaging his actions the next day. That was when a flash of master Jihoon came. "Prince, just like you once master Jihoon came drunk to my room." A chuckle escaped my lips, how he took stagger steps to my room and was acting funny, mumbling weird incidents and not letting me sleep that night. "The next day he had a very bad headache and so did I." I laughed. "Ah. I miss him so much. I hope he his doing well in the north." A lump formed in my throat, a pain surrounding there. "I wished to see him one last time." A weak smil formed on my lips. "But then I knew I had to stay strong otherwise he will realise that I still hold feelings for him." A tear rolled down my eye, my other hand rose to wipe it off. "No one knows what I am going through ... Everyday I try to make myself busy so that I do not recollect his appearance in front of my eyes or my heart .... He loved me his highness. Just like your friend was everything for you, master Jihoon was my other half. Always there to console me, hold me and whisper those sweet nothings to me." My heart squeezed dreadfully, eyes filling up. "I am scared. Scared that he will be punished for our love. The punishment for forbidden love in this country is torture for a week and then execution. Both the participants are punished. I do not care for my life but I cannot watch him being tortured." My throat became sore and pained wanting to let out my suppressed cries, ,y free hand wiped my tearful eyes.

"Three months have passed. All I hope is his well being. It does not matter if he hates me with his whole heart but I only want him to lead a healthy life." My nose sniffled. Next, all I did was stare at him and dozed off.



Hey guys,

It has been long. I know I am sorry. My college has began and it is very tough. I am telling you all it is worse than school. T_T So much to study and all I do is day dream, play my game and spend my time on household chores.

Anyhow I hope all are doing fine. My sickness is gone. ;)

Also I will try to update whenever possible don't let go of my books.

Thank you for your patience. Be safe everyone.

With Love,


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