CH 36

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It was another chilly night, winter was soon to approach, twenty eight days remaining. Prince Jimin wandered the palace garden accompanied by me. We were busy discussing about the things happening around.

Two days ago, Queen was able to explain things to prince Jimin who somehow agreed to move to the hanok. All of that happened in my absence. Prince Jimin was fine during the whole conversation, as no shouts or noises were made while I stood outside of the chamber. But that evening, Prince Jimin kept mumbling in his sleep that Prince Taehyung would kill his bride.

At first it made me scared but then he became quiet when I soothed him with assurance that the bride will be fine and Prince Taehyung would take care of her very well. The false framing has caused a big crack on their relation. Whoever did the crime is brutally sick and heartless to frame him. Trying to reach Prince Taehyung to solve the murder means I had to deal with Master Jihoon and then him. Meeting master Jihoon means it would make things difficult which already was getting better without him in my life. For some reason all these masters do not understand the consequences that we will have to face as a couple. Because my love for master is true that I am ignoring him, for his safety.

Sometimes I wonder, do these masters live in paradise that they do not recognise their kingdom rules. A low peasant like me did not have any knowledge unless and until Master Jihoon's sister pinned them out. In all the fairy tales I had read love stories between a rich and poor who fall in live and live a long life. No one in the village ever told me that the long life in the stories will only be in heaven and not on earth.

"Y/n, I want to draw sword." My ears picked the phrase. My confused expression to Prince left him to giggle. "Should I go bring your canvas and paint now?" I asked him in a doubtful tone. Prince Jimin gave a me head tilt. "Dumb girl." He chuckled.

I felt a little offended but more confused. "Draw a sword means take a sword. The action of pulling it is the meaning draw here." He giggled, trying to  control his laughter. My lips made 'o', nodding, registering that word. "But why a sword?" The question subconsciously left my lips. "To learn how to use it." His face scrunched ready to laugh again but he held it in. That is when it hit me that my thought was spoken.

"Forgive me your highness." I bowed to him and stood straight. He squated down to the level of shrubs in the garden to take a look at them. "I have so many things to learn. And I can only learn them outside this palace." Hmmm. Lots to study. I just hope that we will be able to return soon. Your highness I have been away from my family for so long. T_T I want to hug and talk with my family.

"We must prepare everything." He sprung up. "We do not need maids and servants aside from you." He turned to me with a mischievous smile. My expression became serious after hearing him. "No maids and servants?" I repeated pushing down my vexation. "Yes." He proudly agreed. "Then I can do anything I want to try with no one to stop me."

At that point, I wanted to knock some senses into him.

I looked at him, grabbed his hanbok collar and began my lecture, bursting out of my frustration, "We are going to live alone. ALONE!! None of us know the place, we can get lost, I will have to do all the chores, from scrubbing the floor to cooking the meals. And if water streams are not near I have to walk hours to fetch water for the household purpose. It is not as easy as it seems like we are in the palace. Living in the palace is a perfect life, living in hanok is not perfect but comfortable. And if I do not have anyone to support me after working hours and hours on maintaing the hanok and your highness and lay sick, then who will do everything for your highness? Taking that workload is equal to making a donkey carry all the heavy things more than it can hold. We need those servants and maids. Do you know how difficult it will be during winter. everything thing will be cold, we will need firewood for everything. Not only that what if the hanok is situated to a forest, wild animals can attack us anytime, only the guards can protect us. When the groceries have run out how can I leave you alone there while I go to the market to buy? What if some rebels come and kidnap you who will I approach to, forget about kidnapping what will I do if they kill you?" My body huffed like a bull.

"Y/n!" I heard a strong call. "Yes your highness." I looked around for Prince Jimin who then stood behind me. "Are you dreaming while we are discussing something?" He raised his brows. "Forgive me your highness." My upper half bowed subconsciously.

"Your highness, do you not think that as the first child of his highness you must marry first?" I asked him. I ASKED HIM!!! He looked at me with thoughtful look. "Not at all. A weakling like me will only burden my bride." He gave a plain smile which I found a bit upsetting. His back then faced me, in his always proud tone he spoke, "When a small plant grows very few people takes care of it but as times moves it grows upto a tree that everyone will cherish it."

It seemed that he planned to grow strong like that tree. If so then I will support his highness with all my mighty. "Your highness, you will have me through everything." But that was not what came out my lips. "Your highness, the wind is freezing now, shall I prepare a hot tea for you?"

"Yes. Make it a light one so that I can sleep. Last time you made one was strong and I could not sleep well." He complained. I let you down with my tea skills. Shame on me. "Yes your highness."

We walked back to his chamber. Just as we passed through the corridor, we met Prince Taehyung. His stern gaze made me feel uncomfortable and I hid behind Prince Jimin looking down not to meet his gaze. "Hyung" Prince Taehyung called his highness. " Prince Taehyung, do not believe that I have forgiven you for your acts." Prince Jimin spoke up. "Congratulations for your new marriage."

"You have heard about it, hyung?" Prince Taehyung spoke in a stoic tone. Deep down I felt bad for them, whoever did that must be tortured terribly. "Yes, mother pronounced."

"It will be held next month......... we want to have your blessing to lead a new life." He requested. "It is better if I remain non existent in your new life. Let this be a punishment for what I have been through." Prince Jimin cleared it. "What do you mean by that Hyung?" Prince Taehyung looked perplexed when I took a peek of them over his highness's shoulder.

"I will not appear in front of you or your bride. Do not visit me after she is brought to the palace." They remained silent. "Do you loath me so much so as to I cannot visit you again?" Prince Taehyung questioned.

Waaaah!!! Why does this has to be so painful? This is so similar to the story where the two siblings fall for the same girl and the younger one gets to marry her while the eldest kills himself. Waaah!!! Just why?? Oh you horrendous killer, I want you to suffer so much that next time you will not think of such an act! I recollected the resemblance.

"No. But the wound caused to me is as big as that." His highness's voice stiffened. "Hyung but I never touched her!" Prince Taehyung rose his awfully paining tone. "Taehyung, she told me it was you. I was there. Those were the few words she spoke before she left me." Prince Jimin moved forward, rage filling his voice. I looked up to see and found Prince Jimin's small figure grabbing Prince Taehyung's collar with furious eyes. Everything was happening swiftly.

"Your highness." My hands tried to pull him but he was not ready to leave him. "And you dare say that to me." He tried to shake prince's figure but because his highness had poor immunity his body was not so strong to do anything to Prince Taehyung. "Hyung I never did that." Prince Taehyung caught prince's hand to have his collar leave.

"No. You and your friends. Those drunkard bastards." Prince Jimin tore Prince Taehyung's hanbok a bit, exposing prince's chest. Prince Jimin found it satisfying after releasing his anger. I gasped in shock to see the fight occuring between them.

"Do not think that you and your friends did nothing to her. She was raped you rascal." He moved forward and punched prince. "Prince Jimin!" I shouted and tired to move him but we was headstrong to beat Prince even more. "But it was not us. We were not present when that occured." Prince Taehyung tried to defend. Prince Jimin was acting like a wild cat. He was taking out his aggression again. "It has been years now that.....*huff* that she is not given justice. Because you and your friends are the culprits father does not take any action on you." Prince Jimin pushed him. "Prince Jimin, please stop this." I shouted my lungs out. "Try to involve yourself, you will get hurt." They replied unison. Prince Jimin looked back at prince with a scoff. "She is my maid. You do not command her." He slapped prince Taehyung.

I need to get someone. They are not going to stop. My mind kept firing these thoughts but i could not process it to action. Prince Taehyung pushed Prince Jimin in defence who stumbled and fell. I helped him stand back but then he shoved me aside and walked to Prince Taehyung to fight again.

"Your majesty." I mumbled realising how he can control the two of them. I ran as fast as I could. Finally I reached the administration chamber after asking around where he was. His majesty still seemed in the administration chamber discussing kingdom affairs. I need to get to him quickly but the guards kept stopping me. You have to interrupt in Y/n. I ducked the barrier of guard spears and pushed open the door, catching the attention of every person present in there.

"What are you doing?" The guards caught my arms. "Leave me. I have to speak to his majesty." I squirmed in the hold to set free. "Leave her." His majesty calmly asked them. As soon as they left me, I began to narrate the incident. His majesty was angered by this. "Lead me." He commanded as he walked down his throne.

We paced there. Just as we were nearing there we heard some groans and prince Jimin's shouts for help. Upon reaching there, we met a horrible scene, Prince Jimin holding a bleeding prince. "Prince Jimin." I gasped in horror. Prince Jimin stood up hastily, "Father." He mumbled.

"Jimin!!" His majesty shouted and ran to him. "Taehyung?" He called tapping his face to wake the falling asleep Prince Taehyung.

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