CH 40

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AUTHOR'S POV!!                         NOT PROOF READ!!

Dawns were filled with lots of bird chirps and sometimes even dog barks along with them. Though the winter was about to come soon, every animal still enjoyed the Autumn and collected many things that were of use for them. You woke up and began your work after washing your face and brushing your teeth. First work in your list was to prepare food for his highness.

Once the breakfast is prepared you would prepare his highness's bath and wake him up, help him wear his cloth after his bath and serve him his breakfast. You would have your breakfast in the kitchen, later clear his highness's table and start to prepare for the lunch while he would sit in the kitchen with you, looking at your work. Most of the time he would just sit in his room and read his books that you brought along. But two weeks in there, he found everything boring and would sit beside you as you work, be it anything washing clothes, cooking food, planting some herbs or vegetables in your backyard.

But today was a bit different. Prince Jimin interrupted every work such as carrying one firewood in each hand, trying to blow the fire under the rice pot as it starts to die while you were busy washing the rice. No matter how many times you decline his offer, without your notice he would sneak in to do something but it would only end up in double work for you. "Ah!" You heard his voice and turn to check on him, finding him kneeling and blowing the fire. "Prince Jimin." Your stern and stressed voice called him. He turned back to check on you, but soon lost his balance and fell on his back. "My goodness." You yelp and hurry to help him. "Your highness, please do not do anything. You are creating trouble for me." You spat in frustration, although you never spoke to before like that. He felt changes occurring in you by the passage of each day. At least half of the day you would be angry and the other half silent, doing your work. This began to concern him even more.

"I want to help you." He groaned, stood up dusting off his clothes along with you. "You do not have to. I am fine your highness. If you interrupt me as I do my work in the kitchen, my work will only further delay. I have to wash clothes and collect firewood from the forest before it is dark. After that I have to prepare dinner for us." You frustratingly yet sweetly explained and went back to your work. He was upset with how you were acting towards him and that this is all his fault. If he had remained silent and went along with everything this would not have happened. Without another word he went to his room, when you sensed him leave, a sigh left your lips realizing what you did was wrong. But even the frustration of being alone here all by just the two of you made it very hard for you.

Prince Jimin on the other hand decided to take things in his hands. He wore his Gat and took his fan with him, along with a bag of silver tael and five gold tael for handy. He wore his shoes and carefully peaked in the kitchen to check if you were busy enough to not notice him step out. And he was right, you were so into completing your work that you were mumbling and cursing someone that he could not catch on to. However he tip toed to the gate and carefully opened the wooden gate to not make a creak sound. He was successful in placing a step out side the house yard. He took in a deep breath. "Ah, mother nature you look wonderful today." He complimented to the nature.

There was a trouble for him. He did not know where to head on. All he could see was his left and right filled with trees and plants and a paved road. If I go to right I can reach somewhere near the river, that is how we reached here. If I go to left I wonder where I would reach. He took a little time to make a decision and decided to take the path to his right.

His walk made him doubt his decision. 'Am I going to the right place? Will this lead me to that village.' But moments later, the path seemed endless for him. No sign of people. He become determined to continue his walk until he finds a village, no matter with the passage of time.

Meanwhile you were busy with your chores. After a long moment you were able to finish all the cooking and prepared his highness's meal to serve him. When you visit his room, it was empty; no sign of his highness. You panicked, eyes widen as you run to other rooms to check his presence. All empty. You ran out to check on him but he was not there as well. "Your highness!" You call him out. No response. "Where did he go?" your fear and tension began to rise. 'He may be hiding somewhere because you lashed on him.' you try to console and hope that it was the possibility. "Your highness, forgive me for my rash statement and foolish behaviour. Please come out."


"Your highness, your humble servant has failed to reach you. Please come out, your highness." You plead and pray.


"Where are you highness?" You shout but your voice was not loud, how you had expected. The lump that was forming in your throat from sheer fear. You ran outside but there was no trace for him. "Something must have happened. He must be kidnapped." you horridly gasp and began searching, going in all direction, shouting and calling him. Three hours into the search you began to weep and cry for being careless and irresponsible for not looking out for him.

Prince Jimin walked inspecting every small vendor what they were selling. Many after viewing his dress code called him to buy their products. When one man called him at the beginning, he did not know how to deny the offer. He immediately recollected a moment how you would smile and wave your hand once to show your denial. He did the same, squinted his eyes as he smiled and waved. It charmed everyone who stood next to that vendor, both the genders. Now having such a reaction from the new people he met, he was surprised and on the other hand, all of the vendors and their customers wanted him to personally visit each shop so they could get that charming and handsome smile from this fine young man.

All began to call him and pull him with offers, but Prince Jimin only denied them with his smile. Towards start of left path, he saw a man with a horse. Without a giving a moment for second thought he headed to the horseman. Having the fan cover half of his face he called out the horseman who turned around receiving the call. He scanned Prince from top to bottom, with yes as reply. "I want this horse." he clearly spoke. That moment exchanged a glance from prince to the horse. "This horse is not for sale." He said with a irritated look in his eyes. "I will give you 100 taels." Prince gave off the aura of a rich man. He had fine clothes, has fair skin, fox eyes, wearing the beaded gat. The offer had the horseman has his eyes shine. "Accepted." he smiled widely and handed over the leash to Prince Jimin. 

He never once looked after the horse except for once when he rode a horse with his father long ago. The horse was somehow calm. Prince Jimin surfed his hand over the horse and smiled, imaging how happy you would be. He then continued his walk. Just as he was nearing the gate of the village, he witnessed a middle aged man was selling a young and small man. Visible bruises on his body, dry tears on his  face, dead eyes staring at the ground. Prince Jimin decided to ignore and walk away but as he passed them, the middle aged man jumped in front of him. "Young sir, do you need a housekeeper?" He asked. Prince simply did not get how to reject him. "I do not need this."  Prince Jimin agitated. But this man was not ready to simply accept the denial. "No sir. He is very young, strong, and can do any work." He wanted to take the injured boy with him but he did not know how you would react to this. "he is injured and I cannot take him." Prince replied.

"No sir, it is just that he rolled down the hill. He is perfectly fine." The man tired to assure him. "Why do you have him anyway?" Prince Jimin questioned, keeping himself composed. "Oh sir, what can I say for this boy's father borrowed money and did not pay off his debt. That man has long gone missing with his other children and wife. Only he was left and I had to get money's worth." That man sighed as his gaze moved to the ground, aiming to catch sympathy for his life situation. That hardly caught Prince Jimin's attention, his eyes only pitied the boy. "I will give you one gold tael for this young man." Prince Jimin finally opted.  

On the other hand you were busy yourself to find his highness. Soon evening arrived. Your tired self slumped on the pillar of the house. Your face all red from constant cry, small bruises on your hands and legs, your clothes torn here and there along with prickles. "Either I have to die or my head will be a display at the market square." You began to scheme your own death. It was just then, the gates opened wide by an unfamiliar face and he led a horse in to the yard. You stood up unable to comprehend the situation. Atop the horse was Prince Jimin smiling but the smile dropped when he saw you. "Hey, help me get down." He called the injured man who helped him get down the horse. He hurried his way to you.

"What happened to you Y/n?" He got concerned and cupped your. Anger rose inside him and his mind went frenzy. Your eyes tear up as you saw him fine and well, falling into his arms. "Who did this to you?" His concerned yet stern voice uttered. "Where was your highness?" You cry harder. "What happened tell me?!" He shouted as he pushed out of his embrace to get a clear answer. "I went searching for you everywhere. I- I could not find your highness and went into the forest and returned." You reply. "were you attacked by any wild animals?" He asked even more concerned for your torn clothes. "No." you wipe your tears. In between of sniffles and ease your cries you question him where did he disappear to. He wipes your invisible tears.

"I went to the market to get you some equipments." He looked at the man who weakly bowed when you look in the same direction. At that moment, anger and irritation rose, you wanted to catch onto his highness's collar and ask him why he went out of his way, only to make you very much worried, scaring to death and even had to pick a scheme to kill yourself. Despite all those thoughts, you still felt relieved that he was doing well and fine.

"who is he?" You ask him politely, wiping your eyes. "And why is there a horse in our yard?" You divert his attention. "I bought them for you." He dusted your clothes. "For me?" Confusion covered your face. "Yes, today on they will help you for anything." He said and beckoned the boy. "He has injuries. Treat him while I have a bath." He patted your head. "before that, it would be good if wash yourself and treat your wounds, hmm?" It was becoming hard for you receiving all the commands all at once. Alongside these commands, your mind was recollecting how you and had to hide prince Jimin's identity. The rules of the exile began to ring slowly. 

In a split moment, you pulled prince Jimin to the corner and made him realise that no one must know who his highness was.  "Your highness, do you realise that we must hide our identity? We are sent to exile." You whispered as you exchanged the glance between his highness and his new recruits. "Yes I do. I bought them saying that I was a merchant." He lied with a straight face. "Your highness-" before you could say anymore, Prince Jimin walked away wanting to not discuss further. "Your highness." You whisper shout. "Treat your wounds Y/n." He said, with his back turned and walked to his room. You were scared but at the same time you were relieved that he did something for you on his own.  


Hey guys,

I apologize for me Unannounced absence from wattpad. Due to personal reason I couldn't do much. My college life is as well brutal on me T_T. I don't know when I will be able to update next. I hope you all understand me. I am deeply sorry for abandoning the work for a long time. 

With Love,

Anny 😘

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