CH 42

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The kingdom lay beneath a harsh winter's grip. Each day, a blanket of snow covered the land, and the sun seldom broke through the thick, gloomy clouds. Biting winds carried the cold, damp air through the streets, and life in the bustling capital began to slow to a crawl. The people grappled with the relentless winter's demands.

In the tradition of the realm, the king convened a council twice a year, once during the summer's warmth and again amidst the winter's chill. These gatherings served as a platform for discussing reports from the empire's ministers. In the grand throne chamber, the king presided over discussions of state affairs and the challenges faced within the capital. By his side, Prince Taehyung observed with keen interest as his father, His Majesty, offered solutions to the kingdom's myriad problems. The young prince had already begun to prepare himself for the role of crown prince, a position of great responsibility.

Just a month prior, a powerful right-wing minister, favored by the Queen herself, proposed that Prince Taehyung should be crowned as the next heir to the throne. Simultaneously, a significant faction from the left wing vehemently argued that His Majesty should name his recently acknowledged illegitimate son as the heir, a son whose influence extended from the western city of Iksu. This power struggle sent ripples of unrest throughout the palace, causing turmoil within its opulent halls.

In response to the mounting chaos, His Majesty articulated a new condition for the selection of his successor, declaring that the one who could propose a testament for the empire's betterment and expansion would earn the crown. Amidst the tumult, His Majesty carried a heavy heart, burdened by a profound sorrow that seemed to pervade his entire being. He lamented how none had stepped forward to request Jimin as his successor and Taehyung as the advisor, commander-in-chief, and military minister, as he had once wished. The distant son remained an enigma to him, lacking the emotional connection he had with Taehyung. His precious son languished in exile, another son aspired to the throne, ministers plotted to replace the ruler with a puppet, rebels sought to infiltrate the empire, and the vassal kings began to question the legitimacy of the chosen successor. The challenges weighed heavily on His Majesty, and these thoughts plagued his mind continually. In these moments, he often found solace in his memories of the ex-queen.

"With this," His Majesty declared, his voice echoing in the chamber, "I adjourn the council." As the emperor descended from the throne, all the ministers bowed respectfully. Once the council had dispersed, Minister Choi approached Prince Taehyung. "Your Highness," the minister greeted with a bow. "Minister Choi?" Prince Taehyung acknowledged his presence, and a hint of curiosity danced in his eyes. "May your highness and prince live long," the minister continued, bowing again. Prince Taehyung offered a warm smile, saying, "Thank you, Minister Choi."

The minister then produced a sealed letter from his pocket and presented it to Prince Taehyung with both hands. His Highness frowned as he accepted the letter, inquiring, "Your Highness, please do read this when her majesty is not around. It is a letter specifically addressed to you. I've previously delivered several letters to her majesty, all of which have gone unanswered. I was advised to hand this letter to you when none of the royal members were in proximity."

Prince Taehyung, intrigued yet perplexed, asked, "Who is the sender?" Minister Choi, with a bow and a slight hesitation, responded, "I cannot disclose the sender's name, but it is mentioned in the letter." With that, he left Prince Taehyung alone in the grand throne chamber, where the mysteries of the palace continued to unfurl.

He began to carefully untie the letter, his fingers tracing the seal thoughtfully, his thoughts drifted back to Minister Choi's cryptic advice. He cast a cautious glance around the room, ensuring he was entirely alone before he unfolded the parchment and began to read.

It was a letter from his brother.

The letter opened with the words, "Dear brother, I hope you have recovered from the incident and are doing very well. Congratulations on your wedding." Prince Taehyung's heart skipped a beat as he read the lines, a mixture of emotions coursing through him. His brother's well-wishes and congratulations felt like a balm to his soul.

"I am sending this letter to you on behalf of Y/n," the letter continued. "I want you to make arrangements to send rations for three people, five huge bundles of hay for the next six months and some money to the village of Jamyum. Y/n had been sending letters to Queen Mother for months regarding the matter of ration provision. For some reason, they were never answered, so I decided to write you one."

The letter concluded with, "I hope your life with your wife is long and prosperous. Regards, Prince Jimin."

As the letter reached its end, Prince Taehyung was left with a mixture of emotions. His brother had reached out to him, offering a connection that had been strained for too long. Yet, the letter seemed to carry an unspoken weight, an underlying tension that he couldn't quite decipher. Regardless, he resolved to respond to his brother's letter and fulfill the request.

Leaving for the study room, he instructed his trusted eunuch to make the necessary preparations for the rations and bundles of hay on the way, while he settled down at his desk to pen a reply and prepare two pouch full gold coins. Once the provisions were ready, he sealed the letter with his response and handed it, along with the supplies, to one of his most reliable aides, urging them to make haste and ensure the delivery to Jamyum village without delay. The unspoken complexities of the situation hung in the air, but for now, he focused on fulfilling his brother's request.

The unfolded contents of his brother's letter, a gnawing intuition took root within him, suggesting his mother's potential involvement in the attack. The swift exile of Prince Jimin at her behest seemed suspiciously hurried, and the unanswered letters bore the air of deliberate detachment. Although the pieces of the puzzle seemed to align, Prince Taehyung refused to hastily leap to conclusions. He felt a profound need to approach the situation with cautious discernment, opting to confront his mother and seek solace rather than accusation.

Hurrying through the corridors, his steps echoed a silent urgency as he made his way to his mother's chambers. Arriving at the door, he was halted by her maid, who, with a trembling hand, extended a respectful barrier. "How dare you?" Prince Taehyung's voice sliced through the air, cold and filled with restrained anger. The maid shrank back, avoiding his intense gaze. "Your highness, Her Majesty has requested not to be disturbed, as she is in meditation," she stammered. "Move aside," he commanded, his tone brooking no further resistance. "Your highness, I—" the maid attempted to reason.

"I SAID MOVE!" His authoritative bellow reverberated down the hallway, startling the staff. With a forceful nudge, he brushed the maid aside, swinging open the chamber door without pause.

Inside, his mother, the Queen, sat composed at her table, her brow knitted with worry. "What's happening? What's wrong?" Her concern was evident as she gazed up at her son, the distress in his demeanor unmistakable.

"What's going on?" she inquired, sensing the urgency in his presence. Prince Taehyung closed the door behind him, enveloping the chamber in a weighted silence. 

In an atmosphere laden with unspoken tensions, His Highness approached his mother, whose regal poise did little to conceal the flicker of discomfort that crossed her features. As she rose to her feet, a veil of concern shadowed her face, sensing the gravity of her son's inquiries.

"I've heard rumors that you've been receiving letters. Is it true, Mother?" His voice, calm yet burdened with an underlying pain, sought the truth. His mother's reaction, a blend of surprise and guarded silence, did not escape his keen gaze. He interrupted her attempted explanation, unable to contain the notion that his mother harbored an aversion towards Prince Jimin, possibly even having conspired against him.

"Is it true that you don't consider my brother as your son?" His voice, tinged with a mix of sorrow and disbelief, quivered slightly. "No, why would you think such a thing?" Her hands reached out, trying to steady his emotions. "Which letters are you talking about? I've never received any from Jimin." Her denial was firm. His frustration surged, and he broke away from her touch. "Mother!" His voice, now tinged with frustration and pain, cut through the charged atmosphere. "I received a letter from hyung, explicitly stating that you never responded to any of his letters. Your denial is not convincing!" His accusatory tone hung heavy in the room.

"I have never lied to you!" Her voice escalated, a counterpoint to her son's accusations. Tears welled in her eyes, mirroring the hurt and anguish she felt. His Highness paused, wrestling with conflicting emotions as he witnessed her tears, a silent plea for the truth lingering on his lips.Yet, the doubts persisted. Despite the outward display of affection for Prince Jimin, he had noticed the subtle differences in his mother's treatment—her care was noticeably more pronounced when he was unwell. But this situation was different. Several recent troubling incidents involving Prince Jimin, such as Yubin's untimely demise, espionage within the palace, and the most recent attack, sowed seeds of doubt in his mind. However, his unwavering belief in his mother's inherent goodness wavered at the threshold of these suspicions.

"Please, just tell me the truth, Mother," his voice pleading, a spectrum of emotions evident in his face. His hands gently grasped hers. Despite her vehement denials, tears streaming down her face, she implored, "Who told you that I received the letter?" Her heartrending sobs punctuated the charged atmosphere, leaving the truth suspended, a question mark hanging in the air.

" Minister Choi," His Highness murmured, concern etched in his voice. His mother, breaking free from her son's embrace, gently cupped his face, her eyes tinged with distress. "I have never received the letters," she confided, her tone tinged with both sadness and confusion. After composing herself, she sought clarification, wiping away her tears. "Why do you ask about these letters and your brother?"

Taehyung met his mother's gaze, explaining, "Minister Choi brought a letter from Hyung. He mentioned that Y/n was attempting to draw your attention to their dwindling rations, but received no response. Their situation was worsening due to the bitter cold, lacking the means to stay warm." The Queen listened intently, absorbing the information. "Then let me prepare to send aid," she said, rubbing his arm and releasing her son as he revealed that he had already dispatched the necessary provisions.

"Mother, you didn't send Hyung away because you dislike him, did you?" His Highness sought reassurance, to which she responded with a smile, taking his hand, "No. I love him just as much as I love you. Both of you are equal. The council made a decision after analyzing the situation on the day you were attacked." "But, as I've said, it was an assassin and not Hyung who attacked me. Why do you believe it was him?" Taehyung inquired, arching an eyebrow. Her smile faded as she took a step back, her demeanor shifting, "Dear," she began, taking a deep breath. "For a long time, your father sheltered Prince Jimin from the harsh realities of the world. With his expanding empire, do you think he would risk losing both of you?"

"On the day of the attack, His Majesty intended to send Prince Jimin far from the palace for his safety. But then, there was an attempt on your life. Both of you were perilously close to death. You can't imagine how shocked we were to learn of it. In a single night, we could have lost both of you. You are the next emperor, and he is the next minister. It was sheer luck that you survived. His Majesty had to address another attack and charged me with investigating the matter. I sent Jimin to Jamyum, one of the secret royal cabinets. Only His Majesty, myself, and the royal ministers know about it," she revealed, the weight of the situation apparent in her words.

"Your safety is our top priority. If anything were to happen to either of you, I don't know what we'd do," she concluded, her voice tinged with both concern and an unwavering determination to protect her children at any cost. "My child, you know how prince Jimin's mother was expelled from the kingdom once his majesty found out that she is a witch. Ever since the incident, it didn't take long for enemies within the allies and palace to assassinate prince Jimin for his birth. For a while the attempts of assassination seemed to be lowed until the recent attack. This time as well we became very well aware about the fact that someone really wanted to take his life even though not everyone in the empire know about his existence. So don't overthink about anything that is happening. Your father and I are doing our best to solve every issues before you become his majesty's successor." A smiles drew on her lips, pulling his highness to a hug and rubbed his back trying to sooth him. 

Once she parted, "You must go to your wife. She must be feel lonely trying to spend her time with you but you are never with her." His highness chuckled before bidding her majesty a good evening.

Silence covered the room, "Minister Choi." She whispered as though to not forget the name. She stared into the air. "Kyung." her majesty made a call. An eunuch rushed into her chamber. "Bring in the shaman at night to my chambers. If his majesty calls for me tell him that I have a headache and won't be able to attend him tonight." She commanded and the eunuch left rushing to the preparation as stated by her majesty. 

The harsh winter had made gathering wood an arduous task for you. The escalating prices of firewood in the village made purchasing it an impractical option, especially when it meant sacrificing essential groceries and horse feed. The lack of response from the Queen had led to the cessation of spending on paper and ink, making survival reliant on the barter system with the village head and the minister's household. Important notes and notices written by Prince Jimin served as currency for silver coins or rations.

Providing a vital link to the events occurring in the capital, conveyed through Choi Eunha, the agriculture minister's daughter. The minister strategically maintained his family in the village to distance them from the upheavals in the empire, ensuring their safety, though he seldom visited them. Eunha became an informant, facilitating crucial information. During every capital festival, her family journeyed there, returning once the celebrations concluded. You first encountered Eunha when she sneaked out of her house to watch a nomadic group's performance. A misunderstanding ensued when a nomadic girl accused Eunha of theft, wrongly identifying Eunha's own jade hairpin. Stepping in as her advocate, you resolved the argument. This incident led to an unexpected friendship, with Eunha visiting you weekly thereafter. 

These events transpired before the winter intensified. Hansoo and the horse frequently traveled to the village for odd jobs to earn a few coins. The unrelenting winter wreaked havoc on your small yard, compelling you into a survivalist mentality, taking on any odd jobs to ensure sustenance for all three of you. "Y/n," a desperate call echoed from His Highness's room. Sensing an urgency tinged with distress in his tone, you swiftly rushed to answer the summons, apprehensive about what might await you in his chamber. 

You hurried into the room to find Prince Jimin, holding onto his legs, wincing in pain and unable to move his muscles. It seemed the cold floor had given him cramps in his calf muscles. You sat next to him, offering a mix of teasing and care, "I've told you several times not to lean on just one pillow." Rubbing his leg to provide warmth and ease the cramps, you continued, "I gave you three pillows and look what happened. You never listen to me. Once it happens, you realize why I was arguing with you." His Highness patted your hand, signaling that the massaged leg was fine and prompting you to tend to the other. "Your Highness, you were supposed to sit next to the fire. Why did you move away from the fireplace to a cold corner in the room?" you inquired, seeking an explanation. "I wanted to write something," he muttered, inviting further teasing. "Are you able to stand up now?" you asked, attempting to help him rise. "Help me," he commanded.

With your assistance, he managed to stand and took a few steps to get his cold muscles working again. "You never listen to me. I do not understand you," you complained while heading back to the kitchen, with him following you like a puppy. "When will they return?" he asked as you settled next to the fire stove. "Hmm, it may take another week, maybe," you replied, stirring the dish over the fire.

Just then you heard another voice asking for you. You looked up to prince Jimin who was looking to the door of the house. "Let me see." he said in a serious voice. You wondered who could it be. No man had ever called out for you outside the house. Pretty soon you as well went to investigate who the caller was. Just as you reach the door, you see prince Jimin speaking with someone. Behind him stood a cart. Who is that man? Why does he have cart? such questions ran through your mind. Prince Jimin turned to call but then he saw you standing at the door step and gestured you to come close. You make yourself good before presenting yourself. his highness then spoke to you, "The cart has the ration, help him settle all the goods." He stated. Heading outside, you began to inspect the cart, finding everything as requested, and pondered the mystery of this timely arrival. The man soon joined you, assisting in unloading the goods and placing them in the kitchen. Once the task was completed, he bowed to Prince Jimin before leaving.

As the last rays of the sun faded, you rushed to the kitchen to complete the preparations. After finishing the dish, you brewed some tea for His Highness, intending to investigate the mysterious visitor and his provision of supplies.


Hey guys, 

it took longer than I expected to write this chap. I know length wise it won't be much but I was having some difficulty with wattpad. Mid way through writing my paras were deleted and i had to write again. One day to finish the chap, i opened the site only to see the chapter was not saved and was left blank. Along all this I had writer's block as well. I didn't know what to write in the initial day but later when i had the content, the site would delete the written content. 

Either way, I am sorry for making you all wait long. I know no excuses can make up to the promise I made.



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