CH 51

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"Think about what I said and try to make a rational decision if you want her safe." He regarded before leaving Jihoon to think. 

Jihoon sat back in the same corner thinking hard what kind of trouble he fallen into. The past few nights he had been recollecting that horrific night. That night when just the three of them tried to sleep, but then the boys wanted to listen to some ghost stories before sleeping. Prince Taehyung was the one who initiated to meet Yubin late at night and so the boys set out to see her. Just as they were nearing prince Jimin's chamber, they saw the guards run around searching. Prince Taehyung called one of them and enquired about the matter to learn that Yubin was missing. Prince Taehyung ordered his friends to search the compound for her. The boys went their separate ways to search. It was Junmyeon who had found Yubin's body, when he had checked her, he was shocked to find her in that condition and went around to get his friends. By the time they had reached, she was not there. They saw prince Jimin carry her to the other direction. They followed him and soon Yubin was declared dead. Jihoon was so disturbed, he was affected negatively. He was close to her, and she had never been awful to others for someone to be this brutal to her. What they all found absurd was prince Jimin accusing prince Taehyung for her death. All of them tried to sleep but couldn't. The next morning, Jihoon left early even before the sun rose. He had been cooped up in room for days affected with her death. 

He let out a big sigh, eyes closed. "I'm sorry Y/n. I can't do this."

"Ah, I forgot to mention it." He heard Mr. Baek voice again. "State that it was late minister Yushin who had approached you for prince Jimin's assassination, that way at the least you wouldn't be executed. Narrate a story that you were bribed with a post of general and his daughter's hand in marriage or threatened to hurt your father with your maternal parents' history. Although you asked for his reasons to do it, he never told you why. Just say that, it would be more than enough for you to be out of the execution part and would only be imprisoned." Jihoon didn't turn to look at that man.

Meanwhile, you had cooped up in your room and cried for hours till no tears were left. Blankly staring at the window, reciting prayers to the gods and begging them to let Jihoon and Jieun free. Not long before the midnight, your weak and tired lids dropped and you fell into a deep slumber. Thus the day coming to an end.

Everything was dark. No sound, No air, just blackness everywhere. Why is it so dark? It should be morning now, I better get up and continue to pray for them. As your eyes slowly fluttered open, the brightness of the room greeted you. You had slept in the same position, facing the window, and now found yourself staring at it. "Another day," you murmured softly, a silent prayer escaping your lips, "I beg you, my lord, to save Master Jihoon." As you rose from your slumber, a sudden sensation alerted you as a hand fell on your lap. Startled, you couldn't help but let out a gasp, the sound echoing in the quiet room. However, as you turned around, your body relaxed to find a familiar sleeping figure. "Did you sleep here last night?" peered at him. 

Prince Jimin slept like a baby. A blanket that was kept aside the bed, you took it to cover him before leaving for your routine. 

Late midnight, prince Jimin had come to check on you, after he fretted over your condition. He saw you sleep and laid beside you, getting comfortable in the same warmth. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I wish I could be strong enough to protect you." He whispered as he caressed your hair. "Tomorrow we will go to the Buddha temple to pray for them. Don't worry, God will protect them." He muttered before falling asleep there.

As you were heading back to your room after done with your routine, you wanted to see Hwayoung but were unsure as to what to say. Afterall that hope, you could bet she was waiting for some good news about her sister. "I can't." you whispered, imagining the pain she is going through and don't have any words support her. Just then your abdomen began to pain and you doubted the pain with your periods. "Is it?" a thought went through your mind. "It is." you muttered in defeat, as you felt it leaking.

You rushed to your room and opened the door which led Prince Jimin sat up on the bed from the sudden outburst. The two of you stared each other for few moments. "What is it Y/n?" He asked questioning your hurriedness. "Nothing your highness." You replied, to not utter a word about the unknown thing to the prince. "Your highness can get back to sleep." He questionably looked at you and then waved it off. "Y/n, let's go to the Buddha temple later." He stated as he got up from the bed. "I see." you lowered your chin. "Your highness, I am not able to go today." your face dropped at the inability to go.

His eyes furrowed, "What do you mean?" You lightly smiled at him, "Your highness, I do not have the energy or calm mind to pray there." Prince Jimin nodded understanding the mental pain you were in. "Alright." He spoke before leaving, "Rest today as well." You bowed to him as he left. That morning he went alone to pray and prayed there for a while. On leaving the temple, he was surprised to find to a young pregnant lady with few maids heading to the temple. "Princess, is she?" Prince Jimin slightly smiled watching the lady's troop come closer. "Yes, your highness." His eunuch bowed to the approaching princess. The princess as well had her eyes set on this stranger who was accompanied by a royal eunuch. Who is that man to have such luxury to be tailed by a royal eunuch.

She stopped closed to them and examined prince Jimin, so did the prince. His simple nobility dress, questioned his position in the princess's mind. "Eunuch Shin, who may this gentle man be?" Asked the head maid of the princess. Prince Jimin cocked his eyes brows at the lady in companion's speech. "This is -" Before eunuch Shin could answer, prince Jimin interrupted, "I am a friend of his majesty." He smiled at the princess. "I see. Forgive my maid for being rude to you, sir." The princess immediately apologized and moved her head to the maid's side. "Forgive me master." She bowed to him. 

The answer was not setting with the princess, thus she stared at him suspicion in her heart and prince Jimin could suspect it. "Why may the princess take the trouble to walk so far to the temple?" Prince Jimin asked her, as his eye focused on her pregnant belly; changing the subject. With straight face as raw as she could, "A wife's duty is to pray for her husband's good and long life. If it doesn't bother me, must it bother you, notable sir?" Prince Jimin was taken aback with the answer and had the very first urge to redeem her. But then suddenly he realized that his existence was unbeknown to this princess, "Your highness, I apologize if it felt as mockery. But it was a mere concern." He tried to reverse his question's effect. 

"Well then, your highness must not spend another moment on this sir and head to the temple." He bowed to the princess, followed by his eunuch. The princess's took one last glance at each before heading straight. Prince Jimin and eunuch Shin made their way back to his chamber. "She is an honest princess." he remarked and the eunuch shin only agreed. "Taehyung is lucky to get her. I am sure she went in pray for his friends Well wishes to the couple." he sadly muttered.

Meanwhile you laid there on your bed, reciting all the prayers that your mother and aunt Minseo had taught you. Unsure of the prayer's effectiveness, you opened the window of your room and looked at the clear sky. "Lord, please save master Jihoon, I can promise you anything. If you don't want us to live together, it is entirely fine. In exchange of our reunion, please save him. Or in exchange of my life, please spare his. Please. I beg you." Tears began to flow down again. "Why must he suffer for someone else's crime?"

And just like that soon evening arrived. Prince Taehyung was having tea with his wife when one of his junior eunuch's crashed in. "Your highness!" The young boy panted hard. Prince Taehyung stood up from his seat, "What happened?" His mind tried to analyze the situation. "Master Junmyeon- master Junmyeon has been found guilty for the crime of his affair and the assassination's hand." Prince was shocked to here it. "And Jihoon?" He asked the boy. "Master Jihoon has also been found guilty." eyes wide and mouth opened in horror, prince Taehyung stood there. "How can the judgement be made this quickly?" He shouted in anger and frustration. It was the first time the princess and the eunuch had seen his highness like this. The boy didn't have anything else to say. He said what he heard from the sub ministers in that court. 

"I have to meet mother." He pushed past the eunuch. This cannot happen. Wasn't my statement taken into consideration? I had stated it clearly that they were with me that night. What are they doing there? This is all father's mistake. Had he let me in the court, I would have proved they were innocents. Mother said that her puppets are doing everything, then how did they come to this judgement. "Open the door." He commanded the maid. "Your majesty, his highness is here." and opened the door. As he walked in, he saw the site of his mother speaking with minister Kangh. 

"Your highness." He bowed to prince Taehyung. Suspicion forced him to take a good look at the two. He shook his head and understood that it was best for him to question minister Kangh infront of his mother. "Minister Kangh, what is happening in that court? Why are they punished for a crime not committed by them?" questioned, his eyes sterned. "Your highness, we were trying our best to find the real culprit in the maid's death but then Jihoon confessed to having a hand in prince Jimin's assassination and denied his involvement in the maid's murder. He stated that he was approached by minister Yushin who then threatened him to do. If not his father will face charges for getting involved with his mother who had a maternal link to the treason general of your grand father." Kangh explained.

Prince Taehyung expression furrowed at the explanation. "The same goes for Junmyeon. He testified that it was minister Yushin who forced him to deploy with Jihoon. He was threatened with his sister's involvement with some shaman of the neighboring kingdom. Thus, he too confessed to the involvement." Prince Taehyung infuriated, "How can any of this be true? We were merely kids, and why would we even try? What is this ridiculous court?" The Minister looked at the queen, they exchanged a pitied look. "Son, there is one more day for the judgement. So far they have only confessed their crimes. We have one more day for the judgement. Minister Kangh had visited me to speak to you, dear. He wants you to go speak with your friends and find out the truth. Maybe they will tell you the truth." The queen reasoned. 

"I did not sit back simply for your minister to push my friends to their death rows mother." Prince Taehyung gritted his teeth. "I trusted your ministers." He pointed to his mother. "Your highness!" Minister Kangh's voice echoed in that room. With wide and angry eyes, prince Taehyung looked at the minister, "Don't raise your voice on me. You should have done your work properly. If father had not commanded me to not involve in the court, I would have found the culprits myself. And so I trusted you and mother. You have only proven me wrong, minister Kangh." He despised the minister.

"I have to discuss with father about this." He said before storming off the chamber. "This is getting tangled up for all wrong reasons, now." The queen sigh dejected. "This is only done so that Minister Kim and Baek, leave that illegitimate son of his majesty out of the throne claim. In order for him to take the throne, he might have to sacrifice his friends' lives too. He can make new friends." Minister Kangh rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile, His majesty was holding a private council with minister Kim and Baek. "Minister Kim, why has your son testified against his own favour?" King asked the broken minister. "Your highness, I don't know what is going through his mind currently. I am sure minister Kangh has manipulated the boy with something illogical." Minister Kim answered. "I agree with minister Kim. Minister Kangh has been playing a foul game. He has twisted many words and statements." Minister Baek reasoned.

"I know it is the protocol to not allow the culprit meet any minister and I know it very well that you have not visited the boys even once. Currently I want you to speak with your sons and tell them to plead not guilty." "Yes your majesty."

"Your highness, prince Taehyung seeks audience with you." The head eunuch announced from the other side of the room. The council was cut short. "You may leave." He dismissed the council. "Come in." His majesty replied. The door opened and prince Taehyung saw the ministers leave as he walked in. He didn't spare a moment. "Father, I plead to you. Do not make a quick judgement. They are innocents." Thus began their discussion. His majesty couldn't help but feel sad for his son. Two of his childhood friends were accused of something that no child could commit to. His majesty as well knew that the boys were being dragged unnecessarily. He too had planned his spies to investigate but they were unsuccessful in getting any evidence. The moment when they set up to track the assassins, those assassins would be found dead.

All those maids who were previously employed to serve prince Jimin had tried to kill him one way or another. When his majesty would come to know of this, they would have already left this world. Leaving no trace of evidence. Due to which he moved prince Jimin to some other house for a while. Later Yubin came, she was the third person to be employed but unlike others who had committed the crime and died. She had been brought up by the black market thieves and sold off to the palace. Because of her young age, his majesty at least thought she would be the apt person for being prince Jimin's lady in companion. Indeed she was. What his majesty couldn't figure out why were these assassin coming for prince Jimin. Initially he thought it was Kira but then he realized that Kira was not someone who would send some people to kill. 

Then he doubted his queen. But she too came out clear. Prince Jimin never stood as a threat to anyone including his brother when it came to throne claim. Then who would go through all this trouble. He also couldn't execute the boys for reasons. Firstly, they are innocents. Secondly, even if they assume them as the culprit, they couldn't be executed for the charge of assassinating the prince as prince Jimin has been announced dead to the public. It was as though they were led to dead ends. Currently the only person interested the quick execution of those boys was Minister Kangh. But to his notice minister Kangh favoured prince Jimin. 

That night the requested people met the boys. First minister Baek and Kim visited their sons. Then prince Taehyung approached the boys. Junmyeon didn't want to say anything to the prince. He had already accepted his fate. "Junmyeon! Don't be stupid!" prince Taehyung shouted at the boy who had his back turned, laid on the ground. "Just confess the truth, damnit! Why are you acting like you have done the crime?" Junmyeon didn't speak a word. He was heart broken to see Jieun's condition. He had got the opportunity to see her, as they passed her cell after the court. It had broken him. He questioned himself as to what he has done to the poor girl that he loves so much.

"Junmyeon, speak up!" prince shouted. He finally decided to speak, "Prince Taehyung, even if I confess the truth, it wouldn't make any difference. I have ruined Jieun's life. I have done many sins but none of them ever hurt me. But today, when I saw Jieun, it broke my heart. I have pushed ourselves to the death. I have broken the law of the land and wish to maintain this relationship till the end." Tears dwelled in his eyes, as he faced the prince. "If we die together, then maybe in the next life we can live together away from a land with just the two of us. Currently I dream of that day and don't wish to say anything else because none it will change anything." He wiped his tears, before smiling at the prince. "You have already moved on to your next life. So are you forgetting our friendship?" 

"Never, your highness! I have always cherished our friendship and I hope that in my life I would want to have you as my friend or my son." Prince Taehyung disappointedly shook his head, "Junmyeon, don't be stupid." Junmyeon didn't let his gaze break from the prince, "I have already fallen in the hole. Maybe, your highness, should save Jihoon who has no involvement at all." He urged prince to go to Jihoon. "I don't have any will to live." He said before laying down again, prince Taehyung called his name but the boy only ignored. "Go on then!" He cussed, kicking the cell door and heading to Jihoon.

"Jihoon why are you doing this?" He asked him. Jihoon simply looked at him. "Because I want to protect someone."


Hey guys,

I am cut shortening many reasoning part because of the increase in the length of the chapter as well the book. What started as a small story ended up with a novel like plot. Therefore there will be many scenes that will skip explanation. I want to take this book to the main couple relationship ASAP. Hope you guys can still understand the plot.

With Love,


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