CH 56

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He could still recollected how the first maid out of his caretakers had tried to kill him in his sickness at the age of seven, especially his father's seething expression. It was the same expression that his majesty had when prince was attacked second time by his second maid. He knew his father wouldn't let you escape his clutches so quickly. 

When he had thought you were saved but only to realize later he never did save you in the first place. His thoughts to explain the situation to his father was quite a debate in his mind, it was no easy matter to have his father understand something who has already made a decision. For sure he had acted like an ignorant brat for some situation, but when it came to him, his majesty wouldn't accept another thought. Think Jimin! Think! You can't let die like this!!

"We need to do something eunuch Shin." his hands massaged his head. Eunuch Shin simply stared at the prince, wondering what could the prince think. As he tried to brainstorm his mind, a picture of Hansoo came in mind. His hands stopped massaging, Yes! We could escape to that house and then later to another house with Hansoo as well. Why didn't I think about it?! This is a brilliant idea. "Your highness, nothing can be done." Eunuch Shin brought him back to earth. Prince Jimin was puzzled at the sentence. "What do you mean?" 

"His majesty has already made the arrangements and doctor Kim was commanded to report first his majesty about Y/n's recovery." Prince Jimin couldn't believe it anymore. He had to act quickly but then a sudden realization hit him, he needed to calm down. He felt a feeling that eunuch Shin was involved with his father and that he only looked after his highness' needs to predict his highness' moves and report them to his majesty "I see." he thoughtfully uttered loud enough for the eunuch to hear. I need to make a plan with physician Kim to escape here. Eunuch Shin must be avoided at all cost.

"Take the meal." prince stood up from his seat and headed to the medical compound. His highness pushed the curtain aside. Physician Kim was checking your eyes, he acknowledged the presence of the prince with a simple bow, prince Jimin ignored it and stood next to your body. "How is she doing?" He asked him in all seriousness. "Your highness, her condition is stable yet she is not responsive enough." the prince sighed and turned to Mr.Kim. "Physician Kim." he called out for the man's attention who was busy looking at the herbs that could be used to help you. "Your highness." he turned to face the prince. "I need your help desperately." he bowed his head. Mr.Kim was shocked again to see him bow, "your highness." he called for the prince to straighten up. 

"I am well aware, father has asked you to report him about Y/n's recovery." Mr.Kim was slightly taken aback by revelation. "Your highness-" prince cut him, anxiously spilling out his fear with his next words, "I want her alive. There is no life for me without her. I don't know why but when I think about not having her around anymore, panic forces to settle in my soul. It is harder for me to imagine my life without Y/n than it was with Yubin. Y/n, is the most important person for me now. This feeling of being incompetent wretches my gut, for I am not able to protect something that is so crucial for me. There is this constant reminder in my mind, without Y/n my life is nothing and not worth living and that I must end my life with her." Physician Kim looked at the bewildering prince who could go insane any moment. He could perceive the prince's argument. "There is no one else in this palace who could comprehend my worries and sorrows unlike you. Therefore I am seeking you to be my knight in shinning armor and protect me. Lend me a helping hand to protect the one I cherish." His eyes pleaded to the physician. He could only trust this man and none. 

"Your highness,-" even before he could even procure a word from Mr.Kim, the prince interrupted him, "Physician Kim, I know my father's wrath but I am very sure you know him more than I do, it is known within the palace that my father once sets his mind on something he will take it and that is how this empire has begun to even expand further. I need to escape with Y/n as soon as possible." finishing his spiraling thoughts. Mr. Kim gulped at his plea, "Your highness, this is a very risky move to escape his majesty, let alone this palace. It is true that his majesty had commanded me but I am confound as how did you come to know about it." He faced the prince properly. "Eunuch Shin told me about it." the prince innocently answered. Mr. Kim's exchanged glances between his highness and your body and turned serious with a deep sigh. 

"I shall help your highness. But before that I need to know how your highness would escape his majesty's clutches."

Meanwhile in your coma, you were in another world. A world where you lived your life with Jihoon. It was peaceful there. You had reunited with him in this world, living as the wife of the military strategist general Seon Jihoon. He served Majesty Taehyung. The live was beautiful, a comfortable house in the capital outskirt. His family accepted you with all their good heart. Having two beautiful daughters, the eldest; Seon Minji took your appearance but Jihoon's charming character while the youngest, Seon Jiyeon took the appearance of Jihoon and your character. The daughter were well received by their grandparents were given more love than Jihoon and you. Those beautiful daughters grew up under their care and got married to wealthy and prestigious families later. Jihoon had retired from the palace and lived his life enjoying your company. Black hair graying and their faces wrinkled, but Jihoon still saw you as beautiful as you were when he first saw you. Soon his time arrived, you sat beside his weak body, holding his hand, "Thank you Y/n. Now you must return." he mumbled. 

Your view became blurry and darkness took over. "I must return?" you heard a voice. "Y/n, please wake up." you heard the cries of his highness. "Prince Jimin." you mumble. "Come to me, y/n. I need you." his cries intensified. 

And thus finally your eyes opened, adjusting to the brightness in the room. It took a while to adjust your view. Your eyes roamed around and found yourself at a familiar place. The physician's room? The feeling of someone massaging your palm had you look down, it was prince Jimin. He held your hand to his forehead and massaging your right palm. "Your highness." your voice came out dry, he heard the call and whipped to look at the sound source. Tears of joy erupted from his eyes when he saw you. "Oh Y/n. You dare to frighten me." he cried as he hugged your laid body. The reality slowly hit you, flash backs of the day brushed your memories, tears welled up from Jihoon's ill fate. Involuntarily your hands wrapped around the prince and cried your pain. 

"Why did your highness save me? I should have been gone too." you cried in his neck while he wiped his tears, his red and sore eyes looked at your tearing ones, cupped your face, "No Y/n, you can't say that after all I have done to save you. I want to live with you. We need to find the real culprit behind all this." your tears were wiped with his robe sleeves. The cries of the two prolonged. Mr.Kim who entered the chamber, heard the cries of mixed voices from the inner chamber, he walked in and found the prince crying on top of your chest. Worried if something went wrong, he rushed to the two, "Your highness, is something wrong with Y/n?" he fretted.

Prince Jimin wiped his tears and looked at the physician while your cries didn't seize. "She is doing alright but she says she wants to leave this world." he muffled his cries, Mr. Kim found himself pitying over the two. "Y/n," He proceeded to check on you if there were any ailment, "do you feel any nausea, blurry vision, headache or anything?" With a runny nose and teary eyes, you shook your head. "Are you able to sit up?" he asked and went to grab a small blanket to cover your body his highness helped you sit up. You hadn't noticed your bandages nor that you were only wearing bra and pants. He covered you, "I feel pain around my stomach." sniffled.

Physician Kim huffed, "It will take sometime to heal. I have stitched up your wound and therefore it requires atmost care. I have given the medicine to his highness, he shall assist you when you return to the inn." your lips quivered, tears falling down, your heart was breaking with the passage of every moment at the recollection of Jihoon's execution. "Do you know how long you were unconscious?" Mr. Kim turned to get the antidote that he fed you. "A week." prince Jimin mumbled to your ear, his hand caressing your back. However, did it matter for you? No. The pain of losing the man you loved was more agonizing than falling unconscious. "Did you know that the dagger you used, its surface was coated with the most dangerous poison?" Mr. Kim's words had no heed. He brought the medicine and fed you, tears didn't stop even then. Your cries reminded Mr. Kim of several other maidens who lost their loved ones just like you, one among them was his very own wife. You were not the first he had tried to save, there were many, among them few were fortunate enough to reunite with the lovers. They were always empathized by him and found the law very disturbing but what could he do, it was a rule made by his majesty. 

"Y/n, it is a miracle that you were saved from the brink of your death." He spoke, placing the bowl on the near by table. "I can understand the pain you go through however I need to know this and so I want you to answer me with all honesty." Prince Jimin wiped your tears and cleaned your runny nose with his robe sleeve again, so that you are able to answer the physician with no interruptions. "Answer him, Y/n." he gently pushed and you gave a nod. "Who gave you the dagger?" the question was direct yet difficult to answer. Your mournful face stared at the prince's robe, who was beside you. Rather than a difficult question, it seemed you didn't know how to answer. You didn't want to push prince Taehyung, since you had a whiff how it would be for a maid to accuse the crown prince for an unclaimable act. 

To top it off if prince Jimin found out, it would cause another serious issue in the palace, later what if the crown prince sends an actual assassin to murder his highness? I realize now that prince Taehyung meant what he had said. If the dagger was coated with poison then he must have thought that I would act spiteful to prince Jimin out of master Jihoon's demise. 'I give you two choices, either kill yourself or murder my brother tomorrow.' His highness also stated that I kill myself, which he meant to give my life and reunite with master Jihoon which almost happened, if prince Jimin had not saved me. I mustn't tell them who gave me or anything, afterall I could have denied the offer when prince Taehyung had given to me. 

"No." The answer perplexed both of the men. "What do you mean by 'no'?" prince Jimin tried to make out the reason from your answer. "No one gave me." you tried to twist the answer after realizing what you had said. "I got it from the maid's bath house, lying in a corner. I thought to return it to eunuchs when I brought it with me. However I forgot to do so when I followed prince Jimin." your sniffles turned to cries at the last part of the answer, at the sudden recollection what had occurred. Prince Jimin embraced your body, hoping to give some comfort. Watching your lamenting self, Mr. Kim decided to let go further getting to know about it because it was already known that you were not going to face a proper trial under his majesty.

"It is evening now. I shall arrange some liquid meal for your body's quick heal." His eyes looked at the prince, "Your highness, shall fill you with plans of the next few hours." He bowed to his highness and went to make the preparation for your meal. For a while you cried on him till no tears were left to fall, prince Jimin took this an apt opportunity to spill his plan. "Y/n, I know you did the act out of deep pain but what you did back there was not right." he started, your sorrowful eyes stared his brown orbs, "Father has mistaken that as an act of assassination. He is very furious to find you the one he trusted so much to take such an action. You have evoked death penalty from him with no justful trials." He caressed your hair, taking a deep breath, "His majesty had commanded physician Kim, to be the very first to know you woke up from the coma. His majesty wouldn't care to take your life. Thus we need to escape from here." your red eyes widened.  

"Tonight we will escape from the palace and head to the inn. When we get there we will take Hansoo with us and move to another kingdom within the empire." you gulped at the plan, your lips quivering, "Your highness didn't needed to save this girl. I stabbed myself to join master Jihoon. It is only proper for his majesty to take my life, this girl has no will to live anymore." tears rolled down your swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. All this time prince Jimin tried to be as patient as he could, he knew he wanted you in his life and when you kept saying you wanted to leave, it busted the last nerve that ticked finally. He took in a deep breath, holding it in, "His majesty should have killed me earlier." That was it. Blood rushed to his brain, his body moved to face you and soon you felt a hard slap on your face, the sound echoed in the chamber.

Your cheek felt hurt and a burning, trembling lips apart as your hand touched the aching part. It was not it. His hand grabbed your loose back hair, fisting it. "I dare you to say it again." His voice deepened, from fear your breath became uneven. "You didn't come to this palace to serve Jihoon. Did you?" he got a feared head shake. "You are here to serve me and I let your relationship be as it was without ever saying a word. Your life is not for the nobles but for the royals especially me." His brown eyes glared, nearing your face, "Remember one thing, Jihoon lost his life because of YOU, had you served me without going anywhere, none of this would have happened in the first place. I didn't spend the last four days, pacing in the palace to develop a good escape plan for it to go waste. I don't want to hear another of this selfish rants. Now you will follow as I tell you. Am I clear?" you nodded. The grip wasn't tight but the pull was definitely giving the pain in the wound and his scary and cold face was definitely frightening you.

His hand let go of the hair, instantly pulled you in a side hug, "I am sorry Y/n. But like I have said earlier, I can't lose you too. I didn't want to get angry." his behaviour had triggered those traumatic days where he used to abuse you and then apologize, your body trembling. "If you wouldn't have used those ruthless words, I wouldn't have lashed out. You don't know the fear I had endured, worried day and night if I would never get to spend my time with you ever again." his hand caressed your hair. "Here on, you will only serve me like you were always. You will not give your attention to anyone else but to my needs. None of us will ever speak of Jihoon or anything related to the palace again. Hmm?" his warm lips planted a kiss. 

All this time he had buried his abusive dominant attitude deep down, never wanting to use it on you but that day, he unleashed it, to show who you served and belonged* to. With all the preparation from you done, Physician Kim dressed your wound one last time before you left the palace at midnight. He made sure not another soul to know about their escape, including his disciples. The escape from the palace required a mandatory self disguise, thus handed you the men's hanbok. Prince Jimin and you changed their dresses and cautiously waited for the moon to shine bright in the darkness and the entire palace to drop dead silent. Making sure that everyone was settled in deep slumber at their respective chambers specifically his majesty, physician Kim brought the two out of the chamber and headed to the palace entrance.

The entire palace to drop silent didn't include the soldiers and guards, they were still wide awake. They did see three men walk to the back of the palace, did they suspect anything? None at all since it was normal for the ministers or nobles to lurk in the palace to do their respective works. One hand, physician Kim led the way, prince Jimin right beside you, walked with all their confidence which never dispensed. On the other hand, every time you walked past the royal guards, your heart would skip a beat, although your face was covered with the hand fan and there were no chances for them to even recognize you, it still felt visible. Indeed what prince Jimin had reminded you were all actual facts but then you realized that the words of a servant are merely like the song of the crickets. You held no voice here, in the palace. 

As the entrance neared, your heart beat paced, almost like it would jump out, as two guards at the entrance came in view. Physician Kim stopped as they neared them, he spoke with them, one of them even cared to spare a glance at the prince who as well covered half his face with fan. Physician Kim walked back to them, "Your highness, those are my nephews, they have arranged the horse to the left side of the palace. All the required items have been placed in the saddlebags. This humble servant wishes His Highness a good journey." he bowed to the prince whilst you were almost having anxiety attack pondering over what would happen if the two of you would get caught.

"Thank you very much, physician Kim. I am blessed prince to have such a kind doctor. You have always been a supportive pillar to this palace and nation. I hope you flourish well." Prince Jimin patted his arm with a proud smile. "Your highness, you must hurry before anyone else comes." the physician reminded him. Prince Jimin with a tight smile and nod, took your hand in his and walked through the entrance. "Your highness, we have arranged a man take your highness to the destination, he will standing at the curve, going straight from here. For your highness's travel we have prepared a horse, which is tied to the tree near a small shop as your highness steps out of the palace." said one of them. "Your highness, the horse's name is Hana. One only requires to show him the direction and she shall lead to the destination swiftly." The other said. "Thank you for all the help." he bowed his head to the guards, who deeply bowed to him as the two walked out. Prince Jimin located the horse that was tied to a tree nearby a small shop. "Y/n, don't worry, we will be fine." he assured you with a hug and climbed the horse. He lent out his hand to climb on but you knew how weak he was, so you handed him the fan, with the help of the stirrup and the saddle end, you sat behind the prince.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" his highness asked you, entirely clueless how to have the horse lead to the destination.


belonged - Here belonged means as in like a slave that is sold to the master or household to do the work.

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