CH 59

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Behind their in, two men on their horses stood. "Hey Majoo! Don't you think we are acting hastily?" whispered to the man as he climbed down his horse. "No, this is the right moment. If we do it now, all the evidence that would make the murder look suspicious will be washed away by the rain." The other replied as he got down. "Did you make sure to give him which one he was supposed to eat?" he asked the first guy. "Sure, he must have eaten it by now. I did tell him specifically which one was for him."

"Or else we can just kill him and then take the girl with us and sell her to those palace guys, we can earn some extra." Majoo let out a quiet laugh. The other only stared at him, "No. We are here to kill them." The first guy replied. "Tch. You are literally no fun." the guy said as he climbed the compound wall and got in. The other one didn't wait and followed him right up.

"I will go check the prince and his maid while you kill the boy." Majoo commanded the other. The other guy tip toed and walked passed the bedroom the two of you were in. He only heard a few shuffles and then your shout.

"Hansoo! Hansoo!" you called for the boy to bring the water but no reply came. "Hansoo! Come here quickly." you cried out loud. The door slid and in came a tall man who wore a black soldier dress with a sword, his face covered. Your confused eyes met his confident black eyes. "Who are you?" Your panicky voice shouted at him while you tried to have prince Jimin sit up. He knew that prince Jimin would not wake up and it was easy for him to finish you off. The man swung his sword to attack on you when you blocked his swing with the wooden fan near by and kicked him in the stomach. Throwing the broken fan, you groaned in pain, one hand clutching on the wound. The man got back and took the opportunity to finish you with one swing. Your body could hardly stand from the pain, but that didn't let you hinder to throw all the hard objects in the room on him. The man only dodged them. Who the heck is this guy? Why is he attacking us?

On the other hand, the first guy walked passed the rooms and went straight to kill the servant boy. As he entered the kitchen, before the sword was pulled from its cover, the servant boy's dead body was found beside the burning stone stove. The boy had blood shot eyes with blood streamed down his nose, lips and ears. "Tch." the man clicked his tongue. He fed it to this boy. He must have consumed the other one.

Even with the heavy lids and blurred vision, prince Jimin saw a completely covered man trying to attack you while you dodged it every time. Who is this man? He looks familiar, is it travel guard. Ugh! I am feeling so sleepy. I should help Y/n. Why is he trying to kill Y/n? Stop the man. Stop. Majoo had swung the sword several times at you only to be ducked or barely escape, however last one scathed your left arm. Your free hand clutched on the new wound. Majoo was over the moon, with the thought that he made you motionless.

"What do you want, you bastard?" you shouted at him with glaring and painful eyes. "Really? you could only make that your last words?" his right eye cocked at you while your jaw clenched, I need to block his chi and strike him. He must be sent by that Guangzhi man to kill his highness. He must know that the his highness is unconscious and is not required to be killed. His hands brought the sword up to slash your body, and you waited for the right opportunity to attack his pressure points as his swing, however to both of their surprise, the drowsy and weak prince Jimin obstructed in front of you, the sword slashed his clothes and chest.

"Your highness." you shouted as his body fell on you. "Tsk. Missed again. I need to improve." Just then the other guy entered the room. "What is taking you so long?" the guy shouted at Majoo. "Look what we have." he mocked at the prince. You tried to put pressure on the cut to stop its bleeding. "Why are you doing this?" A shout erupted from you. It felt like God was playing a game with you, killing everyone close to you after being given a second chance. "We were ordered to do." he replied. The other man walked in, "Stop playing and finish quickly." he commanded. Your brows furrowed, "He hasn't harmed anyone." Majoo cocked his brow again, "This is not about him but you." He pointed his sword to you. His eyes moved to the bleeding body of his highness, "He will die soon. So I need to kill you." Your jaw clenched while you tried to stop the bleeding but couldn't. I need to get out of here quickly. His highness is bleeding profusely and my wound is stings and tightens every time I duck.  You gently laid his highness on the floor. 

They watched you lay his highness beside and stand up. "Ready to die then?" He mocked, raising his sword to your chest. Your right hand pushed the sword held hand up and jabbed his chest with all your might. Used the opening to attack his pressure points quickly. It was swift and clean, all he felt was a pinch on his neck and then arm. The raised sword dropped on the ground, his pinched arm fell motionless and unable to move his neck. His free hand touched his immovable neck where he felt the pinch, you kicked him to lay on the floor. The other guy took his sword and tried to attack you, the move was wasted for he too fell like his companion. These men were not some street killers, they were expert assassins, but with how you took them down with ease using only the chi blocking technique, which was a deserted art form, had Majoo realize it was a big mistake to underestimate anyone; an advice he always received from his teacher who had told him several times his behaviour of undermining people would kill him someday. Never did he expect the day to come soon.

You took one of their swords; while clutching your aching stomach wound, pointed at them, "I don't know who sent you, however that person shouldn't have undermined this maid of his highness." with the help of the sword, you unveiled their faces, only to see two unknown faces. Their wide eyes looked at you, pure fear evident in them. "I can help you release from your immobility but first tell me who sent you?" you kicked Majoo's leg. The men exchanged a glance with each other before eating a small ball of candy and swallow it. "You will never know it." Majoo mouthed to you with a smirk. You looked at them with utter confusion, Did they eat the poisoned candy? Just then you got the smell of smoke. Is the house on fire?

"Hansoo!" you mumbled, abandoned them and opened the door. As you had expected, the back end was on fire. "Hansoo!!" you shouted, cupping your nose as you took a step in the kitchen. Fire was blazing its flames, consuming everything that was perishable. One among them you noticed an human body burning in the middle. Your heart dropped, understanding well that he was murdered by those people. "I am sorry, Hansoo." a mumble escaped as tears dropped from your eyes. Prince Jimin!  Your mind alerted and you rushed to the room, only to be met with the sight of two dead froth mouthed men. "Your highness." you rushed to his side and saw that the blood had his entire chest. "your highness!!!" fingers tapped on his cheeks, to get even the slightest hint that he was alive. You placed a finger under his nose and felt short and weak breaths.

With some clothes laid around, you pushed it on his chest to soak the blood. The flames moved from the kitchen to the next room and the flame lights slowly creeping, visible from the wooden paper walls. "The fire is catching. Everything is happening so quickly." Mind slowly clouded, deciding what is the next move. With all your strength, you dragged his highness from the room, when reached at the steps, you dropped his body to get down the four steps, when turned to pick the body, you saw the orangish yellow flames slowly spread the other two rooms. "I am sorry Hansoo." your voice cried as you picked his body and laid on muddy ground. Flame heat had radiated to the horse shed, the horses screamed, jumped and tried to break their ropes. 

I need to get the horses.  You stumbled your way to the shed and found south end of the hay roof catching fire. Quickly undid the rope and pulled them to the front before they ran away. The horse shook their heads to have you let go of them. "Giwoo, follow this horse. okay?" you asked the horse. "Come here, Hana." you pulled the other one to where prince Jimin was laid. Even before you told her to squat, Hana squatted lower for you to place prince Jimin. You supported his body and had him sit face the backwards such that his body hugged you while you ride the horse. Hana stood up, "Hana, let me get Giwoo's reins." you said and Hana stood next to Giwoo. 

"Giwoo, follow us. Okay." You took his reins, "Hana walk out!" a shout came as the flames rose high. "Run Hana! Run Giwoo!" you commanded and the horses followed. Into the darkness the horses set out. After a fair distance from the house, you peaked behind the shoulder and saw the house fall in the flames with the four walls. Looking ahead, into the complete darkness while the horses galloped through the trees, your mind was in turmoil. Everything seemed vague for you, trying to reach some kind of conclusion. The execution of Jihoon, your stab wound, the sweets his highness ate, the assassins taking the right opportunity. One way or another people that came across you were killed. It appeared like it was planned way ahead and had only required the execution which happened. Something that I have. Why were they behind us?

His highness had his head slumped to your chest that caused you to break out of your thoughts, He will die. the words of the assassin resonated in your mind. Please, dear god, don't let his highness die. Please!!  "Hana, go to the nearest house, quickly." The horse registered the command and ran faster. Giwoo tried to keep his pace with Hana. After quite a long distance from the compound, a diverge came. You noticed how the right diverge little far, had a village entrance, where lamps were hung outside the first few houses. Little did you hope that Hana would do what she was supposed to. However Hana had other plan, she took the diverge to the left. In utter confusion, you tried to control the reins of the horse but it was difficult for you to pull it at full swing with the poor positioning of the prince, who would fall any moment if you raised your hands to pull the reins, to top it off, your wound as well as the scrape on your left arm pained every time you pulled. "Hana, what are you doing? The village is on the other road." 

The horse didn't give a heed to the command. She rod while you cursed under your breath to even think that Hana was different from other animals. Hana galloped for another long distance till she slowed her speed, to which you gave attention and saw another in. Hana stopped in front its door. "Hana where is this? Why would you stop at an abandoned compound inn. Luckily it was a half moon day; showering it dull light, so in the darkness you were at least able to detect the door. "Your highness." you called the slumped body on yours, placing your index under his nose, his breath had shortened more from earlier. Only the smallest exhale could you feel. I need to do it quickly before he breathes his last. Come on Y/n. After a lot of adjustments to get down from the horse, somehow you made it on the ground with Prince Jimin on Hana. You dragged your weak body to the door and smothered your hands over it in search of its handle. The handle was found however there was another headache, it was locked with a big padlock. "Tch. Now this is what happens when you let a horse lead the way, stupid Y/n." Hana neighed at your comment.

In the dully lit darkness, with great difficulty you searched for a huge rock to crack open the lock. Eventually a big one was found and used it to break the lock. After almost five times of hitting, it still sat like it was before, "See this now." You turned to Hana. "It would have been far better if you had taken to the village." Each moment your frustration peaked, feeling useless. "Why did I even run away from our village? It was the most stupidest thing. I could have gone to Eunha's house. AUUGHH!!! MY DUMB BODY HAS LOST ITS MIND TO THAT OF A DIMWIT!!" And with all force you threw the stone at the lock after your adjusted to the night.

'Cluck' came a voice from the door. Quickly, your fingers ran on the supposed lock and felt it unlock. "YES!" you grunted, removing the lock and pushed the door. You staggered to the house. "Come in Giwoo, Hana." the horses were called in. They trudged to you, Hana stood behind you and nudged her face to your back while you struggled in the front yard to find something dry to use it for fire. "What is it, Hana?!" your tone came in pure annoyance but the horse didn't consider it and continued to nudge until you turned to her. "Just what is it you stupid horse?" 

She nudged your body till you reached the saddle bags on her. With the help of her nose, she hooked your hand on the bag, almost telling you to search it.  In defeat you gave into what she wanted you to do. Your hands snacked in the bag, to the end corner of the sack you felt something familiar. Fire Striker and Flint?! It was fished out immediately and indeed it was. While you were happy to found something useful, Hana trudged to left side of the house. Your attention turned to her immediately, hearing her saddle sound move. "Where are you going Hana?!" you shouted, rolling your eyes. 

Neighing, she directed you to come closer to where she stood. As soon as you reached her, she neighed and shook her head, motioning to open the door. In perplexity, you pushed the door to find a dark room. Although you couldn't make out what it was, Hana knew it, she took a mouth of the thing from the shed and spat it on the ground. Wondering what it was, you touched it, HAY?! you struck the fire striker, the sparks ignited from it fell on the hay and resulted in fire. The light from it illuminated the area around, allowing their vision to expand. With a contently pout, "I am sorry Hana. Thank you very much." The horse neighed. Little did you know that Hana was well aware and knowledgeable about the royal Hanoks situated around the first kingdom of the Park dynasty.

You walked in the shed, threw more hay to build fire, when it fell in your notice there were chopped woods. Took one, held it at fire, to use it as a torch and moved to the entrance of the house. In the orange light, you noticed that the door didn't have any lock. Without any delay, you pushed the door and walked in. The room had all the set up that of the earlier one. It had the meal tables, stands, futons even a small lowered pit to act like a stove in the very same room. "This is good." mumbled in contentment, before heading to the lamps to light them but they were empty. You walked out, got the wood from the shed while horses stood there outside with the unconscious prince and threw the small woods into the pit along with the fire torch with you. 

It lit the a small portion of the room. "Now the prince." You took a deep breath and rushed to treat the prince. "Please don't die." mumbled as you dragged him from Hana, took inside and laid him on the floor. You removed the heavy saddles off the horses and placed them in the room. Just then the sound of thunder roared above. The night sky of stars and moon was replaced with the stormy clouds. Your brows crunched in annoyance, questioning where to station the horses. Hana knew what to do, she grabbed Giwoo's reins in her mouth and walked to the shed where hay was. The moment was so surreal for you, that she was doing everything even before you uttered a word.

Gathered some more woods enough for the night, threw it in the room. Locked the horses in the shed, rushed to the compound door and closed it, and closed the room door before getting the futon from the corner. Just to make sure he was alive you checked his breath and it had only shortened from earlier, his lips were turning dark, his hands were cold. "No. No. No. Quickly Y/n. Quickly. The futon." You pulled one of it from the corner. A bit worn out and emitted the moldy smell, however none of that could ever matter when one tried to save the life of another, and laid him on it. Your speed had gradually reduced and the more you struggled to do things because of your wounds. With each small movement your stomach stitch pained for it tightened even more when heavy chores were done such as ride the horse, drag the prince. With the last ounces of the strength you contained, used it to lay his highness on the futon and fetch water from the well in the front of the house. 

Placed a small bronze and brass bowl on the burning stove, heated the water to make it drinkable. In the mean time, threw the items from the saddles on the floor to find something that was usable. Among them, you found the medicine that Mr. Kim had given to the prince for your wounds, along with some bandages and a cotton ball. "I don't know how to use these." you wanted to cry from the helplessness but you knew there was not much time to waste crying either. "Clean the wound and paste the medicine." you hurried to the laid prince. His cut had bled profusely, his robe soaked in blood. You tore his robe waist up, to meet with the sight of smeared on his chest, immediately wetted a clean cloth and wiped the blood off. Dabbed the medicine on his clean cut chest. "Please don't leave." tears dwelled in your eyes at the thought of losing him when you saw how fast his chest rose and fell, taking quick breathes. 

"Oh please god." you cried. "Your highness." you tapped his face to at least see if he would open his eyes, ignoring the symptom short breath. He didn't open then, and you collapsed beside him, crying. 'Y/n, if ever you see a purple flower, brew a tea with it and give it to the prince. It will help him overcome his illness.' The words of your aunt rung in your mind out of nowhere. It was a conversation you had with your aunt first and last time after appointed as the lady in waiting for the prince. "Purple flower." you mumbled, trying to recollect where you saw it. 

'Yanbu-shi gave it."

"A dried up flower?" A chord struck in you, rewinding the dried up flower you saw in the sachet. "The tea flower was purple." Your crawl steps fumbled as you tried to find the tea box in the scattered items on the floor. "Where is it? Please." tears slowly crept, worried if you would lose his highness. Just then your leg hit something, turned to find the small tea box that you had always used to store special flowers given by the villagers at times. "Tea pot." You found it on a shelf at the other end of the room. Took the pot, cleaned it with your hanbok skirt, washed it with the cold water, tore the petals in as much piece you could and poured the hot and boiling water into it. Waited for the flower to brew the tea. 

You waited and waited, checking every now and then that he was with you, but watching the condition of the man who tried to save you, a companion, deteriorate slowly and painfully to slip into the hands of the death was heart wrenching. "Oh, Just do it quickly you stupid things." tears broke down, your frustration pushed out, how everything had slowed down. "Why do you do this to me?" You shouted looking up, in the hopes that Gods are watching your miseries and would soon send help. Your eyes moved the almost dead prince, "Why did you even save me when you were going to end your life? Why is everyone cruel to me?!" your sobs were only suppressed under the big crackling track of the storm that took place outside. 

After what left like a long time, you poured most of the tea in a water glass. Had the prince propped up and poured the lukewarm tea between his lips. Without much difficulty he drank it. But little did you know what would happen next. As soon as you laid him back and turned around, he struggled to get his breathes. He started to heave, breathlessly, gasping for air. The sounds of his gasping voice made you check on him and saw how his eyes were wide open, lips apart, gasping noises came, his hands clutching the sheets. "No no no no no. Prince Jimin!!!!" you took his head in your lap and tried to put pressure on his chest, thinking the cut was deep and that the lukewarm water caused him pain. 

Whilst gasping for air, his eyes locked with yours, he saw your fearsome, anxious, disoriented face. Tears fell on his forehead from your eyes as you called his name, petrified what was happening to him. Unfortunately, he took his last breath. His movements and head fell limp, his eyes closed. "No no. No! Your highness!" you shrieked, worried. You placed your finger under his nose, but nothing was felt. "Nooooo" You cried hugging his body, the pain of losing another person close to you. 

Your tears didn't stop, your voice had lost its smoothness, throat aching from your constant cry, heart tearing down unable to adjust the idea that his highness is no more. As your cries ceased gradually your vision had completely blurred, head became heavy, every part of your body ached and unbeknownst to you, your body collapsed on the floor beside him while his head rested on your lap. 


Notes: Hana is a very intelligent horse, just like I mentioned in the previous chap, Horses are very good recognizing things. They also have night vision and can see things in the darkness just like they see things in the day. So that's why Hana was able to tell Y/n where the hay was placed and ride in the darkness with no lamp.

Hey guys,

Writing this chap was tough for :

1) I thought my vocab has fallen down.

2) writing the fight scene and its explanation was tough, like I am not sure if I was able to even put in how I wanted it to be.

3) Some area might seem like something is missing, don't hesitate to mention it in the comments so that I can edit later, cause I hated writing this chap.

4) I am not even sure if logic is there or not in this chap. I hope it is there but I also worry it is not there.

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