CH 7

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But why would Prince Jimin say that prince Taehyung is guilty after all they are brothers right? It must be heartbreaking for the King and Queen to see him in such condition.

It came to your notice that the chamber also looked very gloomy. How can they let a sick prince in the confined room with no fresh air and light to even survive. That won't help the patient to improve their condition. To let in the passage of good air, you opened the window to let some fresh air and warm light . The outside view was stunning. There was well maintained garden, with a lot of blooming flowers, at the corner stood a plum blossom, whose branches danced as the wind passed them, birds chirped here and there. It was a peaceful, warm and enticing environment. The spring season was in its rise.

Before immerging in its beauty, you took a glance of the sleeping prince before your mind began to fester on his life. Just when a bird pecked at the lush grass in the garden, you were reminded about the medicine. "The medicine." Instantly, you placed the towel under his chin and carefully fed him his medicine, seeing to it that he doesn't choke. Once done with it and wiping his lips, you sat next to him for some more time. "Yu-bin." you heard his highness call. His face was twisted in pain. "Your highness." you called him but he didn't respond. So you waited for him to wake up and waited and waited, only for the dusk to arrive. Jieun brought the light lamp and the light stick to light the candles in the room. She checked you about the prince and he was doing fine. It was quite stunning for her to see the prince's temperature reduce slightly.

Night came and you were served dinner in your room, the same took place what happened in the afternoon. After the meal, you  sat on watch, hoping that the prince would require you anytime. For a long time, you his medicine and sat beside his bed, every so often you would yawn and wave it off. Sleep slowly creeped, tiredness dragging your lids to close and eventually you fell asleep on the chair. The sleep wasn't shallow nor deep. 

His eyes fluttered in the candle lit room. Memories flashed in his eyes, what happened back then. He moved his head to the sides and soon fell on the sleeping figure on the chair, a new face, probably a new maid, her head laid back with mouth wide open. She slept as though she had no care in the world. His teeth gritted from irritation. Gradually he sat up in his bed, he wanted to call, but his parched throat didn't allow him. His notice fell on the vase that was placed on the bed table, which he knocked down to wake you. Your eyes flung open at the loud noise, looked around and saw the awake prince, who had glare that could do anything, with a shattered vase on the ground. "Your highness." You stood up and bowed to him, a full ninety degree and were afraid to how to speak to him. "Who- are- you?" He tried to voice.

But when you heard his voice, it almost felt like it was a pointless fear. "Y/N, your highness." You replied immediately and fetched for the water from the water pot in the room. As your eyes focused to hold the cup to his lips, he side eyed you and then slowly drank the water that you watered him. "I apologize for my rude behaviour, your highness." you uttered as you placed the cup down on the side table. Once the drink was down his throat and a cooling effect it gave, he began, "What are you doing here?" You smiled to him, "Looking after you, your highness." Prince Jimin didn't like the fact that you smiled at him which caused him to "Get out!" lash out. The sudden out burst caused confusion in you, "B-but.." you tried to reason when he got defensive, "Do you want me to repeat?" Looking at his expression, you were reminded about the words from the other maids. "No, your highness." You bowed calmly and stepped out of the chamber to dwell in whatever he wanted.

As soon as you stepped out to darkly lit corridor, you stared hard at your door, "He is fine, Y/n." a big exhale came from your body. "At least now I can sleep properly." you evilly smile and head back. The futon unrolled and spread, you got under the comfortable blanket and tried to sleep. Much later, often you would toss and turn, trying to sleep. But his highness' condition kept poking your conscious. What if something were to happen because of your carelessness. Tsk. I want to sleep but it's gone now. I must check on him at least at though he said to get out. The maid even told me not give in to his terms. Better  to check on him. With complete reluctance you went to get a small peak at him, how he was doing.

Your figure stood in front of his chamber, carefully leaned in to the door to hear how he was doing. You had the ability to hear the smallest of small sounds. The sounds of sniffles was picked by your ears, an emotion of sympathy played in your heart, you wanted to step in, embrace him him and coo to him that everything will be alright though you had no idea why. It is said an old habit is hard to die, it was the same with you, the habit to comfort someone during their hard time. Had he let me in, I could have atleast soothed him. A thought passed your mind.

Meanwhile in the chamber, the prince had balled up on his bed, trying hard to suppress his cries to sniffle. The poor prince missed her, his companion. Her warm and welcoming smile, her laughs, her hugs, he missed her everything. She was his only friend in this confined chamber of his. Both of them did everything to make each other happy, from lightening their mood to taking to discuss even the world matters.

"Yubin." He cried softly , hugging his knees to his chest as the last moments with her were reminisced.

She wore a light blue and white hanbok. Her hair was tied in a bun and her smile gave a charming beauty to her face. As usual she read him a book, before the prince went to sleep. They laughed at the jokes of the book. Finally closing the book, "Alright, my highness, we have read enough today. You must take rest for today." She tucked him in his bed. Before she could turn, his fingers held on to her hand. With a calming smile she looked at the prince. "Don't forget that we will visiting the plum blossom in the garden tomorrow." His cute smile beamed at her. She took his hand in hers, caressed, "Yes your highness." she smiled warmly.

"Good night, your highness." She softly mumbled as she headed to the door, his eyes followed her till she closed it. He closed his eyes dreaming about the coming day.

It was somewhere around midnight when he woke up from a nightmare. Sweat bead rolling down his face, fear ridden body. He dreamt about losing Yubin. As quickly as possible he climed of his bed, ran to the shared room of Yubin and Seohyun which was just a three step run from his chamber. Anxiety rose in his body as he helplessly knocked on the door to confirm Yubin. No response. He continued to knock non stop till it was answered.

The door was opened by Seohyun. His bewildered look confused the sleepy maid, he tried to  look over her shoulders. She bowed to him,"Is Yubin there?" he asked, frantic. "No your highness." She replied after a quick scan in her room. "She is in trouble. We need to find her." He said as pulling Seohyun and rushed out of his compound. "Your highness, what happened?" She asked as they entered the royal garden while the prince hysterically searched for his maid in the darkness. "She is in danger." He replied as his eyes were in hurry to meet that figure again. Seohyun was confused as to how the prince had reached that conclusion. "Your highness, how do you know?" She started to get concerned for Yubin as she followed his gestures. "In my dream. I saw her someone killing." They stopped at a deviation. "Seohyun, go this way and I shall go this way." He ordered, thus parting their ways.

"Yubin." he shouted as his self searched for her. Soldiers who were on night guard, saw Prince Jimin strolling aimlessly in the garden. They approached him, "Your highness." They bowed, "Your highness is here at this hour?" prince Jimin looked at the person who spoke. "I need you to find Yubin immediately." He ordered them. "Yes, your highness." The guards had no idea who was Yubin because of her status as a maid and so they too searched for the unknown maid aimlessly. They went the other way searching for the maid. All possible thoughts of her death brewed in his mind, his highness' anxiety level raising by every passing second.

He pulled his loose hair in frustration, unable to find the maid. His mind tried to remain positive by repeating, 'She will be safe.' But then all of this came to a halt. There on the maids compound pathway, a female body laid. Involuntarily his body ran to the scene. He couldn't believe his eyes. Yubin laid there on the floor nearly lifeless, her chest heaving, clothes torn apart which barely covered her body, blood tricking down her lips and dirt all over her figure. He knelt to her body, laid her head on his lap. "Yubin?" He tapped her cheeks as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Her eyes opened slowly, "Pr-ince Ji-min." She smiled as her face lost its brightness. Her face wince as the pain excruciated her body, "I- I se-see my br-bro-ther from heaven." She mumbled as she coughed a little blood. This caused the held in tears to trickle down prince's face. "Who did this to you?" His voice shook, trying to know the man who brought her to this condition. "P-Prince T-Taehyung-" Before she could complete, she breathed her last. He violently tapped her face. "Yubin? Yubin? Yubin?!" No response, her eyes and lips apart. "Noooo!" His screams rung in the palace, as he hugged her in his arms and crying loud at the lose of someone he cared so much. "Nooooo, you can't leave me." He cried, trying to wake his only friend.

His screams heard by other, gathered at the scene, including Seohyun and the guards. She cupped her mouth unable to believe what she saw. The prince hugging Yubin's soulless figure. She too felt losing her senses, lost her balance and fell on the ground. The guards neared prince Jimin, let go of the body and let them take care of it but he insisted. However it wasn't possible for him alone so he had to accept that guards' help and walked to the physician. Another guard opened the physician's door and they gently placed the body on the examining bed. The physician came, he asked everyone to move out so he could examine the body but Prince was stubborn enough to stay in the room. After the examination cleared, the physician said to his highness that she was raped and killed. Prince Jimin was distressed at the revelation which made his blood boil. As he stepped out of the room, he saw prince Taehyung.

Prince Taehyung who was enquiring what had taken place, noticed Prince Jimin's staggering steps towards him. Prince Taehyung wanted to calm his brother in a situation like this. But more like to his surprise, Prince Jimin launched a punch with all his mighty, causing him to stumble and fall. Prince Jimin let his last string of strength to a shout, "You rapist." furiously wanting to charge at the supposed murderer again, before he could make a move, his vision started to blur and soon turned black. Before his unconscious body hit the ground, the guards saved him and took him to his chambers. As usual he was hit by his fever again.

On the other side of the chamber you decided to leave him be and deal with him the next day, only to go for a comfortable sleep. In the early morning before the crack of dawn, Jieun assisted you to the bath house whilst you narrated the event from last night. The same happened what she had expected. Once done with the bath, you excused and headed to check on the lonely prince. Carefully you opened the door and saw the prince sleeping peacefully curled up in his bed. You scooted over and covered him under his blanket, left the chamber as quietly as possible. It was somewhere in the mid morning, when the sun had casted its bright sunlight on everyone and sprayed his benefits on them, when you thought to check on him again.

Instead of opening the door, you thought to simply lean on to the door and listen to what was happening. Your body leaned on to the door, your ear pressed against it. No sound was heard. May be he is sleeping? So concentrated on the thoughts about the brothers quarrel as mentioned by Jieun, you didn't notice the door open only to lose your balance and fall on your stomach. Hands on the prince's feet. Realizing that you were caught in the act, you sat up to bow to him in the proper manner not daring to look up, "your highness." 

"What are you doing?" A distasteful voice spoke, new voice. Wondering if the prince's voice suddenly turn deep, you looked up and found the man wearing the green uniform, worn by the palace eunuch. "Were you eavesdropping? Are you a spy? What are you going to do after these things?" questions were shot just like the quiver of arrows. After getting back on your feet, you bowed to the eunuch, "Are you the new assistant of Seohyun?" he asked you, trying to be higher than you. "Yes." you humbled to him.

"Your highness," he called for the prince's attention, your eyes followed the eunuch and found prince Jimin looking at you with his hands crossed to his chest. His face looked pale, eyes were swollen and red due to crying but his face was washed. You bowed your head immediately, for no maid is supposed to maintain eye contact with them, the previous day was a mere mistake, only to gulp and stare on the floor. "Do you require her company?" the eunuch asked prince Jimin. "Ask her who had appointed her?" prince Jimin rolled his eyes. One thing was sure for prince Jimin, he had never felt as good as he had felt currently ever in his life, thus he wanted to ask her what magic did she do to make him feel much better.

The eunuch echoed his question but you dare not answer for you were reminded about the one of the rule that your aunt told you; never to answer anyone else other than the master you serve, without their permission. "I have asked you a question maid." His voice thundered, which sent chill down your spine but you stood there. Prince Jimin got a feeling that you would only answer to his questions or only with his permission, "Answer me, maid." his low and husky voice reached your ears. "Her majesty had appointed me as your new maid, your highness." you replied immediately. "Eunuch Shin, leave us." prince Jimin commanded. The eunuch followed what he was told and closed the door, pushing you into the chamber. 

"What were you doing?" he asked you, his expression distasteful still on his face. "Your highness, I was merely checking, if his highness required my assistance." Words came out well than you expected. "To check on me?" He scoffed but then suddenly his voice sterned, "What did you do to me?"

"Pardon me, your highness." confused as to what he meant. "What did you do to reduce my fever?" He cleared it this time for your comprehension. As far as you could recollect, you had only followed what the doctor had told you to do and to do something from your part was definitely applying the lip balm on his lips. "Your highness, this loyal servant has done nothing but serve his highness the medicine prescribed by the royal physician." The answer seemed cooked up, for he scoffed. "Nothing? I have ha-" He was cut off by the announcement of the guard, "Announcing her majesty." you dropped on your knees as the door pushed open and the royal hanbok of the queen passed through your peripheral vision, followed by her maids. 

"My Prince! What are you doing?!" her majesty exclaimed to see her son standing in his weak condition. "Mother." prince exclaimed back and took his mother's hands in his, "None at all mother. I am fine, mother." He assured her with a smile. The queen however was not satisfied at this, "Don't you know that he is not well. Why have you let him out of his bed?" Her majesty walked over to you, your vision was covered with her red hanbok, in her deep voice which was slowly evoking anger. "Mother, was she appointed by you?" inquired the prince, his tone tinged with curiosity. Her majesty faced him, "Yes, my dear. Did she do something to cause you any inconvenience?" The prince looked at her innocently, "No, mother."  

"Pushing that aside, answer me maid." She turned back at you. "Mother, I am fine. Here you can check my temperature." He drew her attention to him, walked to the her majesty and placed her hand over his forehead to get the temperature. She was shocked, the sudden drop in the temperature, "Your temperature. It is back to normal. How did that happen?" Her voice confused at the miracle. She could still remember how his body was burning from the fever few days back. "Although I am not sure as to how, I feel great to feel this better." He beamed his smile.

"Where is Seohyun, mother? I didn't see her." He gave you a nasty look at you. "Seohyun has gone to visit her family for a while. It has been long since she has paid a visit." Her majesty smiled, caressing her son's arm, then turned to you. "This is the new maid appointed to serve. She is Seohyun's assistant. Until Seohyun comes, she will take care of all your chores." It really felt uncomfortable and challenging for you to stay. It was almost like only the royals lived while they hated others, just like what your aunt had mentioned, that there would be a possibility to meet any royal that would only see you as a pest. Deep down your heart, you wished to run back to your family and town. It has only been a day and I already feel shackles on my wrist and ankles. Mother was right. You should have thought of it earlier. Now there is no turning back. They won't let you leave. 

"Okay dear, you must freshen up, have your meals and take proper rest before you head out." She hummed and caressed his tied hair. Before leaving she planted a kiss on his forehead. "Yes mother." Her eyes fell on you again "You must take care of all his needs." and left the chamber. His eyes fell on you, still kneeled, "You still haven't answered my question." his voice rung in the room. Your hands fisted the uniform afraid what he would if you didn't answer, when in actuality you didn't understand what he meant by his question. "Look at me." He said, you shook your head, "Look at me!" he shouted and you did. "Now answer my question with all honesty, my loyal servant." his eyes threatened you. It was your first time to see any young man this scary.

"Your highness, this humble servant begs, for she has not done anything." your voice trembled,  eyes shook in terror that looked at his stern eyes. He sighed rubbing his temples with eyes closed. "What did you do to reduce my fever?" He asked again. "She has not done anything my Lord." you replied unknowingly. 'My Lord' caught his attention and he looked at you confused. It was his puzzled look that struck you that you referred to him 'as lord'. Idiot! Don't you know that my Lord is a word for females to refer their husbands. "She has not done anything, your highness." you tried to rephrase it. He squat down, to meet your eye level, with his eyes still analyzing your expression, "I doubt that, as far as I know I could never feel so energetic that I am feeling now. So you do better tell me what you did or else you do be going to the prison." His last sentence, sent the fear spiral in you, at thought of your family having to deal with your imprisonment.

Not sure of what his highness wanted as an answer, you narrated the activity done the previous day. He sat on the floor, calmly listening to your narration with no interruption. "Alright," he stood up and walked to the window. It seems that I was able to calm his anger.  "Now out of the chamber and no sneaking again." He warned without looking back at you. In an instant, you scrambled from the chamber with a quick bow and went to your room. The events in the chamber felt heavy, and you laid on the futon, your lids closed for a little while at the feeling of the soft futon.

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