Newest Pink, Old Ranger

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When Kaya and Kimberly made it back to the Dino Lab. They crashed into the Dino Rangers as the morphed Rangers are about to helped Kaya and Kimberly from Zeltrax.

"Ow! That's hurt," Kaya shouted in pain.

Both of the Original female Rangers are about ready to kill the active Rangers, but Billy and Jason hold on to the angry female Rangers who can do damage more than anyone else. So, Billy and Jason tied both of the angry female Rangers up to make sure they don't hurt the newest Rangers besides Dr. Oliver.

"They are the scariest female I had ever seen," Conner whimpered.

"Trust me, Conner!" Dr. Oliver replied to the Red Dino Thunder Ranger then look at his sister, "Why did you have to go evil on me again, sis?"

"I don't know! Maybe because you guys ran into us while I am still trying to get away from Kim," Kaya answered still giving the evil glared at the Dino Rangers.

"Can we all calm down, please?" Trini pleaded the former and current Rangers.

"Fine!" everyone said at the same time.

"Now, I want everyone stay calm so I can explain what is going on today," Trini explained "The Dino Thunder Rangers were about to come help you guys when you came in. Kaya and Kimberly looked like they were fine until crash into the other Rangers."

"Oh, yeah!" Kaya said, "That reminds me of something. Tommy, care to explain why do I have this rock glowing in pink?"

"Wait...What?!" Tommy shocked.

"Yeah!" Kaya told Tommy.

"That is why we came back after defeating the version of the putties and Goldar," Kim also told Tommy, too!

"Are you both okay, girls?" Jason worried.

"We are fine, Jason!" Kimberly and Kaya said at the same time knowing that Tommy, Billy, and Jason are overprotected of those two girls.

"No, you are not fine!" Tommy, Billy, and Jason said at the same time, "You both have the bruises from the fight."

"Thomas James Oliver! Jason Lee Scotts! William Ralph Cranston!" Kaya and Kimberly shouted.

Once they heard their names, the men with full names caused to flinched and were about to get ready to go into hiding from the angry female Rangers. Something tells them that the hiding would not help them at all, but the men decided to stay where they were at. Tommy, Jason, and Billy knew that they will be beaten up by Kaya and Kimberly.

The angry female Rangers went over after they got free from tied up to three men who have been called and beat them up. It took them about a half hour to hurt them and threaten them not to go overprotected on the female Rangers again. Once everything is calm, Kaya was wondering if she needs to stay with her brother in a different time period or return to her time period.

"Falcon, how am I going to do now?" Tigress(Kaya) asked Falcon(Tommy).

"Tigress, I believe you can help us while we are trying to figure it out how to get you back in your right time," Tommy answered his sister's question.

"Okay! So what do I need to do here while we are working on getting me back home?" Kaya asked the Original Rangers.

"First things is you need to stay with Tommy and his newest Rangers for now. While you stay with your twin brother, we will work on building and find some information for you to get back in your time. Once we find out, we will let Tommy know to let you know what is going on here, okay?" Jason explaining to Kaya know that she wanted to help her friends but need to stay with her brother.

"Okay! I guess I will help the newest Rangers along with the new power that I just gain it," Kaya replied to Jason the Original Red Ranger.

"What is your power, Kaya?" Conner asked.

"I believe it is the shield, but not sure if it is true?" Kaya answered Conner's question "Can someone attack me to test it?"

"I will do it," Conner responded.

Before anyone could stop Conner, he ran toward the Original Purple Ranger, which is now the Pink Dino Thunder Ranger. The newest, yet old Ranger freaked out by putting her hand up caused to create a shield. The shield stopped Conner from going close to Kaya. It shocked everyone even Kaya when it happened.

"Ugh! That's hurt!" Conner said in pain after he had been hit against the wall from running into the shield.

"Cool!" Kaya exclaimed then turn around to see Conner "Sorry, Conner! I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay! We both know that we are trying to figure it out what is your power. That is all!" Conner told Kaya not worry about his health.

"Let me see where you are hurt at?" Kaya said in nurse mode once Conner winced more.

"I am fine, Miss Oliver," Conner said trying to stay away from Kaya.

"No you are not fine, Mr. Red Dino Ranger," Kaya threatened him to stop moving.

"Conner. If I were you, I would stop moving in order to have Kaya to check you after the hit that you had taken," Dr. Oliver told him in his teacher's voice caused Conner stop moving.

While Kaya fixing Conner up, the Original Rangers told Tommy that they have to go back home to pick up some items and take care of their jobs for few days to help Kaya. Tommy agrees with them and will see them in few days.

Once Kaya is done with Conner, Conner escaped and looked at himself feeling a lot better than he was a few hours ago. Ethan and Kira saw what Kaya did to Conner after Conner is feeling relaxing and not in pain like he was a few hours ago.

"How did you do that?" Kira asked Kaya.

"I was able to help someone who is in pain. I did that with your teacher whenever he gets in a fight with someone and in karate too," Kaya answered, "After I became Ranger along with my brother, I became a nurse in our team so our parents don't see us in bruises and batters from the battle."

"So you learn that skill to help the First Rangers?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, they were happy to have me to help them out without getting in trouble with our parents," Kaya replied.

"She is a good nurse for us back in 1993 when we are injured," Dr. Oliver told his students, "She always patched us up quickly before she works on herself. Kaya is not much fighter unless we need her for the battle."

"Oh, Tommy!" Kaya heard little information from her older brother, "You are embarrassing me!"

"Sorry, sis!" Tommy apologized to his sister.

"It's fine, big brother!" Kaya said, "I haven't heard you say many things about me for a while."

The Dino Thunder Rangers saw how relaxed is their teacher is. They believed that Kaya is the one who can calm him down by relaxing. For the first time since 'The Incident' has change Tommy from being serious to playful that he was once before lost his twin sister in the monster attack at the Angel Grove Park.

"Sister, do want to be a Ranger with me again?" Tommy asked his sister.

"Yes!" Kaya said happily "But how we do that since I am not from this time period."

"I am going have to take you to Angel Grove police to let them know that you are still alive after 10 years," Tommy told Kaya, "Everyone in Angel Grove believes that you are dead after the monster attack."

A/N: I will be having my final exams next week so I will hold off for a while until it is done. Next chapter will be Christmas one. Thanks!

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