The Surprise of Old Friends

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"So, Dr. O, what was with the whole sup-" Connor said before cut off seeing the time hole appear.

The time hole appears in the middle of the Dino Lab in between the students and the adults that pause Connor's question. Connor, Kira, Ethan, and Hayley were confused as they didn't know what is going on while Tommy knew what is happening and smiled. Kaya walked out of the time hole as the time hole vanished. Tommy ran to hug his sister.

"Never go into the time hole again, sis," Tommy said.

"I can't make a promise, Tommy, but I got to see Kim again," Kaya said.

"1994?" Tommy asked.

Kaya looked surprised wonder how did Tommy know.

"I'll explain that later. Connor, what were you going to ask me?" Tommy asked.

"Oh yeah. What was with the whole super-dino-power thing?" Connor asked.

"You guys only began to access your full potential," Tommy explained.

"I like the sound of that," Ethan grinned.

"I'm going to the warehouse to get that fossil finder we left," Connor spoke up but Tommy shakes his head.

"You guys get some rest. Kaya and I will get the fossil finder. I will tell you why Kaya didn't appear in the past several hours later," Tommy said.

"Thanks," Connor said.

The kids left the Dino Lab as Hayley grabs the backpack to handed it to Tommy.

"Here you go, Tommy," Hayley said.

"Thanks. We'll be back," Tommy said.

"Be careful," Hayley said.

"Always," Kaya chuckled as she remembers how many times that word cause trouble.

Tommy and Kaya left the Dino Lab and headed to the warehouse. The siblings were talking about how Tommy knew that she was in 1880 with Kim. Tommy explained how he knew to Kaya and promise her that she would get to meet several of his friends when they get back to the house for small talk. Kaya agreed not knowing that promise will be break sooner. When Tommy and Kaya got to the warehouse, they were looking for the fossil finder device. Tommy and Kaya noticed the strange device and jog over to it.

"What's this?" Tommy asked.

"No idea," Kaya murmured.

Then the loud bang was heard cause both sister and brother turn around to see Trent.

"Trent!" Kaya and Tommy said.

Tommy went to Trent to help him out.

"You ok?" Tommy asked as he is worried that the White Dino Thunder Ranger would appear.

"What's going on here?" Trent asked.

"Come on, we got to get you out of here," Tommy said.

Kaya's eyes were wide as she flinched feeling the evil from Trent since she knew what is going on.

"Brother, get away from Trent. He's turn-" Kaya warned but Trent turn into the White Dino Thunder Ranger.

Trent laughs menacingly as Kaya went to hide from Trent since she got a bad feeling.

"Never would've seen that coming," Tommy murmured as he glanced at his sister's hiding place since he got the feeling that she knew.

"Fight or perish, Black Ranger," Trent asked.

"This is not gonna be pretty," Tommy mumbled before got his morpher and key ready, "Dino Thunder, power up! Hah!"

Kaya didn't join Tommy as she got the feeling that Trent needs her to stay out of his way because Trent is working to get her to join him. Tommy and Trent went to fight each other using their own weapons. Kaya can see that Tommy is losing. Trent kicked Tommy into the position where Tommy would become fossilized by Trent.

"Hayley, listen!" Tommy said on the com.

"Yeah?" Hayley asked from the computer.

"The White Ranger is..." Tommy said before he became fossilized.

"Tommy! Come in, Tommy," Hayley called.

"Hayley, Tommy has been fossilized. I'm afraid the White Ranger is keeping him from telling the secret," Kaya whispered onto the com.

"Let's keep this our little secret," Trent laughed menacingly as he turns to Kaya, "As for you cute Pink Ranger. You will be joining my side soon."

Trent leaves the warehouse as Kaya ran to Tommy and tried to figure out how to get Tommy free. Hayley got to the warehouse and saw Kaya crying.

"Kaya, what happened?" Hayley asked.

"B-big brother has b-been fossilized..." Kaya cried.

"Tommy... Kaya, help me to get him back to the Dino Lab," Hayley said.

Kaya nodded and helped Hayley to bring the fossilized Tommy to the Dino Lab. Later, Ethan, Connor, and Kira came to the Dino Lab to find Tommy in the fossilized.

"Is he ok?" Ethan looked at Hayley as she scanned the block of orange substance that the Black Ranger was trapped in.

"This internal scan should be able to tell us more," Hayley told them as she is using the device to scan Tommy.

"What's the deal? Is he frozen or something?" Kira asked as Hayley sighed.

"Not exactly. It's more like he's fossilized, fused into this amber-like substance," Hayley explained.

"Can you get him out?" Connor asked, looking from Tommy to Hayley.

Kaya and Hayley looked at each other knowing it is too risky to help Tommy at the moment.

"It's too risky," Kaya said.

"He's able to stay alive in there, but I'd hate to think what would happen if I broke him out," Hayley told Connor.

"And I can sense the bond with my twin brother. I can tell he is cursing himself for letting the White Ranger trapped him. Also, he is worried that he is missing school which I will be taking over his classroom," Kaya said.

Connor, Ethan, Kira, and Hayley looked at Kaya in surprise. They decided to ask Kaya about that later as right now they are focus on how to get Tommy out of the amber.

"A paleontologist turned into a fossil. The White Ranger's got a great sense of humor," Ethan muttered.

"Personally, I've had enough of him," Kira growled.

"Let's find out who this guy is and deal with him," Connor decided, "Now."

When Connor, Ethan, and Kira left, Hayley looked at Kaya. Hayley can tell that Kaya is having a hard time with her brother being fossilized by the White Ranger. Hayley walked to Kaya and put her hand on Kaya's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I am sure there is a way to free Tommy from the fossilized," Hayley said.

Kaya looked at Hayley and nodded.

"I'm going to school to tell them that Tommy is out and I will take over his classes," Kaya said.

"Do you think it is a good idea since you don't have any degree?" Hayley asked.

"I'm the only one that knows Tommy's work schedule and I did help him with several of his classes," Kaya replied.

"Ok," Hayley said, "I have to go. I will see you later, Kaya."

"Later, Hayley," Kaya said.

Hayley left the Dino Lab to headed to Hayley's Cyberspace. Kaya looked at her twin brother and sighed softly.

"I wish our friends are here to help me deal with the problems. I know Hayley and others are great but they are not the same without the first friends that we made in Angel Grove, Falcon," Kaya told Tommy even she knew he can't hear her but can sense the bond they have.

Kaya sighed softly until she heard the phone rang from the living room so she left the Dino Lab to answer the call. Kaya found the phone and answer it. On the phone, it is Kimberly who is calling her. Kaya was surprised to hear Kim but curious why she is calling the house.

"Hey, Kim. I thought you were busy," Kaya said.

"I was but I decided to come today with several of my friends," Kim said.

"Who?" Kaya asked.

"I believe you would know their great-great-great-grandparents," Kim said leaving the hints.

"Wait you mean their descendants and the ones that never met me?" Kaya asked.

"That's the one," Kim said, "We will be coming in about an hour from now. Let your brother know."

"Ok, Kim," Kaya said.

Kim hangs up before Kaya could tell Kim what is going on and why she couldn't tell Tommy. Kaya looked at the phone and realized that Kim was getting her back for pranking them all of the years ago since Kaya used to do that to Kim and others all the time. Kaya giggled softly and smiled.

"Looks like you got me after all the time I pranked you by hanging the phone up all the time," Kaya said to the phone.

An hour later, Kaya is seen sitting out on the porch since she is the only one who is home besides Tommy who is still fossilized. Kaya sees the van pulled into the driveway as she doesn't recall any van that Kimberly and others have. Kaya watched the van pulled up to the house and stops. She sees the doors open with the familiar faces coming out of the van. Kaya smiled recognized Kimberly, Jason, Trini, Zach, and Billy but doesn't know who is other three. Kaya almost forgot that the other three are the ones who took over Jason, Trini, and Zach after remembering the memories that Tommy shared with her.

"Hey guys," Kaya said.

"Hi Kaya," Jason, Billy, Trini, Zach, and Kimberly said.

"Who is she-wait I remember her. She was in the past when Kimberly was sent to the past," the man that looks like Rocko that Kaya met said.

"You're right, Rocky. She was there," the second man that looks like Abraham that Kaya met said.

"So, you're Kaya that others call you?" the woman that looks like Miss Alicia said.

"Yes. I'm Kaya Oliver, the younger twin sister of Tommy. It's nice to meet you three," Kaya said.

"I'm Aisha Campbell and these are Rocky DeSantos and Adam Park," the woman, Aisha, said.

"So where is Tommy?" Adam asked.

Kaya looked down as she didn't look at any of them.

"Just... follow me and you'll see why..." Kaya said.

Jason, Zach, Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Trini, and Kimberly looked at each other as they were worried that something must happen while in the duty of Power Rangers. So, they followed Kaya into the house and went to the Dino Lab. When they got to the Dino Lab, they saw the fossilized Tommy and understand why Kaya couldn't say it without crying.

"What happened to Tommy? Why is he like that?" Zach asked.

"It's...the White Dino Thunder Ranger. He did that to Tommy and I was with him when that happened. The White Dino Thunder Ranger was trying to get me to join his side which I keep refusing him," Kaya explained.

Jason, Zach, Adam, Rocky, Aisha, Trini, and Kimberly looked at each other.

"Looks like there is always an evil Ranger since your brother," Billy said.

"Yeah," Kaya said.

"So is there any way we can get Tommy out of that?" Trini asked.

"I'm afraid not. Hayley scanned it and doesn't have an answer without hurting Tommy," Kaya said.

"May I? Maybe I can find a solution for the problem?" Billy asked.

"You are more welcome to try, Wolf," Kaya nodded.

Billy went to find the solution on how to get Tommy out of the amber. Kaya and others went to sit down all over in the Dino Lab.

"So you know about me or you just saw me with Kim?" Kaya asked Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.

"We saw you with Kimberly," Adam replied.

"We didn't know who you are so we asked others but none of them would tell us not even Tommy," Rocky said.

"Tommy keeps avoiding that question many times each time we ask him. He told us to stop asking," Aisha said.

"That's because Tommy doesn't want to blow up on you guys. He wasn't ready to tell you since it was only a year after Kaya disappeared," Trini said.

"Do you remember Purple Ranger that appears around the same time when Tommy appears as the evil Green Ranger before he became good?" Kimberly asked.

"Yeah," Aisha, Rocky, and Adam said.

"What does have to do with Kaya?" Adam asked.

"Because I am the original Purple Ranger that Rita and Goldar sent me through the time when they thought they were sending me to the different dimension world," Kaya said.

"Wait! How are you a Purple Ranger?" Rocky asked.

Kaya told the story to Rocky, Adam, and Aisha about how she became the Mighty Morphin Purple Ranger. Jason, Billy, Kimberly, Zach, and Trini helped out with the story. Adam, Aisha, and Rocky listen to the story about Kaya all the way up to where she has disappeared from her time.

"So, that's why Tommy and others never talk about you. That reminds me, I saw all of you meeting at the park by the pond and was talking about someone which I couldn't hear but I'm guessing it is about Kaya then?" Adam asked.

"That was you?! I thought I felt someone was watching us that day," Kimberly said.

"Yeah. Sorry but from what I saw, you didn't want to be disturbed," Adam said.

"It's all forgiven, Adam," Kimberly said.

Adam smiled softly at Kimberly. Kaya felt her spirit have raise since her older twin brother been fossilized.

"So what are you doing here since you can't go back to 1993?" Aisha asked.

"I am planning to stay here since I accidentally became the Pink Dino Thunder Ranger. Sorry Kim for taking your color," Kaya said.

"It's fine, Kaya," Kimberly said.

Kimberly, Billy, Jason, Zach, and Trini knew that Kaya chooses to become the Pink Dino Thunder Ranger.

"What?!" Aisha, Rocky, and Adam exclaimed.

"Yeah. Don't worry, the power is not harming me as long as I am not using my Power Coin. I only used Dino Gem to fight in this era until I get back to my time which I have feeling that I would never return there," Kaya said.

"Ok," Aisha, Rocky, and Adam said.

After the talk and meeting with the Dino Thunder Rangers, they were watching the Dino Rangers fighting the monster and the White Dino Thunder Ranger. Kaya decided to take her friends out for a fun time as she wants to get to know more about Aisha, Rocky, and Adam and how they became the Power Rangers. At end of meeting her friends, they told Kaya that they need to head back and will talk to her later when Tommy gets free since Billy couldn't find any solution at the time. Billy promised Kaya that he will find any solution and will send it to Hayley to break Tommy free which Kaya smiled. Kaya hugs and waved bye to her friends as they got into the van and left the town.

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