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Chapter 16


The term was officially over. Harry had woken up, and they had discussed their discoveries, though still couldn't make sense of them. 

The end-of-term feast wasn't so great, but at least the food was decent. Slytherin had been shoo-ins for the cup, but Dumbledore had awarded Harry and his friends just enough points to make Gryffindor the winners. Still loyal to his house after all these years. Go figure. 

They'd taken the train home, Miles and Harry in their respective compartments with their friends. Saying goodbye was a little sad, but Miles knew he'd find a way to see his friends over the summer, and he'd definitely invite them to his and Harry's birthday per usual. 

Once they'd gotten home though, Miles was pleasantly surprised to find that Harry's summer was looking to be a much better one than he was used to. Harry's room had been renovated while they were away, and Lily had apparently taken the time to add decoration. It was practically unrecognizable. 

James had gone out of his way to get Harry all sorts of Quidditch memorabilia for his room and even got something for Harry to hang his Nimbus 2000 up on the wall. He had new clothes, books, and everything Miles knew for a fact he'd wanted. 

Even their attitudes had changed towards their son. Harry was called downstairs for mealtimes, and the three of them spent most meals talking. James took Harry out into the backyard to practice Quidditch, and Lily would take him out to lunch and such. 

Ron and occasionally Hermione came over to spend time with him as well, so Harry needn't have worried about being lonely. It seemed things were finally looking up... for him. 

Miles hadn't known what to expect when coming home. Mum was the same, as Lily wouldn't treat him differently no matter what happened. James wasn't all too different either, but something was off. Yes, at mealtimes they would talk, but it often seemed as though James was silently willing Miles to keep quiet, to let Harry take the spotlight. 

When he took Harry out into the yard for Quidditch and Miles asked to join, he'd grudgingly accepted on Harry's request but made sure to have Miles do something different from what he and Harry were doing. They were still on decent terms he supposed, but it did seem that James was attempting to show Harry favoritism. Miles didn't mind. Harry of all people deserved to be in the spotlight. 

His lessons with Dumbledore had been continuing, and while Miles had insisted on Harry's joining them, the old man refused. Something about the title of the Boy Who Lived belonging to Miles, thus making him the only one with the ability to vanquish Voldemort. Utter rubbish, he thought, but what Dumbledore said seemed to go. 

This summer, it was less sharpening up his abilities and more about learning about Voldemort's history, given the events of the last year. Miles learned about his past, how Voldemort was born in an orphanage, and how his mother died during the process. How he'd always been somewhat ostracized by his peers, though it seemed that was the way he wanted it. 

Upon learning about Voldemort's time at Hogwarts, or at least the little Dumbledore was able to see, it struck Miles that he could learn a thing or two more, something that Dumbledore would never be able to access.

That was what brought him to his desk one evening, dipping his quill into his ink pot and setting it upon the piece of parchment he'd set on the desk decidedly. 

Dear Draco,

                       How's your summer? Yes, I know you've already guessed that I'm not writing to you just to ask that, but it is a valid question. It's been alright over here, my dad seems a little off-put by the whole Slytherin thing. Listen, if possible, may I request an audience with your father? Believe me, it's not my first choice, but it's urgent. I will explain why next time we see one another.


                                     Miles Potter

It was a very short letter, but he had a simple point to make and didn't want to have too much information in writing. For one thing, Dumbledore could never find out. In his eyes, it would be nothing short of a betrayal. Miles wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't intend to let either side know of the other's plans. 

Telling Lucius Malfoy about Dumbledore's plans to vanquish Voldemort for good could lead to nothing but trouble. Miles was certain that the man was still very much on the Dark Lord's side, no matter how much he tried to deny it in the public eye. As for Dumbledore, Miles didn't much fancy going out of his way to supply the man with information when he clearly didn't have the same regard for him. 

After pondering over the letter, he finally got up and made his way to Harry's room. It had been decided that Hedwig was to stay there when school wasn't in session, as Miles had really gotten the owl for his brother. He knocked tentatively and was met with a "Come in," from inside.

Miles walked into the room and headed straight for Hedwig's cage, then proceeded to tie the letter to her leg. 

"Who's that for?" Harry asked from his bed, where he was reading a book.

"Not important," Miles replied, trying not to sound as cold as the words implied. Then he carried Hedgwig over to the window and let her out, not allowing himself any more time to second-guess his decision. 

Harry put down his book. "Is that what we've been reduced to?" 

"Dunno what you're talking about."

"You know what I mean. Is this because of Dad?"

"No, of course not." Miles made his way for the door. He didn't want to leave it on that note, but there was nothing more to be said. James' new treatment of Harry had nothing to do with it. It was just that after Hogwarts, Miles didn't think Harry needed him as he had before. Then again, Miles wasn't sure if Harry had ever needed him to begin with. 

The response to his letter came a few days later. Draco had agreed, albeit reluctantly, as even through the parchment Miles could detect the other boy's confusion. To be honest, he was confused as well. Why was he doing this? As far as he knew he had nothing much to gain by learning what Lucius Malfoy had to say if the man would say anything at all to him.

He was on good terms with Draco's father, who despite being a major blood purist, treated Miles with the respect that he would show any other pure blood. Miles, of course, was a half-blood, and he'd always wondered why that was the case. Maybe it was because he was a friend of Draco's, but Draco and his father had never been close, so he doubted Lucius would be interested in his son's friendships. 

It only dawned on him the day before the meeting date that he had no means of getting to Malfoy Manor. He couldn't very well go up to Lily and James and say he'd requested an audience with Lucius Malfoy. He could say he was going over to spend time with Draco, but he wasn't sure about James' attitude on the matter. No doubt he thought that allowing Miles to spend time with his now friends was what influenced the decision to put him in Slytherin house. 

He tried anyway though. It was after dinner when he brought it up, in the presence of Harry, which he wasn't sure would help his cause, but he could use all the support he could get. 

"Mum... Dad, is it okay if I go by the Malfoy's house tomorrow afternoon?"

It was as though Miles had told them all he was a hippogriff. Actually, they might have registered that with a little less shock than they were now. 

"Are you- are you joking?" It was Harry.

"No, why?"

"After what happened this year to your brother, I don't think you ought to go," James butted in. 

"This is ridiculous. Dad, Draco's a good one, he's not like his father."

"How do you know?" Miles didn't have to look at James to know that his father's lip had curled in a rather uncharacteristic sneer at the mere mention of Lucius Malfoy. 

Lily, who seemed hesitant to join in, now spoke. "He's his friend James."

"But he's a Slytherin!"

"So was Uncle Regulus..." Harry trailed off. 

Silence enveloped the room. It was common knowledge that Sirius' brother Regulus had been sorted into Slytherin, though in his case it was because he'd been heavily influenced by his family. He'd supposedly gone over to the dark, though it was revealed after his passing that he'd been a spy the whole time. The light hadn't known this however and assumed him to be any old death eater. That was until Sirius had found his letter of farewell, written right before he betrayed Voldemort. 

James had been friends with him back at Hogwarts and tried to make sure that he didn't stray over to the dark, though there seemed to have been no need. Sirius had told them the story multiple times, and how when the time came, Harry was named after Regulus, for his unknown bravery. 

James bowed his head now. "Yes, he was." He looked up at Miles. "Alright, you can go. But at the first sign of trouble you floo right back here."

"Yes sir."

"You know you don't need to call me sir."

"Yes, Dad."

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