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Now Angel and her parents are going to there another house which is located Far away from city.. Her mother is really angry on her but her father is really calm.. Jagi -- so-jin cut off Mr. Wang's words in mid. "don't dare to take her side can't you saw she literally change his colour from red to blue " mother's these words make little Angel chuckle. "at least listen to her for a minute "Mr. Wang say again. They reach there house her mother is not talking with her.. This silent treatment is much for little Angel. She run to her mother and hug her legs and start crying. Seeing her crying make her mother's heart melted. She pick her up in her arms and wipe her tears. "eomma I -I p-promise angel never beat him again " she is sobbing badly her nose is become red. "that's like my baby eomma also sorry baby. There was a call from your bestie 's mother she tell me everything and I am proud of you my baby that you take stand for yourself that's why I make cake for you "she tell little Angel everything but her whole sobb gone when she saw cake spacially make by her mother. Her father take a picture of them that time. He was just admiring his cute little family.

In this house they don't have any helper or servant they always spend their weekend here together without any other person. This house have a living room, kitchen, a bedroom and a sound proof hall special for
So-jin .

They have a great dinner together all they have only special moments together. After spending time together they three go to bed for sleep. Little Angel is sleeping between her eomma and appa but mid night her sleep Distube by something after many tries still she is not able to sleep. "I should not sleep in class.. Oops thank god eomma don't listen you "she make a relief face. She get out of bed carefully. When she saw music room's door is open she enter there. Both rooms are attach to each other. Without her knowing she mistakenly lock the room door.

"wooaaahhh eomma have alot of trofies "she was touching everything their and start playing with them.

Other side some men enter in their house. When they enter in bedroom so-jin feels someone's presence there when she open her eyes she see 6 men and one of them pointing gun toward her husband and another one put gun of her head. Seeing this her eyes become wide and she scream really loud that make me. Wang wake up. He also saw the situation. "who are you all and what are you all doing here "saying this they both stand up from bed .he hide so -jin behind him. When he was asking them her uncle enter in room looking like a little bit young. He come with creepy smile seeing him they both feel better. "o so it's a prank. How are you brother? "
He go to him but her uncle also put gun on his head. "it's not a prank my lovely brother it's real. I come here to take my revenge "he say and signaled his men to hold them. They hold their baths arm ( her parents). "where is our Angel?? I swear if you even touch her I will peal your skin "Angel 's father ask him. But he give a unbother look like he don't cares.

"I thought that you change but you don't " So-jin say, her mother's words make him lough he come close to her and touch her soft lips. That make mr. Wang's blood boil.
"you also not change still most beautiful " but his expression change into dark and he grabbed her hair and pull them backwards. "but you choose him over me you bitch.. OK lemme give you a offer be my slut and I will leave you "he say trying to kiss her being much Angry Mr. Wang push men who was holding him and punch her uncle on his face. "you fucker how dare you to touch my wife "he say and about to punch him again but one of her uncle's man shoot him on his arm.

Now finally Angel start feeling sleepy so she try to open door it's hard for her to unlock this room door so she start knocking on door. But room is soundproof. So she try to look outside with help of door lock. But her eyes become wide when she saw someone shoot her father on his arm. That make her scream but their is no one who can listen her. She start crying badly. "don't hurt my eomma appa.. Someone please open this door eomma appa!! " her broken scared voice fill this whole room.

She is just seeing them getting killed. Million of times her uncle punch her already injured father. Blood is flowing out from his body continually. He also don't leave her mother. They both are like half alive. Angel is trying really hard to open door. She is hitting door from a long time that make her tiny hands bleed.
All sounds stop when she saw that her uncle shoot her eomma appa.

Her tinny hands Stop hitting door. Her mouth stop bagging. Seeing this all in such a young age is really horrible for her. From that day her colourful world change into Dark.

Flashback end..


To be continue..

Hope you all like it.. Please tell me what you think about this chapter....

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