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After a little long time..

So now 7 normal boys from Korea finish there training.. Training period was not that easy they only have a single drome to live..and limited food also.

When they come soul they have dreams in their eyes.. Hope to do something which make their parents proud.. When taehyung come soul his mother bought him a new red jacket so that soul kids don't make fun of him.. Jungkook only join them because he like rm's personality.. Like they live together.. Sometimes they just want to leave but someone always make them stay..

Now everything is ready.. Bts with 7 boys is ready to debut 13th June 2013 ..they are nervous, excited and happy too.. Finally after This much hard work they are debuting..

"hyung hyung that's means we also come on TV " a little boy with bunny bright smile asked

"yes jungkookie we will now finish your breackfast" a boy with well build shoulders (jin )replied

They are happy they are busy but they don't know this that something is waiting for them.. Finally that time comes.. Bts members are sitting in meeting room waiting for there CEO.. Who want to inform them about something..

"maybe they want to tell us about our new song " a boy with heart smile say

"hyung do you think he will give us best clothes for our first song " that boy asked and show this boxy smile..

"attention please "

Finally he enter everyone bow to him.. He give a smile to them.. His face glowing today much..

"so everyone how are you all doing" bang pd nim asked..

They all answer him.. Time finally come to talk about main point..

"this is a OT7 song but next song will we OT8" bang pd nim exclaimed with excitement

They all make confused face "OT7 what you mean sir ?" finally leader asked.. That time he just show a smile to them..

"that someone is coming to join you all.. Welcome her and also accept her" bang pd nim said..

"her?? ""how can a girl join our group " Jimin's word grab attention

"why not jimin she also have talent same level as you all.. I want to see you all on the top that's why I want to make your group unique.. Now see there is your new mamber "pd nim said..

When he said a little girl.. With simple clothing and simple look enter in room she only have bagpack on her back.. She looks too much young also a little nervous.. Finally she stand in front of everyone without making a eyes contract she bow to them that impression jin a little now only he have a little smile on his plumpy lips..

But younger ones are thinking much they don't want to accept her..

"introduce your self to your group " pd nim said..

"hello I am angel.. I am 15 years old.. My position are in group youngest one.... Lead rapper .. lead dancer and vocal.. I hope we get along well..

"rap and this little girl how is this possible and also vocal for real sir? "

"yes taehyung that's why I said she is really talented " pd nim reply

"means now I will not your only baby " jungkook said with a little pout..

"no kookie you always our only baby no one take your position" jimin said while give a look to angel..

"Well jungkook is 16 but angel is only 15 years old so she become the youngest one of group "
Bang pd nim said..

Jungkook have mad look which anyone can see easily.. But what about Angel she is thinking about her new life also with 7 boys in group she have to live with them in same drom without her parents or any elder one she slowly look at them vminkook are fighting over that hyungs are trying to calm them but one of them give her a little rescue smile that was none other than our only hope our sunshine.. That make her relief a little bit..

"enough!! " yoongi 's cold voice make everyone silent vminkook also sit silently after some minute of silent bang pd nim say best of luck to them and send them to their drom with Angel..

"namjoon jin and yoongi from now you have responsibility of her I trust you all please don't break my trust " bang pd 's words roam around jin 's head he give a look to vminkook who are walking silently then give a look to angel she is also walking silently alone he go to her because for him she is same as jungkook too much younger for this struggle..

"don't mind their words OK and welcome to bantan house " jin's words show effect on her she look at him with her big cat lenses eyes she have to look up because she is shorter than him
"I never sir " she said with her soft melody voice

"don't call me sir call me oppa or I say call everyone oppa in this group OK? " jin say like he is doing Announcment..hyung
Line nod but vminkook they never listen to anyone
"don't need to call us oppa" vmin both say on same time with same tone

They open the door of their drom and open this not only a simple door this is a door which going to change everyone's life let's see what happens next..


Well well well how was it.. Do you like it.. Don't be silent readers..

So yeah finally story come to real track our group is ready to slay but they have long way of life let's see what happens next..

Yaa writing your story like this I take this idea from my one of fev author like if you bold your character's sentence like this than story will looks more attractive..

Next part will come soon..

Thank you for reading....

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