15. Show Her Off

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Ji Won's golf practice had come a long way since that first, rather unconventional lesson with Soo Hyun. Her determination made her a quick learner, and Soo Hyun, though often distracted by her presence, was an attentive and patient teacher. The golf simulator had seen countless hours of practice, laughter, and intimate moments that brought them even closer.

Feeling confident in Ji Won's progress after the whole winter of practice, Soo Hyun decided it was time to take her to a real golf course on one clear Spring day. As extrovert as Mr.Kim was, he already planned a day out with two other couples from his close circle of friends: Jung Hae In and Jisoo, and Lee Jong Suk and IU. It was the perfect opportunity for Ji Won to socialize more with his friends and for everyone to enjoy a relaxing day together.

The morning was bright and clear as they drove to the exclusive golf course amidst the sound of bird chirping. Spring breeze gently caressed their skin with cherry blossom petals followed the wind everywhere. Ji Won looked stunning in her sleek golf attire, her excitement evident in the sparkle of her eyes.

"Are you nervous?" Soo Hyun asked, glancing at her as he drove.

"A little," she admitted, slowing chewing on her strawberry sorbet popsicle. "But mostly excited. I have known Jong Suk for years, and I'm looking forward to meeting your friends and seeing how well you trained me"

Soo Hyun reached over and squeezed her hand. "You'll do great. And they're going to love you, just like I do."

Ji Won smiled, squeezing his hand back. "Gomawo, you always know how to ease me"

They arrived at the golf course and were warmly greeted by their friends. Hae In and Jisoo were already there, chatting animatedly, while Jong Suk and IU arrived shortly after. The atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and friendly banter. It had been a while since their last group reunion. It all started with IU dating Jong Suk and demanded more private time of the two followed by Hae In's announcement to be with Ji Soo, which left Soo Hyun a solid thirdwheel at every of their outings. Showbiz was too complicated for them to publicly hung out as couples, so they would save their friend date to date as well. Poor Soo Hyun, but not anymore!

"Hey, it's the golf prodigy and her coach!" Hae In called out, waving them over.

"Long time no see, Kim Ji Won the queen!" Jong Suk shouted from distance

Ji Won blushed at the playful greeting, but Soo Hyun's arm around her waist provided comfort and reassurance. They joined the group, exchanging hugs and pleasantries. For only knowing Jong Suk beforehand, Ji Won felt a little shy at first, but the warmth and friendliness of everyone quickly put her at ease. Ji Eun was such an energetic lady while Ji Soo was definitely a maknae on top.

As they began their game, Ji Won's nervousness melted away. Soo Hyun stayed close, offering gentle guidance and encouragement, but mostly just enjoying watching her play. Ji Won, as a proven queen of concentration, her grace and focus impressed everyone, and she quickly became the center of attention.

"Unnie, you've got quite the swing!" Jisoo complimented, her eyes wide with admiration.

Ji Won smiled shyly. "Thank you, Jisoo. I've had a great teacher."

"Who is me", Soo Hyun cut in, beamed with pride in his voice

"Yah oppa, you are too nosy. Go to your brothers, leave us girl alone", Ji Soo rolled her eyes

"Take good care of Ji Won, please", Soo Hyun entrusted his girl to Ji Soo and IU

The group continued their game, moving from hole to hole with ease. They took breaks to chat and share updates about their lives and upcoming projects. Ji Won, who had always been an introvert, found herself opening up more than usual. Her gentle demeanor and genuine interest in others charmed everyone.

During a break, they gathered at a shaded area, enjoying cold drinks and snacks. The conversation flowed naturally, and Ji Won felt herself so much refreshing with the air, the sun, and the people.

"So, Ji Won," IU began, her eyes twinkling with curiosity, "we've heard a lot about your acting and now your golf skills. Is there anything else you're passionate about?"

Ji Won hesitated for a moment, glancing at Soo Hyun. He gave her an encouraging nod, and she took a deep breath.

"Well, there is something," she admitted, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I have a bit of a wild side that not many people know about, not even Soo Hyun"

The group leaned in, intrigued. Soo Hyun looked at her with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Oh? And what might that be?"

Ji Won grinned, her eyes sparkling. "I love car racing. I've been into it for years, and I'm actually looking into buying a sport car, like a Porsche maybe"

The announcement was met with stunned silence, followed by an eruption of laughter and exclamations of surprise.

"Car racing? Omo jinja!??" Jong Suk exclaimed, his eyes wide. "This whole time knowing you still leaves me such a big surprise!"

Soo Hyun, still processing the revelation, looked at Ji Won with a mixture of shock and admiration. "Wae...I had no idea."

"We should try it sometimes", IU suggested with excitement

"I can't guarantee on the timid Ji Soo", Hae In complained

Ji Won laughed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. "It's not something I talk about often, but it's a huge passion of mine, especially when I am stressed. The thrill of the race, the sound of engines, the speed, the adrenaline—it's exhilarating."

Hae In clapped his hands together, grinning. "I never would have guessed! Ji Won, you're full of surprises."

Jisoo leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I want to hear all about it. How did you get into car racing?"

Ji Won shared her story, her eyes lighting up as she recounted her adventures on the track. Her parents resided in the US for years where go-karting was popular, and near their house was a go-karting track, so every time she visited, she would spend some time racing with her unnie. The group listened with rapt attention, amazed by this new side of her. No one could have expected this. Soo Hyun watched her with a mixture of pride and awe, feeling even more enamored with her than before. His girl is definitely full of surprises.

As the day drew to a close, they finished their game and headed to the clubhouse for dinner. The conversation continued, with Ji Won's revelation becoming the highlight of the evening. Soo Hyun, though still a little taken aback, couldn't help but admire her even more for her bravery and passion. Ji Won gradually became more open and blended in their conversation, them three girls formed an excellent trinity.

"Speaking of which, Ji Eunie, can you recommend a recording studio? I am planning for some covers to gift my fans", Ji Won initiated a topic

"Sure thing! I am familiar with some, but most convenient for you would be M-Lab Studio, it's just around the corner from Soo Hyun's apartment", IU suggested

"Then I wanna try too", Soo Hyun jumped in the conversation

"Wae!? For what", everyone synced, turning their gazes towards him

"Aren't you building a nonchalant guy image to prep your fans with the new role in Knock Off?"

"I don't know...Singing just sounds fun. I kinda want to hear me yodeling with the studio support haha", Soo Hyun forced an awkward smile while everyone mocking his silliness.

The outing ended in lighthearted jokes and good wine. Later that night, as they returned to their place, Soo Hyun couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"Ji Wonie, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this," he said, pulling her close. "Car racing? That's incredible. But also... dangerous."

Ji Won smiled, her eyes softening. "I know it's risky, but it's something I love. It's been a good part of my memories."

Soo Hyun nodded, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "I understand. And I want to support you in everything you do. But please, be extra careful."

She leaned into his touch, her heart swelling with love. "I will, Soo Hyun. I think my image in Korea is fixed with being a gentle one heheng. I'll take you out to try once we come visit my parents"

"Yah...Now you're making me too excited to try and to see that side of you, and meeting your parents also", Soo Hyun slowly approached her, his hand caressing her cheeks. They shared a tender kiss, the connection between them deepening. As they pulled away, Ji Won's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"So, does this mean I can get the Porsche?" she teased.

Soo Hyun laughed, squeezing her in his arms. "Haha I don't mind, as long as you're aware of the difference between go-karting and the real speed. Come here naughty gal, let's just enjoy the rest of our night."

They settled into their cozy home, the day's events replaying in their minds. Relaxing in the couch, Ji Won suddenly suggested to challenge Soo Hyun on the car racing game, which she, indeed, won persuasively while Soo Hyun was too stunned to speak.

"Let me introduce you to the queen of games", Ji Won giggled

"Impossible!! One more round", Soo Hyun insisted

"At your will!", Ji Won smug, "Keep in mind that I am an introvert with much longer time spent on training this skill"

"Arasso, arasso", Soo Hyun brows furrowed

This girl is no joke. Soo Hyun failed desperately again and again to the point that he actually wondered why he bought this game console at the first place. Meanwhile, her newfound bond with Soo Hyun's friends, her revelation about car racing, and the joy of sharing more of herself with the man she loved made her feel more connected and cherished than ever.

As they finally gave up on game to cuddle and behold the magnificent city lights beaming below, Ji Won rested her head on Soo Hyun's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"You got over the fuss of losing several rounds to me, didn't you?", Ji Won teased

"Not really, but I guess I am just used to it by now", Soo Hyun chuckled.

"Sorry not sorry, heheng", Ji Won stroked Soo Hyun's hand, staring at their wrists, "Look! We have matching tan line. That's kinda one of a kind of matching"

"You're right! I guess we vibe with each other so well", Soo Hyun comforted Ji Won with a gentle pat of her head

He did actually get annoyed by losing in streak earlier, but in this moment with Ji Won melting in his embrace, how could his heart ever race any longer with temper?

"I'll go bake brownies, you want some?", Ji Won suddenly tied up her hair and jumped out of his arms

"At this time? 10PM?", Soo Hyun confronted

"Whelp...", Ji Won shrugged, "You already know that spontaneous side of me"

Soon enough, she fleeted to the kitchen, followed by the sluggish Kim Soo Hyun. His main contribution is to backhug her while she acted on the ingredients.

Their laughter echoed every corner of the house until the aroma took over. Their journey together was filled with surprises, challenges, and moments of pure joy. And with each passing day, their love grew stronger, ready to face whatever the future held.

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