35. Last Chance

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Disclaimer: Details mentioned in this chapter are the product of writer's imagination and used in fictitious manner.

The third trimester, an undercurrent in disguise, had arrived, bringing with it a host of new challenges. Ji Won had always been meticulous about her health, but the onset of gestational diabetes and anemia required her to take her diet and lifestyle even more seriously. Dr. Lee's stern words echoed in her mind every time she sat down for a meal.

"Your condition is manageable, but you need to be vigilant," Dr. Lee had warned during her last check-up. "The gestational diabetes has improved with your diet changes, but the anemia is still a concern. We need to keep a close eye on your hemoglobin levels."

Ji Won nodded, determined to do everything she could for the sake of her babies. Her meals became carefully curated combinations of iron-rich foods, leafy greens, lean proteins, and whole grains. She meticulously measured her portions, knowing that every bite mattered. To be completely honest, healthy food tasted bad for even a healthy person like him, how come she can stay positive while swallowing them every meal? Without a doubt, Soo Hyun joined her diet to show his grand support, living up to his vow - to be with her through ups and downs.

"Hmm this granola is really dry" - Ji Won gave up on her chewing

Soo Hyun immediately moved to her side with a concerned look, "Should I try to add it into a cake or something?"

"Ani~ The baking stuff will worsen my diabetes, which just got better recently" - a heavy pout on her lips

Embracing her with an understanding look, her utterly dejected look, however, left Soo Hyun's heart a crushing sorrow. He talked to Dr. Lee, only yesterday, to be informed that Ji Won's anemia was not improving itself. At this stage, they already 90% fixed their expectation on a C-section labor causing his living in a state to be on constant anxiety. Despite their efforts, the anemia persisted, casting a shadow over her otherwise joyful anticipation. Dr. Lee had consulted him privately, explaining the potential complications of Ji Won's condition and the increased risk associated with carrying fraternal twins at her age.

"Soo Hyun-ssi, we need to be prepared for a C-section," Dr. Lee had advised. "Given her anemia and the strain on her body, natural birth could be too dangerous."

Shortly after their call, Soo Hyun retreated to a quiet corner of the church, his forehead languidly rested on the linked hands. A profound sadness washed over him as he contemplated the inevitable: Ji Won's fervent desire for a natural birth to ensure the optimal health of their children was about to be compromised. But his primary concern was her safety. He agreed to the C-section without hesitation, but made a plea to Dr. Lee.

"Please, tomorrow when you talk to her, just keep the details neutral," Soo Hyun requested. "She's sensitive in terms of these topics... I don't want her to be scared."

Dr. Lee agreed, and so, Ji Won remained only vaguely aware of the severity of her condition. She knew she was anemic, knew she had to be careful, knew about the C-section, but Soo Hyun insisted on keeping her mind from the full extent of the risks involved. Soo Hyun's mind was haunted by the memory of their miscarriage months ago. The thought of seeing her desperate again was unbearable.


As Ji Won's pregnancy advanced, her body began to rebel. Swollen feet, relentless exhaustion, and sudden dizziness became unwelcome companions. Her belly size was quite a challenge to move around with the two chubby babies. Yet, she soldiered on, driven by her love for the little ones growing inside her.

Soo Hyun thoughtfully bought his wife a pregnancy pillow to rest her round belly on, which he thought she looked absolutely the cutest using. During the third trimester, Ji Won made her way back to the joy of being a homebody, and every indoor hobby became her sanity. Frankly, her figures changed out of her favor, weight gained, bigger feet, hair loss, and so on. The only tiny source of her happiness was the unstretched belly, which felt like a miracle to her.

"Aigoo, you two chubby ones, how come you guys saved my belly from the stretch marks??", Ji Won herself found it totally fascinating, "You indeed are a miracle in eomma's life"

Soo Hyun would still be on his schedule, not too busy but still occupied, so Ji Won usually immersed herself in books in the meantime, but an old album for today. A soft stream of bird chirping from their balcony, Ji Won bathed herself in the golden hours sunlight, savoring the city bursting sound echoed from below, and let her mind wander through every flip of pages.


MC: What were you feeling when you filmed this scene?



MC: Beside filming, what's your other way to relax?

Fans *yelling*: Kim Soo Hyunnnn


"You did it, Soo Hyun! Now that the press cannot make fun of you failing to surf"


"What caused you to giggle by yourself?", a toned arm suddenly wrapped around Ji Won's shoulder from the back - Soo Hyun was home!

These were such cherished memories from years ago that the album, a compilation of photos from every fan meeting since 2024, when their love had first bloomed, held her completely captivated. Ji Won was so focused that she didn't realize Soo Hyun had come into the room.

"Heheng, you're back", Ji Won beamed, guiding him to sit next to her, "Look! I feel so nostalgic. This is our 2024 fan meeting album"

"Omo, it was 4 years ago already?", Soo Hyun joined her with excitement.

Ji Won suddenly turned her gaze to him, "Yea, can you believe it? We have been together for 4 years", leaning her head on his shoulder.

"And forever to go, baby", Soo Hyun's voice husky before placing a gentle kiss on her hair

The beautiful memories lifted her up at one point, but the physical constraint kept her realistic. In a moment, her voice was soft but laced with worry. "Soo Hyun, do you think everything will be okay?"

Soo Hyun forced a smile, though his heart was dragged back to the real world. "Of course, Ji Won-ah. We're doing everything right, and Dr. Lee is taking good care of us."

Ji Won nodded, taking comfort in his words. She placed his hand on her belly, where the twins were moving gently. "I just want them to be healthy. I'm scared sometimes, but I try to stay positive."

Soo Hyun swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat. He wished he could share her optimism, but the fear gnawed at him constantly. "They're going to be perfect, just like their mother."

Ji Won smiled, her eyes closing as she relaxed in their cuddle. But Soo Hyun remained awake, staring into space, his mind racing while gently massaging her swollen feet.


The day of the C-section arrived at her 38th week with a palpable tension. Ji Won's parents had flown back from the States, and Soo Hyun's mother was also present, offering her unwavering support. The presence of their families provided some comfort, and it also underscored the anticipation of their new chapter.

The family decided to check in the hospital a few days beforehand to get Ji Won used to the environment. As Ji Won was prepped for surgery, she tried to maintain her composure, though her heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The hospital reeked of antiseptic and faint clinical odors, which was not the best thing Ji Won could expect, but with Soo Hyun standing by her side, holding her hand, his face a mask of calm that barely concealed the storm of emotions brewing within him.

"Are you ready, Ji Won-ssi?" Dr. Lee asked, her voice steady despite the tension in the room.

Ji Won nodded, squeezing Soo Hyun's hand. "I'm... ready"

Soo Hyun forced a smile, though his heart felt like it was in a vice. "We're in the best hands," he assured her with a forehead kiss. Though he was worried, he still hoped for the best

The surgical team wheeled Ji Won into the operating room, and Soo Hyun followed, dressed in scrubs, his mind racing with a thousand scenarios, but also the expectation of meeting their love after nine months of waiting. The bright lights of the operating room and the sterile smell of antiseptics heightened his anxiety. He watched as Dr. Lee and her team prepared for the procedure, their movements precise and practiced.

The initial moments of the surgery were calm, almost routine. Ji Won's lower body went numb shortly after the anesthesia, yet she was still conscious. The fear was undeniable, Ji Won decided to shut her eyes and focus on breathing. Slowly, Dr. Lee made the incision, and the atmosphere in the room was focused but not yet fraught with tension. Soo Hyun kept his eyes on Ji Won's face, searching for any sign of distress. He whispered words of encouragement, trying to keep both their spirits high.

Soo Hyun's gaze soon moved to the hand movement of Dr. Lee. He swore to God that the whole process of bringing their babies to this world was the most miraculous thing he had ever experienced. Highly strung feelings followed each incision, words couldn't describe how thankful he was for her sacrifice to bring him a true family. The pains, she took them all, as long as her babies are healthy and happy. Her skin, her flesh, her blood, her everything was his treasure, and from layer to layer, his babies finally appeared within the amniotic sac, the purest kind of happiness he could ever imagine.

There they were, his two beautiful babies, their Soo Bin and Ji Yong were gently escorted out of their mom's belly, with the sacred cords connected to Ji Won soon to be cut. The nurses embraced them with extra tenderness until the holy sounds echoed every corner of the operation room

"Oahhh Oahhh Oahhh" - That was the sound, they were crying, loud and clear. The definite moment of this world standing still, tears were already streaming on Soo Hyun's and Ji Won's faces. Mr. Kim bent down to kiss his wife, a tender kiss proving their eternal bond.

"You did it, baby. We did it. Thank you so so much, Ji Wonie. Uri Ji Won is the best", Soo Hyun whispered in her ears regardless of his tears.

"Soo Hyun ahh, saranghae. Neomu haengbokhae", Ji Won tried hard to catch her breath

"Congratulations, Soo Hyun-ssi & Ji Won-ssi. They are both beautiful and healthy" - Dr. Lee added on their infinite contentment, "You may hold your babies", as she directed the nurses to bring their kids over

Their bliss, however, was cut short when the monitors suddenly began to beep erratically, signaling a sudden drop in Ji Won's blood pressure. Her face, already pale, turned ghostly white, and her breathing became shallow and labored. Just as she was ready to welcome her kids, her consciousness left her in a flash.

"Her blood pressure is dropping rapidly!" one of the nurses called out, her voice filled with urgency.

Dr. Lee's expression tightened, her calm exterior giving way to a fierce determination. "We need to start a transfusion immediately," she ordered. "Her anemia is acting up, some severe complications."

Soo Hyun's heart lurched in his chest just as soon as the kids were brought in front of him. The moment became too overwhelming that he could only ask the nurses to take care of the little two on his behalf. He had known this was a possibility, but things were close to perfection at that moment they both heard their kids crying. Nothing could have prepared him for the reality of seeing Ji Won's life hanging by a thread this swiftly. He stood frozen, his breath catching in his throat as he watched the team spring into action. Soo Hyun was moved aside to save space for the emergency medical team.

A nurse rushed forward with a blood bag labeled A-negative, but the look on Dr. Lee's face did nothing to ease the growing panic in the room.

"We need more blood," Dr. Lee said, her voice clipped with urgency. "Prepare the next unit."

The second unit of A-negative blood was brought in, and the transfusion continued, but Ji Won's condition showed no sign of stabilizing. Seconds turned to minutes, yet her blood pressure remained dangerously low, and her pulse was weak. There was no sign of the bleeding incision being under control. The color in her cheeks was all but gone, replaced by an alarming pallor.

"Her body's demanding more blood than we anticipated," Dr. Lee muttered, more to herself than to anyone else. "Double the transfusion rate."

The nurses moved with precision, hooking up a second line to deliver the blood more quickly. But the realization hit Soo Hyun like a freight train—the hospital's stock of A-negative blood was running out, and they were barely keeping Ji Won stable.

The tension in the room escalated as the team worked frantically to keep Ji Won alive. The sound of the beeping monitors was deafening, a constant reminder of the precariousness of the situation. Dr. Lee's usual calm demeanor had been replaced with a look of grim concentration.

"Get the O-negative blood ready," she ordered. "We don't have much time."

A nurse hurried to retrieve the last of the O-negative blood, the only other type that could safely be transfused into Ji Won. But as they prepared the next transfusion, Dr. Lee's face grew more strained.

"We're running out of blood," she said, her voice barely concealing the gravity of the situation. "Call the blood bank for more A or O-negative, and we need it now."

One unit after another, Soo Hyun's heart pounded in his chest as he processed Dr. Lee's words. The realization that they were on the brink of losing Ji Won sent a wave of terror through him. He had always prided himself on being able to protect her, but in this moment, he was utterly powerless.

Catching a rush nurse on their way out, the parents grew anxious at her tense expression.

"Only one sec, what happened in there? Is everything okay? We heard crying sounds", Ji Won's father stopped the lady.

"I am sorry, we have no time. The babies are safe but the mom is losing her blood rapidly. Let me call out for more supply", the nurse couldn't wait

"Wait, what is her blood type?", Soo Hyun's mother could feel her pulse racing

"A-negative", Ji Won's mom raised her voice amidst tears, "I can be her donor, please"

"I'm O-negative," Soo Hyun's mom didn't take a second to volunteer, "Take my blood."

"Ah okay", the nurse braked on her way out, "This is urgent, anyway the more the better. You guys have to do a quick test to ensure the blood quality before infusion. Please follow me as well"

They all rushed through another room for the donation process.



I just realized that I never really named Ji Won's and Soo Hyun's parents, which caused my writing to be relatively wordy, boohoo.

So here we are, old casts but new names for you guys to follow the storyline in the following chapters:

1. Ji Won's mom - Jung Tae Hee
2. Ji Won's dad - Kim Ji Hoon
(Who basically are Rain and Kim Tae Hee lol since people used to call our Ji Won as little Kim Tae Hee)
3. Soo Hyun's Mom - Lee Young Ae

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