Chap 15

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Chapter 15

"Yoona, what's up with you these days?" Hyomin asked, crossing her arms as she interrogated the girl who was surprisingly (or not surprisingly) carrying Seohyun's books—something Yoona would never do before, but apparently that had changed now.

Actually, a lot of things have changed when Yoona started to pursue this ongoing 'bet' she had with Jonghyun. She became more studious with the help of Seohyun; who was always there to tutor her the stuff she doesn't get, and even Yoona herself have cut down on smoking—well, because she didn't want the scent to be soaked into her and Seohyun would be able to smell it.

"What do you mean?" Yoona asked back, confused at what Hyomin was trying to ask her.

She then saw Hyomin's gaze at the books she was holding.

"Oh these?"

Hyomin nodded when Yoona pointed at the books.

"These are Seohyun's, I'm just holding it for her."

"Exactly." Hyomin grinned.

"Exactly, what?"

"You're. in. love—with Seo. Hyun." Hyomin teased her, pronouncing each syllables slowly for the baffled girl, "Or rather, you're slowly falling in love with her."

Yoona scoffed, "What are you talking about? you know I'm doing this all for the bet."

Hyomin shook her head and placed both of her hands on Yoona's shoulders, making the girl face her.

"Look, it's okay to fall in love, do you seriously just want to mess with girls all the time?"

Yoona shook her shoulders out of Hyomin's grasp.

"It's okay to fall in love, but I'm not in love." She retorted.

"This stubborn girl." Hyomin muttered underneath her breath. It was already obvious enough—yet Yoona is so stubborn and childish to admit that she does have some sort of feelings for that naive girl.

"I know you're denying all of this because you want to keep your 'player' status, well, guess what? even players fall in love once or twice in their lifetime, and you are not an exception."

"I can fall in love, but I'm not in love with her." Yoona countered once again.

A loud smack was heard and Yoona began to painstakingly rub her left cheek.

"Ow what the f-ck was that for?" Yoona yelped.

"Because you're in love with her and you keep denying it—and also because Jonghyun pissed me off today."

"Oh so you vented your anger by slapping me?" Yoona yelled.

"That's not the point. Don't try to change the subject. You. ARE. IN . LOVE. WITH. SEOHYUN. Admit it."

"Maybe a little?" Yoona said unsurely as noticed in the tone of her voice. Seohyun wasn't just like any other girl out there, and maybe that's the reason why she found herself attracted to her.

Hyomin let out a hearty laugh,

"See? it's better to confess then to deny—because you suck at it. Now I can help you win the bet against that douche."

"Jonghyun? what did he even do to you?"

"Forget it about that. Focus on the bet, but of course I'm not going to help you get inside her pants, I'll be the planner, or something like that. I wanna help you date her properly, not because of some bet that stupida-s made up, and if you do get inside her pants or not, at least you did it naturally with no motive behind it."

"Okay, well, I'm waiting for her to come back from her history class, she went to grab something. We're going to the James Franklin Medical Center after she comes back."

Hyomin looked at her oddly,

"Is she sick?"

"No, every Friday she goes to this medical center to help out this elderly lady and I'm coming with her to help."

Noticing how much Yoona have changed throughout the years she known her for, Hyomin chuckled.

"See? you really have changed. Remember how you used to say old people are useless hags? and now look at you going to help out an elderly. Love can really change people huh?"

"Shut up." Yoona told her. She was unamused at the girl's baseless 'theories'.

"You know it's true." said Hyomin in mockery as she grinned, Yoona sighing in defeat means that those theories wasn't baseless to her after all, love can probably change people.


"This is it, just one more day until the engagement party and the announcement of your attachment with him, are you nervous?" Sunny asked, her hands was placed on Tiffany's shoulders and she squeezes it gently, massaging the shoulders to distress Tiffany about the situation.

Tiffany let out a heavy sigh, "I don't know, Sunny." she said, turning around to face her manager with hopeful eyes.

"Just because your dad's company is bankrupting doesn't mean that you can try to fix it by ruining your life married to this guy, think about it."

"But this is just an announcement of our engagement right? we're not getting 'married' tomorrow, there's still time in the future."

Sunny sighed, giving up to Tiffany's determination, "This is your life, I'll accept any decision you'll make."

"Thanks Sunny." Tiffany smiled widely, "You always understand me the best."

"Of course, I'm your manager—and your best best best friend, of course I understand you the best!" She chuckled before changing the subject, "Seems like a lot of stuff have been happening since I left for my hometown in a rush last week, how are things with you and Yuri? still fighting each other?"

"Every day." Tiffany laughed. She held up her cellphone and showed the text messages she and Yuri have exchanged with each other. Sunny took a look and smiled,

"So I see you that you two are getting really close, I've seen the news while at my hometown, it could be used as good publicity."

"How?" Tiffany asked with a perplexed look.

"'Tiffany Hwang the super star is good friends with an normal internet blogger', it could bring good attention towards you two. So tell me, did you both hang out at all last week?"

"She..uh..took me out."

"To go karting, skydive, and even make dinner together, right?" Sunny said, beating her to the curb.

"Yeah," Tiffany nodded, her eyes widened, "How did you know?"

"It was on Yuri's blog, I try to check up on her blog regularly now." Sunny paused for awhile before she began once again, "Today is your last day, you should go out and have fun." She urged, but Tiffany just slouched down on her couch even more.

"I don't feel like—"

"You got a text message, check it!" Sunny interrupted her. She quickly pointed to the phone that was beeping beside Tiffany.

"It's from Yuri." Tiffany rolled her eyes, trying to conceal the fact that she was smiling on the inside because of the text message.

"Well, what does it say?"

"Ya! hurry up and meet me down at the Namsan Park now."

"Does she have something planned for you?" Sunny asked.

"I don't know, she didn't say."

"Text her back then!" Sunny rushed her.

"What for?"

A few minutes later, she received a reply back from Yuri.

"Stop asking questions and just go."

"If you're not telling, I won't go."

"It's your last day, let's go have a picnic in the park. The weather's great."

Tiffany smiled, but her text said so otherwise for Yuri,

"Do I really have to come?"

"I'll wait out here all night if I have to, no matter what. Just come."

"Have fun waiting then."

Tiffany smirked when she press the 'send' button while Sunny just laughed as she shook her head, nudging the girl with her elbow,

"Playing hard to get?"

"No I just want to mess with her for the all the times she messed with me."

"So are you going to go?" Sunny asked once more.

Tiffany nodded and headed towards her bathroom, once she reached inside her bathroom and closed the door, she grinned ear to ear grasping her phone against her chest,

"I'll come an hour and a half later...let's see if you are able to wait that long."


At the James Franklin medical center, Seohyun heavily sighed as she knocked on the door with a constant rhythm, waiting for the elder to allow her to enter. Because she was busy and wasn't able to visit the elder last week, she felt a bit guilty about it.

"You can come in." Said the familiar coarse, raspy voice.

Yoona gave her a assuring smile and took the initiative to open the door, the first thing she did was place the fruit basket she bought on the side table and quickly bowed to the women with Seohyun following suit.

"Mrs. Kim, do you remember me?" Yoona asked the elderly, walking up to her with Seohyun beside her.

"Of course! Yoona, right?"

Yoona smiled and nodded, grasping the Mrs. Kim's hands.

"I'm sorry about last week, I know I had to come in but because I had to finish up with this project to get it in on the due date and—" Seohyun tried to explain all at once but Mrs. Kim shushed her.

"It's okay Seohyun, I know you are a sweet child, but you do have a busy life. It's alright." Mrs. Kim smiled, "All it matters right now is how happy I am to see you two here today."


"This stubborn girl, she really isn't gonna come?" Yuri whispered to herself, she can see the white clouds of her breath. The weather seemed like it was getting colder by the minute, and Yuri was fumbling to keep herself warm. It's been an hour already since she received the last text from Tiffany, and there's still no news of the girl yet.

She jumped up and down, rubbing both of her hands together to try to induct friction for warmth when her cell phone began ringing—it was Jessica.

"Hel-l-lo?" Yuri answered the call, her voice shaky and inconsistent from the cold.

"Yuri, I was won—uhm, where are you?"

"Nam-ss-ssan pp-ark"

Yuri's teeth chattering caused her to slurred out her words when she replied back to Jessica.

"Why are you there?..are you okay?"

"I'm waii-ting for someone but I don't tt-hink she's ggon-na come." Yuri told her, looking back at the picnic basket she had brought and had specifically made the sandwiches, but now it's going to be wasted as the sandwiches had probably froze up by now due to exposure to the cold air.

"I was thinking—if that person isn't there yet, do you want to go catch a movie? I've been wanting to go see this movie and today is the last showing, there's no one else that wants to go with me.."

With that tone of voice, how could Yuri refuse? she however looked at her wrist watch and it had already been an hour and fifteen minutes—Tiffany was still nowhere to be found around the park. Knowing how Tiffany might disguise herself, Yuri looked around for any 'suspicious' looking people, but nada.

"Sure, I'll gg-o. What time does the movie ss-tart?"

"It starts in a half an hour. Let's meet up at the Seoul Cineplex."

"Pp-perfect. I'll be there. See you then." Yuri said lastly before hanging up on the call. She jumped up and down once again and could feel her legs already numbing from the cold. She picked up her picnic basket and started to walk over to her car—where she saw a homeless man begging for change in order to buy food—Tiffany wasn't coming, and she wouldn't want to eat the cold sandwiches anyway, so she did a good deed by giving the man the entire basket.

"Thank you so much, may God bless you." The homeless man said gratefully, bowing down to Yuri, which made her uncomfortable so she reached down and helped him up.

"No problem, remember to eat slowly or your stomach won't be able to digest the food well."


"They just extracted blood from you, you'll have to eat something to energize up!" Seohyun told Mrs. Kim, walking behind the lady as she gave her shoulders a massage.

"How about some fruits?" Yoona suggested, holding up a pear.

Mrs. Kim chuckled, "If only I had children that cared this much about me like you kids then I would at least be content when I die."

"Don't say that!" Yoona and Seohyun told her at the same time, wanting the elderly to not think so negatively about her health.

She chuckled, "Okay, I got it. I'll have a pear then." She smiled to Seohyun and told Yoona, in which Yoona was already beginning to cut the pear into 4 symmetrical pieces before taking the seeds out diligently, placing it on a paper plate as she walked over to the elderly and handed to her with both hands.

"Thank you Yoona." Mrs. Kim said, taking hold of the plate and picked up a piece of the pear.

"Your surgery is in 4 days—but I won't be able to come, my mentor and former professor is in Italy right now and he needs me up there for some help with his archaeological findings."

Mrs. Kim sighed, "It's okay Seohyun, it's your job. Do your best!"

"Okay you two, the volunteering time is now over. The patient needs some rest now." The nurse walked in a bag of IV.

"Bye Mrs. Kim." Yoona and Seohyun said to the lady, waving bye as they walked out of the room.

"You're going to Italy?" Yoona asked her. She was surprised at the sudden announcement of the trip.

"Yep, I'll be going the day after Tiffany Unnie's engagement party tomorrow." Seohyun explained grasping onto the Keroro backpack she had with her as she walked alongside Yoona.

"I didn't hear you talk about this before.."

"I only knew about it yesterday."

"So when are you going to return?"

"On the 3rd of December, just in time before Yuri Unnie's birthday."

"Ahh, I see." Yoona said, nodding her head in confirmation—maybe this was her chance.


Tiffany finally went to the park like it was asked of her, but no sight of Yuri was found. She tried calling for her name, but no one answered her because no one named 'Kwon Yuri' was present at this park.

She crossed her arm and waited for a few minutes, but saw no one other then a few kids playing around, and a couple who was lewdly making out on the bench in front of the kids.

"Where is she?" Tiffany muttered, fixing her scarf so that the cold wind wouldn't be able to blow it down and reveal her identity. She let out a heavy, frustrated sigh and could even see the white clouds of the oxygen from her breath,

"You lied."


"I'm here!" Jessica smiled widely. She was waving her hands to the bundled-up Yuri who was still suffering from the cold.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked her, seeing how the girl was shaking.

"It's freaking cold, let's go buy the tickets and go in." Yuri told her swiftly before heading to the ticket booth but Jessica pulled her back gently by her arm.

"I got the tickets already." She informed Yuri, holding up the two tickets.

"Alright, let's go in then." Yuri smiled, her face was red from the coarse cold wind blowing onto her face at 12 MPH, "Wait, do you want some popcorn or anything?"

"I'm fine." Jessica shook her head.

"Alright then." Yuri smiled.

Jessica handed the tickets to the guy guarding the theater's gate and proceeded to ask Yuri a few questions, "What were you doing at the park?"

"I was planning to have a picnic with Tiffany—waited for more than an hour and the girl really didn't come." Yuri grumbled, feeling annoyed.

"You actually waited that long?"

"I thought she was just bluffing me and would go. Why am I even doing this? who cares if she get's engaged tomorrow, why would I have to try to make her life a more bit fun by taking her out more?" Yuri replied. She was pissed at Tiffany at the moment, but then, who wouldn't? specially when you have to wait out when the weather is around 27 degrees fahrenheit.

"She's getting engaged tomorrow, her fiance will take her out more often so you wouldn't have to."

Yuri scoffed a bit, "Yeah, we'll see." she said, picking a seat in the middle row before she seated down. The movie started off a bit slow, but as time goes on, the pace picked on right up and soon Jessica was entranced into the movie.

In one of the scenes, the character's mother found out that he had a gay lover and began to freak out.

"I'm not going home until you give me a kiss." Yuri smirked, refusing to get up from the sofa despite the pleading from Jessica, but the girl gave up to Yuri's irresistible charms.

She leaned in and give Yuri a chaste kiss on the lips—nothing more, until Yuri began to deepen up the kiss and pulled Jessica down onto her lap as they kissed passionately and blissfully.

Yuri slowly snuck down her hands to the inside of Jessica's shorts and began to work her hands from inside there, causing the girl to moan softly before a certain someone opened up the main door and was shocked at the sight she was seeing.


The character's mom was now yelling at her son, scorning him, scolding him, and even went far enough to break off contact with him if he does not break up with his lover in order to become 'straight' again.

"Mom..why are you acting like this? I truly love Yuri, why can't you accept that?" Jessica asked her mom tearfully as tears flowed down to both sides of her cheeks.

"How do you expect me to accept this? she's a girl! the grandson or granddaughter I wished for will shattered because of you liking her!"

"Mom," Jessica sobbed, kneeling down on her knees as she pulled onto her mother's arms but she shook Jessica's grasp away.

"Don't call me mom again. Not when you are still with her."

"Mom.." Jessica repeated, it was unbelievable to what her mother was doing at this moment.

"Break up with her and promised me you'll find a great guy if you ever want to call me mom again." Her mother stated calmly, taking in a deep breath as she headed up stairs, leaving the baffled and confused Jessica on the floor, weeping.

"I hope you are happy now, Mom."


"Oh Yoona, you're hh-ome?" Tiffany asked her sister, who was looking very oddly at her.

"I've been home, where were you Unnie?"

"I was someww-where." Tiffany told her and began to walk up the stairs, only to stop halfway as she turned around to Yoona,

"Say Yoona, What does it mean when you feel a bit disappointed at the person.. who promised you that they would stay and wait for you to come no matter what, doesn't?"

"That, my sis, is the feeling of love." Yoona answered gleefully, causing the baffled Tiffany to be even more confused about her feelings.

"Feeling of love?"

"Feeling of love?" Tiffany repeated to herself, as if she was trying to decipher it's meaning.

"Why? did someone let you down?" Yoona asked her sister further.

"No, nothing. I was just wondering."

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