Chap 22

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Chapter 22

"Did they get back together or what? Why did she kiss Yuri?" Tiffany muttered to herself. She was now heading home from the hospital but she couldn't help but reflect over that kiss she saw earlier. It didn't make sense to her that Jessica would kiss Yuri. Jessica was Jay's girlfriend, and apparently Jessica loved Jay right? Even Jay told her that they were getting ready for marriage next why did Jay's fiancee kiss Yuri?

She shook her head. Why the heck was she fretting about this? It's not as if she likes Yuri or anything...

No way. She was only worried for Jay because Jay is her friend, she wouldn't want her friend getting hurt because of Jessica's actions.

But the thing is, that's what she's telling herself, but her heart thinks otherwise. Tiffany was jealous over the kiss, yet, she didn't know why. Or actually, she knew why she was jealous over the kiss but she's making up explanations to curb these nonsense 'weird' feelings she was feeling; and much to her dismay, it was not working so well.

"Maybe that's just a friendly way to comfort someone." Tiffany told herself with a forced smile. She was now set over this explanation because it's the only explanation that would actually make sense to her at this moment.


Someone extended their head out of the window and yelled at Tiffany. While she was mulling over those thoughts in her head, she didn't realize that the red light had turned green. She immediately stepped on the gas—-and just as she was getting ready to compose herself, her phone rang, startling her. She kept her eye on the road while rummaging through her bag for the phone,

'Bast-rd Choi'

The caller ID stated, and Tiffany had no mood to deal with him.

'You have 1 missed call and a voice mail.' The robotized voice announced.

"What is it now?" Tiffany uttered to herself, flipping the phone open and placed it against her ear in anticipation for the voice mail.

"Don't think I didn't know what you said at the press conference. You'll regret it Tiffany, just wait until I get home from my business trip."

Tiffany scoffed, "Who is he threatening?"

Sunny was right, she didn't have to fret about Siwon and his threatening remarks-—she's THE Tiffany Hwang after all, everyone is on her side; even Yuri.

Exactly. She didn't have a thing to worry about; because Yuri was on her side.


"I don't know what I should do," Yuri pondered as she looked at the phone held in her hands. She didn't know whether she should call Seohyun and break to her the news now-—or wait until she comes back and tell her then. She knew that either way, it wouldn't change the outcome of Seohyun's reaction. If she'd call and tell Seohyun now, the girl wouldn't be able to focus on her job in Italy and knowing how Seohyun is, the girl would take the next flight home right away. If she'd wait until Seohyun arrived back home and tell her then, Seohyun would be mad at her for not telling her sooner.

Pretty much she was in a dilemma.

"You should call her and tell her now, it's better this way so that she can help arrange the funeral service." Jessica placed a hand on Yuri's shoulders and suggested. She didn't want Yuri to keep stressing herself out because of the ordeal.

"Should I?" Yuri asked again, and Jessica nodded.

Yuri flipped open her phone and wished for the best as she tentatively dialed for Seohyun's numbers.


"Oh Unnie is calling!" Seohyun announced to Yoona happily.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" Yoona chuckled. The younger girl was too happy to even realize that she's suppose to answer the call-—not just stare at the caller ID and jump up and down in celebration.

Seohyun immediately nodded and flipped her phone open, upon hearing the familiar voice of her Unnie made her happy; though the tone of the voice was making her nervous.

"Unnie?" Seohyun asked over the phone, "How's the surgery?" she asked anxiously.

She heard Yuri let out a heavy sigh.

"Seohyun, whatever I tell you, promise me you will try your best to take it easily okay?"

"Yes Unnie...but what's wrong?"

"The surgery failed, the doctors tried their best but—"

"So..Mrs. Kim...died?" Seohyun uttered, her voice barely audible through the phone.

"Mrs. Kim—"

Yuri stopped talking when she heard a loud crash and Yoona's voice ringing through the phone yelling out Seohyun's name.

"Don't cry," Yoona softly whispered and gently stroked the cheek of the soundingly asleep Seohyun. They were now on their plane back to Korea after the news of Mrs. Kim had been revealed to Seohyun. The girl just couldn't take it; it was all too sudden for her to handle; and because of that, she fainted at the dig site. Her Professor told Yoona to quickly take her to the hospital and that he'll take care of things by himself, and Yoona did. After the girl woke up and had another emotional break down, here she is now, on the plane with swollen eyes from the tears that seemed to never cease to stop. Even as she's sleeping now, Yoona had to occasionally wipe the tears off her cheeks while she was softly whimpering indecipherable words.

"Flight 0711 is starting its landing at the Incheon International Airport, please fasten up your seat-belt, and we will arrive momentarily," The pilot announced, and Yoona sighed in relief. After the long hours of flight, they've finally arrived back in Seoul...just in time for the viewing of Mrs. Kim. What worried Yoona was that she didn't know if Seohyun could take it even more than she already have; she didn't want to imagine the devastated look on the girl's face when she sees Mrs. Kim in her funeral casket...when just days ago she saw her happy and smiling on her hospital bed. Everything just seemed so unexpected, even Yoona herself was struck by sudden news.

"Flight 0711 have now landed safely at the Incheon International Airport in Seoul, Korea. Thank you for flying Korean Air. We hope you enjoyed your trip."

The pilot announced again and everyone surrounding Yoona was starting to get up to gather up their things and leave. Yoona got up from her seat first and began to take down their luggages from the top cabinet before gently tap on Seohyun's shoulders until the girl stirred and slowly open up her heavy eye-lids.

"We're here, let's go," Yoona said with a gentle smile as she extended her hand out for Seohyun to grasp onto.

Seohyun returned the smile and grasp onto her hand-—her smile was...albeit a weaker smile than those of Yoona's, but Yoona was finally glad to see the girl smile once again since the revelation.

"Thanks again for flying Korean air," the flight attendant greeted for one last time as Yoona and Seohyun pass through the entrance of the plane, heading out to the terminal. After a short walk, both of them could hear Yuri calling out their names with a smile plastered on her face, welcoming the new couple.

Before Yuri could give hugs or say anything else, Seohyun quickly rushed up to her.

"Unnie, I want to see Mrs. Kim."


There Seohyun was, walking step by step into the viewing room that laid the casket of Mrs. Kim. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she approached the casket, biting down her lower lip, hoping to not be overwhelmed with her emotions when she sees the lifeless body.

She exhaled her breath and let out a sigh as she opened up her eyes to gaze upon the face of the elderly whom was decorated with make-up to help blush up her cheeks as an illusion that she was still alive. The paleness, though, was still there, and the inert body made Seohyun face the cruel reality that the elderly was in fact not alive and breathing anymore.

"Mrs. Kim..." Seohyun uttered softly, she closed her eyes and reopened them, looking away from the body as she fanned herself in an effort to stop her tears from falling.

Yuri lightly pushed Yoona forward, and the girl gave her determined nod as she proceeded to walk up to Seohyun, clutching her gently by the shoulders.

"Seohyun, it's okay to cry," Yoona said with concerned eyes. "Just let your tears fall, you'll feel better after that."

Seohyun did wanted to cry, it's just that suddenly she couldn't continue to cry anymore. She thought that the tears she was holding in was going to burst-—but it didn't. She blinked her eyes and could feel a lone tear stream down her cheeks, but that was all. Maybe Mrs. Kim was watching her from above, and the elderly didn't want to see her cry. That was probably why even if she wanted to—-she just...couldn't.

"I can't cry, Mrs. Kim wouldn't want to see me cry," Seohyun said, looking into Yoona's eyes.

Yoona gave her a faint smile and pulled her in for an embrace.

"That's right, Mrs. Kim wouldn't want to see you cry. She'd want to see you happy and smiling," Yoona told her, giving her body a last squeeze before she pulled away when Yuri approached them.

"The patients at the hospital chipped in to help fund the funeral for Mrs. Kim...the burial is planned for tomorrow."

"Have you tried contacting her children?" Seohyun asked with a tint of hope from the tone of her voice.

Yuri nodded. "I tried to, but the call took me to their voice mail instead. I left a message about the time and location, let's just hope that they still have a heart to come."

"I hope so..." Seohyun said, taking a last look at Mrs. Kim before she quickly glanced away,

"Unnie, I want to go home now. I feel a little homesick."

"Alright let's go home, and Yoona do you want me to give you a lift home as well?" Yuri asked.

"That would be great, thanks."

Yuri gave her a smile and a nod as she began to head out of the funeral home when she suddenly remembered about something.

"I was just wondering, have you heard about your sister's press conference from the other day?"

"That? I think it was about her movie. Isn't it in the news already?" Yoona asked back in confusion.

"Are you talking about that press conference with Tiffany Hwang?" A worker from the funeral home spoke up.

"Yes, do you know anything about it?" Yuri walked up to the guy and asked.

"I'm surprised you still haven't heard about it yet when it's all over the news. It is said that the engagement between Tiffany and that guy Choi Siwon is off."

"It's off?" Yuri and Yoona both said in unison, looking at each other.

The guy chuckled, "Yeah it's off, something about how they weren't compatible. I heard it was a mutual agreement between the two."

Yuri shook her head. It's no way that it could have been a mutual agreement between the two. Siwon wouldn't let Tiffany go off easily like that.

Yuri knows very well what type of person Siwon is, even when they aren't acquainted with each other. Choi Siwon is the type of person that would go after what he wants and he would not give up until he achieves the item of his infatuation. Whatever it is, Yuri needs to find a way to talk to Tiffany soon.


Twenty-four hours later and that casket was no longer in that funeral home. Instead it was now being lowered down into the dirt ground ready for burial. Funeral songs Seohyun had personally chosen were playing as a few individuals who were kind enough to attend toss roses on top of the casket. A few patients had permission to leave the hospital to attend the funeral, and their faint sobbing could be heard, mingling along with the piano instrumental playing in the background.

Seohyun with a few roses in hand softly tossed each one into the burial hole as Yuri and Yoona was standing beside her with their head down low, clutching their hands together for a prayer and mourned solemnly.

Yuri slightly lifted up her head and glanced over to Tiffany who were closing her eyes and was clutching her hands together as well to pray; like what the rest of them were doing. She wanted to pull Tiffany aside and ask about that Siwon ordeal but she knew she couldn't at the moment. When the funeral ceremony is over and everything starts to subside, it'll be the best time to approach the girl.

"Yuri-ah" Yuri heard a familiar voice whisper to her and immediately knew who it was from, she smiled and turned around; yes she had expected that certain someone to come, but she didn't know that the certain someone had brought in a guest with her too. Her smile was quickly overturned into a stern as she spoke up.

"What are you doing here?"

Jessica gave Yuri a signaled-look and spoke up in a whisper, "Jay.. wanted to come! He doesn't know Mrs. Kim but—" She said before getting interrupted by Jay,

"I'm sure she was a great person when she was alive, that's why I just want to show my respects to her by attending. You don't mind right?" he asked with a smile.

"Of course not," Yuri said forcibly, "Well, the ceremony is on, and we're just waiting for her kids to come...hopefully they do come." Just as she finished her sentence, a black car screeched to a stop outside of the gate entrance to the graveyard as two people; one in a black suit and one in a white dress with a coat on emerged from the car, approaching the ceremony. The main 'guests' for the event had finally arrived.

"Anyone named Yuri? I received a voice mail telling me and my sis to come?" Mrs. Kim's son asked, flashing his cellphone.

Seohyun acknowledged their presence and quickly walked over to the duo with a displeased smile. Their presence was catching the attentions of the attendees who were wondering what the ruckus was all about during this formal ceremony.

"Finally you and your sister came? We've been waiting for you to make your last prayers!" Seohyun said, trying to hold in her anger at the two.

"A prayer?" He asked wryly.

"Yes, a prayer. That's the least you can do for not even once, coming to visit your mother while she was in the hospital after your son had inflicted her with the disease."

He let out a incredulous chuckle, "Who are you to butt into my family matters?"

"She's the person coming to hospital every week to help take care of your mother," Yuri explained. "Seohyun has no relation to your mother at all but she loved her as if she was her own mom. What about you? You treat your mother like a pet, throwing her away when she's sick. Do you even have a heart? She's your mother for crying out loud!"

His sister nudged him, "Let's just hurry up and do it so we can go home."

"Okay, you want a prayer? I'm not a deeply religious but okay," he said, clutching his hands together, "Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the life of Kim Cho Hee. We hope you can take care of her while she is in heaven. Done."

"Done?" Seohyun scoffed.

"I told you I wasn't deeply religious. Isn't that what a prayer is? Now that I'm done with the so-called prayer, can me and my sister go home now? We are very busy individuals," he asked as he grabbed onto his older sister's arm and began to drag her away, only to be stopped with Jay's grasp on his shoulders.

"You're the son," Jay said, "And you're the daughter," He nodded his head towards Mrs. Kim's daughter, "Is this how you're going to attend your mother's funeral? You don't have any remorse at all?"

Tiffany was sick of the scene unfolding in front of her, how can such a lovely lady have such children? It just didn't make sense.

"Would you want your children to attend your funeral with this type of attitude? I'm a Christian, but I do believe in karma," she said angrily, surprising the others, and especially the son himself.

"Wow, I definitely thought you were Tiffany Hwang standing back there, I just couldn't believe my eyes that it WAS actually THE Tiffany Hwang attending my mother's funeral. My mother is sure special huh? You believe in karma? Well, I do too. This is the karma for her actions towards me and my sister when I was little. Everything happens for a reason right? What happened to her was a result of something she did to me and my sis, and she will continue carry on this shame with her to her grave. How shameful, let's see if she can go up to heaven with that heavy burden on her shoulders. Now if you excuse us, I have a meeting to attend, and my sister here have to pick up her daughter from the daycare center." He said without any emotions, shrugging his shoulders to shake Jay's grasp off him as he and his sister quickly head out to their car. Seohyun who was desperately wanting to know what Mrs. Kim had done, chased after them with Yoona and Yuri following behind while the others were in shock of his sudden revelation.

"Hold up!" Seohyun pleaded, "What did Mrs. Kim do to you?" she asked breathlessly from running.

"Just go in the car first," he told his sister before resting his hand on top of the car's door, "Why would I reveal this to you, I don't know you."

"Please, just tell her," Yuri pleaded, "She won't be able to sleep unless you tell her the truth."

"Look, even if I want to tell you the truth, I just can't okay? My sister wouldn't appreciate it. If my mother was still alive and I had revealed this to you, let's just say that there's a definite chance that she will be jailed. It's that serious, and it's something I will never forgive her for. I'm sorry, okay?"

"But you can't just leave her hanging like that?" Yoona said, "At least tell her something so that her curiosity will rest in peace."

He sighed. "She abused us, and that's all I'm going to tell you. Bye. I hope we don't ever meet again," he said lastly before getting back into his car, leaving Seohyun bewildered, and both Yuri and Yoona were also in a state of shock themselves. Mrs. Kim was so kind, of course they wouldn't believe that she had done such thing to her children before. But Mrs. Kim was now dead, her son had no reason to tell a lie like that—but because she was dead, she could not tell them if this was the truth or not.

Needless to say, Seohyun was not taking this so well.

"Seohyun are you okay?" Yoona asked, approaching her when she suddenly ran off.

"Seohyun! Where are you going?!" Yoona yelled, but Yuri stopped her from doing so.

"She just needs to get it out of her system."

"Will she be okay?" Yoona asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'll take care of the funeral, just go after her. Take care of her for me."

Yoona nodded and quickly chased after the emotional girl.


"Thank you everyone for attending today, although a bit of chaos had happened during the ceremony...Mrs. Kim Cho Hee will be now resting in peace. We will always remember her forever," Yuri said her final thanks and bowed to everyone as they began to leave one by one.

Jessica was going to walk up to her but Jay held her hands tight, not letting her go.

"The funeral is over, let's go home."

"Wait I need to talk to—"

"Come on, let's go. We should go watch a movie or something," Jay said, pulling her along with him. Jessica gave Yuri a brief glance; but when she saw the girl walking up to Tiffany, she quickly turned away biting her lower lip in irritation.


"Hey.." Yuri said, walking up to Tiffany.

"Uhm yeah?" Tiffany asked, wanting to sound carefree.

"Are you busy? Do you have any schedules or anything? We haven't hung out with each other for a while now."

Indeed, after she had gotten back together with Jessica-—it had been a while since they've last seen each other as she didn't want to cause anymore misunderstandings to Jessica.

"No, I'm actually free today."

"Let's go for a walk, I want to ask you about something."

Tiffany nodded and proceeded to follow Yuri out of the gate's entrance to the graveyard, walking alongside her in the direction of the sidewalk.

"I heard about your press conference. You announced that your engagement with Siwon is over? But what about your dad's company?"

"I don't have to worry about his threats anymore. My dad said he found an investor in Hawaii that was willing to put his money into the company. He won't bankrupt," Tiffany said with a smile, "I'm glad Siwon is finally out of my face. Just imagining me seeing his face everyday in the morning gives me the creeps."

Yuri chuckled, "I'm glad as well, but he doesn't seem like a person to give up so easily."

"Sunny told me this; she said that I am THE Tiffany Hwang, I have thousands of fans supporting me, and if he tries to threaten me, that's blackmail, and it could be reported to the police. So...pretty much...everyone is on my side. I wouldn't have to worry about anything right?" Tiffany asked, looking attentively at Yuri.

"Exactly! I'm one your biggest fans, I'll support you no matter what!"

"Did you buy all the DVDs to my movies yet?"

"Uhh, okay, I didn't do that yet.." Yuri chuckled, "It's actually kinda weird to see you in movies, though."

"What?" Tiffany asked, glowering at her.

"Let me explain first! Jeez!" Yuri laughed, using her hand to shield her eyes against the daggering stares of Tiffany's. "I find it weird because, well, you're just Tiffany Hwang, THE real Tiffany Hwang standing next to me right now...and to see you on the big screen acting as a different character is kinda..weird. Not to mention the kiss scenes are beyond awkward to watch," She said in distaste, slightly extending her tongue, "Bleh."

"Well, gee, thanks for the compliment," Tiffany said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Your acting is good okay? Just the kiss scenes are awkward for me to watch as your friend." Yuri laughed, "Say, are you busy 2 days from now?" she asked. Two days from now will be her 21st birthday, and she'd most definitely want Tiffany to be there with her.

"Yeah, I think I have a few schedules I have to attend for the promotion of my movie. Why?"

"Oh nothing," Yuri smiled.

" are you and Jessica doing?" Tiffany changed the subject.

"Uh, we're just..friends." Yuri said nonchalantly, unable to look at Tiffany.

"Nothing more?"

"Nothing more," Yuri assured with a smile as she face Tiffany, "Why are you asking me this?"

"Oh, nothing, I was just curious that's all," Tiffany said with a faint smile. She wasn't sure if Yuri was lying to her or not, but that kiss she witnessed definitely not what 'just friends' give to each other. Friends wouldn't kiss friends like that and Tiffany was dying to know the truth. She just didn't know how find a way to ask her about it indirectly.


"Seohyun!" Yoona yelled as she finally caught up to the girl. The younger girl was seating at a bench as tears began forming at the corner of her eyes. She looked up at Yoona and could feel a hot tear dripped down her cheeks.

"Tell me what's wrong," Yoona said, sitting down next to the girl.

"You heard him, you know what's wrong. Could Mrs. Kim be doing all the bad stuff he said she did?" She sniffed.

"Mrs. Kim is dead, he can say whatever he wants. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's true."

"How do you know that?" Seohyun asked with reddened eyes.

"Because people do it all the time. Just because the person is dead, they try to blame it all on them. And in this case, her son is trying to put all the blame on her. You've been with Mrs. Kim for a long time now. You should know what she's like, she's a kind lady, she wouldn't do these kinds of stuff. With just a few words from him, you can't just break that trust you had with Mrs. Kim."

Seohyun sighed. "You're right, why would I have to trust him?"

"You just gotta trust Mrs. Kim, trust me, and trust yourself and your judgement. You know who Mrs. Kim is, and if she isn't the kind of people to do all that child abusing and stuff, then she isn't," Yoona said, grasping onto Seohyun's hands, "Don't think too much, cheer up okay?"

Seohyun shook her head with a smile, and it unconsciously made Yoona smile as well.

"Do you want some ice cream?"

"Ice cream? In the cold?" Seohyun asked back with a bit of surprise seeing how the weather was at its coldest today in weeks.

"They said that ice cream and other sweet treats could make a unhappy person happy again. I want to see you happy, your smile is the most precious thing to me."

"You're getting cheesy, Yoona." Seohyun chuckled with delight.

"I can't help you know?" she laughed. "Alright, wait for me. It might take a bit longer than usual, but just wait for me. Cover up with my jacket so you won't be cold," she said as she quickly took off her jacket, handing it to Seohyun.

"No, I'll be fine! Take it, it's cold!" Seohyun told her but she shook her head with a grin.

"I'll be back!"


Over an half an hour later and Yoona was still nowhere to be found. Seohyun closed her eyes for a nap when she felt a tap on her shoulders—-expecting it to be Yoona, but it was completely something else.

"Sgt. Frog Keroro is here! Cheer up! Don't be sad!" Someone said in a croaky/froggy voice inside the costume, handing Seohyun the cone of ice cream.

"Yoona?" Seohyun asked in a surprised delightful tone.

"My name is not Yoona, my name is Keroro, Yoona sent me here to cheer you up."

"It is you, Yoona!" Seohyun chuckled, wanting to take off the heavy looking head of the costume but 'Keroro' blocked her from doing so.

"Keroro is allergic to human touch, so no touchy me!"

"You sure you don't want some ice cream?" Seohyun asked, waving the cone around but 'Keroro' was unfazed by the temptation.

"Keroro is also allergic to ice cream, so how about Keroro watch you eat while we go take a walk instead?"

"I'd like to do that, 'Keroro'," Seohyun smiled widely as she licked her cone, "So 'Keroro' where did Yoona go?"

"She's with the person she loves most at the moment,"

"Oh really?" Seohyun asked playfully, beaming a bright smile at 'Keroro', "I wonder who that person is,"

"I wonder too. Yoona never thought she'd fall in love with that girl, but she did and she loves that girl very much."

"Ah really? I think I'm a bit jealous of that girl, I should go find Yoona and win her back then. 'Keroro' thanks for cheering me up and accompanying me for a walk, but it's time you should go back," Seohyun said friskily, turning the other direction when she heard Yoona's voice again.

'Keroro' had removed the head gear of the costume, and obviously it was Yoona who was inside.

"I thought you loved 'Keroro' you're just gonna leave it like that?" Yoona asked, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her wrist.

Seohyun turned around with a mischievous smile plastered on her face as she walked up closer to her,

"I seem to love Yoona more."

"Ohhh, you do?" Yoona asked playfully, "So it seemed like 'Keroro' was useless huh?"

"Not necessarily, I can love both Yoona and Keroro."

"But you love Yoona more right?"

"It depends if Yoona loves me or not."

"I'm sure Yoona loves you very much," Yoona smiled, approaching closer to Seohyun until they were only inches away. She slowly crept her hands up and stroked Seohyun's cheek gently.

"I thought Keroro was allergic to human touch?" Seohyun asked, dabbing away beads of sweat from Yoona's forehead.

Yoona smiled and pulled down the front zipper, stepping out of the burning hot costume she had bought at the cosplay store.

"Keroro might be allergic to human touch, but I'm sure Yoona isn't," she said as she used her index finger to help prop up the younger girl's chin. They both maintained eye contact with each other until Yoona leaned in, closing the small gap between them when her lips connected with Seohyun's for a long, lingering kiss that lasted for a little over 10 seconds before she pulled away.

Seohyun simpered, "Is this what you do to all the girls to swoon them over?"

Yoona shook her head.

"I would only do something like this to the person I love, not to someone who I mess around with."

And with that, Seohyun took the initiative this time and pressed her lips against Yoona's for a swift kiss.

"I'm glad you're my first true love. I can't imagine myself loving anyone else but you."

Yoona smiled mischievously. "What about Keroro then?" she asked, petting the head of the costume.

"He's an exception." Seohyun laughed.

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