Chap 27

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Chapter 27

Yuri felt her heart sink the moment she heard the crash over the phone and now here she was, watching the upcoming ambulance pull over to the front door of the hospital, as doctors and nurses rushed out, ready for action. The paramedics helped lift the hospital bed out of the ambulance while the hoard of paparazzi dashed to the entrance―thankfully however, security refused to let them in. There Tiffany was, on the hospital bed, eyes closed, wearing an oxygen mask with seemingly no sense of consciousness at all, and Yuri was guilt-stricken. If only she didn't call, maybe Tiffany would have been more focused on the road, and she wouldn't be caught in the accident. She silently berated herself, as she chased after the bed that was being pushed by the nurse, hoping all for the best. First it was Seohyun who got sent to the hospital because of an incident of falling down the stairs earlier in the day, and now this happened to Tiffany. Yuri didn't know how much worse this day could get.

"Who are you? If you're a fan, go away!" The doctor tried to shoo Yuri off, but Yuri stared at her with bewilderment.

"What are you talking about? She's my friend!" Yuri yelled, trying to keep up with the speedy pace, "..Is she going to be okay?"

The doctor promptly placed her finger over Tiffany's wrist. "Her pulse seems to be fine, but we will have to check up on her. Stay here," she said with a nod to assure Yuri before helping the nurse push Tiffany into the room.

Yuri sat down, waiting for any news but soon minutes and minutes passed by, and she was starting to get impatient. She wanted to know if Tiffany was alright or not, she wanted to know the answer now. Tiffany was fine, even the doctor said so right? But she was still worried, so worried that she hadn't noticed that her stomach was starting to growl at her for not feeding it any food.

Jessica searched through the hospital and even the garden outside for any traces of Yuri but couldn't find the girl. She heard a handful of staffs from the hospital talk about 'Tiffany Hwang' throughout the hallways, and noticed a few reporters camping outside of the hospital, which was odd to her. Then, it was only when she heard some nurse talking about a celebrity staying at room 210 that she figured out THE Tiffany Hwang had probably been admitted to the hospital, and she knew she wasn't wrong when she saw Yuri waiting outside. Her heart stabbed with jealousy. Yuri left her to come here. Yuri left her to come here, and didn't tell her anything about it.

"..Yuri?" Jessica walked up to her and asked, causing Yuri to raise up her head. She looked at Jessica with a surprise look on her face.

"Jessica? Why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that first?..Why are you here?" Jessica pretended to not have realized that Tiffany had been admitted to the hospital and asked.

Just as Yuri was going to open her mouth to answer, the doctor walked out with a indefinable expression on her face—which made hard to decipher whether it was either good news, or bad news. Yuri hoped for the former.

"How is she uhm, doctor Cher?" Yuri asked, glancing over to the doctor's name tag.

"The impact of the crash didn't cause her injury, maybe except for a few scratches on her arms and a bruise here or there. Why she lost sudden consciousness however," The doctor paused for a second, "—is a different story."

"What do you mean?"

"Sadly, I can not reveal that due to the privacy of Ms. Hwang. When she awakens, I will talk to her privately about the matter. For now, you can come in to see her. Nurse Jamie will be around here if you need anything." The doctor turned her attention to the nurse, "When Ms. Hwang wakes up, please remember to find me."

The nurse gave her a nod. "I am stationed in the unit over there, if there is anything, don't hesitate to come out and ask," she told Yuri and glanced over to Jessica.

"That'll be all for now."

"Thank you doctor Cher and nurse Jamie," Yuri said with a sigh of relief.

They gave her a slight smile before they left, leaving her and Jessica alone as they walked into the room.

"What happened to her?" Jessica whispered.

"Like you've heard, she got into a car accident. I was on the phone with her." Yuri pulled a chair over and took seated beside the hospital bed, where Tiffany was being hooked up to a bag of IV.

Knowing that Jessica would question about the phone call, Yuri came clean about it.

"It's not what you think, I called because I was wondering whether or not she was going to visit Seohyun. And now this happened to her, I feel guilty."

"I didn't think about it like that, you didn't have to explain," Jessica said.

"Okay, just think of it as an assurance or something."

A knock on the door was heard and both Yuri and Jessica turned their focus to the door.

"Who is it?" Yuri asked.

"It's me Sunny."

Yuri walked up to the door and opened it for the girl.

"Before I come in, she's okay right?" Sunny asked as she held the door from being opened any further.

"She is A-Okay." Yuri guaranteed with a smile.

"That's what I needed to hear." Sunny who was quickly overcame with a smile said as she walked inside the room. "I was at the office deciding the schedules for the rest of the week when I heard the news. Scared the crap out of me."

"Oh Sunny, I don't think you two have met before. This is Jessica, and Jessica, this is Sunny. She's Tiffany's manager."

They both exchanged a brief smile to each other before Sunny walked up to Tiffany and grasp the girl's hand, as she sat down on the bed by her side.

"You're precious okay? Nothing bad should happen to you," Sunny said before turning her attention over to Yuri. "I've been trying hard lately to decline most schedules for her, but the offers keeps rolling in. Tiffany told me she could handle it, but I'm guessing the fatigue got the best of her."

"The doctor said Tiffany lost conscious due to another reason, she wouldn't reveal what though. Tiffany needs to wake up first."

Sunny took another look at Tiffany and sighed, "Can you stay with her for me?"

"What?" Yuri asked, a little surprised.

"There's...really not much that I can do, we're all just waiting for her to wake up. And since she's like this, I have to go back and call the broadcast companies to tell them that Tiffany can not attend the recordings. I mean, if you're busy then―"

"No, I'm not busy. I'll look out for her in place of you. I'll call when she wakes up."

Sunny's lips curled into a smile, "Thanks Yuri, Tiffany is lucky to have a friend like you."

"I think she's more luckier to have a manager like you who cares."

The short girl chuckled and walked up to Yuri, her hand placed firmly on the taller girl's shoulder. "One way or another, Tiffany is very lucky except, you-know-what."

Yuri definitely knew what. It was Siwon, and even though Tiffany told her that the engagement between her and that basturd was supposedly 'off', Yuri was still wary about him and any other motives he might have under his sleeve.

Yuri nodded to Sunny. "Have she told you about what happened between them?"

Sunny briefly glanced at Jessica and smiled to Yuri, "Of course, I'm her manager."

She took a look at Tiffany again before squeezing Yuri's shoulder. "I'll be going now," she said lastly before leaving the room.

"Are you really going to stay here with her?" Jessica spoke up, her eyes focusing at the scenery outside the window.

"Of course. I promised Sunny and well, she's my friend."

"You do know that Yoona―Tiffany's sister―is also at this hospital right now, right?"

Yuri looked at Jessica with much incredulity, "Why are you speaking to me like that in that tone?"

"I'm just saying, shouldn't Yoona stay here to take care of her sister instead? Does Yoona even know about her sister's situation? Shouldn't you be with Seohyun?"

"Why does that matter? Tiffany is my friend so I'm taking care of her. Seohyun is Yoona's girlfriend so she's obliged to take care of her."

Yuri exhaled out a heavy breath, sighing.

"You know I love you, but sometimes your jealousy is really getting out of hand. Why do you keep doubting me? I told you like a million times that me and Tiffany are just friends. Can't friends care for their friends like this?"

"Who said I was being jealous, I was just wondering." Jessica looked away from the windows and smiled at Yuri.

Yuri chuckled and walked over to Jessica, wrapping her arms around the girl's waist before she brought her in for a tight hug―-her chin resting on on Jessica's shoulders as she snuggled against her.

"I'm sorry," Yuri whispered, "but I'm glad you finally understand."




"Wake up!"

Seohyun's ears were filled with the callings of her name by a familiar voice; it wasn't long before she figured that the voice belonged to Yoona. Just as soon as she opened her blurred eyes, the bright light of the room caused her to squint, prompting Yoona to cover the shining light with her body as she sat beside her. Opening her eyes again, Seohyun took a few quick looks around the room before she figured that she was at the hospital, and fortunately (and also unfortunately) she knew why she was admitted. Thankfully no amnesia or any other brain injury symptoms seemed to be showing.

"Are you okay?" Yoona asked with a bit of a worried tone as she helped the girl sit up straight and positioned the pillows for her so she could lean against it on the bed.

"I think so," Seohyun muttered, grasping the back of her neck before touching her head. She jerked her hands away when she felt a thick layer of bandage around her head.

"The doctor said you were lucky, but I feel even luckier right now."

"Why?" Seohyun asked, she knew what Yoona was referring to, but she still asked out of curiosity.

"Because you're okay. I was worried sick about you."

Seohyun glanced over to the clock on the wall and gasped, "It's this late already? You're not going home?"

Yoona feigned a sigh. "You're probably right, I should go home," she said, reluctantly standing up before Seohyun pulled her back down. She let out a hearty laugh, and Seohyun hugged her in a tight embrace.

"No, stay here with me." she whispered, pleading.

Yoona hugged her even tighter after that, "You don't have to tell me that, I won't leave no matter what."

She released Seohyun from the hug and looked at her in the eyes, her hand reached up to the younger girl's face before she gently stroked her cheek with her thumb. She moved both of her hands up and gently touched Seohyun's head, earning a wince from the latter.

" hurt?"

Seohyun slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry," Yoona said, holding Seohyun's hands.

"It was my fault Lizzy did this to you."

Seohyun smiled and shook her head, "Don't say that, it wasn't anyone's fault."

She couldn't blame it on anyone, not even Lizzy, and of course, definitely not Yoona. What happened was something that was uncalled for, she knew Lizzy wouldn't push her down the stairs, it was just a mere accident. An accident that no one had planned, or had hoped for it to happen.

Yoona sighed, "What did she tell you? Whatever she told you, don't listen to her, it's not true."

"I know," Seohyun assured with a slight smile, "Did Yuri Unnie come?"

"Of course she did, but I'm guessing she went home already. It's late, and she probably knew that I'll be taking care of, Princess, what would you like for me to do for you? Are you hungry?"

Seohyun rubbed her stomach, "Kind of..." she pouted.

"Good! I asked the doctor, she said you're fine with eating anything, so I bought you these in advance..." Yoona paused as she took out a box from the paper bag, "Sweet potatoes with sweet sticky rice, caesar salads with ranch, and...more sweet potatoes."

"How did you know I like sweet potatoes?!"

"You told me before, you don't remember?"

Seohyun rubbed the back of her neck, "Oh..right." she said, slightly embarrassed.

"Yup. You told me you liked a boy before because his family owned a sweet potato farm, but forget that! I'll buy you fresh baked sweet potatoes every day if you want! Or heck, I'll use that space in my garden to plant some sweet potatoes for you, and then whenever you come over, I'll make different kinds of sweet potato dishes just for you!" Yoona declared, placing the meal on a tray before handing it over to Seohyun.

"Really?" The younger girl's tone rose as her smile brightened.

"About me planting and cooking the potato dishes for you?"

Seohyun nodded with a anticipating smile.

"Of course not."

Her previous smile was quickly turned into a frown.

"Just kidding!" Yoona laughed, "I'm not the best cook or anything and the only dish I would... probably know how to make is a potato salad, but hey, the possibilities are endless!"

"I won't be sent to the emergency room, right?" Seohyun laughed.

Yoona rubbed her chin, "That, I'm not so sure..." she smiled, leaning in to give Seohyun a chaste kiss on her lips.


Jessica blinked her eyes and squinted trying to make out the time on the clock across the room; it was already 3AM and when she glanced at Tiffany on the bed, there Yuri was. Yuri was clutching onto Tiffany's hands as she rested her head on the bed. Jessica didn't know how others would react to this, how would a person react when he or she sees her lover caring so much for another person? Jealousy was obviously the first thing that person would feel. Even if Jessica tried many, many times to shake off those thoughts of Yuri being with Tiffany, and even with Yuri assuring her many, many times that nothing was going on between them, Jessica could not help but be jealous. It's just human instinct. She pursed her lips and walked over to Yuri, tapping the girl on her shoulders. Her actions causing the sleeping girl to stir.

"I think we should go home," Jessica whispered to Yuri who was rubbing the rheum off the corner of her eyes.

Yuri glanced over at the clock and back to the sleeping Tiffany, she sighed when she did so. Many hours have passed by, and Tiffany showed no signs of waking up yet.

"She's not awake yet."

"So are you planning to stay until she wakes up?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Yuri said. "You could go home now if you want, it's late."

Jessica bit her lower lip. "No, I'll wait along with you then," she insisted.

And then they waited, catching a quick sleep as more hours quickly passed by. It was only when it struck 7AM that Tiffany was beginning to stir from her deep slumber, the longest she had since the start of her promotions of the movie. She tried to move her limbs but felt something holding onto them; she looked down and saw Yuri. A smiled plastered to her face, but it all faded when she saw Jessica sleeping soundingly on the couch.

"Yuri?" Tiffany whispered, poking the girl on her arm. No response was given.

"Yu. Ri," she said a little bit louder this time, poking even harder until finally the girl stirred and rose her head up from the bed.

"Wha..?" Yuri mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. She was overwhelmed with happiness when finally she saw that smiling face of Tiffany's again.

"Dammit, you," Yuri huffed, pulling Tiffany in for a hug. Every thing was okay now, Tiffany woke up. That's what matters the most to Yuri.

"Wh-what?" Tiffany stuttered, surprised about the sudden physical contact. Her arms were constricted by Yuri's embrace, and she struggled trying to free herself. Even while struggling, she wanted them both to stay like that forever. In each other's warm embrace, but moments like these were never permanent. It could never be permanent, not for Tiffany.

"You scared the heck out of me. Did you know my heart actually stopped when I heard that crash over the phone? Geesus."

"No.." Tiffany mumbled and grew limp. She finally stopped her struggle from the hug.

"Well, now you do. I thought something really bad happened to you—well, I knew that something bad happened to you, but I didn't know if you were okay or not..I was—"

"Yuri, look at me. I'm okay now!"

Yuri pulled away from the hug and smiled, "Yeah, you better be okay,"

"Did you really stay here all night with me?" Tiffany asked with a pinch of hope in her tone.

"Only because Sunny forced me to. She came to visit you but went back to the company to reschedule your activities, and soooo, I had to watch over you. How troublesome for me," Yuri teased.

Tiffany frowned, believing Yuri's words. "Oh really? Why did you listen to her then? You should've gone home!"

"But if I went home, I don't think I would be able to sleep."

"And why would that be so?"

"I'll be pondering all night, wondering if you woke up yet, wondering if you're okay," Yuri said truthfully, a little surprised at of how her words came out to be.

'Dammit Kwon Yuri,' Tiffany thought to herself. Yuri was doing this this again to her. Yeah, she tried, Tiffany tried to brush away these newfound feelings for Yuri, but at this pace, it was impossible.

"You okay?" Yuri asked, waving a hand in front of Tiffany as the girl snapped out of her thoughts.

"Y-yeah, of cc-course," Tiffany absentmindedly stuttered.

"Oh, right. The doctor said that there was another reason to why you fell unconscious, she said she'll talk to you later about it."

"Did she tell you what it was?" Tiffany asked. She was glad Yuri changed the subject.

"For privacy I think I should go out and tell her you already woke up, she can tell you about it then."

Tiffany nodded and Yuri smiled as she got up from her seat, she was about to walk out of the door when Tiffany spoke up.

"Did Jessica stay here all night as well?"

Yuri turned around a nodded, "She must be very sleepy, just let her sleep."

"Okay," Tiffany softly said as she laid back down on her bed, watching as Yuri leave the room. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes.

"Why am I like this? She has Jessica already, I need to—"

"Yes, you're right. She has me already, you need to stay away from her."

Tiffany gasped as she sat up straight, watching as Jessica's piercing eyes glare at her. It wasn't a pleasant situation for Tiffany.

However, she was quick to defend herself. "She's my friend, why would I stay away from her just because you said so? I don't like her like that."

"Are you sure about that? Are you sure that you have no feelings for Yuri at all?" Jessica pushed on, she could tell Tiffany had feelings for Yuri, it wasn't that oblivious to anybody, at least to her it wasn't.

Tiffany froze. "No," she replied, hoping that Jessica didn't notice the hesitation in her voice.

"Fine, I don't care if you like Yuri or not, I just want you to stay away from her. You do know that I'm the only one she will ever love."

Tiffany could feel her heart shattered to pieces, she knew what Jessica said wasn't a lie. Yuri truly loved Jessica, she had always loved Jessica—that was why even after years of their separation, Yuri did not let her go. Yuri did not let the name Jessica Jung slips pass her heart.

"I will tell Jay about you cheating on him." There, Tiffany said it. She didn't want to blurt it out, but she did.

Jessica scoffed incredulously and Tiffany was taken aback, was the girl not afraid of the outcome at all? It wasn't the reaction Tiffany was hoping for.

"Go ahead."

"What?" Tiffany scrunched her eyebrows and asked.

"I said, go ahead," Jessica replied in a mocking tone. "Tell him that I cheated on him with Yuri. My mom told me to marry him, but guess what? I don't have to listen to her anymore. I have to listen to my heart, and my heart is screaming Yuri. I lost her once, I will not lose her again. When I'm with Yuri, she gives me a feeling of happiness. No one could ever give me this, not Jay."

Tiffany clenched her teeth, there was no chance for her. Yuri and Jessica both love each other, she wanted to give up. The more she struggled, the more she'll quickly fall deeper into the quick sand—that was what Yoona had told her, but what if she did nothing about it? What if she just let together? Would she still fall deeper into sand?

Thinking about what to say back to Jessica, her thought was disturbed when Yuri barged into the room with the doctor and the nurse.

"Doctor is here, and Jessica, you woke up already? This is a surprise." Yuri chuckled.

"I would like to talk privately to Ms. Hwang," Doctor Cher said as she gazed at both Yuri and Jessica.

She watched them both exit the room carefully before she closed the doors and walked back to Tiffany.

"Hi Ms. Hwang, I'm Doctor Cher, and this is Nurse Jamie."

"I heard there was another reason why I fell unconscious?" Her perturbed thoughts were refocused to the doctor in front of her.

"Ms. Hwang, did you consume any pills before the accident?" Doctor Cher asked carefully, sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"Yes, I did. It was hours before, though. I had a headache and I wanted to relieve pain with medicine—the pill."

"The pill you consumed was not for curing headaches—" Doctor Cher spoke before she paused, "—The pill is methylenedioxymethamphetamine, shortened, it is MDMA, which is colloquially known as ecstasy. We found traces of it in your bloodstream."

"What? What are you talking about?" Tiffany bewilderedly asked, it was impossible that she would consume such drugs. Unless—

"Ms. Hwang, are you sure the pill you took was not MDMA? Did someone else give you the pill?" Nurse Jamie asked.

"Yes I'm sure, are you crazy? I'm a movie actress, do you think I would take drugs and ruin my whole career?"

Tiffany remembered who gave her that pill, but she didn't want to rat that person out. Their career was also at stake.

"Ms. Hwang, calm down. I just want to let you know that the pill, was the reason for your disorientation that led to your unconsciousness--and that was what caused the eventual accident. Is this your first time using it?"

"I told you, I did not know that pill I took was MDMA."

"Okay, we believe you."

"Your tone doesn't sound like it," Tiffany retorted. She was boiling on the inside, she trusted that person. What was that person thinking when she gave her the pill?

"Ms. Hwang, I just want you to know that MDMA can be disastrous—-o both your health, and your career."

"I think I know that."

Tiffany definitely knew that, and she wasn't going to let that person get away with it.

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