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"Oh my god Unnie, you're seriously gonna do this? what happens if you fall over?" The young girl asked nervously, watching in horror as her Unnie gets ready to dive into the so called 'Devil's Pool', a naturally formed pool of the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

The pool was located near the edge of the waterfall and usually during the months of September and December, the water levels are safe enough for tourists to swim as close as they can to the edge of the waterfall, without falling over due to the natural rock baracades just below the water that stops them from drifting over; that is, if they're lucky.

"Have you seen the view down there? I've gotta take the photographs for my blog!" Yuri stated excitedly, taking out her Canon DSLR camera and quickly put it in a waterproof case. She checked the lens, and looked through the viewfinder.

"Everything is perfect!" She smiled, "Seo! hold my bags for me" she tossed over her camera sling bag to the shaking girl, who cautiously tip-toed over the rocks to pick it up.

"You said you were coming with me to the Great Zimbabwe ruins! I have to go there soon for work, you can take pictures of the ruins there and post it up in your photography blog too, you know!" Seohyun tried to convince her, but it was no use.

Yuri was determined to do this daring act and take quality pictures for her online photoblog.

Photography; it was her hobby, it was her life. She loved taking pictures ever since she was little when her dad bought those instant polaroid cameras and she would always secretly 'borrow' them to roam around the back of her house, taking snaptures of various things she could find. And now that she is older, she can roam everywhere and anywhere she wants to, and not be restricted to her backyard only. Even luckier, she met a wonderful dongsaeng by the name of Seo Joo Hyun (but she prefered to be called Seohyun instead), a young strange but smart archaeologist she met a few years back in Greece. Since now and then, whenever Seohyun is called to go to an archaeological site, she would ask to hitch along with Seohyun, after all, more places means more photographs are waiting for her to be taken.

"After a few photographs we can go to your 'Great Zimbabwe' site okay?" Yuri said, hanging the camera around her neck before diving into the pool along with a few other tourists on site. Seohyun felt nothing but nausea as she sat down on the rock, praying and hoping that Yuri won't be one of the dozens of people that actually fell into the gorge beneath the fall, fatally falling to their death.

"Don't worry!" The tour guide assured Seohyun in english, "The natural rocks will stop her from falling, and the currents are slow today as you can see." He smiled. Seohyun flashed a smile back before looking at her watch, "How long does it take for us to arrive at the Great Zimbabwe from here?"

"One to two hours, depending on the traffic." The tour guide replied and Seohyun took in a deep breath before sighing, "At least the landscape is beautiful here." She said to herself, calming down to the fact that she would be late for the meeting at the site with other archaeologists, and it was all due to Yuri and her photographs.


Yuri laid on her belly at the edge of the waterfall, "1..2..3, perfect shot." She murmured to herself, repeating them over and over again as she probably took more than 50 shots of the scene beneath her for the past 20 minute or so.

"Aiiish, unnie~" Seohyun called, "Are you done taking the pictures yet? I'm gonna be late for my meeting!"

Yuri heard her calls but ignored them, she looked through the pictures she had taken and smiled when she was satisfied enough. "I'm coming!" She said, standing up on her feet and walked proudly towards Seohyun, her eyes never wandering away from the camera's screen.

"How's the pictures?" Seohyun asked, looking over the LCD.

Yuri stood beside her and showed off the pictures, "Pretty awesome don't you think?"

Seohyun nodded, "That is pretty cool!"

"I told you! the scene couldn't be missed!" She laughed, "Anyways, so where are we heading to?"

"Great Zimbabwe! hurry up, here's the clothes! Change behind the car, I'll be on the lookout."


"Unnie! isn't the ruins amazing? did you take any photos?" Seohyun asked, patting off the dirt and dust that was on her.

"Of course! lot's of them too, so, did you and those guys find any artifacts?"

Seohyun nodded, "We found some sculptures and the guys are currently digging them up, one of the guys told me that the team is heading off to Egypt next, they're reopening the tomb to King Tut and they want us to check out the remnants that may have been left behind before those movie directors come in and make a mess of everything."

"Movie directors?" Yuri asked in curiosity.

"Apparently the entertainment company spent enough 'money' for the government to let them film at the actual place needed for the movie." Seohyun sighed, "I just hope they don't mess up stuff while filming."

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