Chapter Three - A New Connection

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Hope you Enjoy. This chapter is in Third Person's POV as always.

Danny exited the small bathroom with a towel tied up on his hair, as he walked to his bedroom, his bare body on display. He unties the towel off of his hair, and dries his hair slowly and carefully. Finishing drying his hair, he proceeded to drying his body gently, not wanting to cause any pain to himself by harshly passing the towel over wounds that were still somewhat fresh on his body. He then walked up to the dresser, looking at himself in the mirror that was on the dresser door, he frowned at the thought of what was going to happen in a few minutes.

Before he showered, Danny was slowly eating his meal, whilst he awaited Calvin's company, which never came. So he finished his meal and showered since he had his bond breaking ceremony. Danny wasn't as sad, since he knew that his mate would not accept him and he was right. What saddened him about the situation was the fact that his mate was John, the person he had a crush on, the person he had wet dreams about, and the person he loved even know they never really had a deep conversation with someone.

But now, he has been with Calvin and his world has changed a lot. To begin with, he did lots of stuff with Calvin in the span of a week or two. From sexual stuff to none sexual stuff. He was being shown love and he felt special to someone. Each time he were around Calvin, his sad thoughts of rejection was erased immediately. He had no sad or angry thoughts running through is head when he was around Calvin. Calvin was like a magnet that pulled all the negatives away from his body.

Coming out of thought, he got dressed in a white skinned jeans and the T Shirt that belonged to Calvin. It calmed him down a lot and he didn't really know why. And at this moment, he felt nervous and upset that he was going to lose his mate forever and he really needed a sense of calmness and relaxation for his mind. He then slipped his foot into a pink flip flops. He inhaled and exhaled, then made his way out of the bedroom, and towards the front door. Just as he placed his right hand on the door knob, the front door flew open, pulling him with it. He gently bounced into the person and he tensed up slightly. Arms made there way around his waist and he instinctively relaxed into the persons arms.

"Hey, there. Where are you off to in a rush?" Calvin asked into Danny's ear. Danny shivered slightly and placed his head in between Calvin's head and shoulder.

"Remember, I have to go to the bond breaking ceremony thing." Danny said in a hushed tone.

"They pushed it back for another ten minutes so you don't need to go right now. You have about twenty five minutes now." Calvin whispered back.

"I thought you weren't going to come see me." Said Danny, again in a whisper-y tone.

"I'm sorry, boo. Alpha Nick had me and John in a meeting with all the high ranked wolves of the pack." Calvin apologized and said.

"What was the meeting for?" Danny curiously asked.

"It was kind of an introduction meeting. And telling us our duties and the alpha and as the beta of the pack. You know, just the responsibilities and crap like that." Calvin explained. "Are you wearing my T Shirt?" Calvin asked, a bright smile on his face.

"It is. I needed help to calm down and keep my mind clear, and your scent kind of helps me. Plus I can wear it whenever I want, right?" Danny asked, still in the arms of Calvin.

"If course. It is yours now after all. Anything of mind you want, it is yours. Remember that."

"I have a question." Danny moved his head from where it was between Calvin's head and shoulders, and faced him, looking into his eyes. "A serious one..." He added.

"Yes. Go ahead, baby. Ask me." Calvin said, pecking Danny's nose quickly, which made him giggle.

"What if you ind your mate... you're going to forget about me?" Danny said, his tone softening when he said the last part of his sentence.

"There's something I want to tell you." Calvin said and Danny nodded, signalling for him to carry on with what he had to say. "I found my mate a year ago." He said and Danny's eyes widened.

"Really? Where is he... or she." Danny said, biting down on his lips, hoping it wasn't offensive for asking the question.

"It was a guy." Calvin said with a brief chuckle. "He rejected me for another guy. For an Alpha actually." He added.

"Is he a member of this pack?" Danny asked, as curiosity came over him and he wanted to know.

"Nah, he isn't. He's from a pack out of town. We met at the annual dance ball." He explained.

"Did it hurt when he rejected you?" Asked Danny.

"It did at first, but I got over it. I'm not going to grief for someone who doesn't want me. And I knew that I would be happy with someone else eventually, so I over came my sadness after about a few weeks or so." Calvin answered. "The worse thing was the embarrassment that came from his rejection, though. It was horrible." He added, with a chuckled that warmed Danny's heart.

"What do you mean by the embarrassment?" Danny questioned, looking into the eyes of Calvin.

"Well it is not common that a lower rank and submissive rejects a higher rank, especially a Beta. So it was a laughing matter for a few months." Calvin said, tightening his hold on Danny's waist.

"That's mean. But I like your concept of being rejected. Makes me feel better about mine. You make me feel better a lot. I'm glad you are here for me." Danny said honestly.

"And I'm glad I have you now. Let's get going to your bond breaking crap then we can come back here and cuddle if you want." Calvin said and Danny didn't answer but he simply nodded and they both walked away from the little shack.


Alpha was seated in his office with his son, the soon to be Alpha John, his wife the Luna and a few other high ranked pack members sitting in the room. And another strange looking woman. Danny slowly walked into the office, with Calvin trailing behind him slowly. Everyone that was in the room looked to his direction when he entered the office. Alpha Nick stood up and walked towards Danny and Calvin.

"Calvin, why are you here?" Nick asked. Calvin looked at him and secretly moved his hand to the side of Danny's waist, which made Danny calm down a little.

"I just thought that I should come." Calvin answered and looked at the Alpha with a face that read power. Alpha hummed in response and turned around, walking back behind his desk. Calvin and Danny both entered further into the room. Calvin sat down on the sofa next to John and Nick's wife. John got up and walked to the center of the room, where Danny stood. The light were switched off and the strange elderly lady walked around the room lighting random candles that were placed around the room. They were white candles, black candles and blue candles.

When all of the candles were lit, the elderly lady stood in between the two. Danny looked down at his feet, whilst John stared at him with a blank facial expression. A white ribbon like cloth was tied around Danny, and a black one was tied around John. She then connected the two materials together with a blue one.

"What is this for?" Danny asked, looking at the elderly lady with a confused look.

"It is to symbolize the bond between the two of you. Now raise your arm for me. Both of you." The elder lady said. Danny obeyed and raised his hand slightly, and so did John.

She pricked both of their arms with a needle, which made Danny whined in discomfort. John on the other hand, stood their casually accepting the needle into his arm. She pressed her thumb and index finger between the hole, trying her best to squeeze a great amount of blood from Danny's arm. He whimpered since it pained him more than he would expect, but she pain no attention to him. She then did the same to John, who didn't even budge. She passed a cotton over John's arm, removing the blood from it, she then did the same to Danny's arm, with the same cotton.

"Okay. So you might feel some kind of pulling on your chests or stomach for a few seconds, it may hurt a lot or a little depending on how strong the bond is for each of you." She said and then lit a single candle in her hand and placed the cotton on the fire, before chanting what seemed to be some type of spell.

John grunted slightly when he felt the tightening feeling appear in his chest. For Danny, it was the complete opposite. Danny began to sob softly as the pain grew stronger and stronger. He then dropped to the ground screaming. John fell down with him since they were connected to the same rope like material.

"Just a little longer." The lady said and Calvin sat there, fidgeting his feet as he was not patient. He was seeing someone he grew to care for in pain and he wanted to do something. Just as he stood up, Danny's screams quieted down and small sounds of sadness and pain came from him.

The Luna looked at Calvin, telling him in a soft voice to sit down before the Alpha realized anything. He complied and sat back down, his feet fidgeting again. The elderly lady cut the rope like material and released them both. John stood up and look down at Danny who was curled up in a ball on the floor. He showed some sort of sympathy in his eyes but immediately shook it off. He turned around and looked at his father and his mother who both had two different expressions on their faces. Nick showed a smile that expressed his happiness for his son. He was proud and overwhelmed with happiness for what just happened. On the other end was his mother, who showed nothing but disappointment in her facial expression towards the soon to be alpha.

"Thank you all for coming. As you may know, my son, John who will be the Alpha of the pack as of tomorrow and his best friend, Calvin, will be the Beta of the pack as of tomorrow as well. Meet your new leaders." Alpha Nick said and everyone in the room cheered, and soon file out of the room.

Soon everyone was out of the room, leaving Danny on the floor. Calvin stood up from the sofa and gently picked Danny up from the ground. He was beyond furious that no one even attempted to move him, they just left him there. He walked out of the alpha's office and soon were out of the house, making his way to where Danny's shack was. He entered the shack and walked to where his bedroom was, setting Danny down on the bed. Calvin removed his shoes and slid behind Danny on the bed, caressing his arm.

"C- Calvin?" Danny called out.

"I'm right here. Just sleep. I will be right here when you wake up after." Calvin said and placed an arm over Danny's body protectively. Danny shuffled around until he was closer to Calvin's body where he felt the most comfortable.

His mind had no thoughts of John running in it and his wolf no longer felt a guilt. He didn't need John anymore because he had someone who actually cared for him.

Thought unknown to him, John really needed Danny in his life and the mistake of rejecting and breaking such a bond with Danny was going to be the biggest mistake he would ever make of his entire life.


Thanks for reading.

Hope you enjoyed it. <3

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