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3rd Person's POV

In the large library at Silver Creek High School were some students, teachers and librarian staff. Silver Creek was just like any other High School, with just a few differences. The biggest being that there was a large number of creatures. Creatures you'd probably only find in some story. However, werewolves was pretty much known by now. Just it was hard to know whether someone was a werewolf or not. If you wasn't one then you wouldn't spot the difference between the ordinary human and the ordinary werewolf.

Sitting by a desk was a black haired, tattoo boy reading a book, his feet on the desk and he's casually doing what he wants. And that's what you'd do if you were the Alpha's son. No one can tell him anything, because he was going to be the Alpha soon. He's going to be in charge. He's going to be their leader and commander.

Standing with his half of his face visible was Danny Koch. People calls him a stalker but all he was doing was trying to get to know his crush. Who happens to be the Alpha of his pack. He is in love with his Alpha but he'd never admit it. No matter what. He can have his mate, but he'll always be in love with John.

Danny pulled out a book from the shelf, a book that was once read by John, and sat down on the floor in between a row of book shelves. He opened the book and saw the person who have borrowed the book. A smiled formed across his face when he sees 'Johnny Paine'. He took his pen out of his school shirt and write his name below John's name, before he started to read the book. Danny read every book John has read and he plans to continue this for as long as he can.

He took a deep breathe and got off of the floor and walked to the desk where his Alpha were. He sat across from John and stared at him as if he was royalty.

"Hi, Alpha John!" He said happily, a huge grin on his face, him trying not to bounce on his seat in excitement. John continued to read the book, completely ignoring the boy that sat across him. Danny bit his lip while he was thinking and he decided to speak again. "Hi, Alpha!" He repeated with the same amount of excitement in his voice.

"Low down your volume and don't sound so cheerful, yeah?" John said, still not looking away from his book.

Danny nodded and smile that he spoke to him. "Hello, Alpha John." He said with almost the same amount of excitement.

"Hello." John responded.

"What're you reading?" Danny asked setting down the book he had in his hand on the table, and leaning towards John as he waits for a response.

"A book."

"Is it good?" Danny asked again, his eyes trailing to the tattoos John's arm.

"What do you want, Omega?" John said in a soft yet harsh tone.

"I want to know if the book you are reading is good." He giggled and smile brightly towards him.

"Don't you get enough yelling from me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not really learning your lessons, are you?" John set the book down, upside down and looked at Danny straight in his eyes.

"I just wanted to know if the book you're reading is good, Alpha." Daddy stated.

"It's splendid. Now I expect you to know the drill for talking to me, don't you?"

"Y-Yes, Alpha but-"

"But what, Danny?"

"I didn't interrupt you this time and I an not talking with you while your friends are around." Danny explained, a slight frown formed on his lips.

"I don't want an Omega talking to me unless I've addressed said Omega. Especially you, Danny."

"But you're my Alpha, you're supposed to talk to all pack members. I'm a pack member." Daddy exclaimed, a smile on his face now.

"Are you?" John asked. "Or are you not the outcome of a rogue wolf that happened to be mated to your father?"

"Y-Yes but I was born in the pack therefore I am a pack member!"

"What have you contributed to the pack?" John asked, a sheepishly smirk on his face.

"I-I do everything that's given to me. I do most of the pack's chores." He said proudly.

"Yeah?" John moved his feet from the desk and leaned closer to Danny. Danny began to blush and and become all flustered up. "I got a question for you." He winked which made Danny blush even more, hoping the question is 'May I kiss you?' or 'I'd like to kiss you, can I?' Or anything related to that.


"Where's your parents, Danny?" John asked with a straight face, a slight smirk on his face. Danny smile dropped immediately and he tensed up a little while leaning back on his chair, looking down at his lap. He doesn't want to answer but his Alpha asked a question, therefore he has  to answer.

"D-Dead, Alpha." He responded softly, barely audibly.

"Can you repeat that?"

"Dead." He said louder, still not looking at the Alpha.

"And why's that?"

"I-I don't know, A-Alpha." He lied.

"And why are they dead, Omega?"

"I d-d... didn't keep my mouth shut when we were hiding from the rogue attack... and they... they protected me but got..... they got killed w-w-while doing that..." Daddy said, in between sniffles, still looking down. Tears running down and hitting his lap. He quickly wiped his eyes and kept his head down.

"Good. Now you're the reasons why your parents are dead. Your mother probably planned that raid. She was a rogue after all. We lost our best warrior fighter because you couldn't keep your mouth shut and if I was much older back then, you would've gotten much worse that what you get today. Now leave before we have a little moment when you get back to the pack house." John said, a straight and calm expression still on his face.

"Yes, Alpha John."

"You better stop saying my name from now on too."

"Yes, Alpha." Danny quickly got up and ran out of the library. He ran straight out of the school doors and out of the school's property. 


He entered the pack land and ran straight to the back of all the houses, into the woods where his small shack were. He entered and rushed to the bedroom, where he dropped on his bed and cried his heart out into the pillow. He soon fell asleep after a few minutes of sobbing hard into the pillow.

He was awaken by a loud bang that shook the house. He began to tremble in fear at the rain pouring hard on the roof of his little shack. Holes in the room made water drip all over the house, the wind making it really cold but he was under a roof, and he kept his little shack looking great. His thoughts went to John and he looked at his phone seeing that it was twenty minutes passed the house of four. He began to panic and he ran out of his shack into the thunderstorm and towards the main houses. Which as a 3 minute walk out and in of the forest to get to his shack where the current Alpha placed him.

He entered the house, preparing himself to be yelled at and punished but instead he saw an empty house. He walked into the kitchen and started to make dinner waiting for the pack members to get back from work and school. It was quite strange that no one was in the house yet. To his surprise just as he was thinking where the others was, the front door opened and most of the pack members entered the house, all soaking wet from the rain. He then placed the lasagnas in the oven and grabbed all their wet coats that they dropped on the kitchen floor.He received a couple 'thanks' and 'hey' from one or two people as he did so. When he returned to the kitchen after putting their coats in the laundry, they were all gone. Danny wrote a note to tell one of the other Omegas to take out the meals from the oven when it's finished.

He took Alpha's personal umbrella and exited the house and the ground, walking towards the school, in a thunder storm. Why? Because he wants to ask his forgiveness from the Alpha for interrupting him reading while he was at school. It was his fault the Alpha brought up the sensitive topic.

Finally arriving on the school compound after almost thirty minutes walking in the rain, he looked around the entrance when he spotted John standing on his phone, waiting for the rain to finish.

"H-Hi, Alpha!" He said his voice shaking slightly from the cold but his tone still very cheerful.

"What're you doing here?" John asked not looking up from his phone. "I thought you left?" He added.

"I b- brought your umb-brealla, Alpha."

"Throw it this way." John said and Danny obeyed, throwing the umbrella to him, which he caught.

"Why are you soaked?"

"I walked all the way here."


"I saw that you didn't have your car today a- a- and I got worried." Danny said still shivering from the cold.

"I see. Why didn't you use the umbrella to come here?"

"I- It's yours and you don't like when people u- uses your things."

John nodded and opened the umbrella walked away towards the house. Danny walked behind and they both stop when a car pulled up.

"Son, get in. This weather isn't nice." John's father, Nick, said. John entered the car from the opposite side of the car and closed the door.

Danny wondered if he should enter too, but as he reached out to open the car door closes t to him, the car drove away, leaving him behind. He frowned and jumped when another flash of lightening struck followed by a loud bang of thunder making him whimper in fear. He has always hated weather like this, the loud noises are too loud for his fragile body. He ran towards back towards the pack house, falling a couple times, covering his hands and tummy in bloody bruises each time he fell. His body shook more and more like the leaves shaking from the raindrops falling down from the dark, gloomy, roaring sky.

When he finally made it to the pack land, he walked into the main house and was confronted with a hard slam across his wet face, making him drop to the ground.

"Where have you been?" Nick asked, his son John, standing next to him, other pack members looking at the scene unfolding.

"A-Alpha, I was walking back here."

"You should have been here before I have gotten here." Nick said. Was he stupid? He left Danny in the rain, in town, far away from the pack location and he expected him to reach before they did? Walking? He has to be stupid.

"Alpha, I had to walk back all the way here." He said, kicking him in the rib. "John, deal with this. You're going to be Alpha soon. Deal with it!"

"Come on." John said pulling Danny's hair, dragging him to the basement. Danny knows what happens down there.

"A-Alpha John, please don't. Please. Please tell him what happened. Please." Danny pleaded, tears flowing down his cheeks.

John looked down at him when they entered the basement, throwing him to the middle of the room. He sighed and pulled out a thin rod.

"Take your clothes off. You know the drill, Omega."

Danny nodded and disrobed quickly.

"Alpha, plea- AH!" Before he could have finished, the rod made impact to his bare skin and he screamed out in pain.

The rod cut into his skin each time it made impact to his skin. A group of high ranked wolves came down into the basement and this was when Danny was more scared. John laughed and turned to the group. "Have fun." He said and left the basement.

Three warriors did their deeds of punishing the Omega, ordered by Alpha Nick. The Omega was in tremendous pain by this time, his whole body turning numb. But was Danny mad at John? No, he wasn't. Because his heart and wolf tells him, that he will find someone who will love him for who he is and he will make that person very happy.

Danny fell asleep on the basement floor, instead of his bed in his little shack. Cold, in pain. Yet in the morning he'll be this cheerful, bubbly person again as if nothing happened to him today.


Thanks for reading. Leave your thoughts.

Should I continue or not?

<3 Muah

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