Bonus Chapter: None of your explanations gonna heal the wounds in my heart...

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Nothing can compensate the pain, I have gone through... Whatever explanations you gonna give to me , won't heal the wounds in my heart... Don't expect me to forgive you that much easily... However hard you try too, the mother in me will never forgive you for the sins, you have done to me and to our kids...

Let's fix a lifetime deal... You have to obey my orders and act according to that, here after... Welcome to the living hell, the biggest betrayer of my life...

True love can pass through any hurdles... After all, to have a happily ever after, true love has to pass through many difficult phases...


Pragya reluctantly enters the house along with Krish and Kiara, unaware that it's a smart plan of her lost family to unite with her... Pragya feels an unusual pain in her heart and she couldn't understand, why she is experiencing such kind of weird and unwanted feelings...

Pragya mentally smacks herself , as she forget to ask the names of the kids too... Pragya wanders her eyes here and there, looking for the kids, as they have left her alone in the living room of the small house...  Pragya couldn't stop admiring the house, as it's kept very neat and is being maintained and decorated, as per the way she likes it...

Pragya is not able to control her jealousy, as she thinks that how the kid's father is a responsible man, who takes care of his kids properly and inculcates good quality in them and also he is a loving and supportive husband to his wife too...

As the kids had kept on saying her that their Papa loves their Mumma so much, all Pragya wants to scream hardly that her husband Abhi too loved her dearly and took care of her properly...

But her inner self mocks her that where is her so called husband Abhi, who abandoned her in a critical situation and let her to suffer alone, all these years... It's so hectic for Pragya to control her tears, as she is not blessed enough to see her kids, till now...

Her heart is longing and craving a lot and keeps on saying her that how it will be, if the cute boy and the naughty girl are her kids... But her mind argued and questioned her that what she will do, if they are her kids...

Pragya's head blasted with heavy pain and she feels suffocated to be in the house, anymore... She is not ready to face any awkward moment in her life again, which shows her vulnerability to anyone... She rushes to the front door, but to her poor luck, the door is being locked from outside...

Pragya let's out a deep breath and moves towards the nearby room, calling if anyone is inside or not... But she didn't hear any kind of sound from the room... Pragya opens the room and enters inside, which is cutely designed for the little ones...

Pragya walks towards the kid's photo kept in the nightstand, holds it lovingly in her hands and and traces it gently... She couldn't stop herself from kissing it and she hugs the photo, as tightly as she can... Just then, her nostrils hits the sweet smell of the food items, which are her favourite ones and only Abhi is aware of that secret....

Pragya closes her eyes and inhales the smell of the food, which can happen only by the magical touch of her Abhi's hands... She licks her lips making an yummy sound, as she is going to eat gulabjamun and her favourite food items, after a long time... Pragya gasps in shock, as realities strikes her very badly...

Pragya's pov.:

Oh my God!!! How is this possible??? How come I have been able to smell my favourite food items and that too with the same aroma, which my Abhi's magical hands only can do... Other than my Abhi, no one is even aware that I go crazy for these items...

It means... Noooo... Nooooo... It can't be possible... No no... It shouldn't happen... It must not be my Abhi... Please God... I beg to you very badly... Please help me... It shouldn't be the house, my Abhi is staying with our kids...

My goodness... If it's Abhi means, those kids are... Oh god.... 😭😭😭😭😭😭... It means... Are they Krish and Kiara??? Are they my little babies??? Is it why I find all kind of resemblance of Abhi and me with them???

(Closes her mouth and cries silently , as she couldn't digest the hard truth, which is shaking her very badly... Her breath hitched as she spots their wedding photo and the photo of Abhi hugging Kiara and Krish...)

Why God??? Why is this happening, after all these years??? Nooooo... I can't handle all these... I don't want to meet them... Let this Rockstar Pragya be in her dark shell and live a lonely life...

I don't want to snatch the happiness of my Abhi... This is the only request of him... He begged me to give the babies to him and assured me that he will leave me , after the delivery... All happened as he promised and Abhi is living a happy and contented life...

But..  That idiot misunderstood every situation and he didn't even believed me for a second too... He is so dumb, as he couldn't understand the mad love, I have on him and our kids... Alright... I accept... I have never treated him and gave respect to him, as that of my husband....

I hurted him a lot and I treated him, only as that of a man to fulfill my bodily needs... I have termed our marriage as a revenged marriage and threatened Abhi that I will give him a deadly punishment for his doings... I have insulted him and I have repeatedly said to him that he is just my partner in bed...

Eventhough , I have never proposed Abhi directly nor accepted him as my husband, I love my Abhi madly and he is the only man, who rules this Pragya's heart, mind, body and soul... Many a times, I indirectly said to that stupid Abhi that I love him and I can't imagine a life without him...

But... 😭😭😭😭... Abhi didn't understand my feelings and hurted me very badly... Never mind... Till my last breathe, I'm Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra only and I'm happy to have this mangalsutra and will always fill my maang with Kumkum in his name only...

Alas!!! I don't want to meet him again and I don't want to make him feel insecure that I will snatch the kids away from him.. Don't worry Abhi.. Eventhough this Rockstar Pragya seems to be like a hard rock, I'm not heartless like you think...

Our kids will always be with their father, no matter what... Let my Abhi be happy always and I'm accepting it wholeheartedly, thinking that it's a punishment for all the sins, I have did to Abhi...

But... Why??? Isn't these 6 years of punishment is enough for me??? How long can I be like this??? Am I not blessed enough to live a happy life with my husband and kids...

Why God, you are making it difficult for me??? I'm standing like a cat in the wall... I can't accept Abhi nor I can't leave him too. .

Eventhough as a crazy lover and a wife craving for her husband, I can patch up with Abhi so easily... But the mother inside me won't forgive Abhi ever in my life and I can't forget , whatever he did to me...

Abhi may be a great father and a hero to our kids... But he has snatched all the motherly rights from me and he even made our kids to suffer without the motherly love, which they deserved to get... Abhi is the biggest enemy and villain of my life.... Never and ever, I  will let him to enter my life again...

Goshhhh... Why am I wasting my time by thinking all these??? Pragya... Quick...
Move out... Don't waste any more time... Abhi knows all my weakness and he can easily change my mind set... If my instincts are correct, it's Abhi's smart plan to trap me and bring me here...

Never and ever, Mr. Abhi... Rockstar Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra is a hardest rock and none of your plays can work on me... Let's see Mr. MEHRA... Who is going to win... No one is born to win this Pragya...

Don't think Pragya as a weak girl ... Rockstar Pragya can handle anything and can out beat anyone... None of your games gonna work on me... It's my game and only I will decide , who is the winner... Obviously, Rockstar Pragya will it win for sure...

So, trying to trick me with the kids haan... Not bad, Abhi... Smart move... But... You are trapped to me in a most dangerous way... The ball is in my court now.. Let me see, how you gonna come out of this...

Pragya mentally prepares herself and is ready to face Abhi boldly... Though Pragya keeps on saying that she is strong enough to handle anything, she is so fragile like a flower and she couldn't control her tears, when Abhi steps inside the room , carrying a tray with her favourite food...

Abhi's heart ripped into pieces on seeing Pragya in a pathetic and vulnerable state... He understands what is going on in her head... He controls himself from running to her, hugging her tightly and consoling her by saying comforting words, as he knows very well that Pragya will rip him into pieces, if he do so...

Abhi backed off and is longingly looking at his wife Pragya, with moist eyes... While Pragya is trying really hard to stop her tears and she controls herself from running to Abhi, hug him tightly, pour out all her emotions and be in his embrace...

Rockstar Pragya, who longed for true love and care, got all her love from her husband Abhi only... He is not only her husband and soulmate... Abhi is the one, who gave Pragya the fatherly and motherly love, which she never have experienced in her life...

He is her sweet enemy, who knows the hidden side of Pragya... She hates him a lot, as only Abhi knows all her weakness and only he can heal all the wounds and pains in her heart...

Abhi is a bitter medicine, a worst poison and deadly torture to Pragya ... But he is her saviour, her healing drug and also her lovable soulmate, who can vanish all her pains with a single kiss itself...

Minutes tickled and none is in a state to move from their places... Both were staring at each other longingly, with moist eyes... Pragya comes out of her trance, as her mobile started to vibrate with an unknown landline number... Shrinking her brows, Pragya picks up the call...

Caller: Hello... We are calling from XYZ travels... Can I have a word with Pragya Madam???

Pragya: Yeah... Speaking...

Caller: Madam... You request for business class ticket has been processed and it's been confirmed madam... As you know, there will a strike for one week, the airlines are fully jammed...

We couldn't arrange for the tickets in the time, you have mentioned.... Sorry madam... Your flight is scheduled before two hours... Only one hour is left for the flight to take off madam.... So, if you reach on time,
you can catch the flight easily...

Pragya: Great... Superb work... (in a sarcastic and irritating tone)

Caller: Thank you so much, Madam...

Pragya: Nonsense... You people can't even handle this simple thing too properly... Unbelievable... You changed everything on your own and trying to order me haan... I'm not your servant to obey whatever you are vomiting on me...

Pragya blasted on the travel agent angrily, as she is in a foul and bitter mood... Abhi very well understand that Pragya is shouting on someone, which is nothing but the anger towards him...

Sensing that something is getting out of hand, Abhi thinks quickly and signalled the kids to come inside the room... As soon as Pragya cuts the call and decides to move out from the house, Krish and Kiara rushed inside the room and hugs Pragya tightly and started to kiss her to melt her anger...

Pragya, who didn't expected the sudden love attack is startled to the core and she doesn't know how to get away from the kids, whom she met after all these years... The stubborn Rockstar in her is out beated easily by the mother who craved for her kids' love, as she want to freeze this moment for life long...

Abhi admires his wife Pragya, who is crying and smiling at the same time... Abhi signals something to Kiara, while she shows thumbsup to Abhi without Pragya's knowledge... Pragya, who is completely overwhelmed after hearing the word Mumma from her kids is not in a state to realize what's going on around her....

Taking a deep breath, Abhi forwards the gulabjamun bowl towards Kiara and Krish... Pragya is dumb struck as the kids lovingly feeds her with their tiny hands... Pragya is pooled up in varied emotions and her whole self is not in  a state to bear all the lovable attack towards her...

Pragya wheezed out a lung full of air, when Abhi suddenly hold her waist and stopped her from tripping down... The closeness of Abhi brings a shrill inside Pragya and she hates the fact that she is so weak and vulnerable in front of her family...

Abhi, who makes Pragya to sit in the bed didn't let her to move away from him... The kids makes it very hard for Pragya as they hold Pragya's hands and started to talk happily... Pragya is helplessly sitting over there, but she is very hardly controlling her anger, as Abhi is doing this purposely to torture her...

Kiara: Papa... Instead of simply seeing us, why not you feed us the food... See, Krish too is nodding his head and holding him tummy.... We are so hungry Papa.. Come on papa... Mumma too will be hungry na... Feed us quickly....

Pragya gasps in shock, as Abhi forwards the food near Pragya's mouth... With anger flaring her nose, Pragya spits fire towards Abhi, but she couldn't stop him as the kids are staring at them happily.... Without any choice left, Pragya opens her mouth...

Not aware that he is increasing his crime rate and also making the hatred of Pragya towards him more, Abhi happily feeds her thinking that he will be easily forgiven for his doings... Alas!!! Abhi had no vague idea that it's impossible for him and he has to pass through many heart breaks and awful situations to get his forgiveness....


Pragya is so nervous and tensed as the time is running very late... She has only fifteen minutes left to reach the airport... But she doesn't know how to move away from the kids, who are happily talking with her....

Though Pragya understands clearly from their talks that Krish and Kiara doesn't know that Abhi had took the kids away from their mother... Instead Abhi made up a story to the kids by saying that they are giving space to Pragya, as she is busy in her career....

Moreover, Pragya couldn't control her anger as Abhi is acting so lovey dovey in front of the kids, as if nothing had happened... But Pragya's blood boils as Abhi didn't asked a single sorry to her and seek apologies for his sins... Even he didn't opened his mouth to talk to her...

Krish: Mumma... Will you play with us???

Kiara: Why are you asking this Krish??? Mumma is going to be with us na... Definitely, she will play with us... Hey na, Mumma...

Pragya reluctantly nods her head as no...

Pragya: I'm so sorry... I... I need to go now... An emergency situation and my presence is needed over there... I..  I have to rush up to the airport... If not, my works will get interrupted and I have to face a big problem...

Abhi's heart started to bleed on hearing that his wife Pragya is going to move away from him... He is not in  a state to miss the golden chance, as he knows pretty well that it's impossible for him to near Pragya, if he let's her to go...

Not minding anything and least cared about the out comings, Abhi tightly holds Pragya in his embrace... His trembling hands, his moist eyes, his hold on her clearly explains that he will lose his life, if he get away from her....

Pragya is highly irritated by the drama Abhi is doing... She rolls her eyes and is completely irked and pissed off , as Abhi is faking so easily in front of the kids... She couldn't tolerate as Abhi is making her a culprit in front of the kids...

Cursing the situations which is caging her dangerously, Pragya makes a quick plan to tear off the fake mask Abhi is wearing... Moreover, she is in a need to settle down some scores with Abhi and wanna ask him why he is doing all these...

Ahead of all that Pragya is not at all ready to miss the chance to be with their kids... Her mind alerted her to cherish this happiness, as she won't be getting this chance again... Pragya makes a mental note what she needs to do and she quickly comes up with a plan to change the situations on her favour...


Abhi nervously enters Pragya's room, as she has ordered him to meet her personally... After spending two days in Abhi's house along with the kids, Pragya asked them to come and stay with her in her pent house... As the kids too agreed happily, Abhi couldn't say no to them...

But Abhi's mind keeps on alerting him that Pragya is upto something big for sure... However, Abhi is ready for any kind of battle and he made up his mind set to hear any kind of awful words from Pragya too... But he is so stubborn that he won't be away from his wife and kids for sure...

Abhi gasps in shock and jumps in horror, as a knife falls before him dangerously... Pragya is fuming in anger and she is burning Abhi with her deadly glare itself...

Abhi: P... Pr... Prag... Pragya...

Pragya: Shut up... You have lost all the rights to say my name too...

Abhi: I... I'm so sorry, Rockstar... I..  I... Please... Listen to me, Rockstar... Let me explain you...

Pragya: What explanations you are going to give me haan... None of your words gonna heal the wounds in my heart... Tell me... Will it be possible for you to get back my lost days...

No... Don't... Don't open your mouth... It's my time... Will you think I will leave you so easily... You are a culprit... You are a cheat and a bloody sinner... How will I leave you without giving the punishment for your heartless doings...

Pragya blasted on Abhi angrily and slaps him hardly in his cheeks... She pulls his collars harshly, holds his neck tightly, crushed it very badly and inserted her long nails in his throat... She kicks him hardly in the floor and pounced on him angrily like a lioness...

Like a submissive prey, Abhi happily accepted the punishment Pragya is giving to him... But Abhi couldn't control his tears, after hearing the deal Pragya has comes up with, which will rip his heart and soul for sure..... Though he is not ready for that any time, he agreed to that unwillingly....



What is Pragya upto???

Will Abhi be forgiven???

Will Abhi be able to meet his whole family ???

Will Abhi and Pragya live a happy life???

Will the longingness of Abhi ends or will Abhi has to long for his wife, life long???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Only epilogue is left to end this story.....

Looking forward to see your votes and comments....

Bidding adieu,


Will be



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