Chapter 17

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Take care of her ok. I don't want her to be sad again like before. If I see tears again in her eyes. I repeat ... if you done something again and she cried because of you. Then surely you will see real wrath of mine. Mind it mr oberoi. Krystal threats him while standing in the door along with her belongings. As on request of shivaay "she is leaving the house And gone live in his Vila for while. And when he will manage to win anika back.  then she will come back into her apartment. Shivaay nods immediately and assured her that he won't do anything bad to anika.

I promise. I won't do anything bad. Just trust on me. Krystal gave him side eye and hmm.

Fine. I'm leaving. Saying this she glares him and left from there. As she went shivaay closed the door and stood there for a minute thinking about anika. And then he went towards the room where apparently his wife is sleeping.

In afternoon

Shivaay groan when malika call him yet again. It's her 20th of call from last one hour. And not only that she has left 100s of messages along with that ... which he didn't bother to answer at all. And let his phone ring on it own. Even though he can turn it off. But don't want to do that either. As he wanna convey her that he is deliberately not picking up her call. It's not like his phone was off and he didn't see her call. Let her call him as much as she want. Afterwards when she will be tired. She will itself stop. Thinking about this he leave his phone on the kitchen counter and left grabbing the food which he prepared for anika for his own hands. He has done a lot in his past. And now when he is thinking about his mistakes now. Then it drowning him more and more into guilt. Which is eating him raw. In past he never understood her value. All the time he blamed her for everything and never trusted on her. And now when he is thinking about his past behaviour.  then it's literally killing him. And he is feeling hate towards himself. Which is getting deepen and deepen with passing time. Thinking about this he entered in the room and found  his wife is sitting silently on the bed looking out of the window.

Oh thank god you are up. I was getting so worried. Hearing his voice anika turns her face and look at him sternly without having Single expression. Which actually scared him. But still he manage to control his fear and sat besides him having tray in his hand.

You are fine right ??, he asked touching her forehead and cheek. But anika didn't answer and kept looking at him wondering " how can a person get change all of sudden. That man who was hating on her before few days and was literally cursing her to the Death. Today he is looking sick worried for her. Which is actually shocking  to her. As it's all new to get pamper by that man. Who always criticises her nothing else.

Where's Krystal??? She asked in her soft voice while giving him questioning gaze.

Err don't talk about her. First eat your food. He forwards the spoon to feed her. But she smack his  hand away and give him serious gaze.

I said where's Krystal ??? Shivaay sighs in defeat and rub his forehead shaking his head.

She is gone for while. Right now me and you are here in this apartment.he answers honestly without lying around.

What but why ??? What have you done to her mr oberoi. It was you who supposed to leave. Then why did she leave. She shout in high pitch making hard for him to control her.

Because we needed space anika for sorting  out our matter. If she would had stayed. then we can't talk properly. He says holding her both wrists stopping her to move from the bed.

We don't need to fix anything between us. Our future has already been decided. We are getting divorce mr Oberoi. You are going on your own way. And I'm going in my own. End of the discussion. There's no argument about it. She stays subtle on her words snatching her hands from him.

You know that I won't let you go. Then why are you talking about same thing again and again. He said Travelling his hand towards her face Rubbing his thumb on her cheek.

Why ?? Why can't you let me go. Aren't you the same person who was bagging for divorce before six months. I remember how you used to shout and scream for that infront of your mother. As you weren't able to stand me in your life. Then what happened now. Why don't you just let me go. Moreover it's not like "it gonna be your end of the world. Your future is set. Already you have woman in your life. Who is waiting for us to get divorce and then she could marry you. Shivaay shook his head and scoot towards her taking her face his palms.

Don't say that ok... I can't let you go. I know my prospective towards you were different before few months. But now I've got to know that you are the only who is right for me no one else. Please please don't talk about divorce. I can't fulfil your this wish. I just wanna live with you Anns. Just let's live together and try to fix broken things between us. He requested in his cracking joining forehead with hers closing his eyes.

I will make everything fine. Just last Time give me a chance. I promise " you won't feel sad  ever ..specially because of me. Just once please  just once. But anika didn't answer and sat  there still leaning her  head  with his. Shivaay slowly take her face in his big hands and  about to kiss her "when suddenly  he heard door bell.   God he groan feeling hell pissed with  the person who belled on meantime "when they were having moment.  He unwillingly stood up and left from there not before fixing the blanket on Anika's  legs.


You here ??? His anger automatically rose up when he saw  arsal standing infront of him having bouquet in his hand with equally angry expressions as his.  After  all this he didn't expect him here in Krystal house. He thought anika would be alone with her. But finding this shivaay here spoiled his whole mood.

I think this should be my question mr oberoi... not yours.  What the hell are you doing in Krystal's house. And where's anika. He pushes him and stormed inside  looking for anika. 

Anika anika where are you ???, before shivaay stops him " he's already landed in the bedroom calling his wife's name.

Annie. His eyes twinkle when he found  her  infront of him. In no time he gushes towards her and  took her in hug making Shivaay's eyes crimson red " while his Jaw tighten along with his  fist in anger.

Oh thank god you are fine. I was so worried for you.  You are ok right ???  He Ask rubbing her back resting his  chin on her shoulder. Anika who was shocked with his sudden presence "she clear her throat and broke the hug not before looking at Shivaay's " who seems like all red in anger.  It's feeling like as someone will call him he will burst out and will eat him raw in none seconds like a wild beast.

Err yh I'm fine. I'm fine. She answered tucking her hair back without looking at him.

I'm glad to here that you are fine. Otherwise some people didn't leave a single chance to hurt you. Didn't they. He taunts to shivaay Giving him side eye. But shivaay didn't react at all. And just standing controlling his inner anger thinking"If he reacted and treated bad this loser.. then surely anika will be more angry on him. Which he can't afford to face at this time specially when he knows " his one single mistake will lead him to lose her forever. Otherwise if things won't had been soured between them. Then till now this monkey would had been thrown down from the roof by him .

Err do you need anything. Shall I get you something. Anika about to get up. But shivaay instantly reacted and kept hand on her shoulder coming towards her side stopping her for not to move a bit.

Where are you going. You are not well. Just stay on your place. And take rest. I'll handle everything. Ok. Anika open her mouth to argue. But he shook his head making her sigh in defeat.

I'm going to get coffee for you mr jaffari. He gave arsal tight smile and left from there leaving them both together.

In kitchen

While kettle is boiling the water shivay is leaning on the counter clenching his jaw...

Control shivaay. Stop being stupid. Anika is not well. don't make any mistake. He will go any minute. Then she is all yours. He consoles himself squeezing his eyes. As he really don't want anika to be angry. Because he knows. If he done something with arsal. Then she Won't like it and will get upset. Which he doesn't want at all. He kept his anger aside and pure the water in cup " in which already he had put coffee powder in it. He take a long breath and walk out from there.

He comes towards room and open his mouth to speak but he stopped finding them talking with each other.

For how many days you gonna face all this anika. I think it's too much. I'd thought after all this you will definitely gonna take decision about your life. But seems like you are stuck with him. He is not worth of you anika. He doesn't deserve you. Anika didn't say anything and just bend her head down fidgeting with her fingers.

Now why are you not answering of my Question. Anika heaves out her breath and wipe her tear which slipped out of her orbs.

I .... She open her mouth to answer him but noticing shivaay in the door " she stopped and stayed silent. Shivaay clear his throat and got in having coffee mug in his hand. He goes towards arsal and forward him coffee mug which he held it and thanked him.

Anns you didn't eat anything. Your food have got cold laying like this. Shivaay says looking at the tray which he had got for her half an hour ago. And she didn't even touch it.

I'm not hungry .... I'm. She argues ....

Yes you are not hungry like always. But this time it won't work. You won't miss a single meal of yours. And I'll make sure that you eat everything. Arsal can you move away please. He ask arsal who nods his head and stood up. As he moved away shivaay took the place and started feeding anika with his own hands. Which she didn't deny and have it without showing tantrums. Now arsal has started feeling awkward between them. Before few minutes only " he was suggesting her to divorce shivaay. And here she is eating with his hands silently. He just scoff and take a big sip of his coffee feeling irritated for not able to get her still. When there's high chances she and shivaya gonna get divorce.

I'm done. My stomach will burst out. If I took one more sip. Anika says turning her face away
Refusing to eat more.

Ok fine. Saying this he wipe her lips with the tissue and rest back the tray on the table.

Here take your medicine and then take rest. He took the tablet out and feed her and then help her to take sip of water.after making sure she has eaten everything which was required " he help her to lay down and made her cover with blanket.

Just take rest. If you need anything. Then let me know. Ok. Anika nods snd closed her eyes for sleep. And in no time she dozed off in same position.

I should leave as well. Feeling not to stay anymore " arsal rest his cup on the table and left from there half heartedly. He had planned today to tell anika about his Hidden feelings towards her. But he didn't know that shivaay will be here as well. And now he is leaving without even having a good conversation with her. He just made annoyed face and about to leave when he stopped hearing shivaay from behind.

Arsal I need to talk to you. Shivaay says having his hands in his pocket.

What is it ??? He answered being uninterested to listen to him. Seeing him behaving coldly. Shivaay move near him and speak having stern face.

Anika is my wife ... did you understand mine !! And I won't like when man like you will lay his eyes on her. I know what do you think about her. And which feelings you are hiding. But sorry for bursting your bubbles. It would never happen " whatever you are thinking of. I won't leave anika. She is my wife and will remain my wife. No matter what happen. Get this as soon as possible before you regret later. And yes .... Next time don't even dare to touch my wife or try to be too clingy with her. Today I didn't say anything. because my wife is not fine. And I didn't want to make her upset. But next time. These hands which traced on her back. I'll cut them in pieces and will throw infront of hungry dogs. Understand. Now leave. You must be getting late. He smiles moving back having snigger on his face

Will see mr oberoi who have to understand and who not. That only time will tell. Arsal gives him disgusting stare and walked out from there. As he went Shivaay's expressions changed into serious and he closed the door stending there for almost five minutes thinking about anika " who is angry with him and people are taking advantage of the situation. He has to do something asap. before water crosses his head. He flick his hair and went towards the bedroom where anika is sleeping currently. He comes in the room and found her in same position the way he had left her. He pads towards her And lay behind her taking her in back hug. Anika move little in sleep and snuggle with him giving him reason to smile. He tighten his grip around her and gave her peck on her temple.

I'll make everything fine. I promise.he whispered and kiss her cheeks many times still having her near his body.

In evening

He open his eyes and found himself besides anika who is sleeping soundly resting her head on his chest. Smile erupted on his face to see the scenario. Now he can't wait for everything to get fine and then he and anika could stay happily ever after with their future children. As he has promised himself. As she will be fine. He will start the process of making babies. So that at least she could come out of the trauma of her losing the child. Thinking about this he kisses her forehead and then got up deciding to make something good for her. He got down from the bed and left from there not before covering her properly.

In Kitchen he comes and went towards fridge to her ingredients when his phone vibrate. First few calls he ignored thinking malika is calling him. But then he move towards it and frown finding om is calling him. He immediately rest the ingredients on the slab and call him back.

Oh thank god you have picked up shivaay. I've been calling you from ages. Om says taking sigh of relief making shivaay confused.

What happened om ?? Is everything alright ??

Nothing is fine. Police had came an hour ago in our house to arrest bhabi. As malika has filed complain against bhabi that she has tried to kill her.

Whatttt ??? Shivaay shout in shock but suddenly he stopped when he found anika is standing In the door looking bewildered. Seems like she heard everything.

Precap .... Shivaay goes to meet malika and ask her to take her complain back

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